The Program Has Peaked

Sanford, a little advice, don't ever get married. The first time you have a fight after the wedding, you'll be crying that "It's all over. We've peaked and it's a downward spiral from here. Might as well as quit the marriage now."

I'm not a sunshine pumper, but sometimes a point is well made and I have to acknowledge it. That said, good point! ;)
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Watt was not a walk-on. He signed a scholarship out of hs. Antonio Brown signed a scholarship to FSU of all places. Like a lot of our top recruits he didn't get in but he was still a scholarship player. Look it up After finally getting in to school Brown had a scholarship within the first two weeks of being there. Not sure how you call that a walk-on when he never paid for school. We have guys that are legit walk-on players. JJ Watt and Antonio Brown are not legit walk-on players. You listed a kicker. Most of them walk-on. Your logic is flawed. You aren't winning games thinking you can rely on walk-on players. You know that, I know that, we all know that. Not sure what you're even trying to do in this thread.

"JJ Watt - Attended Wisconsin. There is a caveat to Watt's selection: He originally signed in 2007 with Central Michigan, which gave him a scholarship; he was a defensive end in high school but played extensively at tight end at CMU that fall. Watt, a Wisconsin native, always dreamed of playing for the Badgers. He left CMU and walked on at Wisconsin in 2008, earning a scholarship while on the scout team that fall. He was drafted in the first round by the Texans in 2011."

You have your opinion, I have mine. If you can't comprehend the fact that I'm only trying to defend walk ons based on the implications of a previous post then we have nothing else to discuss. We'll agree to disagree. Ciao!
So again a guy who never once played football as a walk-on is a walk-on in your eyes? You're defending guys that were always a walk-on. Watt played a couple practices as a walk-on. Brown was at wherever he was for less than two weeks before he was put on scholarship.

We aren't winning games that matter if we rely on walk-ons. You can try to talk yourself into that if you wish. JJ Watt never played a game as a walk-on. Neither did Antonio Brown
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We have one of the best coaches in the game, right? I think we do, he's definitely the best play caller in college football.

I would agree when he was at Florida, but I have to disagree with that statement completely after seeing what I've seen the past few years, and last Thursday night.
Technically, our recruiting is about the same as it has been since Spurrier has been here.
Beck, I hate to disagree with you but this is a little misleading. Stars and rankings only tell half the story. The class can't be top heavy, and more importantly the recruits need to qualify. We're scrambling in SOS's 11th year to fill our 2 deep. Plus, we have no superstars other than Pharoh that we can count on every game to be difference makers. Not too long ago we had guys like Latt, Gilmore, Clowney and Alshon who were true difference makers. Opponents couldn't focus on just one guy. Sprinkle in 4 star linemen and Garcia and we had a team that actually created fear. The end result was a lot of buzz and a lot of Ws. We're as far away from that now as we were in the 1970s.
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I think maybe your brain has peaked. The only reason we had a 7 win season last year as oppose to a 10 win season is that we were not able to get some of our recruits in school until this year and we had very little pass rush especially late in the game. We certainly had the offense and scored enouth points to win. It was just some late game breakdowns and a handfull of plays that costed us last year.
Let me remind you, and everyone else, that while we lost 3 games in the 4th quarter last year that we had no business losing, we also won the game at UF that we had no business winning. Thus to be fair, we should have been 2 games better last year.
It was nice while it lasted and I enjoyed the 11 win seasons, but we are headed back to a middle-of-the-pack program again. We don't have the talent and we're not putting much effort in recruiting the talent needed to sustain the success we had. We need to be prepared for another 6-6 or 5-7 season. I will not be surprised to see us lose to KY this weekend. We will also see losses with margins of 20 points or more to teams like Georgia, TA&M, & LSU.
Looking at the threads you have created over the last year or two... you must be really fun at parties.

While it's good to know that walk-ons can be good from time to time (not that any on our roster have actually done much of anything) if you don't think having a bunch a walk-ons on our two-deep is a troubling sign for the state of our recruiting, than you need to be cut off from the Garnet Koolaid right now.
I would agree when he was at Florida, but I have to disagree with that statement completely after seeing what I've seen the past few years, and last Thursday night.
I know what you are saying, and I've questioned some of his decisions, but he knows what he's doing. He's slipped some for sure, but he's still got good ones in him.

The game he called against Alabama a few years ago was a work of genius.

