Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

10 million illegals they pushed in are now being groomed to vote.

That's double the amount of voters in the State of South Carolina.

High quality people in charge of our country.


In 2018, a liberal research team from Yale and MIT estimated that there were 22 million illegals in the US before Biden started cutting wire on the border and flying them in.

So now that's at least 32 million in the US as of today.

So what Senator Karen is proposing is to grant citizenship to 32 million people before the election.

The largest margin of victory in any US election was 17 million votes.

The face of total corruption.

In 2018, a liberal research team from Yale and MIT estimated that there were 22 million illegals in the US before Biden started cutting wire on the border and flying them in.

So now that's at least 32 million in the US as of today.

So what Senator Karen is proposing is to grant citizenship to 32 million people before the election.

The largest margin of victory in any US election was 17 million votes.

The face of total corruption.
I hope they have ppl at every station! But, they’ll have some unusual power-outage or waterline bust. Probably EMP, maybe a gigantic earthworm impede votes.
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Yes. The question is why is she the only one over the last 14 years.
That's patently false. Olivia and Wesolek were (and presumably still are) white and they played at the same time. I'm not saying there were a lot but let's at least try to be truthful here.

In 2018, a liberal research team from Yale and MIT estimated that there were 22 million illegals in the US before Biden started cutting wire on the border and flying them in.

So now that's at least 32 million in the US as of today.

So what Senator Karen is proposing is to grant citizenship to 32 million people before the election.

The largest margin of victory in any US election was 17 million votes.

The face of total corruption.
It's impossible to dislike the people in charge enough. We have a family in our neighborhood from Mexico City who earned citizenship about 8 years ago. They might be more disgusted than we are.
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That was the plan all along! Shit policies, basically shit everything! Bring in illegal aliens and let them vote! They’ve lost the black vote and only hold on to the “unhinged” leftist, who try to assassinate presidents.

Drinking is going to ruin you.
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You’re a damned fool if you don’t believe that. An absolute, blind fool.
You've lost what was left of your conspiracy riddled mind. LOL. Good luck.
you sound like Trump with his brain dead, old mind trying to explain something in an interview

INGRAHAM: They’re also attacking you for other ridiculous reasons. They’re saying that you said to a crowd of Christians that they won’t have to vote in the future.

TRUMP: Yes, let me say what did I mean by that.

So, with respect to like a statement like I made, that statement is very simple. I said, vote for me. You’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true, because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote.

And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I will straighten out the country. You won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote. You can go back to not voting.

INGRAHAM: Well, you meant you don’t have to vote for you because you will have four years in office.

TRUMP: Look, look…

INGRAHAM: Is that — is that what…

TRUMP: … Christians are known — you know who else doesn’t vote? Gun owners don’t vote. They don’t vote.

INGRAHAM: But what — just to be clear, what you’re saying, though, you’re not saying — it’s being interpreted, as you are not surprised to hear…



INGRAHAM: … by the left as, well, they’re never going to have another election. He says he’s saying there’s not…

TRUMP: Oh, OK. That’s first time I have even heard…

INGRAHAM: So, can you even just respond to that?

TRUMP: I said, Christians — I started off by saying, just so you understand, you never vote. Christians do not vote well. They vote in very small percentages.

Why? I don’t know. Maybe they’re disappointed in things that are happening. But for a long time, I say, you don’t vote. I’m saying, go out. You must vote. November 5 is going to be the most important election in the history of our country. Whether you vote early or not — we should have, by the way, one-day voting. We should have voter I.D. We should have proof of citizenship.

And we should have paper ballots, OK? That’s what we should have.

INGRAHAM: Totally.

TRUMP: But we don’t have that.

But I said to the Christians in the room, thousands of them, I said, typically, Christians do not vote. Why it is, I don’t know. You’re rebellious. Something’s going on.

Don’t worry about the future. Vote on — you have to vote on November 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because we’re going to fix it. The country will be fixed. And we won’t even need your vote anymore because, frankly, we will have such love. If you don’t want to vote anymore, that’s OK.

And I think everybody understood it. I didn’t know there was any…


TRUMP: Horrible.
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You've lost what was left of your conspiracy riddled mind. LOL. Good luck.
you sound like Trump with his brain dead, old mind trying to explain something in an interview

INGRAHAM: They’re also attacking you for other ridiculous reasons. They’re saying that you said to a crowd of Christians that they won’t have to vote in the future.

