The battle flag is coming down

Can't raise a Caine back up when he's in defeat.

Consign it to history. I am proud be be of the South
but hate how idiots have high jacked this symbol.
Heck the swaticka symbol was a good thing till some
fools high jacked that.
The night they drove old Dixie down.
And all the bells were ringing.
We should get rid of anything that offends anyone. I am offended about folks having kid after kid and on welfare and getting free groceries and free phones while sitting on their butts or not marryng to keep getting food stamps That offends me
Like everyone else I am OK with the flag going down, but true history does get warped by an agressive media. One thing that really bugs me everyone loves the country, but everyone has to describe each other by hypens. Are we all Americans or are we just a bunch of different groups thrown together?
Like everyone else I am OK with the flag going down, but true history does get warped by an agressive media. One thing that really bugs me everyone loves the country, but everyone has to describe each other by hypens. Are we all Americans or are we just a bunch of different groups thrown together?

Your last sentence would be correct. Hitler called America a country of "mutts". Of course, he was the ultimate racist. The funny thing is he wasn't one of the origin that he sought to be the chosen race.

We are what we set out to be from the very first thoughts of become a separate nation. Remember "The New Colossus" that is proudly displayed on the Statue of Liberty...

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The way I see it we ARE a bunch of groups thrown together. But we are all humans first and Americans second.

BTW, I think someone should have reminded "The Donald" about this before his rant about how "Mexico isn't sending us their best" because not only is he wrong that Mexico isn't sending us anyone, he's wrong that we shouldn't except anyone that wants to come here LEGALLY that is merely searching for a better life and future for themselves and their families. I all for border control and not excepting criminals, but not for denying anyone that wants to come here to better themselves and live a more prosperous life...and definitely not for coming here for the free welfare, which needs to stop or have more strict limits.
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This action doesn't mean the END of anything...whether you agree or disagree...I just heard the head of the NAACP state that ANYTHING with the word "Confederate" or ANYTHING that references "the Confederacy" is a target...he specifically mentioned statutes of Robert E. Lee...I have family buried in SC that fought and died in the Civil War...was the war wrong...all wars are wrong....but you can't change history no matter how many flags and statues you let's discuss some facts....The American flag is more associated with "slavery" than the confederate flag...American flags flew above the ships that went to Africa and brought the slaves to America....northern merchants and sailors were on those ships....More slaves from Africa went to Europe than America...ships full of infantry soldiers didn't go to Africa, invade their countries and capture slaves...they were already captured and brought to the docks by their own and sold....The Civil War wasn't fought over the slavery issue...the main reason was economics....FREE LABOR.....why?...because in the early 1800's after 100 years of slave trade with Africa the "business" dried this country and Europe there was no longer any need to buy slaves....Owners were now "breeding" their own...northern merchants realized they would not be able to compete with southern merchants who had a free, non-paid labor had already started with the European trade...Restrictions were trying to be imposed to limit this trade deficit which led to the secession from the "Union" of the southern states, which had the legal right to do that at the time....after the civil war ended, Jefferson Davis sat in a prison for three years pleading for a trial, but was never fact, NO CONFEDERATE leader was ever put on trial....why is that? Because they could have proved that they had the right to do what they did, and that the CSA was "ATTACKED" by a foreign country....the Union did not want that....was the reunification of this country the right thing to do...of course it was...The United States of America IS the greatest country in the world...If you don't believe that, you need to VISIT some of the countries I have...Someone needs to police the world, America is my choice...whose yours...Russia, Iran, China, Japan...Germany? I believe in the Constitution of this's the second greatest document ever written in my opinion...the Chapters of the Holy Bible are the first...Why do you think so many countries have "mirrored" that document...Am I a racist, do I believe in slavery, of course not...I believe in the liberties the Constitution of the United States affords us...all people...not special interest groups...not one activist group...not one the EXPENSE of any other....

I am awestruck. You've nearly described my thoughts and feelings to a tee!

