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Need to raise 18.6 million to throw a bum out of Columbia.
I saw on YouTube a young kid in Tallahassee opened a “Buyout Willy” Lemonade stand , True Story . $20 a glass and last I heard he ran out of sugar .
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Make it $15 and you're talking turkey.

$15 X 80,000 = 1.2 Million per SEC game.

Then... $1.2 Million X8 = 9.6 Million per year.

There's your payout in less than 2 years.
First we don’t sell anywhere close to 80k tickets. I would say 55k at the most.
I am afraid our ticket sales will plummet next year, we may not be able to pay him off. Could we declare Ch 13 and get out of paying him?
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