Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I can’t believe this once great country is facing, for the 3rd consecutive election, an election where we have two poor choices. We are in desperate need of a 3rd party where common sense abides.

I may be older than you, I've been on this earth for more than 5 decades.

It's been a LONG time since I remember the election being anything but "the lesser of two evils".

Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

The media touts the polls that say Harris is gaining rapidly and closing the gap. They want everyone to think she can win so the election can be stolen and the people will believe it. I can’t believe this once great country is facing, for the 3rd consecutive election, an election where we have two poor choices. We are in desperate need of a 3rd party where common sense abides.

desperate (Webster): a feeling of hopelessness that is so bad that there is no hope for success.

This is where we are.

Gamecocks win total in 24

Someone can sleep on their shoulder wrong and it be sore and sit out practice causing a coach not to want to play them since they are a backup. That doesn't make someone injury prone.

I broke my arm 6-7 years ago. Only broken bone in my life. I don't think someone would call me injury prone given my arm is often sore when I wake up and have to stretch it out.

You are focused on taking the most negative view possible on purpose, labeling someone injury prone for no reason so you can paint them in a negative light.

Your standard would make every single athlete "injury prone." That's not true. It's not true, so far, that Sellers is injury prone because he was hurt his junior year of high school and didn't play in 1 more game last year. That's ludicrous.

Do you only argue semantics? Is that your entire schtick?

So you have an issue with the term injury prone. However, you acknowledge that Sellers has missed game time 2 out of the last 3 years because of injury.

So it's fair to say he's missed game time 2 out of the last 3 years which can be a cause for concern.


Dawn Again

oh- BTW - I didn't want this to slip by since too many of you post outright lies- and spread them around like buffoons

Kellie Harrington didn't say any such thing. This was made up by a liar who posts a lot of nonsense and has been debunked.

Just proves you read this crap on sites like X and believe it without any evidence. Just another example of how easy people can fool you.

In response to the lying tweet (the one you posted), Heather Boyle, head of Communications, PR and Athletes' Commission at The Olympic Federation of Ireland confirmed via email on August 2, 2024, that that there was no basis for the claim saying that Kellie stated she had not made any such comment.

After winning the Gold medal, Harrington did say she wanted to retire and settle down with her wife.

This is what you're hanging your hat on???? :)

Gomer, the comedy never ends with you.

Did you call Kent Babb's Columbia agent again to confirm this about Kellie's feelings?

If we walked back all of the nonsense you've posted over the years, it might break the internet.

Remember when you went through that long period of believing fact-checkers where true? That was fun times.

Or maybe the times you were caught generating false heresay to support your lame positions?

Or the fact you argued for child gender surgeries and boosters?

My hands are getting weary but you get the point...

Gamecocks win total in 24

allegedly or was he actually injured? Allegedly doesn't impress me. I prefer actual evidence and reports.

We don't have his actual medical records so it's always going to be allegedly.
We have a lot of people who cover the team and report every bathroom trip. So I don't recall that but I didn't keep up with him.
Yes, it was reported by the insiders on another site.
Players are hurt all the time in practice- or tweak an ankle- have a sore shoulder, have a sore knee- and are hurt- that I don't think people consider injury prone. As every former player knows, everyone out there is hurt at some level and plenty of backups don't play because they are sore and there is no reason to play them.
Hurting a non-throwing shoulder in practice is a concern because practice is obviously much lighter than actual game conditions.

Gamecocks win total in 24

Be careful. These guys might say you are allegedly still hurt and cannot be a fan.
Allegedly, anything is possible. Allegedly just means we do not have any FACTS. But if he had played in one more game it is a Fact, he could not have been a redshirt.

That's not what allegedly means.

Lastly, he only played in 3 games last year. He could have played in one more and maintained his redshirt. Doesn't appear facts matter to you.

