OT- Tested my covid immunity

Thanks Dizzy. It confused me at first, as it certainly seemed like you thought I was a dentist.

Didn't we have an exchange a few days ago involving Autism? That seemed to end well for you.

You obviously hang out here to engage in low-level gotcha exchanges, when you could be outside enhancing your immunity and less enamored with highly experimental, emergency use vaccines.

Well over half of Americans have elected to take a hard pass then they did a actual risk assessment of their own situation, versus listening to the onslaught $20+bil ad campaign from Pharma suggesting we should inject everything down to ants.

Below are my personal thoughts on the vaccine if you care to read. You probably don't as they obviously differ from yours.

We're all different. That's America.



Stating that any vaccine is 99% safe is inaccurate and irresponsible.

This is not the flu vaccine, nor the polio vaccine. Similar to the HIV vaccine effort, they have been trying to come up with a coronavirus vaccine for many, many years. It was only when Trump provided great financial incentive to rush that the stars quickly aligned.

Healthy, young people have died within days of vaccination.

On top of an overwhelmed government-based Vaccine Adverse Reaction website, there continues to be issues raised about the spike protein as well as potential vulnerabilities created from viral mutations. (posted studies from top research centers previously)

IMO, the numbers do not support vaccinating the low-risk population, especially children, unless they have unique and rare vulnerabilities. This vaccine has been fast-tracked, it's under EUA status and wide sweeping indemnity has been granted. It should be available to the higher/highest risk for a significant time to evaluate. (years). The Vitamin D studies are extremely compelling but it only costs pennies and has virtually no side effects. Only Vitamin D and Thyroid receptors exist on every cell in the body. There are many studies stating that low Vitamin D levels were present in virtually ALL people who had any COVID complications. There have been many studies showing the efficacy of Vitamin D in preventing and treating COVID. There are hundreds of physicians and researchers around the world who have signed a Vitamin D petition - including those from MUSC. Unfortunately, Vitamin D costs pennies and is unattractive to the medical industry. Also, people cannot wrap their mind around the fact that simply maintaining your Vitamin D levels could be as, if not more effective, than a lab-made vaccine. In their minds, they have been told this is incredibly complicated, and it requires a complicated, highly profitable solution. And that's very unfortunate.
Didn’t realize that was you so it’s good to know you’re lightly informed on multiple topics.
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The whole problem with CoVid is it’s been politicized in a weapon.

It’s neither the plague nor is it just a common cold. It’s something we don’t fully understand because we aren’t interested in understanding. We are only interested in arguing.

Here is my anecdotal tale. As an employer who as an essential service never closed, we had to be extremely cautious in protecting our staff and customers.

We had one employee test positive although they had zero symptoms. The doctor did not think they had it, but erred on the side of caution due to the test results. Stayed home a month to be extra sure.

We had a second employee with all the symptoms who was very sick. Tested negative at same doctor. Stayed home a month to be extra sure.

This whole thing is chaos because of politics. It’s real but not the end of the world. Just use common freaking sense.
While we need to address the shortcomings in society (and they are long) we need to do this with sensitivity and patience.

I hate politics. Both sides. All they do is bring each other down.
There was only ONE side that had anything to gain from making this political. There is not a Democrat in Washington that wanted COVID to be a success story for Trump, no matter what it cost. That's why after the initial relief that was absolutely needed immediately, Pelosi and Democrats refuse any more help until after the election. They wanted as much pain, anger, and suffering as possible so they could blame it on Trump.
While we need to address the shortcomings in society (and they are long) we need to do this with sensitivity and patience.

I hate politics. Both sides. All they do is bring each other down.
Explain to me what Republicans do to bring Democrats down?
While we need to address the shortcomings in society (and they are long) we need to do this with sensitivity and patience.

I hate politics. Both sides. All they do is bring each other down.
Could not agree more about politics! I worry about people who so staunchly align with one party over another… I literally know some that let their political or religious affiliations rule over virtually every aspect of their lives…
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The PCR tests are wildly sensitive which is what the vaccine makers want. Hydrochloroquine works and that is all you need. Walk away from any healthcare provider that will not prescribe this as they are owned by big pharma.
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Could not agree more about politics! I worry about people who so staunchly align with one party over another… I literally know some that let their political or religious affiliations rule over virtually every aspect of their lives…
I agree too! Once upon a time we never spoke about politics at work. It was sports and family.