I could very well nominate this for the greatest FGF political post of all time!!!
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Bigger, you continue to impress me with your humanity. Well done. Although the statue is a gift from a nation that is not so nice to us as a whole, the words still ring true. Give us your huddled masses. Baby steps my friend. Baby steps.
This is not to make anybody mad, but I would like to ask a question of the folks commenting on the "Battle Flag" that strongly feel it should remain on display on the Statehouse grounds..and that question is this.....Do you fly the flag at your home and/or your business if you have one? If not, it would seem slightly hypocritical to me, but I'd be curious to know how many folks actually have a Battle Flag.
This is not to make anybody mad, but I would like to ask a question of the folks commenting on the "Battle Flag" that strongly feel it should remain on display on the Statehouse grounds..and that question is this.....Do you fly the flag at your home and/or your business if you have one? If not, it would seem slightly hypocritical to me, but I'd be curious to know how many folks actually have a Battle Flag.

Also, where were these folks who hold the flag so sacred when it was co-opted and corrupted by the KKK and white supremists groups. I never heard anyone in all my 60+ years object or protest the use of this flag by hate groups. You can't be silent then and raise a fuss now. Not consistent.
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The media runs our country now. It used to be that they REPORTED NEWS and said ____ happened. If they decided to do an opinion piece, there were generally two view points presented, covering both sides of an argument and then "what do you think America?"... On to the next topic.

Now, which ever side of an issue is picked to be "right" by the media, the OTER side of the issue is SHUNNED. Period. Doesn't matter if it is a cop who shot someone, a politician/ celebrity who's aid something or a local government who has a monument/ rule/ flag that the media decides is "wrong"- said offender is just shunned until they relent or their ENTIRE LIFE IS RUINED. There is no more allowance for an opinion any more, you agree with the media's story OR YOU ARE SCUM AND YOU WILL BE SHUNNED AS WELL. PERIOD. That is how "freedom" works today.
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Wow Lifer. The media is just another player. If you want things to be different. Get involved in community grassroots efforts, politics, elections, etc. The biggest problem is people who vote occasionally, or don' t vote at all, or are not involved at any level of activism and sit on their butts waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting and then wait to reap the benefits. Story of our current society. As small as removing the flag may seem, it was the result of a horrific event, coupled with a surge of public outrage against that event and the ignorance surrounding it. America needs to get off of its collective lazy ass, and get involved. That laziness is what is running this country . Apathy. Classic definition of insanity. Take 5 minutes a day and write your representatives, state and federal. Daily. Write one letter and save it to your drafts and date it and send it everyday. If we all did that, our reps would vote our will, or we would really get rid of them when we vote, because we would know. Just a suggestion. Either that or lithium for depression.
Well putting it up there certainly caused a whole bunch of problems and didn't help anything. While taking it down won't fix everything, it will fix a few things that are important. It was time to bring it down. We are better than this.
Speaking of putting it up there. It sure seemed convenient that it went up in 1960 in the middle of the Civil Rights movement. Could it have been SC's way of thumbing their nose at Civil Rights? I know it was the 100th anniversary of the Civil War but like I said, it was in the middle of the Civil Right's movement.
Today or tomorrow.

Does everyone here agree it was time for this to happen?

Sure fine bring it down.

Now let's talk about things I find racist.

1. The term African-American. I don't call myself a European-American. Let's just all be Americans.
2. Miss black America contest. ( what if it were called the Miss white America contest? )
3. The black caucus. Is there a white caucus?
4. BET network.
5. The black coaches association
7. Black history month
8. Why is there a place for race on a job application? Or sex for that matter. Can I just answer yes please?

This is not being racist, it is just a fair question. South Carolina has better race relations than most states in America and I'm very proud of that. We are all God's children and should love and respect each other.
Sure fine bring it down.

Now let's talk about things I find racist.

