It's a big deal if you're moving around much. Also, low oxygen environments leave you more vulnerable to viruses docking to your cells.
When you look at 80+% of the animals in the wood testing positive and then look at the Antarctica studies, it's pretty clear COVID was in the atmosphere. So it could easily move through skin and ears. A similar example is RoundUp. Pretty much every person in the world now has RoundUp metabolites in their urine. That includes infants.
As I said, I am sure it's a problem for some people. But sorry, I don't believe it's a problem for most people- more of an inconvenience. For some it's just pure political. For some it's an issue because of other poor choices they've made.
Like the smoker who complains that masks restrict his breathing and are hard on his lungs. LOL Yeah- a mask is the real culprit there.
it's clear that COVID can spread in animals because animals, and birds don't stay in one place. Not to mention a worldwide animal trade- often black market trade.
Dave, comeon man. They were saying this from Day One. That was a major sales angle....Go out and get your vaccine for your fellowman. Maddow would describe almost nightly how the "virus stops in the tracks" when you have the vaccine. "You cannot give it to someone and you cannot get it if you have your vaccine." Biden said the same. Maddow is now gone from MSNBC. Fauci is now gone from TV.
Yes, they were saying that. I agree- but so were folks like Trump. They said that because they were trying their best to encourage people the best they could. Virtually everyone was pointing to the vaccines.
I just think it was a tactic that didn't work. Scientists know vaccines don't 100% prevent diseases. We know that because we have numerous vaccines that don't 100% prevent diseases. WE do know they do a great job of limiting severe disease.
and try your best- like me- to not listen to cable news talkers- any of them. I fail too.
That's what they said. Then they suppressed data but had to abandon mandates when other countries who were reporting actual data didn't show anything close to what they were saying.
I know, I know. all the hospitals across the country that release their COVID info and what the profile of the people in their intensive care units are lying and fabricating the info.
People like my sister, who helps compile the information for a hospital in the upstate is lying. I know. I've heard it before. She's just a liar. Believe me, she's heard it too- more than you can imagine. It's one of the reasons she's getting out of nursing at age 45 when her agreement is up with her employer.
You are misinterpreting this "data " from other countries. But again, I'm tired of talking about it.
If you have a fever, get tested. If not, don't. It was a silly game to sell tests and vaccines. Once again, when they started to close the book on COVID and mandates, everything was above 2021. They didn't even try to hide it. This is how nuts things have become.
Fever is not the only sign of COVID. IN fact, some studies show up to 40% of people don't have a fever at the beginning.
My friend that died of COVID in November 2020 didn't have a fever until he was in the hospital - at least according to his sister. He felt bad- sore throat, thought it was a sinus issue until he woke up one night and had trouble breathing.
Again, what you are suggesting is unworkable. You aren't going to tell millions of people in a pandemic they can't get a COVID test unless they have a fever when we know that some people have COVID and don't have a fever - or don't think they have a fever but end up having a slight fever.
If are you taking the temperature, you might as well test them. If they take their own temperature and don't have one- but have sore throat, or lose their taste for seemingly no reason, no doctor anywhere- no nurse anywhere is going to tell them they won't give them a test. That wouldn't make sense because we don't do that for the flu either.
Sorry, the alternative just makes no sense in the real world conditions. This is a non issue now anyway with the prevalence of at home tests.
We just disagree each other. But a good discussion.