To this day I never knew who my father/mother voted for. They didn’t talk about it.
There was only ONE side that had anything to gain from making this political. There is not a Democrat in Washington that wanted COVID to be a success story for Trump, no matter what it cost. That's why after the initial relief that was absolutely needed immediately, Pelosi and Democrats refuse any more help until after the election. They wanted as much pain, anger, and suffering as possible so they could blame it on Trump.
Weird. I didn’t realize McConnel, Graham, Cruz and Hawley were all Democrats.
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It is not impossible to determine the safety any more than it has been for any other vaccine or drug- these TYPES vaccines were determined through the normal process of tests and experiments to be safe and effective over the past decade, all they had not done was the human trials, which they went ahead and did in large quantities. Usually the time from testing to trials to rollout is protracted because of manufacturing- it is a risk to the company to even produce more than what is needed for each round of testing and subsequent trials because they can’t be sure it will be safe/ effective, and if they made a billion viles then they do not get approved, they eat it. The urgency for this vaccine meant the government was funding the mandufacturing BEFORE the approval in the anticipation they woukd work and be safe- so the day the FDA approved them the compnies began shipping end product instead of starting the process of manufacturing. In short it was the production that was accelerated not the research. Saying “we don’t know the safety or efficacy” implies there are concerns about the process. Those who know how these were made and the real reason we were able to fast track THIS vaccine do not have those concerns.
When did the FDA approve any of these? Because I'm still not seeing FDA approval, genrally on the ground that complete and comprehensive clinical trials were unable to be conducted in the timeframe given. Further, any long term clinical trials were completely compromised when they informed participants who received the placebo so they could get the actual vaccine. It's like your intention is to battle misinformation with misinformation.

The trials were abbreviated intentionally to get the product out. They had a very low bar to clear for safety in order to deem the product safer than COVID in the immediate time period. That was the goal for Emergency Use Authorization.

To say these are as safe as any approved drug, that is also not encouraging, considering the number of approved drugs that were recalled after their approval for previously undiscovered harmful side effects that drug companies didn't publicly reveal until the effects were too wide spread to ignore.
This is rhetorical. There are no claims that can be made about the efficacy and safety. Zero. That's my point.
You said "they've had duds", that is a claim. Then when I ask you to be specific you say "There are no claims that can be made"
You said "they've had duds", that is a claim. Then when I ask you to be specific you say "There are no claims that can be made"

Do you want me to list the medications that Pfizer has pulled over the years? This would include both medications that were in production and those that we're fully approved and had to be pulled because they were toxic. This is an easy Google search for you.
Yes. Got a real answer?
Where would you like to start? There is never any actual discussion of policy anymore so everything has to be sound bites to scare people:

- socialism
- burger ban
- president wearing a tan suit
- stop the steal
- radical

There is more but just a sample of the inability to discuss policy. I don’t know if it’s the people elected can’t do it anymore or they know their bases don’t care about anything but being scared but it runs deep on both sides.
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When did the FDA approve any of these? Because I'm still not seeing FDA approval, genrally on the ground that complete and comprehensive clinical trials were unable to be conducted in the timeframe given. Further, any long term clinical trials were completely compromised when they informed participants who received the placebo so they could get the actual vaccine. It's like your intention is to battle misinformation with misinformation.

The trials were abbreviated intentionally to get the product out. They had a very low bar to clear for safety in order to deem the product safer than COVID in the immediate time period. That was the goal for Emergency Use Authorization.

