boudreaux & da slippery slope:
What nobody gets is that this was a political stunt staged by Nikki to garner votes in either her push to the Senate or VP under Trump. She could care less about the white man at this point. Who saw her hugging up to Jessie? If you don't understand this, you are from New York.
I am still not a Nikkster fan, but I will set aside my cynicism in light of what has happened in the past 3 weeks. Time will tell what will happen.What nobody gets is that this was a political stunt staged by Nikki to garner votes in either her push to the Senate or VP under Trump. She could care less about the white man at this point. Who saw her hugging up to Jessie? If you don't understand this, you are from New York.
I'm ok with them taking it down . But the now everything is going to be great is not going to happen. We will still be called the racist south.
What's hilarious are the people on here voicing their support of taking the flag down to help the state's economy, those with ties to Michelin, BMW, Boeing, etc. and to help attract more business to our poor state. Yet, they claim the Civil War had less to do with the state's economy at the time or anything else other than slavery.
That shows a flaw in their comprehensive and critical thinking skills.
But for the record, I wish the battle flag had never been raised atop the capital in the first place. And everything since them has been an yes, I'm glad it is finally coming down. And I only hope that those who do hold our ancestor close to their hearts and wish to honor them their entire life, like myself, can agree that our state was wrong in raising it on the capitol building in the first place...which was to show defiance to the civil rights movement and desegregation...and that removing it from the statehouse grounds is the right thing to do. No matter if you agree or disagree with the timing, it did not belong there to begin with.
And as far as race relations in the state (which I believe have been better than most states across the country the past couple of decades) and the rest of the USA it won't change a thing."That flag" had nothing to do with the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, etc. and I'm extremely proud of the citizens, elected officials and leaders of the religious communities in this state for the way things have been handled on the occasions of horrible events that have happened here. For one, it's a sign that the good people of our state aren't divided racially as the rest of the nation perceives us to be, and second, it gives me faith that our state will continue to grow culturally and economically, become more prosperous than it has been historically for all it's citizens and will become an example of leadership over other states in the USC.
God bless our great state of South Carolina.
I am white, but very happy today. We can now lead this nation in unity, instead of being a laughing stock and being called racist Nazis. We are a great people and we finally showed some wisdom. Our children can now have a better future, being part of the human race. Our state and athletics now have a chance to flourish and not be stopped. That punk murderer did not win, he will not get his race war.
Praise God !
Obtuse? Nice word, Shawshank Redemption right? Listen, where so you live during the month of Feb.? Do you live somewhere there is no African American History Month? I don't own a Confederate flag but I did have ancestors killed in the Civil War. What about that real ****you mentioned? That same real ****happened to the American Indian and the Chinese in America too what about them, aren't they real people? Give me a break. Enough with the blame game and tee up the football.You are just being obtuse. You want to proudly observe the Confederate history, that's fine, but you should probably also observe the history of blacks in the South since then. It's not a fairy tale. It's real shit, that happened to real people, and it was REALLY bad.
Doesn't sound like you could care less. My firm represents Michelin and some other foreign companies doing business in SC and I promise you it has been a huge headache for them, particularly after the Charleston shootings. If SC wants to continue to attract investment outside of SC, it needed to do this. SC needs the jobs. So yes, I think it fixed some important things.
So the flag is down, and all is well I suppose. For a moment at least. Personally, I don't care that it came down. If it had been up since the Civil War to honor our heritage, that would have been one thing. But it wasnt. Was only out up in the 60s to voice displeasure with Washington about intergration, etc. But folks this is only the first step. And that is what is so scary. This was a politically based move by Haley, nothing more, nothing less. Makes her more viable on the national stage as a possible VP candidate, or increases her stature with the PC crowd if she can take over Graham's seat in the Senate in the future. But what will come next. There seems to be an all out assault on anything from the past. Morals are now a thing of the past. Whoever thought this country would see a day where gay marriage, Bruce Jenner's lifestyle, etc., would be viewed as courageous, while folks with traditional values such as Tim Tebow are mocked and ridiculed for their views. We have now reached the point where because of political correctness run amok, that a very small minority in this country are setting the rules for the masses. The flag can come down. That's OK with me. Nut don't dare think that this is the end of anything. It is only the beginning.
Morals are personal for the most part and to force one person's morals on another is a dangerous slippery slope you don't want to go down. I think ISIS has morals they try to enforce that would appall most of us. You have to weigh each one on it's own merit and if doesn't effect you then it's not an issue to debate. I am a "to each his own" until it hurts someone directly and not just by his or her opinion. Opinions are often misguided acts out of fear. I say anyone who is totally homophobic it is because they don't trust their own sexuality enough to accept it for others. There's a saying that I have quoted often.."You don't see things the way THEY are, you see things the way YOU for thought.I absolutely agree 100%. Everyone now does whatever will get them the most votes, get more people to like them, etc. That's what irks me about the coming future of this country. Eventually, we won't have morals but we will do whatever it is to please the majority.. And that is a scary thought.
