Rumor on Twitter about Doty starting

Hill's stats are definitely damaged by his receiver's not being table to catch a cold.. HOWEVER, why not give Doty Valuable experience for Next year?? we know HiHilinski will transer, he is too GOOD to sit on the bench..
The rumor is that he’s starting.

The rumor doesn’t specify at what position.

Could be starting at WR.

As much as some seem to hate Hill, IIRC he leads the nation in percentage of passes dropped, I think over 13% of his passes are dropped.
Maybe. But that assumes that we'll actually make a change at year's end. Unfortunately, I'm not convinced we will.
I will be shocked if we do. Not because of performance, just flat economics. We lost $50MM in revenue this year already, we do not have the coin to make a change right now.
Hill's stats are definitely damaged by his receiver's not being table to catch a cold.. HOWEVER, why not give Doty Valuable experience for Next year?? we know HiHilinski will transer, he is too GOOD to sit on the bench..

After the LSU game, Hill was about middle of the conference for SEC QBs for drop rate. It's been a factor, but it's not skewing his stats the way some would seem to think.
Brace, when would Doty be ready to start? Ryan is Hill 2.0 if we’re being honest with ourselves. Ryan can throw it deep, but can’t make the basic throws/reads consistently, I like the kid, but I personally think he is now behind Doty on the charts.
Cocky, I agree about you about Ryan Hilinski. I just think Luke needs a little more seasoning as a passer, if Luke would’ve been the starter at the beginning of the year; I believe he would be settling in as a passer right now. The truth is I don’t trust Bobo or Muschamp to do right by Luke.
FWIW, TOS is saying the same thing. Guy said he heard it straight from a player. Apparently a lot of the veterans have been pushing for a change to be made, nothing against Hill, but felt they needed a spark
If Muschamp makes a change because of demands from players, then that indicates, at least to me, that he is losing control of his team. Not that I wouldn't like to see a change, but I'd rather hear that the coaching staff, including Bobo, have decided a change is necessary.
I will be shocked if we do. Not because of performance, just flat economics. We lost $50MM in revenue this year already, we do not have the coin to make a change right now.
I could go either way. As I've mentioned before, there's nothing saying we have to cut a single, multimillion dollar check for him to go away. It can be paid in smaller installments over a longer period of time. It can also be negotiated down, if both parties are willing.
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The Hilinski story is one that will befuddle Gamecock land for years to come.

Rated as the number 2 pro style QB recruit in the country. Elevated to starter for the second game of his Freshman year. Plays solid against Charleston Southern (no big deal) and Alabama (pretty big deal). Then can’t hit the broadside of a barn against Missouri and Kentucky. Responds by playing a great half against Georgia on the road, but sustains some kind of injury or injuries. Plays poorly the rest of the season, save for one good game against Vandy.

He’s then replaced as starter by a Mountain West 5th year transfer, who South Carolina originally passed on as a recruit, and who hadn’t accomplished anything of note before transferring. Now, he’s seemingly been passed on the depth chart by a Freshman who just a month ago was getting more snaps at WR than QB.

The coaches were foolish last year in how they managed HIlinski. They had him throwing the ball 57 times in his second start ever. Asinine. I think with competent coaching and proper management last season he would have developed into a fine QB.
I could go either way. As I've mentioned before, there's nothing saying we have to cut a single, multimillion dollar check for him to go away. It can be paid in smaller installments over a longer period of time. It can also be negotiated down, if both parties are willing.
Right, we also would be paying off the rest of the staff though as some have multi years I believe, and we have to pay the NEW replacement staff which may be expensive if we hot anyone worth hiring... Often we would be on the hook to pay off some of their existing contracts to buy them out too... It is ain’t cheap to make a move! Honestly, if this virus stuff does not go away soon, we may see revenues fall again next year and it could lead to these coaching contracts being simply unsustainable for the immediate future.
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Right, we also would be paying off the rest of the staff though as some have multi years I believe, and we have to pay the NEW reolacement staff which may be expensive if we hot anyone worth hiring...
Again, everything is negotiable. That is, if we had an AD that knew how to do it. 😒
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The Hilinski story is one that will befuddle Gamecock land for years to come.

