Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Nothing bad faith about it. He is on video taking about the weapons he carried in war. Exact quote:

“We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,”

He was never in the war carrying a weapon. He was doing support in Italy 2700 miles away. Fact.

And he did lie about his rank at retirement. Is still using the rank that he didn't earn. Fact.

And he did retire and let his unit go to Iraq without him. And he absolutely knew it was going to happen. All of them did. It was a given at that time.

Just like he was arrested driving 96 mph while legally drunk. Blew a .12. He thought someone was following him.

In his Mazda Miata.


Now do Trump's service and criminal record.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump needs to focus on Harris' , and to a lesser extent, Walz' liberal positions. And just repeat those over and over and over again until Election Day.

This is a losing strategy because the majority of Americans support Democratic positions over Republican positions. Republicans have won one popular vote in the past 30 years. There is a reason for that.

Trump won in 2016 by tapping into closeted racism in the country. It's what he's trying to tap into with his speeches and rhetoric. That and voter suppression i.e. voter ID laws are his only chance at actually winning. He's never going to win on merit.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Posts like this just highlight your reality only exists if you operate in bad faith.

Nothing bad faith about it. He is on video taking about the weapons he carried in war. Exact quote:

“We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,”

He was never in the war carrying a weapon. He was doing support in Italy 2700 miles away. Fact.

And he did lie about his rank at retirement. Is still using the rank that he didn't earn. Fact.

And he did retire and let his unit go to Iraq without him. And he absolutely knew it was going to happen. All of them did. It was a given at that time.

Just like he was arrested driving 96 mph while legally drunk. Blew a .12. He thought someone was following him.

In his Mazda Miata.

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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump needs to focus on Harris' , and to a lesser extent, Walz' liberal positions. And just repeat those over and over and over again until Election Day. And force her to state those positions. Nobody gives a sh_t about crowds sizes, competence, her race, how to pronounce her name. Who seriously thinks that will sway swing voters? And stop with 90 minute rallies. He can talk about her positions in 30 minutes. Beyond that, he risks losing the attention of his crowd. If he continues as is, he risks pulling defeat out of the jaws of victory. But I know little and claim less.

As a PSA, many, many, many months ago, I read on the 538 web site that historically, the most accurate polls are from;
the New York Times, ABC Washington Post, Suffolk, Marist, Emerson, UMass, Marquette, YouGov and Monmouth.

Agreed. Talking about her background is a waste of time, imo. Put her views front and center, and work on not letting her cover up past stances.

And she could just repeat convicted felon over and over. The bases have dug in on that, the middle may still be swayed.
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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Trump needs to focus on Harris' , and to a lesser extent, Walz' liberal positions. And just repeat those over and over and over again until Election Day. And force her to state those positions. Nobody gives a sh_t about crowds sizes, competence, her race, how to pronounce her name. Who seriously thinks that will sway swing voters? And stop with 90 minute rallies. He can talk about her positions in 30 minutes. Beyond that, he risks losing the attention of his crowd. If he continues as is, he risks pulling defeat out of the jaws of victory. But I know little and claim less.

As a PSA, many, many, many months ago, I read on the 538 web site that historically, the most accurate polls are from;
the New York Times, ABC Washington Post, Suffolk, Marist, Emerson, UMass, Marquette, YouGov and Monmouth.
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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Amazing how it took 4 years to find out that Harris's husband, Mr. "I hate toxic masculinity" knocked up the babysitter during his first marriage.

If he were a Republican, we would have known about it the first time his name was even mentioned.

And the babysitter and child would be on the news each night, interviewed over and over by each station.

There would be tears, and talk of men in position of power taking advantage of women ad naseum.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Raise your hand if you:

Lied about being in actual combat
Lied about your rank
Bailed on your troops you were trained to lead when you were deployed to an ACTUAL combat zone


Maybe you don't know what actual principles are. Probably a lot more skeletons that the media are hiding like they did Emhoff's babysitting knocking up.

Posts like this just highlight your reality only exists if you operate in bad faith.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Raise your hand if you:

Lied about being in actual combat
Lied about your rank
Bailed on your troops you were trained to lead when you were deployed to an ACTUAL combat zone


Maybe you don't know what actual principles are. Probably a lot more skeletons that the media are hiding like they did Emhoff's babysitting knocking up.

For some, principles fly out the window if it goes against what the party wants. You have to remember that when talking to a party first person.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

You're not accustomed to seeing a person who actually practices of what they preach.

I'm sure it does seem odd to see someone with actual principles.

Raise your hand if you:

Lied about being in actual combat
Lied about your rank
Bailed on your troops you were trained to lead when you were deployed to an ACTUAL combat zone


Maybe you don't know what actual principles are. Probably a lot more skeletons that the media are hiding like they did Emhoff's babysitting knocking up.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Walz is seriously creepy. Get some really bad vibes off him. Very odd, overdramatic body language and facial expressions that set off some red flags for me. And that weird interaction with his wife on stage where he shook her hand and then the awkward hug. Not to mention the whole tampons in elementary school boy's bathroom thing.

Definitely something very off about him.

You're not accustomed to seeing a person who actually practices of what they preach.

I'm sure it does seem odd to see someone with actual principles.

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Air Force retiree here. I cannot think of anything more disgusting than claiming to have been in combat when you weren’t. It may not be stolen valor to the younger generation of GIs but it certainly is to the GIs of my era.

Oh, don't worry the Army is still toxic. On my most recent deployment we had guys arguing their CIB was more valid because they got shot at with an AK 47 versus the CSM who got his when his TOC was shot at by rockets.
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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Walz is seriously creepy. Get some really bad vibes off him. Very odd, overdramatic body language and facial expressions that set off some red flags for me. And that weird interaction with his wife on stage where he shook her hand and then the awkward hug. Not to mention the whole tampons in elementary school boy's bathroom thing.

Definitely something very off about him.
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Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

That's a bit different than claiming to have seen combat.

Is his comment misleading? Yes. But at the end of the day the dude was called into active duty, forced to carry a weapon, and sent overseas carrying a rifle in support of a war campaign. Yeah Turkey and Italy weren't glamorous or all that risky. But he still did his duty.

Some real toxic gatekeeping. It would be like me criticizing the Soldiers who deployed to Kuwait and just weren't "lucky" enough to push into a combat theatre and get shot at like I was. Or criticizing JD Vance because he was a photographer in a non-combat role.
ROFLMAO, He is Blind, give up, He hears only what Whoopi, Joy and MSNBC tells him. CNN even came out late at night (When noone was watching) and basically Said HE LIED and they agreed with him. He said LIKE THE WEAPONS HE USED IN WAR!!
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