OT: GOT (Spoilers)

I hadn’t forgotten that. Why does that apply to Dany and not him?
Good question. Maybe his Stark blood? She's pretty much pure Valyrian blood (I think her great-great grandmother is her closest relative who wasn't a Targaryen...incest and all that).
Anybody think that Melisandre may be Nissa Nissa . If Azor Ahai can be reborn why can’t she . This would be a crazy twist but what if Melisandre is Nissa Nissa and the Night King is Azor Ahai ?? Sounds weird but if the Night King somehow died or sacrificed himself he would technically be ending the Long Night thus fulfilling the prophecy. Something tells me there’s something to the Night Kings story that hasn’t been revealed yet .
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What’s this Azor / Nissa stuff y’all are discussing?
A repeated prophesy from the book series. Azor Ahai/The Prince That Was Promised/The Last Hero were tales from various cultures about someone who saved the world. Many similarities in the tales.
With Azor Ahai, he was told he needed a special sword to fight the darkness. He forged one, tempered in shattered. He forged another, tempered it in a lion's blood. It shattered. Finally he forged a 3rd, and tempered it through the breast of his love, Nissa Nissa...through this acdtion, Lightbringer, was forged.
Lightbringer was supposedly the sword wielded by Stannis Baratheon when Melisandre thought he was Azor Ahai reborn.
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Anybody think that Melisandre may be Nissa Nissa . If Azor Ahai can be reborn why can’t she . This would be a crazy twist but what if Melisandre is Nissa Nissa and the Night King is Azor Ahai ?? Sounds weird but if the Night King somehow died or sacrificed himself he would technically be ending the Long Night thus fulfilling the prophecy. Something tells me there’s something to the Night Kings story that hasn’t been revealed yet .
I can't see Mel as Nissa Nissa (not that I think the TV show is going in that direction at all.) Nissa Nissa was the great love of Azor Ahai. By that track, NN would be Dany.
I can't see Mel as Nissa Nissa (not that I think the TV show is going in that direction at all.) Nissa Nissa was the great love of Azor Ahai. By that track, NN would be Dany.

I don’t think Jon or Dany is Azor Ahai . It’s just to cut and dry . Any chance Jamie is Azor Ahai and Cersi is NN ?? That would fulfill two prophecy’s . All I know is Sunday night is gonna be CRAZY .
I don’t think Jon or Dany is Azor Ahai . It’s just to cut and dry . Any chance Jamie is Azor Ahai and Cersi is NN ?? That would fulfill two prophecy’s . All I know is Sunday night is gonna be CRAZY .
Its possible. I said earlier in this thread that at least in the books, I think Jaime is part of the AA prophecy.

From the ASOIAF wiki pages:

According to the prophecy, as recounted by Melisandre, these are the indicators of the coming of Azor Ahai:

  • After a long summer, when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world
    • Variant: When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers The great comet that was seen in Westeros and Essos. Could apply to many characters. Jon-In the books, at the time of his stabbing there was a knight who had been slain. He was a bloody smear and his sigil was a star.
  • He shall be born again amidst smoke and salt. Dany-Salt=tears after Drogo's death. Smoke of his funeral pyre. Jaime-I think back to that hot bath he and Brienne had after their release from the Bloody Mummers. Jon-I can't remember
  • He shall wake dragons out of stone Dany-This one is obviious
  • He shall draw from the fire a burning sword, Lightbringer Nothing I can note from the series, yet.
If Azor Ahai is the same as the prince that was promised:

  • He is born of the line of Aerys II and Rhaella, according to the woods witch Applies to Dany AND Jon. And according to some theories, (Aerys raping Tywin's wife), Jaime
  • His is the song of ice and fire, according to Rhaegar Targaryen[citation needed]
  • According to Maester Aemon, the word used to describe the prince in the prophecy was a gender-neutral word. While all assumed that the prince must be male, Aemon recently came to believe the prophecy could point to a female as well.
According to Benerro:[citation needed]

  • Azor Ahai was born amidst smoke and salt
  • Azor Ahai will make the world anew
  • Azor Ahai will triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end
  • Death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in Azor Ahai's cause shall be reborn
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Speaking of there any left after Cersei blew up the Sept?
That's what I was wondering as well. It would be just like her to use the one thing that could have saved the world to further her political gain. Is a retreat to Kings Landing even possible? Cersei is psychotic enough to lock everyone out and leave them for the dead.
Its possible. I said earlier in this thread that at least in the books, I think Jaime is part of the AA prophecy.

