Why wouldn't all the red-shirt players who didn't travel

Belk was too busy asking Dabo if he could come back. I kid, I kid. I would think they would do something along those lines. That’s a bad look.
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With the team watch the game at the football operations building or somewhere with I dont know maybe the graduate assistants?

The question would be what do other programs do with their Red-Shirt players???

Back the days, you kind of stuck around the dorm if it’s an away game, unless it’s up the road or something. Go home and see friends and family..

I’m sure Dabo has good control over his Red-Shirt players when they are out of town...
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I am seldom on the same page today as the young players so don't know what is acceptable. I was always taught team. I was playing or watching my team play. I can't imagine watching another school (much less our rival) at the same time as my teammates were fighting for a win. Hope my gut is wrong here but I don't smell any dedication or support to brother players. Sure hope he works out for us but will wait and see.
I know, but it seems like you would be watching the team you play for. You have to think it would not sit well with some of the guys in the locker room. Especially the older guys who remember the last time USC went to Clemson.
Not everyone. The one time I was injured (out 3 weeks), I hated watching my team play because I wanted to be out there to help and couldn't. It was a lot more mental stress than watching a team you don't care about play a game.
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With the team watch the game at the football operations building or somewhere with I dont know maybe the graduate assistants?
You do know the NCAA limits required team functions even during the season, right? I would think that time would be better spent at practice or in the film room with the coaches.
With the team watch the game at the football operations building or somewhere with I dont know maybe the graduate assistants?
You do know the NCAA limits required team functions even during the season, right? I would think that time would be better spent at practice or in the film room with the coaches.

Maybe he went there to see a girlfriend. You know the lure of feminine attraction is strong at that age. For that matter it’s strong at my age :)
With the team watch the game at the football operations building or somewhere with I dont know maybe the graduate assistants?

I guess it's up to whoever is running the team, coaches or player(s). But, ya know, he's a 4 star so, there's nothing more for him to learn until he's at the next level anyway. It's not like he's really a part of the team.
Who cares, he wasn’t allowed to travel with team. He’s a college kid. Don’t see the need to bash a kid who is on our team just because he still has some friends up in clempson. We won yesterday, be happy. For some I know that beyond your ability.
Who cares, he wasn’t allowed to travel with team. He’s a college kid. Don’t see the need to bash a kid who is on our team just because he still has some friends up in clempson. We won yesterday, be happy. For some I know that beyond your ability.
Some folks like to run other peoples lives. Apparently their life is going so well they can get on the computer to tell other people what they should do and not do on their day off.
Some folks like to run other peoples lives. Apparently their life is going so well they can get on the computer to tell other people what they should do and not do on their day off.

RE: first sentence in the above post. This 'do as I think you ought to do' is a dominant theme these days in US politics - on BOTH sides of the 'aisle'.
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Seems like they can do whatever they want if they're not traveling with the team.
I know, but it seems like you would be watching the team you play for. You have to think it would not sit well with some of the guys in the locker room. Especially the older guys who remember the last time USC went to Clemson.

Keep stirring the pot. Keep creating hate and discontent. It's almost as is you're really not a gamecock fan.