Rated as the number 2 pro style QB recruit in the country. Elevated to starter for the second game of his Freshman year. Plays solid against Charleston Southern (no big deal) and Alabama (pretty big deal). Then can’t hit the broadside of a barn against Missouri and Kentucky. Responds by playing a great half against Georgia on the road, but sustains some kind of injury or injuries. Plays poorly the rest of the season, save for one good game against Vandy.

He’s then replaced as starter by a Mountain West 5th year transfer, who South Carolina originally passed on as a recruit, and who hadn’t accomplished anything of note before transferring. Now, he’s seemingly been passed on the depth chart by a Freshman who just a month ago was getting more snaps at WR than QB.
This is an excellent summation and highlights the frustration with the staff! We don’t think things out, just knee jerk reactions. We have talent on this team but we need direction. We have recruited defensive line well, have 2 potential NFL corners and we look absolutely lost on defense.

Hill is a good story but gosh, try something different for a few series. Get some reps for the backups. Every well coached team makes adjustments. This is not blaming Hill, I admire his drive and determination. I would be very frustrated as a backup quarterback here though
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How do you know his arm is not ready, Have you been to practice etc... One of my best friends who is a gamecock fan went to see Doty play several times his senior year in high school and this guy got some wheels and does it with power. He said he had a big arm as well IDK just telling you what he said. Also I have a good friend and was almost a relative that plays on the gamecocks team right now but I haven't talked to him in a while but I know his dad real good and seen him last week and we discussed Doty and he said that his son said Doty looks good, I don't know what that means but it sounded positive to me. Man you know teams have and will continue to throw the kitchen sink at Hill because I can out run him, He is NO THREAT to run really and, They do RH the same way. I know that any coach would want their best QB to play that gives him the best chance to win and not put him out there just on a whim etc... So, which ever QB Bobo/Champ puts out there I will support and have confidence he is our best shot.
I love Luke Doty and what he brings to our team “skillset wise”, but I will be honest about what I see from our players, if I get footage of their play in high school. He was great at Myrtle Beach, and he made all the throws to make him one of the top recruits in the nation! But that doesn’t mean he can automatically do that in College football. I do believe he would have success running the ball, throwing short slants, and “screens, but I have questions about his timing on throwing the ball downfield. And if he could place the ball in “tight windows, on intermediate passes in this league. In my opinion he needs one year of development in the passing game, but he could play right now and be miles ahead next year. Doty has all the intangibles to be a star, I just don’t wanna see him pushed out on the field to early, where he could lose some confidence in himself.
The Hilinski story is one that will befuddle Gamecock land for years to come.

Rated as the number 2 pro style QB recruit in the country. Elevated to starter for the second game of his Freshman year. Plays solid against Charleston Southern (no big deal) and Alabama (pretty big deal). Then can’t hit the broadside of a barn against Missouri and Kentucky. Responds by playing a great half against Georgia on the road, but sustains some kind of injury or injuries. Plays poorly the rest of the season, save for one good game against Vandy.

He’s then replaced as starter by a Mountain West 5th year transfer, who South Carolina originally passed on as a recruit, and who hadn’t accomplished anything of note before transferring. Now, he’s seemingly been passed on the depth chart by a Freshman who just a month ago was getting more snaps at WR than QB.
So sad and true. You can’t make this stuff up!
Brace, when would Doty be ready to start? Ryan is Hill 2.0 if we’re being honest with ourselves. Ryan can throw it deep, but can’t make the basic throws/reads consistently, I like the kid, but I personally think he is now behind Doty on the charts.