TRUMP: Yes, let me say what did I mean by that.

So, with respect to like a statement like I made, that statement is very simple. I said, vote for me. You’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true, because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote.

And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I will straighten out the country. You won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote. You can go back to not voting.

INGRAHAM: Well, you meant you don’t have to vote for you because you will have four years in office.

TRUMP: Look, look…

INGRAHAM: Is that — is that what…

TRUMP: … Christians are known — you know who else doesn’t vote? Gun owners don’t vote. They don’t vote.

INGRAHAM: But what — just to be clear, what you’re saying, though, you’re not saying — it’s being interpreted, as you are not surprised to hear…



INGRAHAM: … by the left as, well, they’re never going to have another election. He says he’s saying there’s not…

TRUMP: Oh, OK. That’s first time I have even heard…

INGRAHAM: So, can you even just respond to that?

TRUMP: I said, Christians — I started off by saying, just so you understand, you never vote. Christians do not vote well. They vote in very small percentages.

Why? I don’t know. Maybe they’re disappointed in things that are happening. But for a long time, I say, you don’t vote. I’m saying, go out. You must vote. November 5 is going to be the most important election in the history of our country. Whether you vote early or not — we should have, by the way, one-day voting. We should have voter I.D. We should have proof of citizenship.

And we should have paper ballots, OK? That’s what we should have.

INGRAHAM: Totally.

TRUMP: But we don’t have that.

But I said to the Christians in the room, thousands of them, I said, typically, Christians do not vote. Why it is, I don’t know. You’re rebellious. Something’s going on.

Don’t worry about the future. Vote on — you have to vote on November 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because we’re going to fix it. The country will be fixed. And we won’t even need your vote anymore because, frankly, we will have such love. If you don’t want to vote anymore, that’s OK.

And I think everybody understood it. I didn’t know there was any…


TRUMP: Horrible.
Are you for Voter ID? How is trying to get citizenship to illegals a conspiracy theory when they are opening stating that they want to do this now? Do you believe this is a good thing for the country and "Democracy?"
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Are you for Voter ID? How is trying to get citizenship to illegals a conspiracy theory when they are opening stating that they want to do this now? Do you believe this is a good thing for the country and "Democracy?"

Yes, I support voter ID as close to 40 states have but only at state level. I don't want the federal government involved. At the state level, I'd expand the approved photo ids to include college IDs (Some states already do) as long as they are properly registered with proof of residency. Some states, especially in the South, have historically made college IDs not an acceptable form of ID in order to try to cut down on young people voting since they tend to be more liberal.

A pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who have been here for a long time isn't new. It's been discussed for years. I liked the 2007 immigration bill in the George W Bush administration that didn't go far. I also supported the Gang of Eight proposal that passed the Senate to create a 13 year path to citizenship for those people who met certain requirements.

I would gladly compromise and support not extending that path to anyone that has crossed the border since 2016.

Yes, I believe it's an excellent thing for the country if people who have been here for a long time, have jobs, pay taxes, have children here for years- sometimes decades- are able to vote.
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Yes, I support voter ID as close to 40 states have but only at state level. I don't want the federal government involved. At the state level, I'd expand the approved photo ids to include college IDs (Some states already do) as long as they are properly registered with proof of residency. Some states, especially in the South, have historically made college IDs not an acceptable form of ID in order to try to cut down on young people voting since they tend to be more liberal.

A pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who have been here for a long time isn't new. It's been discussed for years. I liked the 2007 immigration bill in the George W Bush administration that didn't go far. I also supported the Gang of Eight proposal that passed the Senate to create a 13 year path to citizenship for those people who met certain requirements.

I would gladly compromise and support not extending that path to anyone that has crossed the border since 2016.

Yes, I believe it's an excellent thing for the country if people who have been here for a long time, have jobs, pay taxes, have children here for years- sometimes decades- are able to vote.
We're on the same page if those pre-2016 illegals have been paying taxes and aren't costing Americans.

Why wouldn't you want to get the Federal Government involved and force states to do this instead of incentivizing fraudulent behavior?

