• Thread starter Brian Shoemaker
  • Start date
Yep could have made the 1st down then instead of the crappy pass to #89

The pass was a GREAT pass...just wasn't what he needs to do right now. He needs to force the D to keep watching him...that will open up all of the receivers.

If they have to worry about Mitch running the ball, they will be a second late picking up the RBs and every route gets a little easier to run...
Terrible tackling....missed assignments...
Pace is hurting the D...Run D is stout now...
Pass D hurting us? Wow...that's gonna/gotta change!
New year same defense....Problem is there is no offense to keep games close this year. Hoke was right he simplified the defense so much that the other team can now go 90 yards even
I guess you have to wait until the lights go on to see who can play when the lights go on.
Not worried...yet. Run D looked really good. DBs were lost and took too long to get lined up. That's on Hoke too. There will be changes...
They look severely unprepared. Defense slow and offense tentative. 4 penalties at least. what the heck have they been doing all summer. We are lucky we arent playing anybody good or we would be down 21 by now
if the front 4 cant put any pressure on the unc quarterback, hes going to pick em a on it....hopefully things will change
just need to pound 'em on the ground and keep their offense off the field

we look lost so far

go cocks!
We've had a long time to prepare for UNC. That's why I have to believe that they will get better...because someone's going to the bench!
Its just nerves. UNC's D does not look very tough. Mitch out ran them to the edge. Seems like we need to start using the option.
First impressions we are outmatched on both sides of the ball . We have many new players and it shows.