1. The term African-American. I don't call myself a European-American. Let's just all be Americans.
2. Miss black America contest. ( what if it were called the Miss white America contest? )
3. The black caucus. Is there a white caucus?
4. BET network.
5. The black coaches association
7. Black history month
8. Why is there a place for race on a job application? Or sex for that matter. Can I just answer yes please?

This is not being racist, it is just a fair question. South Carolina has better race relations than most states in America and I'm very proud of that. We are all God's children and should love and respect each other.

Yes, but there are a number of posters here saying they are Southerners first and Americans second. Would your condemnation apply to them?
Yes, but there are a number of posters here saying they are Southerners first and Americans second. Would your condemnation apply to them?

Then I guess we should call these people Southern-Americans. lol Maybe you could respond to what I wrote instead of asking me about what someone else wrote. I wasn't condemning anyone just asking fair questions.
Today or tomorrow.

Does everyone here agree it was time for this to happen?

I am a born southerner as all my relatives for at least 6 generations have been. My great great grandmother's brothers fought on opposite sides. But I can understand how African-Americans could be offended by the confederate battle flag, regardless of what I see it representing as a white male it doesn't represent a time where my race was owned, sold and treated like lifestock. But to say its the reason for the awful shooting is just ignorant, his ideas weren't formed from the flag, they were formed by a racist. Its alone the lines of guns killing people, sure get gun fires the bullet, but if someone is set on injuring or killing people not having a gun isn't going to stop them. How many guns were in play in the Boston bombing, how many guns were in play on the 9-11 hyjackings. Both of those gunless incidents caused more damage than a guy with a gun did, but we aren't trying to outlaw flying or road races.

I don't have an issue with the flag being banned, but understanding how the confederate flag is offensive to African-Americans, and we are banning it. It's also time to start talking about banning all the Mexican flags on tags, hanging from windows and on poles, it offends me for people to come into this country under the cover of darkness and willing to break multiple laws of our country to get here and stay, but continue to flag the flag the place they ran away from. If it were such a great place, why did you do everything you could to get away from it and willing to do anything you can to keep from being sent back?
sThe Confederate in question doesn't represent 'Southerners' (or Confederate soldiers) anymore - it was usurped by 'white only' segregationist and racist a LONG time ago.
Opposing its removal from the state house lawn is ignoring the reason it was pulled out of the closet and hoisted above the SC statehouse in 1961 to begin with ... which was opposition to civil rights laws by Governor Fritz Hollings and a lily-white 'good 'ol boy' SC legislature who were 100% opposed to allowing black students to attend pubic schools with white children, and violently opposed to fair housing laws and public service laws that permitted anyone to live anywhere they chose, stay in any hotel they wanted to and to eat a meal or use a restroom anywhere they felt like it if they were tired, hungry or needed to 'make water'.
The guy above got it RIGHT ... the Confederate flag isn't "kinda' like" it is EXACTLY LIKE the Swastika used by Nazi-Germany. Before Hiltler 'adopted' the swastika as his nation's 'symbol' the swastika had been a revered symbol around the world for THOUSANDS of years.
In fact, in 1924 the 45th Infantry Division of the UNITED STATES ARMY adopted the 'swastika' as their 'battle symbol' uniform sleeve patch ... and they WORE IT until 1930, i.e., until realizing its meaning' had been 'stolen' by the Natzi's.
Unfortunately, the Kly Klux Klan stole the Confederate battle flag, too - and It's STILL employed by 'racists' (the recent church murderer in Charleston is just the LATEST example) - much like the swastika is often employed by skin-heads.
Anyone wanted to 'honor' their ancestors should consider pulling weeds around their grave sites. Flying the 'Confederate flag' today (given its 'history') is every bit as disrespectful to black citizens in America as waving a swastika flag would be to America's European campaign WWII veterans or to Jews anywhere.
Any 'thinking' person must know that's true - it doesn't take a scholar, or even a very educated person to intuitively know that's the way it is. I'm certainly no scholar, on the contrary - but I believe it takes an 'overt' act of intended racism to ignore the 'truth' that 'symbol' was stolen long ago and cannot be 'retrieved'.
It was long past time to remove the Confederate flag from the statehouse. SC is a better place for it.
Sure fine bring it down.

