What coach did the most for our football program?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
Roebuck, SC
Was it Paul Dietzel - he is credited for up grading our football program, taking it out of the dark ages. Also created our current fight song. Also got us out of the ACC.

Was it Lou Holtz - he took us from 1-10 to 8-4 in 2 years, brought national attention for our program. Even during the Steve Spurrier years, he continue to talk us up on ESPN.

Was it Steve Spurrier - he had the best winning percentage, 3 straight 11 win seasons. Keep the national attention on us.

One thing all three have in common, they are better known for coaching else where.
DABO, pissed Spurrier off, gave us FIVE STRAIGHT because of it..
This is the reason we've never won the SEC. Too many SC fans care only about beating the Clemps and really nothing else.

The answer to the OP is Spurrier by a large margin. He not only built a winner, but he transformed our entire attitude towards facilities, spending and collegiate feel. Finally! At least you can now tell who's stadium WBS belongs to.
Was it Paul Dietzel - he is credited for up grading our football program, taking it out of the dark ages. Also created our current fight song. Also got us out of the ACC.

Was it Lou Holtz - he took us from 1-10 to 8-4 in 2 years, brought national attention for our program. Even during the Steve Spurrier years, he continue to talk us up on ESPN.

Was it Steve Spurrier - he had the best winning percentage, 3 straight 11 win seasons. Keep the national attention on us.

One thing all three have in common, they are better known for coaching else where.

It is really difficult to pick between those three. You might want to include Joe Morrison in the discussion also.
This is the reason we've never won the SEC. Too many SC fans care only about beating the Clemps and really nothing else.

The answer to the OP is Spurrier by a large margin. He not only built a winner, but he transformed our entire attitude towards facilities, spending and collegiate feel. Finally! At least you can now tell who's stadium WBS belongs to.
Just win Baby.. I would love for SC to compete for and win a National Championship, Compete for and win an SEC title, compete for and win the SEC east, compete for and win the State, so, It is a goal, of which all of the above, only two have been achieved, both while Dabo was coach, thus......
Hell last year SC was 0-2 in the damned state!!
Gotta go with SOS on this one with the caveat, 'No Holtz; no Spurrier' Getting Lou to come here was a great accomplishment and it sent a message to the SEC and the rest of the college football world: 'South Carolina is serious about football'. Follow that up with bringing in Spurrier and the point is well made imo - always hire a tough minded AD.
It is a whole lot easier to pick which coach did the LEAST for our football program. And, I'm betting the pick would be unanimous among Gamecock fans everywhere!

Despite playing way to much golf, and quitting in the middle of the season. SPURRIER by a wide-----------margin ...
The correct answer is Spurrier

I have a likewise basic question for you, how many points does a touchdown count as?

Or maybe I should start a thread with that subject.
Fatso begging a fan for another doughnut is not a proper post for this board. Where are the board police when you need them? Seriously, what sticks out to me is the failure of any coach to be a consistent winner. the late Jim Carlen,the late Joe Morrison, Lou Holtz and Steve Spurrier had their moments but each left with the program in decline. None provided the consistency which the program needs so badly.
Coach Richard Bell? Anyone? Its not the quantity of years being a head coach, but the quality of that one year, I'm thinking about

What about Coach Murphy, yes i know we all remember he did not win a game in 1897, but he only lost 3http:// , if coach Muschamp only loses 3 games this year we will all be very happy, and we all remember how important the 1897 season washttp://