Well, I just heard on MSNBC...head of the NAACP that ANYTHING with the word "Confederate" is a target. He talked about statutes of Robert E. Lee, or anything commemorating the Confederacy...There is an ongoing movement to remove CSA from the history of this country...The Civil War is still being fought folks...Members of my family fought and died on OUR sovereign by INVADERSMy position is it's a long time coming. I'm a born and bred South Carolina native, and will have to bear the history of my state for as long as I live. My family has a family cemetery in the country, and there's several ancestors of mine who fought in the Civil War. From my perspective, Americans who have served in the military and sacrificed themselves in battle should always be given respect and honored. Even if what they fought for was deemed wrong by history.
Having stated that, IMO the Civil War was wrong. There will always be those in the south that deliberately turn ignorant and blind eyes towards the true reasons for the Civil War. They try to re-invent history. They try to spin facts.
But the politicians and leaders of at least South Carolina made it a point of record to document specifically the points at issue they had with the Union, on December 24th, 1860 titled "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union". This document removes all doubt and need for interpretation as to SC's reasons. So let's just skip all that nonsense.
The Battle Flag wasn't even a flag for South Carolina, or for it's state's Sons who fought and died in the Civil War. The flag was an afterthought for the vast majority of South Carolinians for decades after the end of the war.
Put it away in a museum commemorating the Civil War. Like all the other war relics have been treated that were from other wars fought for far more honorable reasons. State sovereignty grounds and property are supposed to be representative of ALL its' citizens, and the Battle Flag clearly never held that distinction...
You, sir, need to read Lincoln's First Inaugural speech.My position is it's a long time coming. I'm a born and bred South Carolina native, and will have to bear the history of my state for as long as I live. My family has a family cemetery in the country, and there's several ancestors of mine who fought in the Civil War. From my perspective, Americans who have served in the military and sacrificed themselves in battle should always be given respect and honored. Even if what they fought for was deemed wrong by history.
Having stated that, IMO the Civil War was wrong. There will always be those in the south that deliberately turn ignorant and blind eyes towards the true reasons for the Civil War. They try to re-invent history. They try to spin facts.
But the politicians and leaders of at least South Carolina made it a point of record to document specifically the points at issue they had with the Union, on December 24th, 1860 titled "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union". This document removes all doubt and need for interpretation as to SC's reasons. So let's just skip all that nonsense.
The Battle Flag wasn't even a flag for South Carolina, or for it's state's Sons who fought and died in the Civil War. The flag was an afterthought for the vast majority of South Carolinians for decades after the end of the war.
Put it away in a museum commemorating the Civil War. Like all the other war relics have been treated that were from other wars fought for far more honorable reasons. State sovereignty grounds and property are supposed to be representative of ALL its' citizens, and the Battle Flag clearly never held that distinction...
My position is it's a long time coming. I'm a born and bred South Carolina native, and will have to bear the history of my state for as long as I live. My family has a family cemetery in the country, and there's several ancestors of mine who fought in the Civil War. From my perspective, Americans who have served in the military and sacrificed themselves in battle should always be given respect and honored. Even if what they fought for was deemed wrong by history.
Having stated that, IMO the Civil War was wrong. There will always be those in the south that deliberately turn ignorant and blind eyes towards the true reasons for the Civil War. They try to re-invent history. They try to spin facts.
But the politicians and leaders of at least South Carolina made it a point of record to document specifically the points at issue they had with the Union, on December 24th, 1860 titled "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union". This document removes all doubt and need for interpretation as to SC's reasons. So let's just skip all that nonsense.
The Battle Flag wasn't even a flag for South Carolina, or for it's state's Sons who fought and died in the Civil War. The flag was an afterthought for the vast majority of South Carolinians for decades after the end of the war.
Put it away in a museum commemorating the Civil War. Like all the other war relics have been treated that were from other wars fought for far more honorable reasons. State sovereignty grounds and property are supposed to be representative of ALL its' citizens, and the Battle Flag clearly never held that distinction...
