How in the hell

I have never once in my life seen that.

Yet the announcers mention the UGA receiver may have bobbled the ball on their last TD, but no replay shown to us and no review by the refs?

Yeah yeah i know bitching about refs is bush league. We're definitely outmanned, but come on.
Helmet to helmet targeting? No review? Refs told Smart not to challenge the fumble and he still called timeout. Still no targeting review and Joyner clearly fumbled the ball. Yet when we come back from commercial break all we here is, “3rd and 8, no timeout charged to Georgia.” That’s it, no other explanation.
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When the helmet comes off the play is dead. Helmet was off prior to fumble. Kirby should have been charged a time out. As for the safety. Doty got to throw that away. If it’s not open. Throw it away.