To say these are as safe as any approved drug, that is also not encouraging, considering the number of approved drugs that were recalled after their approval for previously undiscovered harmful side effects that drug companies didn't publicly reveal until the effects were too wide spread to ignore.
The trials were expansive in size and the only ones that did not have a normal incubation period post trial were the third rounds as the administration acted quickly to approve them once the data was released. The main part that was expedited (in this case eliminated) was the time it normally take from completion of round three/approval to manufacturing. That all happened over 6 months ago for most of these vaccines at this point though, so since that time we have had substantial studies of safety and efficacy on those who participated in the studies- that is ongoing for basically as long as the drug is in use typically- and they still have not found any dangers over what was expected. You can read the full document on FDA emergency criteria- most of it is identical to their normal procedure. If these had not been vaccines that were under development and had already cleared man yof the early hurdles to get TO human trials, none of this would have been possible. Since rollout it has literally been “tested” on an additional HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, myself included. And again, even 6 months in- the worst side effect sighted was blood clots in about 1 out of every million people that took the JJ vaccine… My doctor whom I visited yesterday is a female in the demographic who was deemed most at risk for clots, she tooK JJ before it was briefly suspended and had no issues or concerns about it.
To imply that previous drugs had bad rollouts as though it is indicative of future problems with these vaccines.. Is disingenuous at best. There is no correlation. I am simply stating that the practices used to clear these were in line with what we have done numerous times in the past, but suddenly people are worried about taking a vaccine to end a deadly pandemic because Karen on FB said it can sterilize you or change your DNA? This push back and distrust is a product of some of the biggest problems in our society today, not based in reason or science.

I base my opinions and subsequent actions off of research based in science and real world application not hysteria. Science says they are safe and they work, real world application has not disproved that. Every concern I have heard was either based on a miss-understanding/ “bending” of facts, or flat out believing falsehoods spread in the anti-vax circuits of the web. Nothing is without risk in life. taking a vaccine to end a deadly pandemic when it is backed by the amount of research these are is a nominal risk compared to what we will endure as a nation and a world if we do not get rid of this thing. This virus has impacted us beyond it’s human death toll. It is time to get rid of it. If anyone knows another way to do it, speak up.
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Where would you like to start? There is never any actual discussion of policy anymore so everything has to be sound bites to scare people:

- socialism
- burger ban
- president wearing a tan suit
- stop the steal
- radical

There is more but just a sample of the inability to discuss policy. I don’t know if it’s the people elected can’t do it anymore or they know their bases don’t care about anything but being scared but it runs deep on both sides.

You can't discuss policy with Democrats, because unless you just agree with them, they scream that you are a racist. Against defunding the police? You are racist. Against securing the border? You are racist. Against shuttin down school for COVID? You are racist. Against massive government handouts? You are racist. And the media backs it up, drilling it in people's ear over and over again.

Tim Scott put forth police reform. Democrats wouldn't even consider it. Republicans offered up $1.9 trillion in covid assistance months before the election. Democrats wouldn't budge. Republicans had the border under control. Biden and Democrats destroyed it in a week.

Democrats want to bribe people with handouts to push this country as far left as they can. That's not the way our government is supposed to work.
They aren't. And none of them benefited from this like Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, and Biden.
But you said the Democrats blocked any relief when they didn’t have the power to bring anything to the Senate and they weren’t going out giving speeches about how unnecessary it was.

If you think your team is better than the other team that’s a problem.
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The trials were expansive in size and the only ones that did not have a normal incubation period post trial were the third rounds as the administration acted quickly to approve them once the data was released. The main part that was expedited (in this case eliminated) was the time it normally take from completion of round three/approval to manufacturing. That all happened over 6 months ago for most of these vaccines at this point though, so since that time we have had substantial studies of safety and efficacy on those who participated in the studies- that is ongoing for basically as long as the drug is in use typically- and they still have not found any dangers over what was expected. You can read the full document on FDA emergency criteria- most of it is identical to their normal procedure. If these had not been vaccines that were under development and had already cleared man yof the early hurdles to get TO human trials, none of this would have been possible. Since rollout it has literally been “tested” on an additional HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, myself included. And again, even 6 months in- the worst side effect sighted was blood clots in about 1 out of every million people that took the JJ vaccine… My doctor whom I visited yesterday is a female in the demographic who was deemed most at risk for clots, she tooK JJ before it was briefly suspended and had no issues or concerns about it.
To imply that previous drugs had bad rollouts as though it is indicative of future problems with these vaccines.. Is disingenuous at best. There is no correlation. I am simply stating that the practices used to clear these were in line with what we have done numerous times in the past, but suddenly people are worried about taking a vaccine to end a deadly pandemic because Karen on FB said it can sterilize you or change your DNA? This push back and distrust is a product of some of the biggest problems in our society today, not based in reason or science.