I know it won't happen, and God knows I'll be criticized for it, but he would be so much better off if he relinquished control of the offense and became a CEO type of head coach and hired an OC. He could still have a major influence of the offense but he wouldn't have to put in the time he does, and turn the game calling over to an offensive coordinator. He could be to our offense what Saban is to to Bama defense.
Let me remind you, and everyone else, that while we lost 3 games in the 4th quarter last year that we had no business losing, we also won the game at UF that we had no business winning. Thus to be fair, we should have been 2 games better last year.
Perhaps your memory is fuzzy. We played AT Florida and the game was close throughout. We made some plays at the end and were able to win the game in OT. This is a far cry from some of the other games where, at home, we had large 2 TD leads in the 4th quarter. There is no way you should ever lose games like that. But even so, had we won those and lost at UF we would have won 9 games. I would've been ok with a 9-4 record last year, wouldn't you?
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Perhaps your memory is fuzzy. We played AT Florida and the game was close throughout. We made some plays at the end and were able to win the game in OT. This is a far cry from some of the other games where, at home, we had large 2 TD leads in the 4th quarter. There is no way you should ever lose games like that. But even so, had we won those and lost at UF we would have won 9 games. I would've been ok with a 9-4 record last year, wouldn't you?
Against Florida there was a touchdown overturned for holding. That score would've put them up 14. So they settled for a field goal, which would've put them up 10, but we blocked it. Then their next possession we blocked a punt to put us in the redzone with almost no time left. We had no business winning that game
Don't jump off the cliff to early! Yea I was slightly disappointed with the UNC game but I can sometimes be one of those fans that expects us to blow teams out (which we don't often do, especially in the first game of the season). I think we'll know more about this team and coaching staff by games 3-4. Until then I'm enjoying being 1-0 and looking forward to blowing out UK. See, I did it again!
Maybe if you're looking at an average star ranking but the talent isn't even close. Every analyst has seen it with their own eyes and fans can too.

So we are recruiting to the same talent level that we were in the past, what has changed? Have our coaches gotten worse? I don't think so.

We can't continue to hunt down diamond in the rough players, it's caught up to us big time. There just isn't that many Pharoh Coopers out there.

The facts are the facts and we aren't near as talented as we once were. We frequently have so many busts on players that we sign and we don't get enough really good players to overcome the amount of busts we have.
All u need is couple of difference makers on both sides of ball and some quality players and you can be very competitive
Against Florida there was a touchdown overturned for holding. That score would've put them up 14. So they settled for a field goal, which would've put them up 10, but we blocked it. Then their next possession we blocked a punt to put us in the redzone with almost no time left. We had no business winning that game

Are penalties, blocking kicks and punts not part of the game? Good grief that is some kind of a reach to make to form the conclusion that we "shouldn't" have won the game...

The truth is ALL of that happened and its like any other sport....No matter how good you are you have to have a bit of luck along the way sometime.....

Geez its been 1 game thus far this year and apparently because we didn't put up 70 on UNcarolina we are doomed for the rest of this year....

I, for the life of me, can't understand some of you......It has been 1 game, you saw about as vanilla an Offense and Defense as you could possibly see and we did enough to win the game....

For me I will take that and trust that the team will improve from the experience onto the next week....Hopefully they take care of Kentucky and we again see improvement as they move on through the schedule....That's all I want to see is improvement each week with a chance to beat anyone that we play.....

Maybe it would be easier and just make more sense to everyone if you just stated what your expectation(s) are/were so we can understand at least what your perspective is.
We had four sacks, three picks, didn't throw an interception or lose a fumble, kicked it beautifully all three ways all day long, kept 'em off the board entirely the 2nd half and kept the ball 36 min to 24 min ... it might not have been BEAUTIFUL but it was effective, it was a W and THAT performance repeated every week would also be a win.
I'll take it and I'd take it again this week.
Unlike pole vaulting or high jumping or long jumping, vaulting in gymnastics or running heats before the finals it's do it right right now or lose ... ain't no do-overs 'till next year. Well, it's 'next year'.
I think we lay it on Kentucky ... maybe even motivated a little by App State's upset earlier in the day.
SC goes to 2-0 and we'll still have a small army scared $%#less of UGA the following week. I don't know why but we will. We've got almost as many supposed 'fans' that 'ought be wearing depends 'round the clock as we have trolls on the FGF ... it's a sad fact of life. Same ones, every season ... whatever the season.
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Sanford, thank you for creating this thread. Seriously. It shows that most who have read it and responded to it have a positive outlook (aside from the few who we all KNEW would be on your side). The fans here seem to have the team's back and are expecting things to improve throughout the season, myself included.

