Okay, I'll play your silly game, even though I thoroughly understand that you have no interest, whatsoever, in ANY honest discussion/explanation or seeing something from a different point of view.
Let's get one thing straight from the beginning. If you can't see and understand that my comment about a 64 team playoff (tournament) wasn't PURE SARCASM, then you're a pure idiot.
First and foremost, College is about ACADEMICS, not about satisfying your & millions of others, TV addiction. It's about EDUCATION. It's not meant as a stepping stone for the less than 2% of college athletes who ever even play professionally.
"The NFL owns a day of the week. The same one the Church used to own, they got it now."
If THE NFL is so important, so powerful, why aren't they funding their own Minor League, just like every other Professional sport? N.I.L (We're NOT Professionals. We just wanna be paid like we are!).
You have your Professional Football. Why mess with MY college football? You would certainly have to agree that the level of talent is much less in the NCAA than the NFL. But Wait! Aren't you the same dude that won't watch Women's BB because, 'they're just not as good'? So what is it that YOU want? 20 weeks of Professional College Football? What about those damn good college athletes who don't get the chance to compete because they're not good enough for Today's Semi-Pro College Football?
Are they condemned to the Elon's & Mt Union's of the NCAA?
About Your P/O teams. Four SEC teams. 3 of which were not good enough to win their Conference Championship. In fact, 2 weren't even good enough to win their own division. BUT NOW, they're Good Enough to be National Champions??? Son of a gun, it's the same thing with the 3 teams from the Big 10. And I'm not going to waste my time chasing down how many games THOSE TEAMS have ALREADY PLAYED Against Each Other...... AND LOST!!! (Obviously Half). And what about the first two teams out??? How will you ever even attempt to justify why Teams #11 & #12 got in and teams #13 & #14 were left out? It would be easier to try to explain the Balk Rule to someone who has never played baseball. (You can't use, Oh Well, we already have 4 teams from the SEC).
Didn't 'The Bowls' satisfy this same craving? Lord, we had our own NATIONAL HOLIDAY!!!. HANGOVER & FOOTBALL DAY (A.K.A. New Year's Day). Even the Weekday Games, leading up, were great (ya know, the ones where Carolina might be playing). OK, Okay, then it got watered down, especially when they started allowing teams with losing records. BUT WAIT AGAIN. What gives YOU the right to think The Bowl Expansion watered things down BUT expanding the CFP is going to make it BETTER?
At least back when, after January 2nd, you could still argue 'Nobody could stop that Big 10 run game with the O-line they have!' 'Yeah, well who's going to stop a Big 12 Passing Game?' And of course we all know ... "An SEC Defense would totally shutdown BOTH and their offense would out score 'em' by 21 points." There was Banter. The was discussion. There was consideration of other opinions and points of view. NOW, you have teams scheduling 3 and even 4 Patsies during the regular season. WHY? So we can chase some National Championship Dream? Doesn't that make the Regular Season less vital? Look at Carolina. We've got 4 virtual 'Can't Lose Games' next year. And yet, it's more than likely we'll have a losing season.
And Why, in God's name would I have any interest in Oregon/Oklahoma, Ole Miss/Ohio St, and Texas/ JoPa St match-ups in a playoff game whatsoever? HONEST!!! I would seriously need to get a life, if I did. I've always had a deal with any & all my Ladies (Whether or not they liked it) Let me watch all my Gamecocks, the Super Bowl and the Yankees when they are in the playoffs and/or Series and the rest of the time the TV is YOURS. But, although I do not agree I still respect your right to Select TCU for the CFP simply because they beat Michigan's ASS, one game, whether or not you actually watched! (By the way, there are NO $ signs in 'ASS')
REMEMBER, You're the one who posted ... "OK, so I'll play Devil's advocate. What's your problem with a 12 team playoff?" Asked and answered. I don't need a reply and I certainly, am NOT asking for your opinion.