I base my opinions and subsequent actions off of research based in science and real world application not hysteria. Science says they are safe and they work, real world application has not disproved that. Every concern I have heard was either based on a miss-understanding/ “bending” of facts, or flat out believing falsehoods spread in the anti-vax circuits of the web. Nothing is without risk in life. taking a vaccine to end a deadly pandemic when it is backed by the amount of research these are is a nominal risk compared to what we will endure as a nation and a world if we do not get rid of this thing. This virus has impacted us beyond it’s human death toll. It is time to get rid of it. If anyone knows another way to do it, speak up.
I appreciate your knowledge and input on the subject. But you can't call a live roll out a test or trial without a control group.
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But you said the Democrats blocked any relief when they didn’t have the power to bring anything to the Senate and they weren’t going out giving speeches about how unnecessary it was.

If you think your team is better than the other team that’s a problem.

I don't think it is. I know it is. And it's not a problem.

One side was slamming everything they wanted politically into these covid bills in order to take advantage of the need. Jim Clyburn said it perfectly himself. It's a great opportunity to push their agenda. House Democrats loaded these bills up with pork and railed on the Republicans for not passing. Billions that had NOTHING to do with covid.
Do you want me to list the medications that Pfizer has pulled over the years? This would include both medications that were in production and those that we're fully approved and had to be pulled because they were toxic. This is an easy Google search for you.
Specifically Vaccines, yes please list the ones Pfizer has pulled.
You can't discuss policy with Democrats, because unless you just agree with them, they scream that you are a racist. Against defunding the police? You are racist. Against securing the border? You are racist. Against shuttin down school for COVID? You are racist. Against massive government handouts? You are racist. And the media backs it up, drilling it in people's ear over and over again.

Tim Scott put forth police reform. Democrats wouldn't even consider it. Republicans offered up $1.9 trillion in covid assistance months before the election. Democrats wouldn't budge. Republicans had the border under control. Biden and Democrats destroyed it in a week.

Democrats want to bribe people with handouts to push this country as far left as they can. That's not the way our government is supposed to work.
I think the media you watch has convinced you of these things. Just like they’ve continued to push you to believe only the ways they’ve said these things should be done are the right way.

In each of the things you mentioned they find people on the extremes of every situation and then tell you that’s what the discussion is about and it’s wrong. It’s simply playing on fear.

Scott got caught in politics in part because McConnel wouldn’t bring up the reform bill that passed the house. While I’m sure Scott was disappointed he has continued the fight and is preparing to bring forth another bill that has support from both parties and both parts of congress.

The covid relief was an issue because McConnel didn’t want to address relief payments saying the Senate wouldn’t support it. You can’t blame one party for “partisanship” while ignoring the other party doing the same thing.

The border has never been under control. There are ebbs and flows to people coming across it and have been for years. Until you address why this occurs it will never change and neither side is willing to penalize the real reason this occurs with the business owners both large and small. As long as their are jobs for people to come for they will keep coming and as long as immigration raids focus on the employees and not the employers the jobs will continue to be there.

The Republicans attempted their own bribes with the tax benefits. Remember of the middle class benefit wasn’t permanent but if they could win the midterms if just might be and then it never came up again until the next election cycle when we needed the Republicans back in power so they could make those cuts permanent.

Garbage. Both are garbage and as long as people stay in lockstep thinking ones trying to save them and the other destroy them the power will always remain outside of the people.
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I don't think it is. I know it is. And it's not a problem.

One side was slamming everything they wanted politically into these covid bills in order to take advantage of the need. Jim Clyburn said it perfectly himself. It's a great opportunity to push their agenda. House Democrats loaded these bills up with pork and railed on the Republicans for not passing. Billions that had NOTHING to do with covid.
You might want to go back to Newt Gingrich and study up a bit about the shifts in partisanship. You may be okay ignoring the sins of one to focus on the other but it doesn’t mean either one is looking out for anyone but themselves.
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I think the media you watch has convinced you of these things. Just like they’ve continued to push you to believe only the ways they’ve said these things should be done are the right way.

