USC at Kentucky game thread

I want to see Urich and Joyner. Particularly Joyner.

Just want to see if they have anything, any possibility of being effective players.
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Want to say something. But to be honest I am about as tired of saying it, as people will be to read it.

Jake leaves too many plays on the field. Makes a bad throw, doesn't find the open guy. He is what he is, but this offense would really click if he or someone else could do that.

I'm not talking about him taking over a game. Just find guys and make throws that other qb's across the country can.

I was watching some of the Washington State/Utah game before I turned to ours. That Minshew guy that transferred to them for one year does really well at that.

Jake has nothing to do with this score being 10-3. He didn’t fumble. He isn’t the one missing tackles. Does Jake make mistakes, yes. But this post is proof people just want to pounce on Jake. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
enough blame to go around, you are correct. But our QB play is not acceptable for SEC play. But you should go ahead and believe what you want. I have another opinion.
Oh refs call a holding to pad their stats - yes sir Mr. SEC Officiating review guy - we called UK for a holding penalty
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Oh well, 50 years ago we trailed N. Carolina 27-3 at half-time and came back and won the game 32-27.

Soooo, we have a chance. :)
CFB has changed. Most good teams have a dual threat. We recruit them. Only they can’t throw a football.
this guy can't throw that well, but he's got a good scheme... and an RB the other D MUST respect.

Throw to the TE for 20? sure.
Run an option/play action where your little scat back squirts out as the LBs come up to play the run?

The dude has had EASY throws. Our 4* dual threat could easily make those throws.
Is namecalling necessary? Guess I should be excited about the game so far
Did I hurt your feelings - not my intentions - just saying when you post things like you did - be ready to get called out for it - the execution of the p[lays called have been the downfall and not the play calling
Announcer: “this is not a typical Jake Bentley performance”. Um, this is Jake Bentley’s performance literally every time we play a ranked opponent. If this were Vandy or Coastal, then yeah, it wouldn’t be a typical performance
Well the drops at the beginning of the game really didn't help.
Did I hurt your feelings - not my intentions - just saying when you post things like you did - be ready to get called out for it - the execution of the p[lays called have been the downfall and not the play calling
Once again, when we have three at halftime against UK it's okay to be upset with coaches. Like I said, Muschamp has a questionable history of OC hires.
The sad thing is USC won't kick itself in the butt as a program to fix this. They'll just be ho hum about it.
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They finally saw holding!

With 10 seconds left from the 50 freaking yard line. A head SEC referee was a client of mine years ago. This is why I eventually just deleted his phone number so I’d never light him up during a game he was reffing.
I don’t know why we don’t use slants and bubble screens more on the rpo. We seem to throw long passes on our rpo. Have we thrown either tonight. The UK qb sucks with his arm but they give him so many easy throws. I don’t think BMac is an OC.
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Anyone want 4 in section 309 for half price?

I'll not sit in Williams-Brice again, unless its at the high school state championship games.

Our university's athletic department, & especially the football program, is a ****ing joke! **** everybody!!!!!!!!!!!

Sucks to be you. And no thanks. Turning the game off at halftime sure beats wasting an entire Saturday. I've got too little free time as is, the financial aspect notwithstanding.
Once again, when we have three at halftime against UK it's okay to be upset with coaches. Like I said, Muschamp has a questionable history of OC hires.
Fair enough but in case you weren’t aware - B-Mac is one of the highest sought after assistants in the nation and for good reason - he has put the O in positions to make big plays but they just haven’t done it - thats on the players not B-Mac
Fair enough but in case you weren’t aware - B-Mac is one of the highest sought after assistants in the nation and for good reason - he has put the O in positions to make big plays but they just haven’t done it - thats on the players not B-Mac
Hello, I'm talking offense. That's been our discussion all along I thought.
Now I know how UGA fans must have felt when we rolled them during Lattimore's freshman year.
Why isn't Tyson Williams playing at all? Don't give me the he doesn't practice well bullcrap either, Muschamp. The ones that practice well look like crap on Saturday anyways so you might want to scrap that stupid rule of yours.
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