OT: GOT (Spoilers)

Jul 24, 2018
Before Small Talk was shut down, there were usually some very good discussions about the show on Monday's after a new episode. Not sure if many of those posters are still around, but I thought I start a thread and see how it goes.

I am all in on this season. I've read some reviews complaining about the lack of action in the first two episodes, but I have enjoyed them and thought they were necessary. The first episode was setting the pieces in the right places and giving the characters information about other characters they hadn't seen in some time (or ever) that they need to know in order move forward. Episode two was allowing Jaime and Euron to redeem themselves and gave us a chance to say goodbye to, what I think will be a significant number of main characters next week.

I'm still no closer to determining who will end up on the Iron Throne. I think a wedge will grow between Danny and Jon(Aegon), assuming they both survive. I think we have seen the end of Jaime and Euron. Feels like Brianne too. Jorah most likely. Many people in the crypts of Winterfell are done for, possibly including Tyrion. They referenced how safe the crypts were way too much in E2 for that not to be a red herring. After all the Night King raises the dead to fight for him and the crypts are full of dead Starks. I could see Arya having to kill the zombie version of her father. There is also the theory that the NK is a Stark and knows secret ways into the crypts of WF.

Anyway, just a few of my random thoughts on the final season so far. Can't believe there are only 4 episodes left.
Before Small Talk was shut down, there were usually some very good discussions about the show on Monday's after a new episode. Not sure if many of those posters are still around, but I thought I start a thread and see how it goes.

I am all in on this season. I've read some reviews complaining about the lack of action in the first two episodes, but I have enjoyed them and thought they were necessary. The first episode was setting the pieces in the right places and giving the characters information about other characters they hadn't seen in some time (or ever) that they need to know in order move forward. Episode two was allowing Jaime and Euron to redeem themselves and gave us a chance to say goodbye to, what I think will be a significant number of main characters next week.

I'm still no closer to determining who will end up on the Iron Throne. I think a wedge will grow between Danny and Jon(Aegon), assuming they both survive. I think we have seen the end of Jaime and Euron. Feels like Brianne too. Jorah most likely. Many people in the crypts of Winterfell are done for, possibly including Tyrion. They referenced how safe the crypts were way too much in E2 for that not to be a red herring. After all the Night King raises the dead to fight for him and the crypts are full of dead Starks. I could see Arya having to kill the zombie version of her father. There is also the theory that the NK is a Stark and knows secret ways into the crypts of WF.

Anyway, just a few of my random thoughts on the final season so far. Can't believe there are only 4 episodes left.

Theon, not Euron. (Euron is still a POS and shacking up with Cersei in King's Landing. If Euron ends up dead before the end, I would have not problem with it.) I did get the feels when Sansa embraced Theon when he came back.

The wedge is already there between Dany and Jon after his revelation last night. She's more concerned about losing her crown than the fact she's shagging her nephew.

If we are to believe the trailers, Arya is shown running through the crypts as they turn all icy. Still a bit shocked over Arya going all seductive with Gendry. Was not expecting that.

Did you notice how the intro was changed this week to show Last Hearth being taken over by the NK and the tiles turning (to depict marching), showing the march toward Winterfell?

Anyway, lots of folks are going to die this Sunday. Isn't the episode supposed to be longer than normal?
Before Small Talk was shut down, there were usually some very good discussions about the show on Monday's after a new episode. Not sure if many of those posters are still around, but I thought I start a thread and see how it goes.

I am all in on this season. I've read some reviews complaining about the lack of action in the first two episodes, but I have enjoyed them and thought they were necessary. The first episode was setting the pieces in the right places and giving the characters information about other characters they hadn't seen in some time (or ever) that they need to know in order move forward. Episode two was allowing Jaime and Euron to redeem themselves and gave us a chance to say goodbye to, what I think will be a significant number of main characters next week.

I'm still no closer to determining who will end up on the Iron Throne. I think a wedge will grow between Danny and Jon(Aegon), assuming they both survive. I think we have seen the end of Jaime and Euron. Feels like Brianne too. Jorah most likely. Many people in the crypts of Winterfell are done for, possibly including Tyrion. They referenced how safe the crypts were way too much in E2 for that not to be a red herring. After all the Night King raises the dead to fight for him and the crypts are full of dead Starks. I could see Arya having to kill the zombie version of her father. There is also the theory that the NK is a Stark and knows secret ways into the crypts of WF.