Ryan didn't really get a fair shake IMO. Thrown into the deep end last year and was injured to boot. Maybe he hasn't progressed, but no one really knows, b/c no one trusts Chump to make a good decision anyways.
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Ryan didn't really get a fair shake IMO. Thrown into the deep end last year and was injured to boot. Maybe he hasn't progressed, but no one really knows, b/c no one trusts Chump to make a good decision anyways.

This is the thing. In one breath, people condemn Muschamp as a total incompetent, but in the next breath express total confidence in his QB evaluation.

For being a 5th year senior playing in the same offensive system, Hill hasn't been substantially better than Ryan was as a true freshman last year. We'd have to believe that Ryan has made essentially no progress at all since last year, which may be the case, it happens.
This is the thing. In one breath, people condemn Muschamp as a total incompetent, but in the next breath express total confidence in his QB evaluation.

For being a 5th year senior playing in the same offensive system, Hill hasn't been substantially better than Ryan was as a true freshman last year. We'd have to believe that Ryan has made essentially no progress at all since last year, which may be the case, it happens.
I have no confidence in Muschamp’s evaluation of a quarterback or a quarterback coach. I did think he made the right decision in switching Bentley to coach QBs but That eventually “changed” when Bobo got here. Which I thought was a mistake, and not shocking with Muschamp at the helm. I really believe Collin Hill would be holding a “clipboard, right now if Bobby Bentley was coaching quarterbacks.
I have no confidence in Muschamp’s evaluation of a quarterback or a quarterback coach. I did think he made the right decision in switching Bentley to coach QBs but That eventually “changed” when Bobo got here. Which I thought was a mistake, and not shocking with Muschamp at the helm. I really believe Collin Hill would be holding a “clipboard, right now if Bobby Bentley was coaching quarterbacks.

My hunch, and I have nothing to base this on, is that Muschamp would have gone with Hilinski but deferred to Bobo on choosing Hill.

Obviously, nobody here knows. Our only options are either to believe Champ got it right or that he didn't. I lean towards his track record of not getting it right.
My hunch, and I have nothing to base this on, is that Muschamp would have gone with Hilinski but deferred to Bobo on choosing Hill.

Obviously, nobody here knows. Our only options are either to believe Champ got it right or that he didn't. I lean towards his track record of not getting it right.

This is the problem when you change up staffs and systems, with no real continuity through the head coach. Roper liked Brandon Mcilwain. Bobby Bentley wanted to coach his son and Roper also liked Jake Bentley. Bentley was taught to run Roper’s system, and Mcilwain transferred. Roper also liked Urich and Joyner. You then jettison Roper, and replace him with Dan Werner, who is left to coach the guy’s Roper recruited. Werner was never going to play either Joyner or Urich at QB, except in an emergency. Bentley goes from a lot of short timing routes to heavy RPO and more deep passes.

Then you start the cycle all over again. Werner likes Hilinski and Doty. He’s fired and Bobo is left to coach the guys Werner recruited. Bobo brings in his preferred QB through transfer and will bring in Gauthier this year and Stockton next year, who are his guys.
My hunch, and I have nothing to base this on, is that Muschamp would have gone with Hilinski but deferred to Bobo on choosing Hill.