In each of the things you mentioned they find people on the extremes of every situation and then tell you that’s what the discussion is about and it’s wrong. It’s simply playing on fear.

Scott got caught in politics in part because McConnel wouldn’t bring up the reform bill that passed the house. While I’m sure Scott was disappointed he has continued the fight and is preparing to bring forth another bill that has support from both parties and both parts of congress.

The covid relief was an issue because McConnel didn’t want to address relief payments saying the Senate wouldn’t support it. You can’t blame one party for “partisanship” while ignoring the other party doing the same thing.

The border has never been under control. There are ebbs and flows to people coming across it and have been for years. Until you address why this occurs it will never change and neither side is willing to penalize the real reason this occurs with the business owners both large and small. As long as their are jobs for people to come for they will keep coming and as long as immigration raids focus on the employees and not the employers the jobs will continue to be there.

The Republicans attempted their own bribes with the tax benefits. Remember of the middle class benefit wasn’t permanent but if they could win the midterms if just might be and then it never came up again until the next election cycle when we needed the Republicans back in power so they could make those cuts permanent.

Garbage. Both are garbage and as long as people stay in lockstep thinking ones trying to save them and the other destroy them the power will always remain outside of the people.

I watch more liberal media than I do conservative media. Absolute nutjobs.

First, Trump did have the border under control, at least somewhat. It wasn't perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than where it is now. And one party continues to undermine enforcement of immigration laws. The Democrats. Because, despite record deficits, a pandemic, and looming threats from job losses due to automation, they think it is a good idea to bring millions of more poor people into the country. And pay for everything for them. How can ANY SANE person justify that?

And wrong, Democrats filibustered Tim Scott's police reform act. Fact. You know, that thing the same Democrats claim is racist today and needs to be abolished. He didn't "get caught in politics". Democrats blocked it. Period. So, blaming that on McConnell is a flat out lie.

And no, the Republicans couldn't make the tax cuts permanent because of Senate rules, since they had to use reconciliation, because EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT voted against it. The only way they could make it permanent was to get to 60 seats in the Senate. It wasn't a "bribe", it was all they could do. But, unlike the Democrats, they didn't go try to change the rules to get what they wanted. They left it to the voters. Not one time did I hear a Republican say during the 2018 midterms, "vote for me and I'll make those tax cuts permanent." Unlike Biden, who outright said "Vote for the 2 Dems in Georgia, and $2000 checks will be in the mail." Sorry, when it comes to bribing you with OTHER people's money, Democrats are the champs. Now if you want to call telling people to vote for someone because they will let you keep more of your own money that you worked for, well, that's on your warped concept of bribery.

Maybe you need to check what you see in the media. You definitely aren't getting the correct story.
You can't discuss policy with Democrats, because unless you just agree with them, they scream that you are a racist.
Aren't you literally discussing policy with Dizzy01, whom I presume is a democrat, and doesn't appear to have called you a racist?
Aren't you literally discussing policy with Dizzy01, whom I presume is a democrat, and doesn't appear to have called you a racist?
I'm talking about on a national level, not a message board. Any politician or even public figure that speaks against these policies is berated as racist and/or cancelled.

Republicans are CONSTANTLY labeled as racist when challenging Democrats on policy. Yet, Biden passes a bill that excludes white farmers from loan forgiveness based solely on the color of their skin. Can't even apply based on the fact that they are white.

That one is going to court.
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Aren't you literally discussing policy with Dizzy01, whom I presume is a democrat, and doesn't appear to have called you a racist?
At this point in my life I think I am more Libertarian. I’ve just decided the two party system is complete garbage. Up until 2015 I was heavily Republican but watching the erosion of actual conservatism just ended that for me.
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At this point in my life I think I am more Libertarian. I’ve just decided the two party system is complete garbage. Up until 2015 I was heavily Republican but watching the erosion of actual conservatism just ended that for me.
I still consider myself a Barry Goldwater Republican. Which means I vote democrat lately. Principals over labels.
At this point in my life I think I am more Libertarian. I’ve just decided the two party system is complete garbage. Up until 2015 I was heavily Republican but watching the erosion of actual conservatism just ended that for me.