Now let's talk about things I find racist.

1. The term African-American. I don't call myself a European-American. Let's just all be Americans. agree
2. Miss black America contest. ( what if it were called the Miss white America contest? ) We had Miss White America contest until 1970.
3. The black caucus. Is there a white caucus? We had that for almost 100 years - took that long for the first black to be elected to congress.
4. BET network. We have WET
5. The black coaches association - has there ever been a person of color to coach football or men's basketball at South Carolina?
6. NAACP - seems only fair since our country did everything in its power, including legislation, to keep colored people from advancing
7. Black history month - to educate our children on the history of this country, even the unpleasant part of our history - the same reason we shouldn't remove confederate monuments
8. Why is there a place for race on a job application? Or sex for that matter. Can I just answer yes please? the race question is optional

This is not being racist, it is just a fair question. South Carolina has better race relations than most states in America and I'm very proud of that. We are all God's children and should love and respect each other.
I am a born southerner as all my relatives for at least 6 generations have been. My great great grandmother's brothers fought on opposite sides. But I can understand how African-Americans could be offended by the confederate battle flag, regardless of what I see it representing as a white male it doesn't represent a time where my race was owned, sold and treated like lifestock. But to say its the reason for the awful shooting is just ignorant, his ideas weren't formed from the flag, they were formed by a racist. Its alone the lines of guns killing people, sure get gun fires the bullet, but if someone is set on injuring or killing people not having a gun isn't going to stop them. How many guns were in play in the Boston bombing, how many guns were in play on the 9-11 hyjackings. Both of those gunless incidents caused more damage than a guy with a gun did, but we aren't trying to outlaw flying or road races.

I don't have an issue with the flag being banned, but understanding how the confederate flag is offensive to African-Americans, and we are banning it. It's also time to start talking about banning all the Mexican flags on tags, hanging from windows and on poles, it offends me for people to come into this country under the cover of darkness and willing to break multiple laws of our country to get here and stay, but continue to flag the flag the place they ran away from. If it were such a great place, why did you do everything you could to get away from it and willing to do anything you can to keep from being sent back?

The difference is that the Mexican flags, tags, etc are not being prominently featured in front of the SC State House. That is what the problem is, sanctioning the symbol that has been unfortunately co-opted by the white supremacists.

I offered tongue-in-cheek that if the flag were to stay then the blacks would be well within their rights in my very humble view to say they wanted African flags representing their various heritages flying on the grounds at their monument. Funny how some thought that strangely wrong.... Funny that the shoe on the other foot just doesn't fit and feels and looks odd. ;)
The difference is that the Mexican flags, tags, etc are not being prominently featured in front of the SC State House. That is what the problem is, sanctioning the symbol that has been unfortunately co-opted by the white supremacists.

I offered tongue-in-cheek that if the flag were to stay then the blacks would be well within their rights in my very humble view to say they wanted African flags representing their various heritages flying on the grounds at their monument. Funny how some thought that strangely wrong.... Funny that the shoe on the other foot just doesn't fit and feels and looks odd. ;)

Chick, you are awesome.
Anybody been seeing a number of vehicles (mostly trucks) with the big 3x5 (that's feet) flag flying from the truck bed lately?? I bet in the last 2 days I've seen at least 10 trucks here in the Lexington area with one, two, and some with three flags on them. What's strange (to me anyway), is that it's been a variety of flags, not just all confederate flags as you would expect.
Sure as hell won't hurt it, either and believe this: those clowns at Tater Tech have been using it against us for years while screaming 'Heritage; Not Hate'. However, THEIR time on the social justice hot seat is just beginning - 'Hello, World - meet Mr. Ben Tillman!' LOL!

How did quempsum use the flag against us? Yes, it's in Columbia but it's a flag that represents the entire state.