Obviously, nobody here knows. Our only options are either to believe Champ got it right or that he didn't. I lean towards his track record of not getting it right.
That's the safe bet. I'll always lean that way. But if BOOM! deferred to his OC and got out of his way, that's about all we can ask. Well, not all, but a good bit of it.
Muschamp thinks Hill gives him the best chance of keeping the score close. That's his real goal. He's not trying to win this year - he's trying to survive another year and hope next season we're better.
Here is where the problem is.....Muschamp specifically said we have two quarterbacks that can win on this football team. Well, Muschamp, put the other one in because the first one is 2 and 3. It is starting to look like Bobo is picking favorites now. Hill is his boy. Bobo recruited him and not Hilinski. Bobo needs to start Hilinski to see what he will do with a better offensive system, a better offensive line, and a young qb that proved his mettle as a true freshman. What do we have to lose?
Ryan didn't really get a fair shake IMO. Thrown into the deep end last year and was injured to boot. Maybe he hasn't progressed, but no one really knows, b/c no one trusts Chump to make a good decision anyways.
It’s interesting that he had very similar stats to Nix and Guarantano they were embraced as next gen QBs while Hilinski was not.
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I have no confidence in Muschamp’s evaluation of a quarterback or a quarterback coach. I did think he made the right decision in switching Bentley to coach QBs but That eventually “changed” when Bobo got here. Which I thought was a mistake, and not shocking with Muschamp at the helm. I really believe Collin Hill would be holding a “clipboard, right now if Bobby Bentley was coaching quarterbacks.
The real frightening part is that Hill would have been holding the clipboard at Colorado State if he wasn’t starting here.
Why do we consistently recruit QBs who show all the tools in high school, but show up here and suddenly can't play a lick?
because they are usually trying to throw to other QB's that have been converted to WR and cannot get open or they have no time to throw. both make a QB look bad, it boils down to recruiting or lack of.
because they are usually trying to throw to other QB's that have been converted to WR and cannot get open or they have no time to throw. both make a QB look bad, it boils down to recruiting or lack of.
Mainly the above; First of all you have to have more than one receiver who can (1) run the route correctly, (2) get open(see (1)), and (3) actually catch the ball when it's thrown to him ( lack of all of the above seems to be the case with all our WR’s except Shi Smith. Second, you actually have to protect said QB long enough for him to throw the ball accurately, which is just a little difficult when your O-line consistently has one or more players totally missing assignments in pass protection ( and it’s not the same guy(s) every time). Until those items get fixed, you could have Tom Brady at QB and the end result would be exactly the same. The real question is why we’re still having those issues in year 5.
because they are usually trying to throw to other QB's that have been converted to WR and cannot get open or they have no time to throw. both make a QB look bad, it boils down to recruiting or lack of.

Truth bomb.

Reality is, there’s not really many other P5 programs where he would sniff the starting job.
Mainly the above; First of all you have to have more than one receiver who can (1) run the route correctly, (2) get open(see (1)), and (3) actually catch the ball when it's thrown to him ( lack of all of the above seems to be the case with all our WR’s except Shi Smith. Second, you actually have to protect said QB long enough for him to throw the ball accurately, which is just a little difficult when your O-line consistently has one or more players totally missing assignments in pass protection ( and it’s not the same guy(s) every time). Until those items get fixed, you could have Tom Brady at QB and the end result would be exactly the same. The real question is why we’re still having those issues in year 5.
I think this assessment is pretty close. Our pass protection and receivers have not been good at all. Even Shi has dropped a bunch of passes. At some point, the dropped passes and lack of protection can get in a QBs head. I think the past few games you may have seen a bit of that.

Overall, Hill has been pretty good in my opinion considering what he's had to work with. He does take some sacks and hasn't been the most mobile, but his accuracy was good through the first few games.

It's hard to judge him fairly when you have this many holes in your passing games.
This sounds exactly like what a coach who kicks field goals down three TD’s would do.
Interesting, if true. What do you guys think? Also, it's a rumor and not fact so please don't shoot the messenger. I post this for conversational purposes only. Any and all credit, if true go to the original tweeter Gamecocks Today.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rumors flying around that Luke Doty could start this week versus #7 Texas A&amp;M... 👀</p>&mdash; Gamecocks Today (@gamecocktoday) <a href=" ">November 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
FWIW, TOS is saying the same thing. Guy said he heard it straight from a player. Apparently a lot of the veterans have been pushing for a change to be made, nothing against Hill, but felt they needed a spark
We’re at a point where the season is shot. I don’t see a problem with trying every damn QB option we have. It’s clear the coaching staff has absolutely no clue anyway.