I'm sure you're aware that this administration has been flying illegals into swing states. Why wouldn't you want to put an end to this and help curb a big part of the controversy?
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We're on the same page if those pre-2016 illegals have been paying taxes and aren't costing Americans.

Why wouldn't you want to get the Federal Government involved and force states to do this instead of incentivizing fraudulent behavior?

I'm sure you're aware that this administration has been flying illegals into swing states. Why wouldn't you want to put an end to this and help curb a big part of the controversy?

The only logical answer is because he wants the fraud to continue. His answer was classic double-talk.

Look how many swing states have now confirmed voter fraud in 2020. All the them. Wisconsin was the most recent.

You've lost what was left of your conspiracy riddled mind. LOL. Good luck.
you sound like Trump with his brain dead, old mind trying to explain something in an interview

INGRAHAM: They’re also attacking you for other ridiculous reasons. They’re saying that you said to a crowd of Christians that they won’t have to vote in the future.

TRUMP: Yes, let me say what did I mean by that.

So, with respect to like a statement like I made, that statement is very simple. I said, vote for me. You’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true, because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote.

And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I will straighten out the country. You won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote. You can go back to not voting.

INGRAHAM: Well, you meant you don’t have to vote for you because you will have four years in office.

TRUMP: Look, look…

INGRAHAM: Is that — is that what…

TRUMP: … Christians are known — you know who else doesn’t vote? Gun owners don’t vote. They don’t vote.

INGRAHAM: But what — just to be clear, what you’re saying, though, you’re not saying — it’s being interpreted, as you are not surprised to hear…



INGRAHAM: … by the left as, well, they’re never going to have another election. He says he’s saying there’s not…

TRUMP: Oh, OK. That’s first time I have even heard…

INGRAHAM: So, can you even just respond to that?

TRUMP: I said, Christians — I started off by saying, just so you understand, you never vote. Christians do not vote well. They vote in very small percentages.

Why? I don’t know. Maybe they’re disappointed in things that are happening. But for a long time, I say, you don’t vote. I’m saying, go out. You must vote. November 5 is going to be the most important election in the history of our country. Whether you vote early or not — we should have, by the way, one-day voting. We should have voter I.D. We should have proof of citizenship.

And we should have paper ballots, OK? That’s what we should have.

INGRAHAM: Totally.

TRUMP: But we don’t have that.

But I said to the Christians in the room, thousands of them, I said, typically, Christians do not vote. Why it is, I don’t know. You’re rebellious. Something’s going on.

Don’t worry about the future. Vote on — you have to vote on November 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because we’re going to fix it. The country will be fixed. And we won’t even need your vote anymore because, frankly, we will have such love. If you don’t want to vote anymore, that’s OK.

And I think everybody understood it. I didn’t know there was any…


TRUMP: Horrible.
You’re such an idiot. Go chew Icecream….
Why wouldn't you want to get the Federal Government involved and force states to do this instead of incentivizing fraudulent behavior?

I'm sure you're aware that this administration has been flying illegals into swing states. Why wouldn't you want to put an end to this and help curb a big part of the controversy?

!) States run elections, not the federal government. They have enough to do without getting more involved in elections.

2) I don't know what this refers to. There is so much crap thrown against the barn door, it's hard to decipher.

Non citizens can't vote. It's against state law and federal law. I am not aware of "swing" states having weak voter ID laws.
!) States run elections, not the federal government. They have enough to do without getting more involved in elections.

2) I don't know what this refers to. There is so much crap thrown against the barn door, it's hard to decipher.

Non citizens can't vote. It's against state law and federal law. I am not aware of "swing" states having weak voter ID laws.
Many state governments have now been shown to be corrupt with regard to elections. Why not have universal insurance against fraud against the most important function via simple Voter ID? If you're actually wanting to preserve Democracy and end the voting madness, this is the way.

Non-citizens can't vote legally but there's a big loophole because of the current no-ID system.

What is happening in swing states that do not require Voter ID is that they are passing out forms to everyone stating that if they need to vote and don't have VoterID, please fill this out the form and mail it in.

Therefore, it's impossible to determine whether the individual filling out the mailing form is an American citizen or not. So this is a big reason why we need universal voter ID laws.