We had a co-op from quempsum a year or two before I retired and she was telling me their is a fraternity at quempsum that is like a rebel fraternity from the Ole South. She said they fly rebel flags all the time. And at parties they scream the rebel yell, etc. Boy, if that's not something that would tick off the African-American, I don't know what would.
Sure fine bring it down.

Now let's talk about things I find racist.

1. The term African-American. I don't call myself a European-American. Let's just all be Americans.
2. Miss black America contest. ( what if it were called the Miss white America contest? )
3. The black caucus. Is there a white caucus?
4. BET network.
5. The black coaches association
7. Black history month
8. Why is there a place for race on a job application? Or sex for that matter. Can I just answer yes please?

This is not being racist, it is just a fair question. South Carolina has better race relations than most states in America and I'm very proud of that. We are all God's children and should love and respect each other.
Yeah, nice. Find a complaint box and good luck. You're still not getting your racist a** flag back. This isn't a quid pro quo.
The difference is that the Mexican flags, tags, etc are not being prominently featured in front of the SC State House. That is what the problem is, sanctioning the symbol that has been unfortunately co-opted by the white supremacists.

I offered tongue-in-cheek that if the flag were to stay then the blacks would be well within their rights in my very humble view to say they wanted African flags representing their various heritages flying on the grounds at their monument. Funny how some thought that strangely wrong.... Funny that the shoe on the other foot just doesn't fit and feels and looks odd. ;)

Chick75, I have never known you to be so engaged in a single topic before. You have stated your position without getting touchy like many of the other posters. Boy, I wish you had been one of my teachers but you were still in Junior High when I finished college or was just starting HS. LOL!
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How did quempsum use the flag against us? Yes, it's in Columbia but it's a flag that represents the entire state.

We had a co-op from quempsum a year or two before I retired and she was telling me their is a fraternity at quempsum that is like a rebel fraternity from the Ole South. She said they fly rebel flags all the time. And at parties they scream the rebel yell, etc. Boy, if that's not something that would tick off the African-American, I don't know what would.

Freddie, this is how they used it against us:

Out-of-State A-A Prospect: 'I'm also considering South Carolina'.

Recruiter: 'Oh, isn't that the school where the Confederate flag flies?'

The old adage applies here, imo. Keep it short and simple and repeat it often enough. Soon, they'll believe it and tell others.

Now that we don't have the 'flag' problem anymore,. we need to turn up the heat on Tillman Tech!
A piece of cloth sewn by people is not racist. The hate groups that took a representative flag and used it as their symbol are the racists.
Chick75, I have never known you to be so engaged in a single topic before. You have stated your position without getting touchy like many of the other posters. Boy, I wish you had been one of my teachers but you were still in Junior High when I finished college or was just starting HS. LOL!

Thanks, Freddie. I think I am sensitive to it because I teach all kinds children in a public school. I learn about them as people, not just races or religions, so, yes, I am sensitive to their feelings and perceptions. I have always wanted that flag in a museum, never understood why it should be where it was. It is so nice to be able to type "was" instead of "is."
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Freddie, this is how they used it against us:

Out-of-State A-A Prospect: 'I'm also considering South Carolina'.

Recruiter: 'Oh, isn't that the school where the Confederate flag flies?'

The old adage applies here, imo. Keep it short and simple and repeat it often enough. Soon, they'll believe it and tell others.

Now that we don't have the 'flag' problem anymore,. we need to turn up the heat on Tillman Tech!

That's exactly what I said in another thread about turning the heat up on quempsum and Tillman Hall.
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Thanks, Freddie. I think I am sensitive to it because I teach all kinds children in a public school. I learn about them as people, not just races or religions, so, yes, I am sensitive to their feelings and perceptions. I have always wanted that flag in a museum, never understood why it should be where it was. It is so nice to be able to type "was" instead of "is."

Well, you really represented yourself very well. As a former South Carolinian, I, too, have wanted the flag to come down because of the perception outsiders look at SC as being a backward state. But, the biggest reason is it hurts the feelings of many residents of SC.
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