Anyway, just a few of my random thoughts on the final season so far. Can't believe there are only 4 episodes left.

I assume you meant Theon. But yeah, I'm with you on the necessity of certain elements of the first two episodes. There are lots of elements included for the fans, and the calm before the storm is about to end. Considering there are 4 more episodes, I assume that means the humans will not win this battle with the White Walkers. Like you, last night certainly makes me expect Brienne to die, along with Jaime, Theon, and Jorah. I think Varys dies, as well...and I can't see Dany surviving.

I hadn't considered the dead in the crypts, but that's an interesting theory. From the books, I think the only thing in the crypts, though, are bones. I can't imagine how a treated and cleaned pile of bones will be risen to fight, but who knows.
Theon, not Euron. (Euron is still a POS and shacking up with Cersei in King's Landing. If Euron ends up dead before the end, I would have not problem with it.) I did get the feels when Sansa embraced Theon when he came back.

The wedge is already there between Dany and Jon after his revelation last night. She's more concerned about losing her crown than the fact she's shagging her nephew.

If we are to believe the trailers, Arya is shown running through the crypts as they turn all icy. Still a bit shocked over Arya going all seductive with Gendry. Was not expecting that.

Did you notice how the intro was changed this week to show Last Hearth being taken over by the NK and the tiles turning (to depict marching), showing the march toward Winterfell?

Anyway, lots of folks are going to die this Sunday. Isn't the episode supposed to be longer than normal?

Yeah, that was...strange. I know there is a segment of the book and show fan base who shipped Arya and Gendry. And I can imagine that in a castle full of people who expect to die the next day that there would be a lot of this going on. Still, it felt rushed and somewhat out of character.
I totally meant Theon in the OP. Euron will get his in the end. It would be poetic if Theon survives and kills Euron, but Yara will probably get that chance.
Anyone think that Arya might not make it past E3? Falls victim to the horror movie cliche that once you lose your virginity you get killed?
I totally meant Theon in the OP. Euron will get his in the end. It would be poetic if Theon survives and kills Euron, but Yara will probably get that chance.
Anyone think that Arya might not make it past E3? Falls victim to the horror movie cliche that once you lose your virginity you get killed?
I actually (finally) liked Euron in the first episode. But yeah, he will need to die. I'm leaning towards Yara getting him.
As for Arya dying: I could certainly see this, especially with her role as a warrior. I'll go with her dying to protect Sansa, fulling Sansa's quote from either Season 6 or 7: "No one (Arya as a Faceless Man?) can protect me. No one can protect anyone."
As for Arya dying: I could certainly see this, especially with her role as a warrior. I'll go with her dying to protect Sansa, fulling Sansa's quote from either Season 6 or 7: "No one (Arya as a Faceless Man?) can protect me. No one can protect anyone."

Good pull. Makes sense given Arya's new found respect for Sansa.
Considering there are 4 more episodes, I assume that means the humans will not win this battle with the White Walkers. Like you, last night certainly makes me expect Brienne to die, along with Jaime, Theon, and Jorah. I think Varys dies, as well...and I can't see Dany surviving.

See there being 4 episodes left, I would think that implies the humans WILL win the battle and the aftermath will be the fight in the South for the throne. You think the opposite?
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See there being 4 episodes left, I would think that implies the humans WILL win the battle and the aftermath will be the fight in the South for the throne. You think the opposite?
Yeah, I think there has been an 8-season build up to a fight with the White Walkers and it has to have more of a pay-off than a 1 episode victory. I think the living lose (I'm actually thinking tactical retreat) and have a 2nd show down with the White Walkers. Seriously, I can't imagine them spending the last 4 episodes, after the War of all determine who wins between Cersei/Euron/The Golden Company and the Armies of Targaryen/Stark/The Vale. It would be too much of a let-down.
Yeah, I think there has been an 8-season build up to a fight with the White Walkers and it has to have more of a pay-off than a 1 episode victory. I think the living lose (I'm actually thinking tactical retreat) and have a 2nd show down with the White Walkers. Seriously, I can't imagine them spending the last 4 episodes, after the War of all determine who wins between Cersei/Euron/The Golden Company and the Armies of Targaryen/Stark/The Vale. It would be too much of a let-down.