Ergo, this is why they are flying illegals into swing states. That's not protecting Democracy. It's the opposite.
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Many state governments have now been shown to be corrupt with regard to elections. Why not have universal insurance against fraud against the most important function via simple Voter ID? If you're actually wanting to preserve Democracy and end the voting madness, this is the way. That gives their game away.

Non-citizens can't vote legally but there's a big loophole because of the current no-ID system.

What is happening in swing states that do not require Voter ID is that they are passing out forms to everyone stating that if they need to vote and don't have VoterID, please fill this out the form and mail it in.

Therefore, it's impossible to determine whether the individual filling out the mailing form is an American citizen or not. So this is a big reason why we need universal voter ID laws.

Ergo, this is why they are flying illegals into swing states. That's not protecting Democracy. It's the opposite.

I don't know any states that have been shown to be "corrupt" with regard to elections. I know that's a right wing talking point that some (not all) on the right promote and have endlessly promoted- when they lose. When they win, they don't complain.

Even so, no court has found that to be the case, and the folks screaming the loudest about this supposed corruption, once in court, made no such argument or allegation about any given state's process.

There is no perfect system. Identification can be faked. Any person illegally voting, that is determined to register to vote or vote, when it's a felony is likely able to fake an ID given some 19 year old college students can fake them quite well.

So I don't know what this "universal insurance" would be or look like.

Passing out forms is legal. Nothing wrong with it. Anyone can go online and get a form. States use a variety of methods to link up voter registrations to see if someone is legally able to vote.

I disagree with you. As I said, I have no issue with voter ID. It can be faked but I have no issue with it.

The problem in the United States, and states like South Carolina are the lack of folks voting.

73.6% of registered voters in South Carolina did not participate in the 2024 presidential primaries. In the Presidential election in 2020, 27.9% of eligible voters in South Carolina did not participate. That's 980,000 registered voters.
I don't know any states that have been shown to be "corrupt" with regard to elections. I know that's a right wing talking point that some (not all) on the right promote and have endlessly promoted- when they lose. When they win, they don't complain.

Even so, no court has found that to be the case, and the folks screaming the loudest about this supposed corruption, once in court, made no such argument or allegation about any given state's process.

There is no perfect system. Identification can be faked. Any person illegally voting, that is determined to register to vote or vote, when it's a felony is likely able to fake an ID given some 19 year old college students can fake them quite well.

So I don't know what this "universal insurance" would be or look like.

Passing out forms is legal. Nothing wrong with it. Anyone can go online and get a form. States use a variety of methods to link up voter registrations to see if someone is legally able to vote.

I disagree with you. As I said, I have no issue with voter ID. It can be faked but I have no issue with it.

The problem in the United States, and states like South Carolina are the lack of folks voting.

73.6% of registered voters in South Carolina did not participate in the 2024 presidential primaries. In the Presidential election in 2020, 27.9% of eligible voters in South Carolina did not participate. That's 980,000 registered voters.
It's 2024. If the Democrats wanted a fair and transparent voting system for America to end this conflict it would easily be accomplished. Even if someone was to Fake ID, it could be cross-checked with a transparent ledger to determine citizenship for everyone to see.

Now they are flying in illegals to swing states and you don't see an issue with that either? Comeon. It doesn't matter how many participate in voting. What matters is ensuring the results are accurate and the Democrats are blocking that from happening.
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It's 2024. If the Democrats wanted a fair and transparent voting system for America to end this conflict it would easily be accomplished. Even if someone was to Fake ID, it could be cross-checked with a transparent ledger to determine citizenship for everyone to see.

Now they are flying in illegals to swing states and you don't see an issue with that either? Comeon. It doesn't matter how many participate in voting. What matters is ensuring the results are accurate and the Democrats are blocking that from happening.

100%. Dave makes it sound like we're in the stone ages and that's the way the Democrats pitch it too.

Quant computers and AI could do this in seconds.

Blockchain could do the same and has presented a perfect system which they also shot down.

Obama performed gymnastics to block North Carolina from going to Voter ID when he was in office.

All it is with these people is disingenuous virtue signaling to enable corruption.

The majority of America is now very hip to their game but it might not matter if they use illegal tactics with illegals this cycle.
It's 2024. If the Democrats wanted a fair and transparent voting system for America to end this conflict it would easily be accomplished. Even if someone was to Fake ID, it could be cross-checked with a transparent ledger to determine citizenship for everyone to see.