I know you were hoping for a good team/coach bashing thread but instead you just proved that you're in the minority and that most of us don't see things in the same negative light that you do.

Disagree with this if you like, but GO COCKS!
Against Florida there was a touchdown overturned for holding. That score would've put them up 14. So they settled for a field goal, which would've put them up 10, but we blocked it. Then their next possession we blocked a punt to put us in the redzone with almost no time left. We had no business winning that game
So what? This is a ridiculous argument. The close games we could have won and the close games we could have lost, are not mutually exclusive. Or maybe they are. My perspective was changed when we were blown out by aTm to start the season and blown out by klempsun to end the regular season. That is when I realized that we weren't even close to what we had been from 2010 to 2013.
Against Florida there was a touchdown overturned for holding. That score would've put them up 14. So they settled for a field goal, which would've put them up 10, but we blocked it. Then their next possession we blocked a punt to put us in the redzone with almost no time left. We had no business winning that game

Serious question:

Why don't penalties, turnovers, and special teams count in winning a football game to you?

We had no business winning a game when they committed a penalty that negated a score (you know, because holding is actually against the rules). We had no business winning a game when we blocked a field goal (you know, because a field goal is a special teams play that is part of the game and must be performed successfully to get the points and can be defended... not an automatic 3 point scoreboard gift). We had no business winning a game when our defense forced a punt (you know, because when the other team cannot advance the ball and make 1st down they must punt or attempt a 4th down conversion... defense is part of the game, right? or not in your world?). We had no business blocking said punt and enjoying field position advantages that entailed (you know, because special teams again... just see the above for crying out loud. Also field position is part of the game, but that point may also be beyond your reach).

I say "you know" regarding the most obvious and BASIC FUNDAMENTAL aspects of football pointed out in small words above.... because clearly you must know these things? Right? They are part of the game.

We had no business winning that game, with the exception that we did all the right things in the field of play to earn the victory.... "you know"
I can be a negative nelly but not this week. Sos gets Mitch in to a more zone read offense and we play ball control. I think we see a more polished mitch and some key plays from Cooper from the wild cock. I think adams emerges at te and lastly what you saw from Carson last week was no fluke...the light came on and he is on a mission. Defensively we improve as well as long as they stay out of that zone. We need to press their receivers and get d line pressure...I think we will. Special teams and home field brings this one home and we win by 4 plus points. It wouldn't surprise me if we win by much more though.
Just telling it like I see it right now. Can things change and we see a lot of improvement? Sure. But the offense I saw against NC is the same one I watched in the very first open practice. The running game seems to be okay, but the passing game then and now has been non-existent. While our defense is improved, the fact is their QB threw 3 bad interceptions in the red zone. The rest of the time receivers were running uncovered and the run-stop defense wasn't much better. Things got better in the 2nd half, but remember NC drove the length of the field on the last series. Right now I just don't see this team getting back to where we were 2 years ago.
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It was nice while it lasted and I enjoyed the 11 win seasons, but we are headed back to a middle-of-the-pack program again. We don't have the talent and we're not putting much effort in recruiting the talent needed to sustain the success we had. We need to be prepared for another 6-6 or 5-7 season. I will not be surprised to see us lose to KY this weekend. We will also see losses with margins of 20 points or more to teams like Georgia, TA&M, & LSU.
We are doommed!
It was nice while it lasted and I enjoyed the 11 win seasons, but we are headed back to a middle-of-the-pack program again. We don't have the talent and we're not putting much effort in recruiting the talent needed to sustain the success we had. We need to be prepared for another 6-6 or 5-7 season. I will not be surprised to see us lose to KY this weekend. We will also see losses with margins of 20 points or more to teams like Georgia, TA&M, & LSU.
It is posts like these from supposed Gamecock fans that led to my previously disclosed decision to stop paying money to Rivals for access to this board. I have enough negativity in my life without having to pay extra for it. I'm still here only because I'm paid up through January.
Just telling it like I see it right now. Can things change and we see a lot of improvement? Sure. But the offense I saw against NC is the same one I watched in the very first open practice. The running game seems to be okay, but the passing game then and now as been non-existent. While our defense is improved, the fact is their QB threw 3 bad interceptions in the red zone. The rest of the time receivers were running uncovered and the run-stop defense wasn't much better. Thinks got better in the 2nd half, but remember NC drove the length of the field on the last series. Right now I just don't see this team getting back to where we were 2 years ago.

