Originally posted by MANAFOLD:
Not the first time Kornblut has mad himself look foolish. Clemson is recruiting at a high level yes, but so are a lot of other teams. Clemson has to build and develop a contender while others can reload. Just because the Taters finally beat us a game does not mean they will win a national championship. Just because Dabo says they have passed FSU in the ACC does not make it happen. Yes , Clemson playing in a weak football conference makes the odds of a glossey won loss record very possible(see last year) but that in itself makes it harder to get in a four team playoff. What will all the Orange pumpers say this year when someone other than FSU whips them in the ACC and they come rolling into WB and get the hell beat out of them? The mighty Tigers remain mostly a myth and as the SEC money keeps rolling in they will no longer be the PRE SEASON powerhouses the are now as they loose more appeal to the kids than us and a lot of others. They also have an ugly racial issue that is bound to surface they will have to deal with sooner or later. No, don't look for the Mighty Tigers to make the playoffs in the next two years let alone win a national championship.