OT: GOT (Spoilers)

I could spend posts and posts wondering why D&D rushed the last part of this epic story. I could go on and on about inconsistencies and plot holes and problems between the books and the shows. But one moment from last night's episode sort of caught all the absurdity in one microcosm:

You're telling me that The Hound and Arya depart from Winterfell on horseback. They travel south through a war-torn realm gripped in chaos, untouched. They arrive at King's Landing untouched, and manage to literally just walk inside, untouched. They manage to do this just as the city is closed, even though Dany and company came by boat and beat them by presumably many weeks to begin the siege. Then they walk straight into The Red Keep. Then they walk straight to the map room. Then, AFTER ALL THIS, the Hound tells Arya she probably shouldn't, and she's just like: "Okay I won't." Then, the Hound literally walks straight into Cersei and company. Even though they're clearly RIGHT THERE, Cersei somehow slips out without bumping into Arya on the way down.

I get it.. But I don't think they were anticipating the Red Keep to be in the process of being disintegrated as they walked in.
My biggest question? Is Cersei really dead?
I agree it seemed as if they really could have spent more time "ending" these characters properly and a little less time with the dragon just burning everything.
My biggest question? Is Cersei really dead?
I agree it seemed as if they really could have spent more time "ending" these characters properly and a little less time with the dragon just burning everything.

She is going to rise up in Season 9 as the new Queen of the Night......
The real issue.... if Jon just puts it down on Dany one more time countless lives are spared . I mean yeah it’s a little weird she’s your aunt and all but since the one other dragon you were riding is dead ... why not . Do it for the people Jon . C’mon bro .
This was posted on reddit a week and a half ago for tonight's episode:

"Dany's army will capture Jaime. Tyrion ask her to show mercy, Dany refuses. (likely when Tyrion tries to resign as Hand or this happens after the battle) Tyrion frees Jaime and try to get Cersei out of the city. Dany has Vary's executed (burned alive) and Dany assaults Kings landing in a one sided fight. Cersei makes a meat shield of all the innocent people to stop them from coming in. There should be a scene where a horse is ripped in half by a dragon. As Cersei is watching the dragon come in Qyburn suggests they leave. Cersei flashbacks to where she blew up something in the city (presumably the Sept of Baelor) when the dragon is blowing things up. The ramparts where Cersei and Missandei stood are burned open and green pyrotechnics used so likely Wildfire.

Lannister soldiers begin to surrender but the surrender bells "break" Dany. (bells might just be the climax of a building moment of anger/tension for Dany.) Grey worm lets his anger get the best of him, throws a spear at a surrendered soldier and starts a riot. Jon tries to stop Dany and Grey Worm (staredown with Grey Worm) but Lannisters start attacking again and Jon is forced to resume fighting. Drogon burns Kings landing and Euron's fleet (Cleganebowl, Mountain gets helmet knocked off and Hound tackles him off a ledge. Both land in fire and burn to death.) Jaime fights Euron and kills him but is mortally wounded in exchange. Cersei goes into the chambers where you first see the "catapult things". Jame makes it to Cersei to take her out of the city. Cersei has a speech about wanting the baby to survive, Jaime says the baby doesn't matter, just them.and they die together as the building collapses."

Yeah they nailed that one . I’ve seen some crazy CONFIMED leaks . The first was that the Battle of Winterfell actually took place at the Eyrie (which would actually make more strategic sense) , and Dany being pregnant and captured and hung from the walls of Kings landing , and a big Direwolf Pack in the final battle and blah blah blah . I just quit reading them just in case any of it was true . Yeah somebody definitely has some insider info . I heard they actually shot multiple endings to throw people off . Not sure if that’s true or not .
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