Gamecocks win total in 24

Some people really need to wake up. LaNorris Sellers did not get hurt last year and is not injury prone. His little brother, Jayden Sellers had an ACL injury that caused him to miss half the season at West Florence

Because Sellers did not get hurt. The only reason he did not play much was to save his redshirt.

I just wish people would do a little research before they quote things about our players.

Except it was reported he was injured during practice last year.

So either the coaches were lying to the insiders to cover up not playing him or he was hurt.

Gamecocks win total in 24

He was hurt his Junior year of high school. But returned strong. In fact, I read that his first game back he ran for over 80 yards and passed for over 200 surprising some his coaches how quickly he returned to playing well right away.

I don't think it's fair to say someone injured one time is injury prone. That doesn't fit the definition at all for reasonable people - reasonable being the key word.

That said, the QB position is one that takes a lot of hits and even the best players are going to be banged up and miss plays.

He was allegedly hurt last year as well. That’s why he didn’t get to play in the last few games.

Gamecocks win total in 24

Some people really need to wake up. LaNorris Sellers did not get hurt last year and is not injury prone. His little brother, Jayden Sellers had an ACL injury that caused him to miss half the season at West Florence

Because Sellers did not get hurt. The only reason he did not play much was to save his redshirt.

I just wish people would do a little research before they quote things about our players.
He was limited his junior season and didn’t play much last season so he hasn’t played many games in the last few years is what I’m talking about. He has potential no denying that.

Gamecocks win total in 24

Some people really need to wake up. LaNorris Sellers did not get hurt last year and is not injury prone. His little brother, Jayden Sellers had an ACL injury that caused him to miss half the season at West Florence

Because Sellers did not get hurt. The only reason he did not play much was to save his redshirt.

I just wish people would do a little research before they quote things about our players.
He got hurt in high school junior year.

Gamecocks win total in 24

Sellers has the tools to make some plays but he also got hurt and hasn’t played much in over a year.
With Sellers injury prone history,
And i'm sure @Ward Jr will spend all next offseason arguing what could have been if Sellers wasn't injured.
Some people really need to wake up. LaNorris Sellers did not get hurt last year and is not injury prone. His little brother, Jayden Sellers had an ACL injury that caused him to miss half the season at West Florence
I missed the getting hurt thing.
Because Sellers did not get hurt. The only reason he did not play much was to save his redshirt.

I just wish people would do a little research before they quote things about our players.

Another DeCommit

Except for he's one win off Spurrier's total after 3. That's your issue or one of them actually.

You loathed Beamer before he step foot at USC.

If someone had offered you a bet that Beamer would be within one win of Spurrier after 3 seasons and also be dealing with losing his best players, having a much more difficult SEC East, along with 10-15% of the NIL budget as other SEC schools -- you would have leaping out of your seat.

Instead, today you're trying to make the argument that he'll be on the "hottest seat in the country" if he keeps pace with Spurrier's win total this season even though he's playing a far more difficult schedule with a new squad.

See how irrational that sounds to those with an operational frontal cortex?

Yet Spurrier went on to coach another 7 seasons while Beamer's seat is already hot.

You can continue to whine about NIL. But without the million plus dollars a year that Beamer was able to pay Rattler, Beamer would have already had back to back losing seasons.

Another DeCommit

Fortunately, your logic doesn't appease fans when the losses are racking up.

That's why his seat is going to be scorching this season.

Except for he's one win off Spurrier's total after 3. That's your issue or one of them actually.

You loathed Beamer before he step foot at USC.

If someone had offered you a bet that Beamer would be within one win of Spurrier after 3 seasons and also be dealing with losing his best players, having a much more difficult SEC East, along with 10-15% of the NIL budget as other SEC schools -- you would have leaping out of your seat.

Instead, today you're trying to make the argument that he'll be on the "hottest seat in the country" if he keeps pace with Spurrier's win total this season even though he's playing a far more difficult schedule with a new squad.

See how irrational that sounds to those with an operational frontal cortex?
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