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What about Morrison? He got SC in the national spotlight and competing with the nations elite. Makes you wonder what would have happened had he coached for a longer time.
I don't get the 'none of 'em brought any 'consistency' comment above ... before SOS arrived 'Carolina went to 10 bowls in 110 years and only won 3 of those ... Spurrier took us to 9 bowls in 10 years (5 of those NYD games) and won 5 of 'em, four of them in a row - beating teams like Nebraska, Michigan, Wisconsin and Miami.
He easily had a winning record against clemson including FIVE IN A ROW.
The only thing 'inconsistent' about the Spurrier era was 2015. SOS is a 'winner' he made us WINNERS - he also sent a couple of DOZEN players to the NFL.
"Fight song"? Good Lord. I LOVED what Lou did and went nuts when we smacked Ohio State in those bowls, but it ain't even close ... throw in Morrision, Carlen of anybody else, either - Steve Spurrier had a larger impact on SC football than all those other guys combined.
SS and where are we now? Yes, SOS did all that but the program has gone downhill for the last two years and he left us with a lot of question marks at key positions for 2016. To me that is inconsistency. If it weren't we would have the talent he should have left behind instead????
Was it Paul Dietzel - he is credited for up grading our football program, taking it out of the dark ages. Also created our current fight song. Also got us out of the ACC.

Was it Lou Holtz - he took us from 1-10 to 8-4 in 2 years, brought national attention for our program. Even during the Steve Spurrier years, he continue to talk us up on ESPN.

Was it Steve Spurrier - he had the best winning percentage, 3 straight 11 win seasons. Keep the national attention on us.

One thing all three have in common, they are better known for coaching else where.
I told Dale Evans that if we could have kept the staff he was on with Coach Carlin we would have been in great shape for many years. He told me he had been told that many times.

I watched coaches making what I understood to be illegal contact with recruits at the state track meet. One in particular was William Perry. Non of the Gamecock coaches were violating the rules. I saw Coach Carlin watching Clemson all over Perry going to him on the infield of the track (only participating teams coaches were supposed to be there) After they got outside the fence and continued talking to Perry, William saw Coach Carlin and said hey Coach Carlin lets go inside and talk. Since William was initiating the contact it was permissible under the rules at that time. (as I understood the rules. )
Was it Paul Dietzel - he is credited for up grading our football program, taking it out of the dark ages. Also created our current fight song. Also got us out of the ACC.

Was it Lou Holtz - he took us from 1-10 to 8-4 in 2 years, brought national attention for our program. Even during the Steve Spurrier years, he continue to talk us up on ESPN.

Was it Steve Spurrier - he had the best winning percentage, 3 straight 11 win seasons. Keep the national attention on us.

One thing all three have in common, they are better known for coaching else where.
Spurrier - hands down. I'd put Dietzel in second place but mainly for his work as AD. He was the original Hyman in that he brought us from the dark ages to what was then the modern approach to fund-raising and athletic administration.
Clearly the answer is W.H. "Dixie" Whaley. In 1896 he went 1-3 losing to Wofford, Furman, and the Charleston YMCA, but put up a 12-6 victory over the Tillman Land Grant Tigers in the first meeting between the two schools.
SOS love or hate him

That's a very fair way to put it. I couldn't stand SOS when he was at Florida but I sure learned to love him at South Carolina. He changed this University.
Spurrier taught us it WAS important to play on New Year's Day - to play the 'good teams' and he showed us we could beat the best out there. He beat the best 'out there'. He CHANGED 'Carolina forever.
We're not the same place, we don't feel the same way, we don't look the same at all - EVERYTHING changed.
We learned we can GET the good one's (when we go get 'em) - not just one or two occasionally but LOTS of them consistently when we put in the effort.
I'm happy for Coach Spurrier, I think he's where he belongs at age 71 and I wish him the very best in life whatever that may be ... I KNOW what he gave me.
'68-'70 Tommy Suggs NEVER LOST to clemson, right in my wheelhouse as a student and those were golden times.
It then took another FORTY YEARS before 'Carolina would beat clemson twice in a row, and it was a LOT sweeter than that when it happened!!!
The REASON so much emphasis was put on beating clemson all those years was 'cause we didn't DO IT too often.
That millstone's gone now ... clemson is still a BIG GAME and always will be but we've got OTHER 'big games' too, now - games we almost never won 'till SOS showed up ... Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and others. We've played in 'big time' bowl games and we'll play in some more now I'm certain of it.
Our day's coming ... I'm certain of that, too. Columbia's a great town, we've got a great University and we've got everything it takes to have consistent 'winners' in all sports.
This is a GREAT TIME to be a Gamecock.
We could very well have an o'fer when UGA hits town October 8th ... as in zero losses.
We're gonna' spank Vanderbilt good. GO 'COCKS!!!
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Fatso begging a fan for another doughnut is not a proper post for this board. Where are the board police when you need them? Seriously, what sticks out to me is the failure of any coach to be a consistent winner. the late Jim Carlen,the late Joe Morrison, Lou Holtz and Steve Spurrier had their moments but each left with the program in decline. None provided the consistency which the program needs so badly.
Sorry, but Carlen didn't fail as head football coach at Carolina. He was here 7 years, had one losing season and took the Gamecocks to 3 bowls. This was before there were 500 bowl games each year! His last 3 years, he was 8-4, 8-4 & 6-6.:eek:
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SS and where are we now? Yes, SOS did all that but the program has gone downhill for the last two years and he left us with a lot of question marks at key positions for 2016. To me that is inconsistency. If it weren't we would have the talent he should have left behind instead????

