When was the last time a coach took responsibility for a loss???

world famous 3rd base hecklers

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Or said "I made a bad decision", "I did a poor coaching job" or "it's my fault that we lost that game..."

It seems the bad decision by coaches end up making the player take the fall when things don't go right...
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I was about to post the same thing. It's a sign of a mature coach when they will take responsibility. I have heard Dabo take the blame for a loss. I think it actually helps team morale when the coach owns a blunder.
Holbrook in the post game Sunday proudly proclaimed..."I would pitch to him in that situation 1 million out of 1 million times." That not only proves he is incompetent, but he is proud of it!
Holbrook in the post game Sunday proudly proclaimed..."I would pitch to him in that situation 1 million out of 1 million times." That not only proves he is incompetent, but he is proud of it!

Knowing that I can't score runs easily, I would rather walk Beer and let someone else beat me.

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