I agree. That was the whole point of Yara going back to the Iron Islands. To give the people at Winterfell some place "safe" to fall back to. If they don't need that, then her story is pointless. Plus, I can't believe the plan to use Bran as bait to lure the Night King they casually put together the night before the battle is going to work. NK is an OG that isn't going to fall for that.
I am enjoying the dynamic between Sansa and Dany. I'm not sure Dany knows quite how to deal with a woman who's equally as strong as she, and a ruler in her own right. Until now the people she's defeated have been men. While Sansa did say "Winterfell is yours", we all know, even Dany, that she didn't mean it. Sansa is still the Lady of Winterfell, and is the one people look to for guidance. She will do what is best for Winterfell, even it it means backing out of the allegiance. Dany knows this. And Dany knows there is nothing she can do about, because of Jon. Although Jon is a Targaryan by blood, he's also a Stark. His allegiance will ultimately rest with House Stark, the house that raised him. IMO.
I am enjoying the dynamic between Sansa and Dany. I'm not sure Dany knows quite how to deal with a woman who's equally as strong as she, and a ruler in her own right. Until now the people she's defeated have been men. While Sansa did say "Winterfell is yours", we all know, even Dany, that she didn't mean it. Sansa is still the Lady of Winterfell, and is the one people look to for guidance. She will do what is best for Winterfell, even it it means backing out of the allegiance. Dany knows this. And Dany knows there is nothing she can do about, because of Jon. Although Jon is a Targaryan by blood, he's also a Stark. His allegiance will ultimately rest with House Stark, the house that raised him. IMO.
I've thought, for a while now, that this is going to be the end result. Not necessarily The North, or anyone else, backing out of their allegiance with Dany as much as everyone being released from any allegiance to the Iron Throne.
We've already seen one such instance agreed upon: The Iron Islands. Dany agreed to support Yara in her effort to rule the Ironborn as their queen, and in return Yara agreed to rule the Ironborn by laws that do not conflict with Dany's plans for the Seven Kingdoms. (No raiding, reaving, or raping) If Dany was willing to allow the Greyjoys this independence, I think the other Kingdoms will be allowed, as well. Although, I'm thinking Dany will die before it comes to this. Jon will have each Kingdom govern itself independently.
A thought I had is everyone thinking they would be safe in the Iron Islands. The NK has Dany’s Dragon. Also, before Jon knew who he really was, he gave up his “kingship” to protect the North. I’m thinking if he and Dany survive, he may abdicate and let her rule seeing how he was telling Sansa what a good queen she would make. Just a thought.
This coming weeks episode is supposedly the longest battle scene ever filmed for TV. I’m excited. Like most, a lot of main characters are not going to survive.
I agree. That was the whole point of Yara going back to the Iron Islands. To give the people at Winterfell some place "safe" to fall back to. If they don't need that, then her story is pointless. Plus, I can't believe the plan to use Bran as bait to lure the Night King they casually put together the night before the battle is going to work. NK is an OG that isn't going to fall for that.
After the last episode... this is what I think.
They will win the war with the Night King but will take massive, massive losses. Cersei will come for them and they will have to flee to the Iron Islands.

You're going to see one of these last plot points happen that will turn the tide for the rest of them.
  • Another dragon dies/converts but you discover that they breeded before that and now have 8+ more of them
  • Bran has manipulated a few things in the past to allow a Stark victory
  • Arya/Man that has no name actually kills Cersei secretly but assumes her identity to lead a peaceful transition
  • Jaime kills Cersei
Theon, not Euron. (Euron is still a POS and shacking up with Cersei in King's Landing. If Euron ends up dead before the end, I would have not problem with it.) I did get the feels when Sansa embraced Theon when he came back.

The wedge is already there between Dany and Jon after his revelation last night. She's more concerned about losing her crown than the fact she's shagging her nephew.

If we are to believe the trailers, Arya is shown running through the crypts as they turn all icy. Still a bit shocked over Arya going all seductive with Gendry. Was not expecting that.

Did you notice how the intro was changed this week to show Last Hearth being taken over by the NK and the tiles turning (to depict marching), showing the march toward Winterfell?

