Another DeCommit

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Ward is always good for an excuse.

Watson - Take your trolling hat off for a minute and be honest. Do you believe money wasn't a factor here?

I noted you and DeeDave were jousted about who was the liberal OG of FGF the other day and it struck me -- Both of you guys have always need for something to be explicitly stated. There's zero intuition and/or reading between the obvious lines.

You know the NIL deals are running rampant and players are hopping around everywhere now. However, you want to pin everything on Beamer when it's clear that our top players aren't leaving each year because they've been rubbed wrong. For example and as mentioned before, the odds that Burch decided he wanted to head to Oregon after living in Columbia his entire life is next to none.

DeeDave needs to same people are clearly lying to him (DC, Pharma, Fauci) to come out and say that they are before he'll think any different and/or consider he might be getting duped. If the good guys hadn't outed these people, he and his family would still be taking those toxic boosters as Pfizer was posed to sell them to him through 2030 and beyond. Instead, they had to throw most of them away.

It's a feature with you "liberal OGs" and I'm guessing that's why you're still attached to a lame, corrupt party. I just can't fathom why there's zero critical thinking going on with you guys....or it's simply trolling?
LSU is hard to turn down for any kid I would think if they put the pressure on.
Watson - Take your trolling hat off for a minute and be honest. Do you believe money wasn't a factor here?

I noted you and DeeDave were jousted about who was the liberal OG of FGF the other day and it struck me -- Both of you guys have always need for something to be explicitly stated. There's zero intuition and/or reading between the obvious lines.

Is this intentional irony here? Claims of no intiution or ability to read between the lines, but you're claiming it's money and not that a kid would rather play for a coach who won 10 games last year and has competed for national championships before.

Talk about missing the forest for the trees.
Is this intentional irony here? Claims of no intiution or ability to read between the lines, but you're claiming it's money and not that a kid would rather play for a coach who won 10 games last year and has competed for national championships before.

Talk about missing the forest for the trees.
Then why did he even pick SC to begin with? You're not making any sense.
looks like a Linebacker, Jaiden Braker has flipped. went to LSU!!
Must not like what Beamer was selling??
Yeah that’s it…he didn’t like Beamer so he committed to us a month ago for his revenge. This day and time, anyone who puts stock in a commitment is kidding themselves
Watson - Take your trolling hat off for a minute and be honest. Do you believe money wasn't a factor here?

I noted you and DeeDave were jousted about who was the liberal OG of FGF the other day and it struck me -- Both of you guys have always need for something to be explicitly stated. There's zero intuition and/or reading between the obvious lines.

You know the NIL deals are running rampant and players are hopping around everywhere now. However, you want to pin everything on Beamer when it's clear that our top players aren't leaving each year because they've been rubbed wrong. For example and as mentioned before, the odds that Burch decided he wanted to head to Oregon after living in Columbia his entire life is next to none.

DeeDave needs to same people are clearly lying to him (DC, Pharma, Fauci) to come out and say that they are before he'll think any different and/or consider he might be getting duped. If the good guys hadn't outed these people, he and his family would still be taking those toxic boosters as Pfizer was posed to sell them to him through 2030 and beyond. Instead, they had to throw most of them away.

It's a feature with you "liberal OGs" and I'm guessing that's why you're still attached to a lame, corrupt party. I just can't fathom why there's zero critical thinking going on with you guys....or it's simply trolling?
So you’re telling me the videos of Biden’s and Harris’s screw ups aren’t deep fakes, (whatever the hell that means), after all?
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You’re a troll.

Of course it’s the HC’s fault when his recruiting class is subpar.
Unless he’s run out of money and/or he just doesn’t think the kid is worth a higher offer! It’s elementary my dear watson!
So you’re telling me the videos of Biden’s and Harris’s screw ups aren’t deep fakes, (whatever the hell that means), after all?


I had an extended family member try and argue that, and followed it up with "biden has a bad stutter". Haven't seen him since the drop out. Can't wait to ask him about the stutter .
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I had an extended family member try and argue that, and followed it up with "biden has a bad stutter". Haven't seen him since the drop put. Can't wait to ask him about the stutter .

FCK U and cant wait to rub your ignorant ass into the ground .... WAITING !!!!
So the kid really wanted to play at LSU and that's Beamer's fault? You're a troll.

No idea.

Kid committed to us. LSU came in and pressed him hard. That would turn any kid's head.
He visited for one of their big weekends and they pulled out all the stops.

probably offered him good money- at least matching us or more.

and they are LSU and we aren't.

Of course a lot of kids are going to pick LSU over us in that scenario no matter what we do.
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I had an extended family member try and argue that, and followed it up with "biden has a bad stutter". Haven't seen him since the drop out. Can't wait to ask him about the stutter .

He had one. But he had other issues too.