From the ASOIAF wiki pages:

According to the prophecy, as recounted by Melisandre, these are the indicators of the coming of Azor Ahai:

  • After a long summer, when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world
    • Variant: When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers The great comet that was seen in Westeros and Essos. Could apply to many characters. Jon-In the books, at the time of his stabbing there was a knight who had been slain. He was a bloody smear and his sigil was a star.
  • He shall be born again amidst smoke and salt. Dany-Salt=tears after Drogo's death. Smoke of his funeral pyre. Jaime-I think back to that hot bath he and Brienne had after their release from the Bloody Mummers. Jon-I can't remember
  • He shall wake dragons out of stone Dany-This one is obviious
  • He shall draw from the fire a burning sword, Lightbringer Nothing I can note from the series, yet.
If Azor Ahai is the same as the prince that was promised:

  • He is born of the line of Aerys II and Rhaella, according to the woods witch Applies to Dany AND Jon. And according to some theories, (Aerys raping Tywin's wife), Jaime
  • His is the song of ice and fire, according to Rhaegar Targaryen[citation needed]
  • According to Maester Aemon, the word used to describe the prince in the prophecy was a gender-neutral word. While all assumed that the prince must be male, Aemon recently came to believe the prophecy could point to a female as well.
According to Benerro:[citation needed]

  • Azor Ahai was born amidst smoke and salt
  • Azor Ahai will make the world anew
  • Azor Ahai will triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end
  • Death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in Azor Ahai's cause shall be reborn
There have been rumors circulating for a long time that Aerys raped Tywin's wife but we've always believed that Tyrion was the result. Tywin himself told Tyrion that he was no son of his. Also the book describes Tyrion a lot differently than the character we see on tv. His hair and one eye is the color of the Targaryens. There were also references in the book about Tyrion being obsessed with dragons when he was younger.
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A repeated prophesy from the book series. Azor Ahai/The Prince That Was Promised/The Last Hero were tales from various cultures about someone who saved the world. Many similarities in the tales.
With Azor Ahai, he was told he needed a special sword to fight the darkness. He forged one, tempered in shattered. He forged another, tempered it in a lion's blood. It shattered. Finally he forged a 3rd, and tempered it through the breast of his love, Nissa Nissa...through this acdtion, Lightbringer, was forged.
Lightbringer was supposedly the sword wielded by Stannis Baratheon when Melisandre thought he was Azor Ahai reborn.
Where is the lightbringer now?
Where is the lightbringer now?
I would guess we haven't actually seen the "mythical sword of heroes" yet...and considering that the show hasn't focused on this arcane bit of ASOIAF information, we may never see it. Stannis had the sword that gave off light, Beric Dondarrion has the flaming sword (but not many people think its supposed to be lightbringer)
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I really didn't hate him. Felt massively sorry for him. It was great to see Sansa smack him though.
Definitely have to feel a little sorry for Sweet Robyn. His mom is paranoid, jealous, and, he was still breast feeding around the age of 6 or 7.
There have been rumors circulating for a long time that Aerys raped Tywin's wife but we've always believed that Tyrion was the result. Tywin himself told Tyrion that he was no son of his. Also the book describes Tyrion a lot differently than the character we see on tv. His hair and one eye is the color of the Targaryens. There were also references in the book about Tyrion being obsessed with dragons when he was younger.
Yes, this is an interesting topic (especially in the companion book "The World of Ice and Fire.") The main book series talks about Aerys taking liberties with Joanna Lannister during her wedding/bedding to Tywin. The king was said to often make bawdy comments about her. Then, Joanna was dismissed as a lady-in-waiting by the Queen, and the queen said she would not have the king making whores of her ladies. Now, I don't know that it means Joanna was raped or had sex with Aerys, but it sure does seem to imply that.
The end of last episode had a lot of prominent characters up near or at the front line.
I expect a lot of those folks to get killed fighting the WW's. But remember this,the 3 ways to kill WW's are (1) Valerian steel (2) dragon glass and (3) fire. Dany has her 2 dragons. That might well be the saving grace for the North. But ..... does the Night King come with his Ice Dragon?

It will be very interesting to see how the Dany & Jon/Aegon situation works out. A Targarian and a bastard Stark is a much better match than a Targarian Male heir and Targarian female heir. Sansa would seem to be well positioned in the North with Jon/Aegon being a Targarian.

I have no clue what's going on with the 3 Eyed Crow and the Night King. Bran was talking about using him as bait to draw the NK in so he could be killed. Does Bran have some as yet to be unveiled super power to allow him to kill the NK on his own?