Anyway, lots of folks are going to die this Sunday. Isn't the episode supposed to be longer than normal?
82 min long. Most expensive battle scene ever created, and yes I am a dork for knowing this info.
Yeah, I think there has been an 8-season build up to a fight with the White Walkers and it has to have more of a pay-off than a 1 episode victory. I think the living lose (I'm actually thinking tactical retreat) and have a 2nd show down with the White Walkers. Seriously, I can't imagine them spending the last 4 episodes, after the War of all determine who wins between Cersei/Euron/The Golden Company and the Armies of Targaryen/Stark/The Vale. It would be too much of a let-down.
If it would have been possible to move so many people, given the way Cersi lied, it would have been nice to move everyone to Dorne and let the dead fight with King's Landing first. Someone will have to deal with Cersi and maybe it will be Jamie instead who kills her.
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I was expecting the sh** to hit the fan in episode #2, but clearly it will hit in episode #3. The gathering of warriors at the fireside was phenomenal. The gallows humor was exquisite. I think half a dozen or more major characters will die in the next episode. I can see validity in all of the theories posted here, and am enjoying the discussion.
I was expecting the sh** to hit the fan in episode #2, but clearly it will hit in episode #3. The gathering of warriors at the fireside was phenomenal. The gallows humor was exquisite. I think half a dozen or more major characters will die in the next episode. I can see validity in all of the theories posted here, and am enjoying the discussion.
I don't think half will die, they still need to have faces with the final showdown with Cersei.

I think the following people are safe after the battle.
Bran(Unless he passes the three-eyed raven to Tyrion), Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, John Snow, Master of Names, Jaime, Brienne , Davos, Hound, Samwell, Varys, Gendry, Grey Worm, Jorah, and the funny Giant tit suckling Wildling.
If it would have been possible to move so many people, given the way Cersi lied, it would have been nice to move everyone to Dorne and let the dead fight with King's Landing first. Someone will have to deal with Cersi and maybe it will be Jamie instead who kills her.
Speaking of moving everyone to Dorne:

Lots of fans speculate that perhaps Bran reached back into the past, all the way to the Mad King Aerys II, and that is why Aerys kept repeating "Burn them. Burn them all."
I've already mentioned that I don't think there will be an Iron Throne after all is said and done. If no Iron Throne, perhaps that could mean no King's Landing. Maybe Brans plot to burn the White Walkers and the dead will take place in an empty King's Landing...well, empty except for Bran "The Night King always knows where I am" and 35 metric tons of Wildfire.
The negative to this plan: it means ceding all of Westeros, from Winterfell to Kings Landing, to the dead. If the dead were to stick to the Kings Road, however, it would only mean sacrificing a few towns and small castles.

Addition: We've already seen a version of this plan in action: The Battle of The Blackwater. Tyrion trapped Stannis' fleet i the Blackwater Bay and destroyed them with Wildfire.
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I don't think half will die, they still need to have faces with the final showdown with Cersei.

I think the following people are safe after the battle.
Bran(Unless he passes the three-eyed raven to Tyrion), Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, John Snow, Master of Names, Jaime, Brienne , Davos, Hound, Samwell, Varys, Gendry, Grey Worm, Jorah, and the funny Giant tit suckling Wildling.

I think Brienne, Davos, Varys, Gendry, Grey Worm, Tormund, and Jorah are all fair game in this episode.

I think Tyrion/Jaime have to be kept around for a showdown with Cersei. I think Hound will have a showdown with his brother. Arya/Sansa are a bit of a mystery. Think she still wants to get Cersei (on her list). Sansa is a wildcard.
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I was expecting the sh** to hit the fan in episode #2, but clearly it will hit in episode #3. The gathering of warriors at the fireside was phenomenal. The gallows humor was exquisite. I think half a dozen or more major characters will die in the next episode. I can see validity in all of the theories posted here, and am enjoying the discussion.

That has to be one of my favorite scenes of the entire series.
Speaking of moving everyone to Dorne:

Lots of fans speculate that perhaps Bran reached back into the past, all the way to the Mad King Aerys II, and that is why Aerys kept repeating "Burn them. Burn them all."
I've already mentioned that I don't think there will be an Iron Throne after all is said and done. If no Iron Throne, perhaps that could mean no King's Landing. Maybe Brans plot to burn the White Walkers and the dead will take place in an empty King's Landing...well, empty except for Bran "The Night King always knows where I am" and 35 metric tons of Wildfire.
The negative to this plan: it means ceding all of Westeros, from Winterfell to Kings Landing, to the dead. If the dead were to stick to the Kings Road, however, it would only mean sacrificing a few towns and small castles.

