A few points:
1. I like Neil Young’s music for the most part, but he’s always been left of left, which is his right. I happen to disagree with a lot of his beliefs.
2. Joe Rogan has a conservative platform, and his beliefs are fairly far right. I’m more aligned with him politically, but don’t agree with all he stands for either.
3. As a young child I received the polio vaccine on a sugar cube. As a result of the polio vaccine, that horrible disease has been eradicated.
4. I know people that have had two shots and the booster. Just this past week, one of those people was out sick from our office WITH SEVERE SYMPTOMS after testing positive for COVID. Fully ‘vaccinated’, boosted, and sick as shit.
5. My belief is that vaccines are to eradicate diseases, that the vaccine was created for. I’ve had both shots and the booster on 12/22/21, yet I’m still susceptible to COVID. THAT is a therapeutic regimen of shots, NOT an end all protection VACCINE. These COVID ‘vaccines’ are similar to flu shots. They probably do lessen your symptoms if you contract COVID, but they certainly don’t eliminate the vaccinated from getting COVID. This is a FACT.
Fauci, and certainly Biden, have been wrong at almost every turn. We were told the following: The vaccine will eradicate COVID (Joe Biden); masks don’t work/wear a mask (Fauci), mask mandates (“there will be no mandates” Joe Biden), and other bullshit from Washington. I’m NOT going to accept one more COVID ‘vaccine’. What I will do is continue to exercise daily, stay at an acceptable weight for my height and age, eat right, and be vigilant in those situations where I might be exposed to the COVID VIRUS.
After over two years, I’ve heard enough from these talking heads like Fauci, and other Washington bureaucrats, that tells me they have no answers as to how to stop COVID any more than they’ve stopped strains of the flu over the years.