Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Based upon accomplishments in office Biden will be rated in the "near great" Presidential category" along with LBJ. Trump OTOH will go down in history as our worst president and the only President to be convicted of criminal offenses. Before Biden leaves office he will humanely grant Trump a pardon.

Haha. For whatever it's worth, even Pelosi said last week he was terrible and she didn't like his admin.

Worst approval ratings in history and you write this? Fantastic.
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Coming from the Chief troll who rarely makes sense, that's hilarious. LOL Again, just read what I post before making accusations.

I don't base my votes on what's best for my investments. Besides, as I've told you before, crypto makes up no more than around 5% of my portfolio. And for the first time, I will inform you that my crypto investments are more than bitcoin. But, you will forget that too. Only a moron would put more than that (5%) amount in crypto.

You should probably just get back to your investments, Stock. It's clear from your posts that you really excel in that area.
You should probably just get back to your investments, Stock. It's clear from your posts that you really excel in that area.
Ward, I am a man of many talents. I'm just glad there's a forum where I can share my knowledge with friends on many topics and look forward to continue doing so.
Ward, I am a man of many talents. I'm just glad there's a forum where I can share my knowledge with friends on many topics and look forward to continue doing so.

I'm sure you do Stock. When you hold multiple degrees and the financial positioning like a BOT of your standing, the world must be your oyster.
I'm sure you do Stock. When you hold multiple degrees and the financial positioning like a BOT of your standing, the world must be your oyster.

Ward, I try to help those whose minds are not closed. There are two types of people in life: givers and takers. I try to give whenever I can. See, greed is not always good. But a GOTW like you would know that.
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No one knows until about 20 years after anyone's term in office.

ANY president serving during COVID (trump) and Biden is going to get a bit of a pass- and probably fairly.

What I remind myself of is compared to the rest of the world, the USA has done dang well recovering from Covid compared to pretty much every developed country.
Dave, I'm not saying you are wrong. I do want to pass along to you what the 2024 edition of the Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey found. Biden was ranked as the 14th best President. Trump came in at 45th. Self-identified conservatives ranked Biden 30th, liberals put him 13th and moderates ranked him 20th. All three of those same groups ranked Trump in the bottom five.

The survey had a scale of 0-100, of "overall greatness" to "average" to "failure". Obviously you want a high number. Biden's was 62.66. Trump's was 10.92, easily the worst showing.

One of the two Political Scientists who conducted the survey was Justin S. Vaughn of Coastal Carolina University (the other was a Political Scientist at the University of Houston). I recall taking a Political Science course at USC many, many years ago taught by a professor named Daniel Vaughn. Don't know if they are related.
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The reality is an aborted fetus doesn't know it's being aborted. It's a bit different to kill someone that knows what is happening.

But I tend to support capital punishment for the people who truly deserve it. However, we all know we've executed innocent people which is the worst possible outcome.
I struggle with the idea that killing is different because the killee is unaware but I also acknowledge that innocent people have been executed in the past. It seems to me that birth control is readily available and using abortion as a form of birth control is lazy and irreseponsible. I also think rape situations are different. It's complicated. I have been in the situation of having gotten a girl preganant and supporting her decision to keep the baby. 21 years later, I have an awesome son that I am very proud of and love unconditionally. It was a bitch at times but well worth staying the course. Guess that influences my thinking greatly. On the down side, my son like his mom is a huge UGa fan. I did say unconditionally right??
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I struggle with the idea that killing is different because the killee is unaware but I also acknowledge that innocent people have been executed in the past. It seems to me that birth control is readily available and using abortion as a form of birth control is lazy and irreseponsible. I also think rape situations are different. It's complicated. I have been in the situation of having gotten a girl preganant and supporting her decision to keep the baby. 21 years later, I have an awesome son that I am very proud of and love unconditionally. It was a bitch at times but well worth staying the course. Guess that influences my thinking greatly. On the down side, my son like his mom is a huge UGa fan. I did say unconditionally right??

That seems perfectly reasonable- and that's great about your son.

My difference would be- that was the decision of the lady and/or you. Politicians didn't make you do it. They had no role and that's a good thing.

I can think of few humans in society that should have less a role in such a decision than some politicians- especially some politicians like the North Carolina Lt. Governor who paid for his own girlfriend to have an abortion when that situation happened to him.
I struggle with the idea that killing is different because the killee is unaware but I also acknowledge that innocent people have been executed in the past. It seems to me that birth control is readily available and using abortion as a form of birth control is lazy and irreseponsible. I also think rape situations are different. It's complicated. I have been in the situation of having gotten a girl preganant and supporting her decision to keep the baby. 21 years later, I have an awesome son that I am very proud of and love unconditionally. It was a bitch at times but well worth staying the course. Guess that influences my thinking greatly. On the down side, my son like his mom is a huge UGa fan. I did say unconditionally right??

The problem is the anti-abortion folks also try to prevent the free access of birth control products as well.

Heck, this thread went irate about putting menstruation products in schools. Imagine if we handed out birth control at K-12 schools.
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The problem is the anti-abortion folks also try to prevent the free access of birth control products as well.