Have heard this too and it makes some sense. Would be a wild ending.
Have heard this too and it makes some sense. Would be a wild ending.
I guess it would mean 1. The living lose Winterfell. 2. The living realize they have to go deal with Cersei. 3. The living defeat Cersei and the Golden Company and take Kings Landing.
Maybe that's the point of this silly "Bran sitting in the Gods Wood to lure the NK into Winterfell." Maybe its just a preview of Bran sitting as bait when he actually NEEDS to sit as an otherwise empty Kings Landing.
I guess it would mean 1. The living lose Winterfell. 2. The living realize they have to go deal with Cersei. 3. The living defeat Cersei and the Golden Company and take Kings Landing.
Maybe that's the point of this silly "Bran sitting in the Gods Wood to lure the NK into Winterfell." Maybe its just a preview of Bran sitting as bait when he actually NEEDS to sit as an otherwise empty Kings Landing.

So you’re saying they lose Winterfell and realize they have to retreat to King’s Landing for a final stand? Call on the Wildfire?

I could see that. Tying back to “burn them all” would be unreal.
I'm very curious about what Tyrian said to Bran. He definitely was a lot more optimistic after talking to Bran.

They've been emphasizing Tyrion's mistakes here recently too. I think he ends up being the key. He knows something that's vital to their survival.

Man I can't wait! May rewatch S8E2 tonight..
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They've been emphasizing Tyrion's mistakes here recently too. I think he ends up being the key. He knows something that's vital to their survival.

Man I can't wait! May rewatch S8E2 tonight..
Maybe since Tyrion concocted the wildfire plan on the Blackwater Bay he will be the one to make the connection to this situation and save them.
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Speaking of moving everyone to Dorne:

Lots of fans speculate that perhaps Bran reached back into the past, all the way to the Mad King Aerys II, and that is why Aerys kept repeating "Burn them. Burn them all."
I've already mentioned that I don't think there will be an Iron Throne after all is said and done. If no Iron Throne, perhaps that could mean no King's Landing. Maybe Brans plot to burn the White Walkers and the dead will take place in an empty King's Landing...well, empty except for Bran "The Night King always knows where I am" and 35 metric tons of Wildfire.
The negative to this plan: it means ceding all of Westeros, from Winterfell to Kings Landing, to the dead. If the dead were to stick to the Kings Road, however, it would only mean sacrificing a few towns and small castles.

Addition: We've already seen a version of this plan in action: The Battle of The Blackwater. Tyrion trapped Stannis' fleet i the Blackwater Bay and destroyed them with Wildfire.
Speaking of there any left after Cersei blew up the Sept?
I think we say goodbye to Theon , Brienne , Greyworm , Beric , Jorah , Gendry , GiantsBane , Podrick and sadly Ghost ( to symbolize Jon realizing he’s not a Stark). I think Bran dies too but there’s a twist . I don’t see them ending the Night King in Episode 3 . I think in the Aftermath there’s a rift between Dany and Jon and Dany flees to Dragonstone and Jon flees to the Iron islands . Dany gets to dragonstone and is Ambushed by the Golden Company and taken back to Cersi and is executed . Euron goes to the Iron Islands but is defeated by Jon and Yara . When Jon finds out Dany has been taken he marches on Kings landing . During the battle Ayra and the hound sneak into kings landing and we get to see Clegane Bowl and Arya finally offs Cersi ( wearing Jaime’s face) . The Night Kings Army shows up and just when the battle appears lost Aragorn , Gimli and Legolas show up with a scarier ghost army with better CGI and win . Tyrion then throws the Night King into a volcano and evil dies forever .
They've been emphasizing Tyrion's mistakes here recently too. I think he ends up being the key. He knows something that's vital to their survival.

Man I can't wait! May rewatch S8E2 tonight..
I've been trying to focus on this instead of accidently seeing an Endgame spoiler. Great weekend for movie/tv entertainment.
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Speaking of there any left after Cersei blew up the Sept?
Good question. I started wondering that myself during the course of this thread. I think both Tyrion and Cersei had the Guild working round the clock to build up their stores. Maybe those same guildsmen are still in Kings Landing?
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Spoiler ... Robyn Arryn is Azor Ahai . Bank on it . The fate of the world is in Sweet Robyn’s hands
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Just had another thought sort of in line with the above wildfire speculation-

“Fire cannot kill a dragon.”

Jon Snow and Bran (and maybe others) lure them in. Snow makes it out since he’s a Targeryean?
Just had another thought sort of in line with the above wildfire speculation-

“Fire cannot kill a dragon.”

Jon Snow and Bran (and maybe others) lure them in. Snow makes it out since he’s a Targeryean?
I don't know how well this would apply to him...he burned the heck out of his hand in season one fighting the wights in the ice cells.