Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

His endorsement gobsmacked me. Cheney was NOT a "Never Trump Republican". On the contrary, he ENDORSED Trump in 2016. He is one of many Republicans endorsing Harris. I have never seen so many Republicans endorsing the Democratic candidate.

Why? It's the Oligarchy Class. They are forced to play their hand because of the situation in hopes of luring an older crowd who still somehow watches mainstream news.
They won't. That's silly and a lie. (I know this won't matter to you and the regulars here- but there are some others that read the board and never post so this response is for them)

Donald Trump's own appointed IRS Commissioner, Charles Rettig, told lawmakers in hearings that IRS staffing had shrunk to 1970s levels and that the IRS would need to hire 52,000 people over the next six years just to maintain current staffing levels to replace those who retire or otherwise leave.

IRS said Friday that it has recovered $1.3 billion in unpaid taxes from high-income Americans who had either failed to file their returns or who hadn't fully paid what they owed.

During the Trump administration, audit rates on high-income taxpayers fell, and the share of audits on taxpayers with incomes under $200,000 increased.

In 2019, the top 1% of Americans was estimated to owe over one-fifth of unpaid taxes, leaving ordinary Americans to shoulder the burden.

The IRS identified approximately 125,000 wealthy taxpayers who hadn't filed taxes in years. About 21,000 of those taxpayers have now filed their returns over the last six months, paying $172 million in taxes.

The IRS reached out to those it identified notifying them of increased enforcement efforts to encourage them to file their tax returns. Efforts continue in pursing the approx, 104,000 people who have still not filed.

Since the crackdown roughly 80% of 1,600 millionaires with overdue taxes have paid up,

The IRS said they are ready to use enforcement mechanisms to pursue these people if they do not file their returns soon.

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IRS said Friday that it has recovered $1.3 billion in unpaid taxes from high-income Americans who had either failed to file their returns or who hadn't fully paid what they owed.

During the Trump administration, audit rates on high-income taxpayers fell, and the share of audits on taxpayers with incomes under $200,000 increased.

In 2019, the top 1% of Americans was estimated to owe over one-fifth of unpaid taxes, leaving ordinary Americans to shoulder the burden.

The IRS identified approximately 125,000 wealthy taxpayers who hadn't filed taxes in years. About 21,000 of those taxpayers have now filed their returns over the last six months, paying $172 million in taxes.

The IRS reached out to those it identified notifying them of increased enforcement efforts to encourage them to file their tax returns. Efforts continue in pursing the approx, 104,000 people who have still not filed.

Since the crackdown roughly 80% of 1,600 millionaires with overdue taxes have paid up,

The IRS said they are ready to use enforcement mechanisms to pursue these people if they do not file their returns soon.

Talk about a post steeped in desperation.

He didn't move the tax rates.

He's not taxing unrealized gains.

They were literally just trying to get what wealthy people actually owed.
I’m telling you. Blackrock has already decided that the Great Kamala will be our next president. They can control her.
IRS said Friday that it has recovered $1.3 billion in unpaid taxes from high-income Americans who had either failed to file their returns or who hadn't fully paid what they owed.

During the Trump administration, audit rates on high-income taxpayers fell, and the share of audits on taxpayers with incomes under $200,000 increased.

A frustrating thing about this fact is ignoring people with a lot of money who don't even file their tax returns and focusing on people who are burdened the most by IRS audits and actions.
A frustrating thing about this fact is ignoring people with a lot of money who don't even file their tax returns and focusing on people who are burdened the most by IRS audits and actions.

Silliness. You owe what you owe and policy dictates that.

Quite different than wanting 87,000 IRS Agents to harass wage tip earners.

Someday you'll be correct about something.
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No. I don't follow anything any politician says "closely." I've already said I'd vote for a serial killer before I would Donald Trump so it really doesn't matter.

I said "I'd get back to you?" Well, I'm not getting back to you on that or anything else because it doesn't matter. LOL

I'm finally with Dick Cheney on something (except his support for gay marriage which I also support).
Dick Cheney is endorsing Harris because her (Blackrock) Ukraine policy will continue to fund his war machine investments and he's still on the board of several of these companies.

If you think it's good for rich people to kill others in order to become richer, then you're in the right place.
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Dick Cheney is endorsing Harris because her (Blackrock) Ukraine policy will continue to fund his war machine investments and he's still on the board of several of these companies.

If you think it's good for rich people to kill others in order to become richer, then you're in the right place.

Trump has already promised to ramp up military/defense spending. Unless he plans to build equipment himself in the bathrooms of Mar-A-Lago, Blackrock and military suppliers know with all confidence they will make hundreds of billions under Trump like they did when he was president before.

"We've been winning more share of wallet. The administration has been good for us." Blackrock Chief Executive Larry Fink told Reuters. January 2018.
Trump has already promised to ramp up military/defense spending. Unless he plans to build equipment himself in the bathrooms of Mar-A-Lago, Blackrock and military suppliers know with all confidence they will make hundreds of billions under Trump like they did when he was president before.

"We've been winning more share of wallet. The administration has been good for us." Blackrock Chief Executive Larry Fink told Reuters. January 2018.

Please. Trump hates war.

He wants a strong military for deterrence.

Not to instigate wars where innocents perish like these psychopaths in charge have done.

Your now with the party of:

+ The Military Industrial Complex
+ Wall Street
+ Big Pharma
+ Big Agriculture
+ Big Tech
+ Big Banking

Otherwise known as Deep State.

Paid Actors like Van Jones have convinced you that Donald Trump is worse than you doing a 180 from what your values once were.

As a result, you've become the walking definition of a useful idiot.
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It really highlights how far your party has gone to the right that Dick Cheney feels left behind.