Trump is no wordsmith. My God- today he was talking about "black jobs" again. - He confuses himself, and then confused everyone else.

One very old candidate got out. The other very old man is still in.
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He had one. But he had other issues too.

Trump is no wordsmith. My God- today he was talking about "black jobs" again. - He confuses himself, and then confused everyone else.

One very old candidate got out. The other very old man is still in.
He talked about creating more jobs for black Americans, not black jobs. And the unemployment rate for blacks was at a historic low during his administration. KKK and Jim Crow laws were Democrat creations. The Republican party was created for one purpose. To end slavery. I look at people of all races as individuals with their own brains and hearts to think for themselves. Not what they're told to think. My favorite black bands play music that THEY and I like. I've seen black kids at the skateboard park wearing AC/DC tee shirts. We're all individuals and unique in our own ways.
He talked about creating more jobs for black Americans, not black jobs. And the unemployment rate for blacks was at a historic low during his administration. KKK and Jim Crow laws were Democrat creations. The Republican party was created for one purpose. To end slavery. I look at people of all races as individuals with their own brains and hearts to think for themselves. Not what they're told to think. My favorite black bands play music that THEY and I like. I've seen black kids at the skateboard park wearing AC/DC tee shirts. We're all individuals and unique in our own ways.
Too bad everyone doesn’t have same views, too many just concentrate on talking points, and not what a candidate will do to better them and their families.
many just concentrate on talking points, and not what a candidate will do to better them and their families.
I heard a black man from Prince George's county Maryland who's very well off due to it's proximity to the center of government. He's voting for Harris because it's in his family's best interests. Never mind that vote could actually cause the end of the whole world. We need to put the good of the whole country first.
I heard a black man from Prince George's county Maryland who's very well off due to it's proximity to the center of government. He's voting for Harris because it's in his family's best interests. Never mind that vote could actually cause the end of the whole world. We need to put the good of the whole country first.
As much as i disagree with his choice, i appreciate him doing what is best for his Family... My first preference is what is best for my Family (God, Guns, and Low cost of living). Then what is best for my Country, (Secure borders, Strong Military and worldwide respect). The current administration has failed on all SIX!!!
I heard a black man from Prince George's county Maryland who's very well off due to it's proximity to the center of government. He's voting for Harris because it's in his family's best interests. Never mind that vote could actually cause the end of the whole world. We need to put the good of the whole country first.

Bow, saying "the whole world" is a bit of an exaggeration.

We'll still have lord Humungus leading his band of men in search if gas across the wasteland.
Scan the article below and see if you don't believe this was about oil (errrrr) i mean "cash money"

Must not like what Beamer was offering?
I don't know whether money was the issue or not and neither do you. You're just speculating. But, I do know 2 things for certain:
1) LSU currently has the #3 recruiting class, and
2) LSU is not the 3rd richest program in the country.

They made a home run hire with Kelly, who was a proven HC with success everywhere he has been and is a great recruiter wherever he's been even before NIL.
I don't know whether money was the issue or not and neither do you. You're just speculating. But, I do know 2 things for certain:
1) LSU currently has the #3 recruiting class, and
2) LSU is not the 3rd richest program in the country.

They made a home run hire with Kelly, who was a proven HC with success everywhere he has been and is a great recruiter wherever he's been even before NIL.

Since neither of us can definitively prove money was involved in this situation, let's skip that for now.

1) Throughout history, LSU has almost always had high recruiting classes. This is nothing new. They have always been better at recruiting than we have for a multitude of reasons.

2) LSU is one of the richest schools in the SEC. This is why Saban ran to them once he made his mark in the little leagues. They have oil money. If you would like to present somehow evidence that they are not in the Top 3, please do.

The BooBirds really love to grab on to some esoteric scenario with the idea they can use it to run Beamer into the ground. It's pretty pathetic.

The kid was a 3-star player in the class of 2025 who decided to switch schools because his heart was with LSU. The horror. As if that stuff doesn't happen all the time.

Grow up.
I don't know whether money was the issue or not and neither do you. You're just speculating. But, I do know 2 things for certain:
1) LSU currently has the #3 recruiting class, and
2) LSU is not the 3rd richest program in the country.

They made a home run hire with Kelly, who was a proven HC with success everywhere he has been and is a great recruiter wherever he's been even before NIL.

This is the logical take. It's irration that people like @Ward Jr just make the assumption it's money related anytime something bad happens and it's not money related every time something good happens to us.
Bow, saying "the whole world" is a bit of an exaggeration.

We'll still have lord Humungus leading his band of men in search if gas across the wasteland.
Bow, saying "the whole world" is a bit of an exaggeration.

We'll still have lord Humungus leading his band of men in search if gas across the wasteland.
I apologize. I immediately felt like I wasn't supposed to let that slip out. I'm confident you will disregard. 🙂
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