I've seen folks comments the NK may be going down to King's Landing to wreak havoc. In theory, he & his dragon would burn the place to the ground. Would the dead become WW's or would dying by fire have killed them as WW's? If not he'd have not only a Lannister army but the 20,000 troops of the Golden Circle to head north against Winterfell. I am really curious to see what all will be revealed as the series builds to it's finale.
Good question. Maybe his Stark blood? She's pretty much pure Valyrian blood (I think her great-great grandmother is her closest relative who wasn't a Targaryen...incest and all that).
It didn't apply to her brother either so I'm guessing not all Targaryens are dragons. Dany is just special in that regard.
It didn't apply to her brother either so I'm guessing not all Targaryens are dragons. Dany is just special in that regard.
True. I think I've read that while Targaryens have a little heat resistance they aren't immune to forf... usually. The time with Drogo's funeral pyre was caused by blood magic. Not sure about when she burned the Khals.
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True. I think I've read that while Targaryens have a little heat resistance they aren't immune to forf... usually. The time with Drogo's funeral pyre was caused by blood magic. Not sure about when she burned the Khals.

Yeah in the books they are not absolutely immune to fire . Another interesting thing I noticed is while the Wights are killed by Fire the White Walkers May be immune . Remember the Night King walked thru fire at the 3 eye ravens cave and walked thru dragon fire before he threw the spear . Also at Hardhome the White Walker that Jon killed walked thru fire in the hut . May just be a plot hole but something to think about .
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Yeah in the books they are not absolutely immune to fire . Another interesting thing I noticed is while the Wights are killed by Fire the White Walkers May be immune . Remember the Night King walked thru fire at the 3 eye ravens cave and walked thru dragon fire before he threw the spear . Also at Hardhome the White Walker that Jon killed walked thru fire in the hut . May just be a plot hole but something to think about .
I've wondered the same thing about the WWs and fire. Anytime they've encountered fire, it just sort of recedes before them. I'd have to look it up, but it seems like in the books, the wights are only destroyed by fire...I don't think obsidian or Valyrian steel works on them.
Thanks to all who have posted their theories. I thought I knew about GOT, but have been able to learn so much more from this thread.
Thanks to all who have posted their theories. I thought I knew about GOT, but have been able to learn so much more from this thread.

Agreed. This has been great.

Things I think could come into play based on this thread/other thoughts-

-Mad King "Burn Them All"/Wildfire
-Jaime "Kingslayer"
-Tyrion/Jamie- Self absorbed characters who have become selfless. "The perils of self betterment." "A Lannister always pays his debts."
-Arya's list (using the face)
-Crypts at winterfell
Agreed. This has been great.

Things I think could come into play based on this thread/other thoughts-

-Mad King "Burn Them All"/Wildfire
-Jaime "Kingslayer"
-Tyrion/Jamie- Self absorbed characters who have become selfless. "The perils of self betterment." "A Lannister always pays his debts."
-Arya's list (using the face)
-Crypts at winterfell

One thing about the Crypts is the Stark don’t burn their dead , they bury them . If the Night King raises up the dead soldiers will they wake up in the Crypts as well . Also since it is theorized the Night King was a Stark , it’s possible he knows the secret entrances into the Crypts as well . Crypts might not be the safest place to be .
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Anybody else have a suspicion that Tyrion and Bran are cooking up a plan nobody else knows about . Remember the scene last week after the War Council where Tyrion and Bran were speaking alone . The scene cut away pretty quick but it makes me wonder . They are really hammering on the fact that Tyrion , who is usually the smartest in the room , made big mistakes lately . Makes me wonder why this scene between only Bran and Tyrion made the episode . Did they cook up an off screen plan like Cersi and Euron ?? Something to think about .
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Bump- who’s excited for tonight?
I'm excited, but kind of feeling a sense of dread. I'm guessing RIP: Varys, Tormund, Davos, Jorah, and many others. Eventually, though, the Night King will be defeated when Lady Morment melts him with her furious glare.
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Whose death is gonna suck the most tonight??? Jorah is gonna really hurt . Dude survived Greyscale, The Ice Lake Battle, banishment, and the Dany Friend Zone and is still killing it . Jorah and Greyworm are gonna hurt . If Ghost dies I might call in tomorrow .
Well... That certainly didn't go according to my plans. I loved Arya's badass moment, but the ending felt rushed. I didn't think both mormonts would die, but at least she had a good end. The battle scenes felt realistic but too confusing, and I think the decision to raise dead Starks in the crypt was sort of lame.
On a positive note, both jorah and theon had great deaths and redemptions. And poor Edd. I wish there had been a way to bring this hilarious book character to the TV screen.
I wasn't impressed with this episode, but since they completely ran out of source material, I have felt the quality of the story telling has diminished. No way that many people die without more significant characters biting the dust, the fight was WAY too long, and the ending felt off... I love the show, but this was a dud of a way to defeat the most ominous character in tv history.
What’s up with Ghost ?? He ran off with the Dothraki and none of them came back . Gonna be pissed if we died off screen . Is Rhaegal dead too ?? Looks like he got pretty jacked up fighting Zombie dragon .
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