Now they are flying in illegals to swing states and you don't see an issue with that either? Comeon. It doesn't matter how many participate in voting. What matters is ensuring the results are accurate and the Democrats are blocking that from happening.

1) It wouldn't "end this conflict." People that lose complain. No one that has ever won has said their election was fake or corrupt or questionable. Losers whine. Thankfully, some Trump advisors that were close to him have said he did lose and there was no question about it and that Trump was never going to admit he lost. Mark Meadows reportedly told a Republican Senator that Trump said he wouldn't admit it because he didn't want to be seen as a loser. So he was going to complain and whine no matter what. Just like Trump didn't whine and complain about the election process in 2016- because he won.

1a) - If there was evidence of all this corruption, it should be easy for Republican officials in these states to prove it in court and show their evidence. Of course, that hasn't happened. There is one reason: the talk doesn't match the evidence.

2) Trump whined and complained and cried endlessly after he lost and suddenly his supporters started parroting his complaints about elections. Not one Republican (Republicans did quite well on the same ballot with Trump) said their election was questionable or corrupt, even in states like Georgia where Trump fans were whining and complaining about the election.

3) I know Ron DeSantis and the Texas governor were flying and sending lots of illegal immigrants to other states. I know of no effort to fly in illegals to swing states. Sorry. The vast majority of them were sent to big cities. Doesn't matter anyway. They can't vote. The swing states have some of the most robust ID requirements in the country.

As I have said, I disagree with your views, your conclusions, and your comments. That isn't really anything else to say. I don't see it the way you see it. I don't think the facts match up with your posts at all.

That said, I am glad to see the number of illegal border crossings finally plummeting though.
1) It wouldn't "end this conflict." People that lose complain. No one that has ever won has said their election was fake or corrupt or questionable. Losers whine. Thankfully, some Trump advisors that were close to him have said he did lose and there was no question about it and that Trump was never going to admit he lost. Mark Meadows reportedly told a Republican Senator that Trump said he wouldn't admit it because he didn't want to be seen as a loser. So he was going to complain and whine no matter what. Just like Trump didn't whine and complain about the election process in 2016- because he won.

1a) - If there was evidence of all this corruption, it should be easy for Republican officials in these states to prove it in court and show their evidence. Of course, that hasn't happened. There is one reason: the talk doesn't match the evidence.

2) Trump whined and complained and cried endlessly after he lost and suddenly his supporters started parroting his complaints about elections. Not one Republican (Republicans did quite well on the same ballot with Trump) said their election was questionable or corrupt, even in states like Georgia where Trump fans were whining and complaining about the election.

3) I know Ron DeSantis and the Texas governor were flying and sending lots of illegal immigrants to other states. I know of no effort to fly in illegals to swing states. Sorry. The vast majority of them were sent to big cities. Doesn't matter anyway. They can't vote. The swing states have some of the most robust ID requirements in the country.

As I have said, I disagree with your views, your conclusions, and your comments. That isn't really anything else to say. I don't see it the way you see it. I don't think the facts match up with your posts at all.

That said, I am glad to see the number of illegal border crossings finally plummeting though.
Sorry. You're not making any sense at all.

If you can prove that every vote was counted correctly on a transparent ledger, it would end the conflict.

There are plenty that have been presented and one side of the aisle shoots it down every time.

As Ward mentioned above, Obama even blocked North Carolina from going to Voter ID.
Sorry. You're not making any sense at all.

If you can prove that every vote was counted correctly on a transparent ledger, it would end the conflict.

There are plenty that have been presented and one side of the aisle shoots it down every time.

As Ward mentioned above, Obama even blocked North Carolina from going to Voter ID.
You're absolutely correct. I've had this discussion with him before and he stonewalled the same way. New Age Democrats don't want to talk about policy or ways to improve things. They need the system to stay mucked up for a reason.
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They probably have 90 million ballots already for Harris. Watch the woman who never ever won a primary set the record for most votes in the history of presidential elections. Thus begins the next civil war.
Sorry. You're not making any sense at all.

If you can prove that every vote was counted correctly on a transparent ledger, it would end the conflict.

There are plenty that have been presented and one side of the aisle shoots it down every time.

As Ward mentioned above, Obama even blocked North Carolina from going to Voter ID.