This action doesn't mean the END of anything...whether you agree or disagree...I just heard the head of the NAACP state that ANYTHING with the word "Confederate" or ANYTHING that references "the Confederacy" is a target...he specifically mentioned statutes of Robert E. Lee...I have family buried in SC that fought and died in the Civil War...was the war wrong...all wars are wrong....but you can't change history no matter how many flags and statues you let's discuss some facts....The American flag is more associated with "slavery" than the confederate flag...American flags flew above the ships that went to Africa and brought the slaves to America....northern merchants and sailors were on those ships....More slaves from Africa went to Europe than America...ships full of infantry soldiers didn't go to Africa, invade their countries and capture slaves...they were already captured and brought to the docks by their own and sold....The Civil War wasn't fought over the slavery issue...the main reason was economics....FREE LABOR.....why?...because in the early 1800's after 100 years of slave trade with Africa the "business" dried this country and Europe there was no longer any need to buy slaves....Owners were now "breeding" their own...northern merchants realized they would not be able to compete with southern merchants who had a free, non-paid labor had already started with the European trade...Restrictions were trying to be imposed to limit this trade deficit which led to the secession from the "Union" of the southern states, which had the legal right to do that at the time....after the civil war ended, Jefferson Davis sat in a prison for three years pleading for a trial, but was never fact, NO CONFEDERATE leader was ever put on trial....why is that? Because they could have proved that they had the right to do what they did, and that the CSA was "ATTACKED" by a foreign country....the Union did not want that....was the reunification of this country the right thing to do...of course it was...The United States of America IS the greatest country in the world...If you don't believe that, you need to VISIT some of the countries I have...Someone needs to police the world, America is my choice...whose yours...Russia, Iran, China, Japan...Germany? I believe in the Constitution of this's the second greatest document ever written in my opinion...the Chapters of the Holy Bible are the first...Why do you think so many countries have "mirrored" that document...Am I a racist, do I believe in slavery, of course not...I believe in the liberties the Constitution of the United States affords us...all people...not special interest groups...not one activist group...not one the EXPENSE of any other....Today or tomorrow.
Does everyone here agree it was time for this to happen?
to my stomach. Race baiters & bleeding heart liberals are winning.
Overwhelming majority of South Carolinians didn't want the flag to come down.
This action doesn't mean the END of anything...whether you agree or disagree...I just heard the head of the NAACP state that ANYTHING with the word "Confederate" or ANYTHING that references "the Confederacy" is a target...he specifically mentioned statutes of Robert E. Lee...I have family buried in SC that fought and died in the Civil War...was the war wrong...all wars are wrong....but you can't change history no matter how many flags and statues you let's discuss some facts....The American flag is more associated with "slavery" than the confederate flag...American flags flew above the ships that went to Africa and brought the slaves to America....northern merchants and sailors were on those ships....More slaves from Africa went to Europe than America...ships full of infantry soldiers didn't go to Africa, invade their countries and capture slaves...they were already captured and brought to the docks by their own and sold....The Civil War wasn't fought over the slavery issue...the main reason was economics....FREE LABOR.....why?...because in the early 1800's after 100 years of slave trade with Africa the "business" dried this country and Europe there was no longer any need to buy slaves....Owners were now "breeding" their own...northern merchants realized they would not be able to compete with southern merchants who had a free, non-paid labor had already started with the European trade...Restrictions were trying to be imposed to limit this trade deficit which led to the secession from the "Union" of the southern states, which had the legal right to do that at the time....after the civil war ended, Jefferson Davis sat in a prison for three years pleading for a trial, but was never fact, NO CONFEDERATE leader was ever put on trial....why is that? Because they could have proved that they had the right to do what they did, and that the CSA was "ATTACKED" by a foreign country....the Union did not want that....was the reunification of this country the right thing to do...of course it was...The United States of America IS the greatest country in the world...If you don't believe that, you need to VISIT some of the countries I have...Someone needs to police the world, America is my choice...whose yours...Russia, Iran, China, Japan...Germany? I believe in the Constitution of this's the second greatest document ever written in my opinion...the Chapters of the Holy Bible are the first...Why do you think so many countries have "mirrored" that document...Am I a racist, do I believe in slavery, of course not...I believe in the liberties the Constitution of the United States affords us...all people...not special interest groups...not one activist group...not one the EXPENSE of any other....
You, sir, need to read Lincoln's First Inaugural speech.
The north passed a constitutional amendment that would have guaranteed slavery forever, and the South would not rejoin.
In fact, the midAtlantic Southern states didn't seceed over slavery AT ALL. They seceeded because Lincoln was a tyrant, and they were right.
Furthermore, secession does not mean there has to be a war at all. Lincoln could, and should, have let the South go.
"But what will become of my tariff?" Was Lincoln's response.
You, sir, don't know the facts. I could go on for days...
southerner first, just sayin'. Don't care much about the flag though or any flag for that mattter."Hi, I'm a proud, red-blooded American (USA USA!!), and I'm angry that the flag which represented secession from the United States of America is being taken down from the steps of our house of governance.
I'm also a proud Gamecock fan (Go Cocks!), and my happiness is determined by young African-Americans fighting their hearts out in competition for me, the fan. And I'm angry they won't see the flag, which was hoisted to protest integration (and keep the n*****s in their place), every time they drive down Gervais St.
And if you say otherwise then dadgumit you're just plum ignorant."