I don't have a clue but I don't think it's AWFUL. The 2014 7-6 team could have JUST as easily been 10-3 and should have been, that BS 'prevent' defense crap ALWAYS goes to ca ca; while last year's team wasn't 'bad', per se ... it 'gave up' on SOS and just went through the motions - Spurrier would be the 1st to say that whole thing was mishandled, but all those 4*'s didn't just 'go bad' all of a sudden.
NOBODY HAS A CLUE "where we are now". We ain't played a dang down yet! We should know soon enough.
That 3-9 team beat a 11-3 UNC team, should have beaten KY, easily could have beaten aTm and Tennessee, LAID DOWN against the Citadel and could have beaten clemson if Watson wasn't a dam wizard running the ball ... they weren't NEARLY as bad as that record, they were adrift.
You act like we've got nothing.
We're a hellava' lot better than nothing.
And refocused. We'll surprise you IMHO.
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OK. One more time. A coach making a program a consistent winner is one who establishes our program so that we win 8-10 games a year for 5-7 years or more and leaves the program in position to continue winning 8-10 games a year after he leaves the program. Name one USC coach who has done that Our history has been a coach who wins big for 2-3 years and then he/we can continue to win at that level.
OK. One more time. A coach making a program a consistent winner is one who establishes our program so that we win 8-10 games a year for 5-7 years or more and leaves the program in position to continue winning 8-10 games a year after he leaves the program. Name one USC coach who has done that Our history has been a coach who wins big for 2-3 years and then he/we can continue to win at that level.

Your retort is ''somewhat' discombobulated but I 'blieve I got yo' drift. Who? Spurrier did that. He made us a 'consistent' winner and left us in a position to continue 'winning' 8-10 games/year. We sho' coulda'/shoulda' won eight in 2014 and we could easily have won eight last year.
No doubt the 'talent' fell off in 2015 but we weren't THAT 'bad' ... the KY, aTm, TN, Citadel games were all eminently winnable, and while 'the best team won' when we played clemson we had a shot - the point being win or lose that game, had we won those others that we coulda'/shoulda' we'd have gone to SOME bowl with seven wins and had a chance to finish 8-5 instead of 3-9. 2015 was a 'perfect storm' - but the SUN IS SHINING now!!!

We ain't played a single down this season yet it seems lots of people want to 'assume' the worst when there ain't no way it'll be as bad as it got last year.
Eight wins in 2016 is certainly 'doable' and we're gonna' start 'winning' tomorrow night. We are MUCH BETTER than Vanderbilt. PERIOD. This team would have to question itself, give up, roll over and play dead to lose to Vanderbilt.
I ain't saying Vanderbilt isn't pretty decent, too - they are. We're just BETTER.

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins just you WAIT!!! You'll be sorry but by then it'll be TOO LATE!!! South Carolina will win by two scores.
Dietzel shouldn't be on the list of candidates imo. He was a legend from LSU and didn't produce much at Carolina other than the '69 ACC title. Was responsible for the fight song, block C, enlarging Williams Brice and installing astroturf I believe.
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