I am making perfect sense.

It wouldn't. Sore losers are sore losers. They whine and complain no matter what. If "every vote was counted" and put on a transparent ledger," a sore loser would complain that the vote count was rigged, or they cheated before the votes were counted, or they perpetuated some other fraud in the system. That's because sore losers are sore losers. They always have an excuse or reason that things weren't fair.

Sore loser whiners presenting their version of evidence on social media, talk radio, cable shows, podcasts don't equal evidence. Evidence is presented in courts of law where it counts, where rules of evidence are taken seriously, and where cross examination can occur with input by experts. Not Crazy Charlie on social media.

When those cases have been brought, they haven't went well for the people whining. There is a reason for that. As has been stated many times, even Republican judges have shot a lot of it down.

More importantly are the long list of people that were claiming fraud on tv and online but when in court- didn't claim fraud or election rigging. That was what Rudy Giuliani did- claimed it everywhere but in court where it mattered.

North Carolina has voter ID now. People that lose will still whine about it. if someone is going to cheat, they will find a way to cheat.

Georgia has had their current voter ID law since 2008. Losers still whined about the election not being fair.

Not one Republican who won in 2016 questioned their own election or called it fraudulent or corrupt. Sore losers whine.

Thankfully, we usually catch the few actual cheaters.

You're absolutely correct. I've had this discussion with him before and he stonewalled the same way. New Age Democrats don't want to talk about policy or ways to improve things. They need the system to stay mucked up for a reason.
Your nonsense is only exceeded by your nonsense.

I've stated I support voter ID. I support post election audits which most all states have that match up the voting machine results with hand count results.

I do believe registering to vote should be easy, simply, and quick.

I don't believe in removing polling locations in predominately minority areas (like near HBCUs) as some have done to make it tougher on them but installing new locations in majority areas to make it easier for them.

cheaters don't let rules get in their way.

Even so, sore losers that whine will still whine about the process if they lose. They'll whine about the counting. They'll whine about the machines. They'll whine about the officials overseeing the counting. All things the biggest sore loser in history, Donald Trump, whined about constantly.

and at the very same time, Republicans who won on the same ballot had no issues with their election wins (if they won)
They probably have 90 million ballots already for Harris. Watch the woman who never ever won a primary set the record for most votes in the history of presidential elections. Thus begins the next civil war.
My pre-printed ballot arrived last week.

So it's at least that many if not more. LOL
Have no idea what that has to do with anything being discussed but what other peopel choose to do shouldn't bother a "don't tread on me" personality.
Oh, I guess you haven't heard all the Republicans are weird montages on msm the last few days. And they are treading on me.
Have no idea what that has to do with anything being discussed but what other peopel choose to do shouldn't bother a "don't tread on me" personality.
Oh, I guess you haven't heard all the Republicans are weird montages on msm the last few days. And they are treading on me. I don't want them to.
Oh, I guess you haven't heard all the Republicans are weird montages on msm the last few days. And they are treading on me.

I don't watch cable news, don't listen to talk radio.

I recall the VP mentioning Donald Trump being weird in the stuff he talks about, and he is, which seems to be under some folks skin but that's about it.
I don't know any states that have been shown to be "corrupt" with regard to elections. I know that's a right wing talking point that some (not all) on the right promote and have endlessly promoted- when they lose. When they win, they don't complain.

Even so, no court has found that to be the case, and the folks screaming the loudest about this supposed corruption, once in court, made no such argument or allegation about any given state's process.

There is no perfect system. Identification can be faked. Any person illegally voting, that is determined to register to vote or vote, when it's a felony is likely able to fake an ID given some 19 year old college students can fake them quite well.

So I don't know what this "universal insurance" would be or look like.

Passing out forms is legal. Nothing wrong with it. Anyone can go online and get a form. States use a variety of methods to link up voter registrations to see if someone is legally able to vote.

I disagree with you. As I said, I have no issue with voter ID. It can be faked but I have no issue with it.

The problem in the United States, and states like South Carolina are the lack of folks voting.

73.6% of registered voters in South Carolina did not participate in the 2024 presidential primaries. In the Presidential election in 2020, 27.9% of eligible voters in South Carolina did not participate. That's 980,000 registered voters.
Kind of like Stacy Abraham’s and Hillary Clinton?

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