Yeah, nothing I've seen you post make me think you ever had even one ounce of conservative in you. You consistently fall on the left side of every debate I've seen here.
I'm talking about on a national level, not a message board. Any politician or even public figure that speaks against these policies is berated as racist and/or cancelled.

Republicans are CONSTANTLY labeled as racist when challenging Democrats on policy. Yet, Biden passes a bill that excludes white farmers from loan forgiveness based solely on the color of their skin. Can't even apply based on the fact that they are white.

That one is going to court.
While I completely disagree with any provision that uses race as a determining factor this particular issue has been going on since 1999 when the USDA acknowledged that they excluded minority owned farms from a government backed loan program. This probably should have been focused on the people impacted by that acknowledgment as opposed to creating a new program which does the exact same thing as what you complained about.

In terms of the “canceling” claim I find it funny how often these people are able to get on air to complain about being cancelled.
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I watch more liberal media than I do conservative media. Absolute nutjobs.

First, Trump did have the border under control, at least somewhat. It wasn't perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than where it is now. And one party continues to undermine enforcement of immigration laws. The Democrats. Because, despite record deficits, a pandemic, and looming threats from job losses due to automation, they think it is a good idea to bring millions of more poor people into the country. And pay for everything for them. How can ANY SANE person justify that?

And wrong, Democrats filibustered Tim Scott's police reform act. Fact. You know, that thing the same Democrats claim is racist today and needs to be abolished. He didn't "get caught in politics". Democrats blocked it. Period. So, blaming that on McConnell is a flat out lie.

And no, the Republicans couldn't make the tax cuts permanent because of Senate rules, since they had to use reconciliation, because EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT voted against it. The only way they could make it permanent was to get to 60 seats in the Senate. It wasn't a "bribe", it was all they could do. But, unlike the Democrats, they didn't go try to change the rules to get what they wanted. They left it to the voters. Not one time did I hear a Republican say during the 2018 midterms, "vote for me and I'll make those tax cuts permanent." Unlike Biden, who outright said "Vote for the 2 Dems in Georgia, and $2000 checks will be in the mail." Sorry, when it comes to bribing you with OTHER people's money, Democrats are the champs. Now if you want to call telling people to vote for someone because they will let you keep more of your own money that you worked for, well, that's on your warped concept of bribery.

Maybe you need to check what you see in the media. You definitely aren't getting the correct story.
You focus on the surface while ignoring root causes. It’s like putting a band aid on a broken leg.
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Yeah, nothing I've seen you post make me think you ever had even one ounce of conservative in you. You consistently fall on the left side of every debate I've seen here.
I think that’s likely because the only actual conservatives left are labeled as RINOs. Too many people just yell about being conservative now while ignoring that they are very much backing non conservative values.
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Specifically Vaccines, yes please list the ones Pfizer has pulled.
That's classic. How many vaccines have their been from Pfizer? You are really grasping here.
If they are capable of mangaling meds, they are capable of mangaling meds - and this has happened during production and 10+ years down the road the FDA has had to pull them.

Hopefully it hasn't happened here, but why not wait and let the higher risk have a good run before you start injecting toddlers and the young and healthy? Let their immune systems strengthen organically. The numbers certainly support this premise. It's called evolution.
So you don't know of any? Man, probably should have looked that up before you said "they've had duds"
The onus is on Pfizer to prove that it is safe and that requires time. They have fast tracked status, EUA status and indemnity. If you are ready to tell the world it's perfectly safe for everyone, grab your kids, grab your dogs and let's have a vaccine party - have at it.
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I agree. But I didn't make any claims with no basis, so I am enjoying watching you try and get out of this.
I feel fine. Pfizer has produced plenty of crappy medications and they've produced good ones. There is nothing groundbreaking here. But you sleep well with your angle that only you will enjoy.
The onus is on Pfizer to prove that it is safe and that requires time. They have fast tracked status, EUA status and indemnity. If you are ready to tell the world it's perfectly safe for everyone, grab your kids, grab your dogs and let's have a vaccine party - have at it.
Yeah but you said "They have duds", that is a claim. You need to support your claim. Pfizer has to support their claim that this vaccine is safe. That's a different subject. You made a claim that they have duds. What duds? Were any of them vaccines?