Heck, this thread went irate about putting menstruation products in schools. Imagine if we handed out birth control at K-12 schools.

Some conservative religious groups are against birth control- and preach against it. I use to be friends with a man who was a pastor at one of these churches and he was adamantly against all types of birth control.

Conservative catholics are typically against birth control.

My wife has a friend, very conservative, that is against birth control. She's told my wife about her views. Sadly, she's had about 6 miscarriages. (also has 2 children). So it's been hell for her to have all those miscarriages but she would never use birth control.

I'm fine with whatever people believe- as long as the don't try impose their religious opinion on others.
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Haha. For whatever it's worth, even Pelosi said last week he was terrible and she didn't like his admin.

Worst approval ratings in history and you write this? Fantastic.
It's not worth much. "Based on his accomplishments" does not mean he won a popularity contest. Accomplishments refer to his impactful legislation which was nothing short of amazing for his first two years in office. Of course it helped that he had a majority in both house and senate. His bi-partisan border bill would have passed had Trump not called off his lemmings.
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Now you goofballs are worried about this? Where was this language when a dementia patient was in office? Trump is fine mentally.
Fine you say? Have you listened to Trump's psycho-babble? Whether he had rather be electrocuted by a battery in a sinking boat or eaten by a shark is a good take on his policies? Even better would be his discourse on his friend Hannibal Lector. In MH circles that type of speech is an example of associative looseness.

"Associative looseness, also known as derailment, refers to a thought-process disorder characterized by a lack of connection between ideas. Associative looseness often results in vague and confusing speech, in which the individual will frequently jump from one idea to an unrelated one".
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Fine you say? Have you listened to Trump's psycho-babble? Whether he had rather be electrocuted by a battery in a sinking boat or eaten by a shark is a good take on his policies. Even better would be his discourse on his friend Hannibal Lector. In MH circles that type of speech is an example of associative looseness.

"Associative looseness, also known as derailment, refers to a thought-process disorder characterized by a lack of connection between ideas. Associative looseness often results in vague and confusing speech, in which the individual will frequently jump from one idea to an unrelated one".
All i know is When trump was doing his "BABBLE" gas was $1.79 in Rock Hill and Our Grocery bill was around $100.00 vs the $199.00 it is now for the EXACT same items. GIVE ME BABBLE verses slobbering..
All i know is When trump was doing his "BABBLE" gas was $1.79 in Rock Hill and Our Grocery bill was around $100.00 vs the $199.00 it is now for the EXACT same items. GIVE ME BABBLE verses slobbering..
No. Trumps psycho-babble is more recent and has gotten worse over time. I don't believe psychotropic meds would help if it's brain cell deterioration.

Neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump shoulder much of the blame for high inflation, economists say.

Inflation is caused when demand outstrips supply and we certainly remember that happening during Trump's early administration. I

believe I still have a supply of TP from those days. Some blame supply chain problems while others believe it was corporate greed.

You should vote your mind and not your pocketbook.
All i know is When trump was doing his "BABBLE" gas was $1.79 in Rock Hill and Our Grocery bill was around $100.00 vs the $199.00 it is now for the EXACT same items. GIVE ME BABBLE verses slobbering..

You probably loved Obama then too - "average U.S. fuel prices went as low as $2 a gallon in January 2015 and $1.72 in 2016 during the Obama administration."

Of course, people with a decent understanding of how the oil markets work know Presidents have almost no control over gas prices.

No. Trumps psycho-babble is more recent and has gotten worse over time. I don't believe psychotropic meds would help if it's brain cell deterioration.

Neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump shoulder much of the blame for high inflation, economists say.

Inflation is caused when demand outstrips supply and we certainly remember that happening during Trump's early administration. I

believe I still have a supply of TP from those days. Some blame supply chain problems while others believe it was corporate greed.

You should vote your mind and not your pocketbook.

What in the world? Inflation is a direct cause of government overspending via money printing. It's a one-to-one relationship.

Anyone that tells you differently through your TV set has no idea what they are talking about.

Neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump shoulder much of the blame for high inflation, economists say.

I think both share some blame (both spent a lot of money) but most of it is out of their control given every country in the developed world has faced inflation issues due to the worldwide disruption of Covid caused- some worse than the United States- and some of those are still suffering much worse than we are.

A lot of that has to do with supply chain issues.

We both know that some Trumpers believe Trump had nothing to do with inflation, but we both know Trump spent trillions of dollars due to the pandemic and Biden did too. (Recall Trump wanted to spend even more but Congress didn't go along with it and paired it back some)

I've told this story before. I put a deposit down on a replacement boat engine in August 2020 (Trump administration) because I found out no dealers had the engine. I was told I had to order it. I had to put my deposit down, and I picked it up in December, after Christmas, when it finally came in.

Now, I secured my price by putting down a deposit, but the dealership told me if I hadn't placed my order with a deposit the engine I chose would have cost me an additional $1400- the price difference from August 2020 until December 2020.
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You probably loved Obama then too - "average U.S. fuel prices went as low as $2 a gallon in January 2015 and $1.72 in 2016 during the Obama administration."

Of course, people with a decent understanding of how the oil markets work know Presidents have almost no control over gas prices.