"bad interceptions" that makes sense....I thought it might have been something to do with the fact that he had pressure on him and had to throw.......of course he could have held onto the ball and taken 3 more sacks so instead of 4 sacks we have 7....

Their QB threw 3 interceptions for a reason.......Good grief some of you will go out of your way to find a something to bash this team about....its been 1 game...

If you were expecting the same team you saw 2 years ago I got news for you....It's college football....Kids graduate.....Every year this will be a different team with different leaders....its attrition.....Happens to a lot of fact ALL of them....NCAA has this rule that you can only play for so long.....

If you looking for 10, 11 or more wins from this team your in for a really long year....if you looking for a young team to get better each week, compete in the games they play and hopefully be really good next season you just might enjoy yourself a bit more....

Your choice but the last option appears to be the most realistic at this point.......
Technically, our recruiting is about the same as it has been since Spurrier has been here.

You're right. Our recruiting has been about the same level. The reason went from 6 or 7 wins a year to 11 was the fact we were blessed to have several once in a generation type players in state, and we got 4 out of 5 of them. Gilmore, Lattimore, Clowney, and Alshon. We missed out on AJ Green. But we aren't likely to see a run of talents like that in state again for a long time. We really should have been able to leverage all our success on the field to improved recruiting, but we didn't. It remained in the 16 to 20 range as it did before they got here. It is what it is.
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Serious question:

Why don't penalties, turnovers, and special teams count in winning a football game to you?

We had no business winning a game when they committed a penalty that negated a score (you know, because holding is actually against the rules). We had no business winning a game when we blocked a field goal (you know, because a field goal is a special teams play that is part of the game and must be performed successfully to get the points and can be defended... not an automatic 3 point scoreboard gift). We had no business winning a game when our defense forced a punt (you know, because when the other team cannot advance the ball and make 1st down they must punt or attempt a 4th down conversion... defense is part of the game, right? or not in your world?). We had no business blocking said punt and enjoying field position advantages that entailed (you know, because special teams again... just see the above for crying out loud. Also field position is part of the game, but that point may also be beyond your reach).

I say "you know" regarding the most obvious and BASIC FUNDAMENTAL aspects of football pointed out in small words above.... because clearly you must know these things? Right? They are part of the game.

We had no business winning that game, with the exception that we did all the right things in the field of play to earn the victory.... "you know"
I was replying to a poster who made it seem like Florida didn't choke just as bad as we did against mizzou, Tennessee, and Kentucky. He was saying we deserved to be a 9 win team, but was disregarding the fact that Florida and Georgia choked. Yea, we capitalized on opportunities and that's great. But those teams choked.
It was nice while it lasted and I enjoyed the 11 win seasons, but we are headed back to a middle-of-the-pack program again. We don't have the talent and we're not putting much effort in recruiting the talent needed to sustain the success we had. We need to be prepared for another 6-6 or 5-7 season. I will not be surprised to see us lose to KY this weekend. We will also see losses with margins of 20 points or more to teams like Georgia, TA&M, & LSU.

Yeah and a lot of those walk-ons were great players in hs as well who only were walk-ons due to where they went to school. Clay Matthews wanted to go to SoCal back when they were a dynasty and his family could easily afford to pay his way. He wasn't some scrub recruit. Slider listed a kicker lol. Few kickers receive scholarships in the beginning. A lot of them earn them but not all of them have them from day one. Antonio Brown had a scholarship to Florida State when they were arguably the top program in the nation but didn't get in due to academics. He was given a scholarship to Central Michigan within weeks of attending. JJ Watt was only a walk-on due to how he transferred. The guys he listed aren't for the most part the typical walk-on

Okee dokee..............Maybe you, Sanford and Basses can start your own team to follow. There's one in the upstate that likes to win the recruiting battle and lose 5 out of 6 to us.........they need fans too.
Bottom line is if something doesn't change in the direction our program is going, then they will be boasting about winning 5 in a row. Take that to the bank, smoke it or ignore it. the facts are being displayed on the field last year and looks like this year.
I'm getting really sick and tired of all the negative posts on here. We haven't even lost a game yet. Jesus.
Bottom line is if something doesn't change in the direction our program is going, then they will be boasting about winning 5 in a row. Take that to the bank, smoke it or ignore it. the facts are being displayed on the field last year and looks like this year.