This action doesn't mean the END of anything...whether you agree or disagree...I just heard the head of the NAACP state that ANYTHING with the word "Confederate" or ANYTHING that references "the Confederacy" is a target...he specifically mentioned statutes of Robert E. Lee...I have family buried in SC that fought and died in the Civil War...was the war wrong...all wars are wrong....but you can't change history no matter how many flags and statues you let's discuss some facts....The American flag is more associated with "slavery" than the confederate flag...American flags flew above the ships that went to Africa and brought the slaves to America....northern merchants and sailors were on those ships....More slaves from Africa went to Europe than America...ships full of infantry soldiers didn't go to Africa, invade their countries and capture slaves...they were already captured and brought to the docks by their own and sold....The Civil War wasn't fought over the slavery issue...the main reason was economics....FREE LABOR.....why?...because in the early 1800's after 100 years of slave trade with Africa the "business" dried this country and Europe there was no longer any need to buy slaves....Owners were now "breeding" their own...northern merchants realized they would not be able to compete with southern merchants who had a free, non-paid labor had already started with the European trade...Restrictions were trying to be imposed to limit this trade deficit which led to the secession from the "Union" of the southern states, which had the legal right to do that at the time....after the civil war ended, Jefferson Davis sat in a prison for three years pleading for a trial, but was never fact, NO CONFEDERATE leader was ever put on trial....why is that? Because they could have proved that they had the right to do what they did, and that the CSA was "ATTACKED" by a foreign country....the Union did not want that....was the reunification of this country the right thing to do...of course it was...The United States of America IS the greatest country in the world...If you don't believe that, you need to VISIT some of the countries I have...Someone needs to police the world, America is my choice...whose yours...Russia, Iran, China, Japan...Germany? I believe in the Constitution of this's the second greatest document ever written in my opinion...the Chapters of the Holy Bible are the first...Why do you think so many countries have "mirrored" that document...Am I a racist, do I believe in slavery, of course not...I believe in the liberties the Constitution of the United States affords us...all people...not special interest groups...not one activist group...not one the EXPENSE of any other....
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;
I have NOTHING to do with it. I made an observation based on sound logic about the action taken and the reasons cited for it. You come back with ridiculous gibberish. After you acquire an intellect, come back and try posting something sensible.Only you allow it to happen. It starts with you. You can't control other people, so don't try. Just be a good man at all times yourself (or woman... I wasn't sure).
I am embarrassed by the response of some of our so called "citizens" and the vitriol and pure ignorance displayed by these so called citizens concerning this flag. Here's the bottom line, there are 5 states that continue to embrace the idiocy of the Confederate flag. If that is your belief and your diatribe, move to those states. Or, shut up and fly your flag proudly in the privacy of your own yard so all may see that you have no future, that your ideology is based on stupidity and regression, get your 2 sandy acres and a double wide, and spend more on your flagpole to fly it than you do on your own children's education. Based on some of the comments here, it would improve your DNA for reproducing. It needed to be furled, it has been, now try and move forward. If not, move the hell outta my home state! !!!! You are an embarrassment to everyone who has ever served this great nation. Nuff said.
Excellent read!Megyn Kelly has an interesting take on the matter:
We'll just agree to disagree I guess, because we'll never see things the same and that's ok. I think we both love our state and country (and our Gamecocks), but just hard to understand people's perspective sometimes.04, no offense but you are full of crap, and obviously haven't read the CSA declaration. If you had you would know that one of the few changes to the original American DoI for the CSA was specific to a way of life that embraced and endorsed slavery. That being said, again, evolving civilizations can survive, but only if everyone, black, white, yellow, and on embrace it. The matter is now closed. Our state is beginning to see benefits that give our children options. Education. Those things that they will need long after we are gone. My thing is placing a decedent connotation before the word American. As in American of Irish decent, American of African decent, etc. Until we as a people accept who we are as a whole, no matter what we do will there ever be a semblance of acceptance as one nation. We are all Americans, no matter what ethnic heritage you evolved from. I am more worried about that than anything. No one in this country was free from slavery. North, South, no one. Many of the plantations in the South were owned by Northerners. We just chose to fight rather than change. Sort of like now. I believe change is inevitable. Either embrace it, or get left out.
Nope I got mad really quickly reading itI agree 04. But just that is what makes this country great. God Bless. By the way, see if you can read this without going mad!
to my stomach. Race baiters & bleeding heart liberals are winning.
Overwhelming majority of South Carolinians didn't want the flag to come down.
I was actually trying read it while drivi g home and realized that wasn't a good idea, so had to wait till got home.I know. Thanks for a civil discussion. It is a pleasure given the current direction some of these forums have taken. I actually had to stop reading anything for a while! By the way, I timed you for your response, you did better than I did when I read it.![]()