Such nonsense.

You don't believe Biden blowing up the Pipeline had an impact on oil prices?

How about his pausing of new oil and gas leases on federal lands?

How about foreign policy decisions which Biden was terrible at?

Monetary policy as a whole?
I think both share some blame (both spent a lot of money) but most of it is out of their control given every country in the developed world has faced inflation issues due to the worldwide disruption of Covid caused- some worse than the United States- and some of those are still suffering much worse than we are.

A lot of that has to do with supply chain issues.

We both know that some Trumpers believe Trump had nothing to do with inflation, but we both know Trump spent trillions of dollars due to the pandemic and Biden did too.

I've told this story before. I out a deposit down on a replacement boat engine in August 2020 (Trump administration) because I found out no dealers had the engine. I was told I had to order it. I had to put my deposit down, and I picked it up in December, after Christmas, when it finally came in.

Now, I secured my price by putting down a deposit, but the dealership told me if I hadn't placed my order with a deposit the engine I chose would have cost me an additional $1400- the price difference from August 2020 until December 2020.

We know Obama printed more than any other President in history which set the stage for all of this.

The chart doesn't lie.

Every President that followed him is carrying that huge debt he incurred over 8 years.
All i know is When trump was doing his "BABBLE" gas was $1.79 in Rock Hill and Our Grocery bill was around $100.00 vs the $199.00 it is now for the EXACT same items. GIVE ME BABBLE verses slobbering..
Since 2020, wages have outpaced inflation for the majority of Americans. Average wages are up 25.7% while inflation is up 20.9%.

Who does not want inflation to be reversed? (Be careful though what you wish for. If we have deflation, there will be lots of unemployment). Nobody though wants to give up the increases in their wage/salary. Hell, why stop at 2020? Why not go back to 1972 prices? I remember paying 25 cents/gallon? The average weekly food expenditure was $30.32.
Since 2020, wages have outpaced inflation for the majority of Americans. Average wages are up 25.7% while inflation is up 20.9%.

Who does not want inflation to be reversed? (Be careful though what you wish for. If we have deflation, there will be lots of unemployment). Nobody though wants to give up the increases in their wage/salary. Hell, why stop at 2020? Why not go back to 1972 prices? I remember paying 25 cents/gallon? The average weekly food expenditure was $30.32.

You might need to start looking into a 3rd degree Stock.

The Obama’s have a net worth of $70 million.

They own 4 luxurious properties: -

Washington DC home bought for $8.1M-

Martha’s Vineyard home bought for $11.75M-

Beachfront home in Hawaii bought for $8.7M-

Chicago home bought for $1.65M

Getting really tired of multi-millionaires preaching about the evils of money and greed.

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The Obama’s have a net worth of $70 million.

They own 4 luxurious properties: -

Washington DC home bought for $8.1M-

Martha’s Vineyard home bought for $11.75M-

Beachfront home in Hawaii bought for $8.7M-

Chicago home bought for $1.65M

Getting really tired of multi-millionaires preaching about the evils of money and greed.

But wait, didnt Clooney, Swift and DeNiro endorse Kamal, That has got to be a reason to Vote for Komrade Kamala!! I have SO Much in common with them!!
So I can land on the same propaganda page you did - no thanks.

They were also caught fudging labor stats to the tune of 1 million jobs.

Did you catch that one?
Propaganda? Not surprised at that response. By the way, Andy Puzder is a REPUBLICAN. Talk about propaganda. LOL
So you're just full troll now?

Botmaster - why not just bring back Lurker in his original form and ditch your idiot accounts like this one?

Lurker was fine until he started combo-trolling with Watson.
Just trying to help you out, my good friend.

So Lurker and I are the same person again? LOL Lurker is a good guy. He and I differ on politics. But that's irrelevant. He still is a good guy, as well as intelligent, and, most importantly, I sense, a good family man.
Just trying to help you out, my good friend.

So Lurker and I are the same person again? LOL Lurker is a good guy. He and I differ on politics. But that's irrelevant. He still is a good guy, as well as intelligent, and, most importantly, I sense, a good family man.

Your good cop/bad cop routine is painfully obvious.
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Your good cop/bad cop routine is painfully obvious.
Some of us are intellectually honest. Some of us accept a difference of opinions being part of life and, thus, do not take it personally. Internet comments are like truth and art. They are in the eye of the beholder. Believe what you choose. I believe what I know.
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Some of us are intellectually honest. Some of us accept a difference of opinions being part of life and, thus, do not take it personally. Internet comments are like truth and art. They are in the eye of the beholder. Believe what you choose. I believe what I know.

OK. Then a goal is to out you in most public way possible so everyone can view your intellectual honesty and generalized creepiness.
So Lurker and I are the same person again? LOL Lurker is a good guy. He and I differ on politics. But that's irrelevant. He still is a good guy, as well as intelligent, and, most importantly, I sense, a good family man.

I doubt anyone changes their mind about anything on this board. LOL.

there are a few (I've got them on ignore) that are outright nut jobs and conspiracy nuts. They aren't worth a second of anyone's time. I suspect they have some severe personal family issues as well.
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