In cnbc this morning Ted Cruz was blaming Obama for the housing recession. Just shows how reality doesn’t matter to you guys.

Leon Panetta spoke before Harris at the Democratic Convention. This is where you're at.
In cnbc this morning Ted Cruz was blaming Obama for the housing recession. Just shows how reality doesn’t matter to you guys.

Seriously? LOL

Well, Ted has never been a good liar. Maybe he can sneak off to Mexico again.

Maybe he can convince Trump not to bomb Syria again.

Trump wants to spend money paying for everyone's IVF treatment and spend hundreds of billions more on defense to pad the military industrial complex along with Cruz, John Cornyn, Mitch, and John Thune.

Oh- and spend hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money in perpetuity creating a " guard reserve" space force.

Trump would end up expanding the federal government more than he did in his first term

Annual federal spending grew by almost $1 billion under Trump's signature, even before the coronavirus.

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It really highlights how far your party has gone to the right that Dick Cheney feels left behind.

In cnbc this morning Ted Cruz was blaming Obama for the housing recession. Just shows how reality doesn’t matter to you guys.
Dick Cheney and his nitwit daughter have a terminal case of TDS. Trump called them what they are: RINOs. They don’t like being called what they really are.
Dick Cheney and his nitwit daughter have a terminal case of TDS. Trump called them what they are: RINOs. They don’t like being called what they really are.

I don't like Cheney or Liz. Don't pay them any attention at all -or ignore them when they talk.

Of course I hate Donald Trump's rotting guts too.
Seriously? LOL

Well, Ted has never been a good liar. Maybe he can sneak off to Mexico again.

Maybe he can convince Trump not to bomb Syria again.

Trump wants to spend money paying for everyone's IVF treatment and spend hundreds of billions more on defense to pad the military industrial complex along with Cruz, John Cornyn, Mitch, and John Thune.

Oh- and spend hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money in perpetuity creating a " guard reserve" space force.

Trump would end up expanding the federal government more than he did in his first term

Annual federal spending grew by almost $1 billion under Trump's signature, even before the coronavirus.

Trump would not only balloon federal spending but, his tariff proposals would cost us thousands of dollars. Trump was fired as President for good reason.
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Trump's tariff proposals is an example of his incompetence, which was on full display during his handling of the covid pandemic. The U.S. had 20% of deaths related to covid, under Trump's watch. But, the U.S. had only 4% of the world's population. Of course, he will blame everybody else, as he always does when things turn bad. But, as Harry Truman correctly said, the buck stops at the oval office. He wants to be re-hired? He won't get my vote.
Trump would not only balloon federal spending but, his tariff proposals would cost us thousands of dollars. Trump was fired as President for good reason.
You mean beyond what Biden/Harris ballooned federal spending? Remember the massive run on the U.S. Treasury done by passing the insane Inflation Reduction Act, which Biden recently admitted was never intended to reduce inflation. One thing Dems always do when taking the Presidency is make a massive run on the Treasury, then later blaming Republicans for it.

You mean beyond what Biden/Harris ballooned federal spending? Remember the massive run on the U.S. Treasury done by passing the insane Inflation Reduction Act, which Biden recently admitted was never intended to reduce inflation. One thing Dems always do when taking the Presidency is make a massive run on the Treasury, then later blaming Republicans for it.
Democrats always have to clean up the economic messes left behind by Republicans. Trump left behind massive unemployment. Trump had the worst job losses since Herbert Hoover's disastrous term.
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Democrats always have to clean up the economic messes left behind by Republicans. Trump left behind massive unemployment. Trump had the worst job losses since Herbert Hoover's disastrous term.

Are you trolling for engagement, Stock?

Trump had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years in 2020 just before COVID hit.
Ward, is every post I make "trolling"? If I had a dollar for every time you accuse me of that...................... Every comment I make is my honest opinion. Now, that opinion could be wrong. but, not intentionally. You can believe that or not. But, I, for one, don't like wasting time. "Trolling" would be a waste of my time.

The fact is that Trump's term did not end in March 2020. It ended on January 2021.
Are you trolling to seek engagement, Stock?

Trump had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years in 2020 just before COVID hit.
Stock conveniently forgets about the Covid pandemic during the last year of Trump’s presidency. Of course the Dems intentionally refused to reopen businesses and schools in an effort to blame Trump for destroying the economy.
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Ward, is every post I make "trolling"? If I had a dollar for every time you accuse me of that...................... Every comment I make is my honest opinion. Now, that opinion could be wrong. but, not intentionally. You can believe that or not. But, I, for one, don't like wasting time. "Trolling" would be a waste of my time.

The fact is that Trump's term did not end in March 2020. It ended on January 2021.

Of course it was intentional.
Stock conveniently forgets about the Covid pandemic during the last year of Trump’s presidency. Of course the Dems intentionally refused to reopen businesses and schools in an effort to blame Trump for destroying the economy.
No, I did not forget if you see my post just before yours.
Again, Ward, Trump's term ended on January 2021, not in March of 2020.
If you recall, Trump continually argued to reopen schools and businesses after the first month of the shutdown, but Dem governors and the teachers Union fought him tooth and nail ever single day. Red state governors refused to play the Dem’s game to crater the economy. Many businesses in blue states defied their governors and were prosecuted, ultimately closing down.
Keep going Botman.
Ward, you are difficult to get along with. I know you want to forget his term from March 2020 to January 2021. But that's not how it works. You accuse others of trolling and being "Botman". Either you do not realize you are projecting or don't care. I suspect it's the later.
Ward, you are difficult to get along with. I know you want to forget his term from March 2020 to January 2021. But that's not how it works. You accuse others of trolling and being "Botman". Either you do not realize you are projecting or don't care. I suspect it's the later.

The DeeDave 2.0 act is getting a little old. No one believes you.
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