"If something doesn't change"? WTH are you talking about.....We won the only game we have played thus far this year........
"If something doesn't change"? WTH are you talking about.....We won the only game we have played thus far this year........

We scored 17 points against arguably the worst offense we'll see all year. We had to go wildcat to even get the ball moving. We didn't force a single punt in the first half. If their qb didn't go potato and throw it twice to Skai when he was nowhere near any of their players we would have lost the game. People have a right to be mad and want change. We act happy with that mediocre play we're putting on the field we'll slip right back to being a laughing stock like we used to be
We scored 17 points against arguably the worst offense we'll see all year. We had to go wildcat to even get the ball moving. We didn't force a single punt in the first half. If their qb didn't go potato and throw it twice to Skai when he was nowhere near any of their players we would have lost the game. People have a right to be mad and want change. We act happy with that mediocre play we're putting on the field we'll slip right back to being a laughing stock like we used to be

Not sure how you can "argue" that they are the worst when we, and everyone else, has played 1 game thus far but you can certainly try!

So what if we went "wildcat", tame cat, mad cat or whatever other kinda cat it took as long as the ball was moving and we were gaining yards and scoring....Now the way we move the ball isn't good enough for some? Its how you move the ball now? Or the formation from which you moved the ball?

Their QB threw the ball and Skai got it because he was about to be hurt by (PICK ONE) of our DLinemen that was in his face pretty much the entire afternoon....

You can be mad cause you don't like the way we won if you like but its a WIN no matter how you try to slice it up....

As to being mediocre you, nor I, have any clue what this team is or isn't just yet because we haven't seen enough of them to make a fair analysis at this point....

I can see from your limited number of post you have one mission here which is to bash this team and its coach's at any and all cost....good luck to you and your narrow vision
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This thread exemplifies the feeling a lot of Gamecock Fans have about whether we DESERVE to be better than we are...

After a game where all of these positives happened:

- we allowed one touchdown in the first TEN MINUTES OF THE GAME and none after
- 4 sacks compared to 14 all last season,
- the UNC FG KICKER hit 2 fgs that were longer than ANY FG he kicked ALL LAST SEASON
- 3 INTs - 2 in the END ZONE
- kept M Williams and Hood out of the end zone
- held an elite, uptempo offense to 1 TD when they returned 10 starters to the offense?

People feel we have peaked? And you can tell that after Game 1?

Don't forget that our offense played (almost) as poorly as they possibly could and we STILL put up 2 TDs on a GENE CHIZIK DEFENSE...that's not easy.
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Bottom line is if something doesn't change in the direction our program is going, then they will be boasting about winning 5 in a row. Take that to the bank, smoke it or ignore it. the facts are being displayed on the field last year and looks like this year.

That's fine...that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

But is that all you have to contribute? Is there NOTHING about the Gamecocks that gives you hope? Is there nothing POSITIVE to talk about? Is there NO WAY we can win the games we are scheduled to play?

You don't have to disengage your brain to be positive. You don't have to "drink the koolaid" to talk about what we can do to WIN with what we have. You don't have to be a Spurrier Fan to discuss the good aspects of the TEAM.

I don't care what you say. I don't care how many times you post on the Gamecock Board. If you have NOTHING good to say about the Gamecocks, how are you any different from Clemson Fans? Why would you expect anyone to respond positively to your statements/comments when they do NOTHING but bash Carolina?

Can you see where I'm coming from? Put yourself in our shoes. It's not that people are burying their heads and not's just that people would have to hate the Gamecocks to take everything you say to heart...and that's just not happening. It's Week 2...why would we want to give up on the season? That's what some of you are pushing...

If the choice is you or my Gamecocks, it's ALWAYS going to be my may not intend it but your rhetoric makes it that way.
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If you look at rankings, we've remained remarkably consistent, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Also, we haven't had down years. See, plural indicates more than one. I concede the star power isn't there right now and that's a problem, but there are other variables. First, the quality of coaching isn't where it was a few years ago. Think I'm wrong? How many other programs have tried to hire away these guys? Right. Second, we have to acknowledge we got some guys that turned out to be busts. Quite a few guys actually. Combined with poor roster management and the loss of quite a few scholarships from the Whitney fiasco, last year was inevitable. And with SOS flirting with retirement last year, this year was bound to be an uphill battle in recruiting.