My 2 Cents


Aug 14, 2006
Losing sucks. What are the reasons, is it talent, coaching, or effort (which is a component of coaching)? If we don’t have the talent, ultimately that is the coach’s fault. We have a low recruiting budget that is on the OBC and Athletic Dept.

So, do we lack talent or are we being poorly coached? I would say both. We heard last year Ward can’t be let go because he is a good recruiter. That statement can’t be true. If Ward is a good recruiter than we have talent. If we have talent and suck then the coaches can’t coach, PERIOD! Ward left the field, went to the box and then came back down. The defensive backs have NO idea how to play zone.

Hoke was brought in to correct the defense. The defensive backs are worse this year, they can’t play man or zone. How does this happen? Ward is kept to bring in talent and yet we can’t compete with Kentucky much less the rest of the SEC. The talent level is not up to par with what it should be to compete in the SEC. Again this is Ward’s fault.

On offense I would say we have the same problem. Talent or coaching. We have a walk-on at QB, HBC is a decade in and can’t recruit a 2nd string QB? Almost all of the talent at receiver were all good as freshmen, we have had a few come on as upperclassmen. Failure of Jr. to coach. O-line keeps promising better things but the line peaked in 2013. This is a failure of recruiting. Elliot did coach some up when he had talent but the talent on the field is not SEC caliber now.

Tanner needs to be doing his homework now looking for HBC’s replacement and jump start our whole recruiting process.
Pretty much sums it up. You also left out Adams. Since he has been here, the DL has underachieved. Terrible hire IMO.
Losing sucks. What are the reasons, is it talent, coaching, or effort (which is a component of coaching)? If we don’t have the talent, ultimately that is the coach’s fault. We have a low recruiting budget that is on the OBC and Athletic Dept.

So, do we lack talent or are we being poorly coached? I would say both. We heard last year Ward can’t be let go because he is a good recruiter. That statement can’t be true. If Ward is a good recruiter than we have talent. If we have talent and suck then the coaches can’t coach, PERIOD! Ward left the field, went to the box and then came back down. The defensive backs have NO idea how to play zone.

Hoke was brought in to correct the defense. The defensive backs are worse this year, they can’t play man or zone. How does this happen? Ward is kept to bring in talent and yet we can’t compete with Kentucky much less the rest of the SEC. The talent level is not up to par with what it should be to compete in the SEC. Again this is Ward’s fault.

On offense I would say we have the same problem. Talent or coaching. We have a walk-on at QB, HBC is a decade in and can’t recruit a 2nd string QB? Almost all of the talent at receiver were all good as freshmen, we have had a few come on as upperclassmen. Failure of Jr. to coach. O-line keeps promising better things but the line peaked in 2013. This is a failure of recruiting. Elliot did coach some up when he had talent but the talent on the field is not SEC caliber now.

Tanner needs to be doing his homework now looking for HBC’s replacement and jump start our whole recruiting process.

All I know after watching three games is that 90 percent of our players should not be on an FBS football team. I saw D-line players tossed aside like rag dolls; I saw D-Line players stop moving while the opposing QB was still in the pocket looking for a receiver. I saw D-backs waiting for the pass to be completed so they would have a better chance to make a tackle -- and then get easily side-stepped trying to make a tackle. Our Rag Doll defense is horrible. Recruiting is horrible, Coaching is horrible, blocking by the offense is horrible, hell the food in the stadium is horrible. To sum it all up, I received an invitation to a "State of the Program" luncheon, but I'm not going -- I already KNOW the state of the program. With the exception of Women's basketball and equestrian, it Sucks.

Strong letter to follow.
All I know after watching three games is that 90 percent of our players should not be on an FBS football team. I saw D-line players tossed aside like rag dolls; I saw D-Line players stop moving while the opposing QB was still in the pocket looking for a receiver. I saw D-backs waiting for the pass to be completed so they would have a better chance to make a tackle -- and then get easily side-stepped trying to make a tackle. Our Rag Doll defense is horrible. Recruiting is horrible, Coaching is horrible, blocking by the offense is horrible, hell the food in the stadium is horrible. To sum it all up, I received an invitation to a "State of the Program" luncheon, but I'm not going -- I already KNOW the state of the program. With the exception of Women's basketball and equestrian, it Sucks.

Strong letter to follow.

Most forgotten coach of the Spurrier era. Things have not been the same since he left.