If you want to know why these viruses originate from crap hole countries

lol, you're full of it. There is not a single market in America that bears any resemblance whatsoever to what is shown in that video. Not a one anywhere.

drive a little north west of Lafayette, near the coulee river.......think of watermelons sold here, but off a paved road.
I can't believe the length the Lib/Dem/Trump haters here will go to talk down our great country while defending/apologizing for these countries that hate our guts and would cheer for our demise.

We are nothing like that commie shithole, despite the best efforts of the Dems and libs.
If anyone knows of a place he would rather reside, he should plan to make his move as soon as this crisis passes and travel bans are lifted. Almost anyplace you decide to go will have more vacancy than there used to be..
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You ever been downwind of a chicken farm?
I sure have... Pig farms are worse IMO. My buddy lives way out in Gaston and they spread “fertilizer” on the fields around his house every year... It is supposedly chicken droppings but it has literally got ground up dead chickens in it most the time too... the smell is not pleasant... He refers to is as “chicken death”...

Go look up some of the environmental impacts pig farms have been tied to man, it is sick. People living in close proximity to them... Well I will let Wiki say it for me...

Chicken farms are nasty too. Virtually any large scale commercial animal farm operation is disgusting- major pollution, bacterial spread prohibitors, feces everywhere, little care given to quality of food they (OUR FUTURE FOOD) ingest... It is just plain gross.
I sure have... Pig farms are worse IMO. My buddy lives way out in Gaston and they spread “fertilizer” on the fields around his house every year... It is supposedly chicken droppings but it has literally got ground up dead chickens in it most the time too... the smell is not pleasant... He refers to is as “chicken death”...

Go look up some of the environmental impacts pig farms have been tied to man, it is sick. People living in close proximity to them... Well I will let Wiki say it for me...

Chicken farms are nasty too. Virtually any large scale commercial animal farm operation is disgusting- major pollution, bacterial spread prohibitors, feces everywhere, little care given to quality of food they (OUR FUTURE FOOD) ingest... It is just plain gross.
Pigs, chickens, turkeys, cows etc are not slaughtered where they are raised in America. Don't let facts bother your narrative tho.
The 2009 swine flu was not the same viral swine flu from NC. It's was a relative, but swine flu in pigs is very common. The mutation that hit the US in 2009 came out of Mexico. Patient zero was from Mexico.
I didn’t say a word about the swine flu, just said pig farms are nasty. They are. Here or- I am sure- in any other country... If you live in the rural south next to a pig farm you have got to have about the lowest quality of life in America... Again, go read that link I posted. They literally spray liquid piss and feces i to neighboring lands from the farms. They pollute the air, ground and water for huge surrounding areas... It is a real problem nobody wants to do anything about because we love bacon!
Pigs, chickens, turkeys, cows etc are not slaughtered where they are raised in America. Don't let facts bother your narrative tho.
They DIE there though... of disease, of poor care, overcrowding... and the farmers want to hide the numbers that die any way they can because if it gets out their chickens might not be healthy they can get inspected more and have to spend tons on medication and stuff:.. You think every chicken makes it to the slaughter house? LMAO!! I don’t know what makes you feel the need to accuse me of having a narrative.. I have SEEN AND SMELLED THE CHICKEN DEATH they spread in the fields around his house with my own eyes- how is that for facts? I don’t know what narrative you think I am trying to spread here- I grew up in Allendale SC- all they have out there is farms. I have been TO commercial pig farms owned by friends of mine. I live in West Columbia SC today and drive by the chicken plant on Sunset everyday, I am well aware of where they slaughter the chickens. I don’t know why some of ya’ll seem to think my posts have a political agenda. This is what I have said summarized for you:

“pig farms are nasty”
“It sucks if you live by one because of the pollution they put off”
“My buddy has told me about the chicken shit/ground up dead chicken matter spread on fields around his house for fertilizer” (and I have been there and seen it/smelled it)
the reaction has been to lump me into some sort of political narrative I don’t even see or understand so ya’ll can keep flapping your gums about some BS unrelated to the topic at hand if you want. I never said swine flu originated here, I never said a damn word about politics, I never said they slaughter and prep chickens at the same farms they raise them at... I never said ANY OF THIS. YOU DID. Too many people on here are jumping to conclusions and raring for a fight. I am not your guy, I ain't no easy mark and I am not about that Bs. Clearly the ones making these conversations political and accusing me of having an agenda for saying pig shit stinks- are the one who actually have an agenda. I am just stating the truth as I see it. If you guys find pigs and chickens to be a political narrative, you are FAR BEYOND HELP.
Well that’s clearly not true.

Also, I have not a aid anything about the travel ban being bad. I did say it wasn’t really a travel ban because it wasn’t. Americans were still coming and going from China.

American citizens were allowed in after being screened, because they’re American citizens.

Chinese nationals and non citizens who are trying to enter the country are either screened or turned back.
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American citizens were allowed in after being screened, because they’re American citizens.

Chinese nationals and non citizens who are trying to enter the country are either screened or turned back.

Yes. It was a partial ban. The day after it was announced 30 planes landed in Los Angeles from China. Almost the same number in New York. Citizens and permanent residents. Border with Mexico still open, for now at least.

I didn’t care about the restrictions either way. Whatever the medical experts advising the administration think is best is ok by me.
Dr. Deborah Birx:

“It’s clear that the early work of the president, both with travel restrictions and the ability to quarantine, has bought us the time and space to have this task force be very effective,"

This is an Obama appointee that Trump kept and put in charge of coordinating if the task force. Highly respected by everyone in Washington on both sides of the aisle.
Kinda funny, the last flu epidemic originated in?

Yep the US, so are we also a shit hole country?
If we are looking at pig farms in the south? Yes. Yes we absolutely are a shit hole country. They are quite possibly the most filthy, stinking, environmentally unfriendly operations in the country today.

If women saw where lanolin came from and how it is produced, they'd never wear makeup again. I'm in the material handling business and I've seen it many times. Pure nasty.
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lol, you're full of it. There is not a single market in America that bears any resemblance whatsoever to what is shown in that video. Not a one anywhere.

They are still trying to equate the US to China so they can justify their support for Communism.
This was a novel virus and unprecedented. No matter what steps like the administration took it wouldnt be good enough for people like you. Travel ban from China, hes called a Xenophobe. Your act is tired and the American public will make it known again in November

Thank you!
I can't believe the length the Lib/Dem/Trump haters here will go to talk down our great country while defending/apologizing for these countries that hate our guts and would cheer for our demise.

We are nothing like that commie shithole, despite the best efforts of the Dems and libs.

Bernie Bros!

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