Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

The woman is a blathering idiot.
Her responses to questions remind me of the occasional answers I would write in my Blue Book to answer an exam essay question when I had no clue what the answer was. One time a professor wrote “ you could have saved yourself a lot of ink by just writing I Don’t Know.”
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Ward Jr # 2153 3rd paragraph. But can he do those things? It’d be wonderful if he could but I have my doubts in today’s political climate.
I've seen a single homeless person in two months in Asia this year. Meanwhile, homelessness is rampant in the West, especially in the wealthiest US cities—such as LA, SF, Seattle, and NYC—all of which ironically are most aligned with progressive policies and have the highest taxes.

I've seen a single homeless person in two months in Asia this year. Meanwhile, homelessness is rampant in the West, especially in the wealthiest US cities—such as LA, SF, Seattle, and NYC—all of which ironically are most aligned with progressive policies and have the highest taxes.

Homelessness is a problem everywhere, including South Carolina. Approx. 1200 Greenville County School District students are homeless.

Big cities are always going to have more of a problem than smaller ones because big cities attract people more so than small ones. Many right wingers or right leaning posters on social media and right leaning yappers on tv and radio don't like covering homeless issues in red states, but of course they have major homeless problems as well.

That poster that you quoted got creamed pretty hard on X by people that had been to Asia and saw plenty of homeless- because it's a problem there too.

Many Asian countries treat homelessness different than most places in the United States. But any review of the data shows they have the problem too.

Smart people understand that. That's your primary problem.

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Republican Ohio governor calls out fake stories from Trump, Vance and Trump's campaign

Some Ohio schools have received bomb threats over the fake stories

Vance admits to creating fake stories

This video alone should disqualify Walz from running.

Imagine choosing this woman as your life partner? The eyes alone...

Anyone who participated in this child clown show should be lead out to pasture.

WOW. I just heard that. I did not think you were serious.

We're going to pretend the first guy registering to vote made him a republican? Even though his political affiliation was the opposite?

I'm guessing the media attempts the same with this second guy too.

I think people need to relax with the Hitler talk, and threat to democracy garbage.
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The reality is his money went to ACT Blue. And if there ever was a reality that I found almost 100% true, it's to follow the money, no matter what they say.

The truth doesn't matter to some people. When jailing and trying to kill your political opponents becomes condoned, or even joked about, we need to take several steps back from the radicalism. But some will push forward even harder now.
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The truth doesn't matter to some people. When jailing and trying to kill your political opponents becomes condoned, or even joked about, we need to take several steps back from the radicalism. But some will push forward even harder now.
I do not condone any attempt on Trump's life, regardless. People need to take a step back. Fun and laughter was made at the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband. Donald Trump himself mocked the attack and made jokes about it (as recently as 2 weeks ago), as did his son and Republican pols like Ted Cruz. People should not have done that. But, they did, not once, but repeatedly at Trump rallies. Political violence should never be condoned by anyone. Those of us who remember where we were when JFK and RFK were assassinated, where we were when Wallace and Reagan had attempts on their lives, know better.
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The reality is his money went to ACT Blue. And if there ever was a reality that I found almost 100% true, it's to follow the money, no matter what they say.

I don't think that guy had any political ideology. He donated what - $15 to Act Blue when he was 17.

This is what I found about him, " In January 2021, he donated $15 to a voter turnout group with a Democratic platform. When he reached the voting age of 18 in September 2021, he registered to vote in Pennsylvania as a member of the Republican Party and remained registered as a Republican."

Then he was searching for an opportunity to carry out violence against Trump or Biden and Trump happened to be coming near him.

Seems pretty obvious he didn't have a clue what he believed which is typical of a 17, 18, 19, 20 year old. . He was 20 after all. Except he wanted to kill a high profile political person.
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The reality is his money went to ACT Blue. And if there ever was a reality that I found almost 100% true, it's to follow the money, no matter what they say.
except- there doesn't seem to be any political ideology involved with that guy. He was 20 years old when he died.

I know the brain-dead approach would be to try to assign something to him that those that knew him best don't believe is accurate.

It seems quite clear he simply wanted to kill a high profile political leader.
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I do not condone any attempt on Trump's life, regardless. People need to take a step back. Fun and laughter was made at the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband. Donald Trump himself mocked the attack and made jokes about it (as recently as 2 weeks ago), as did his son and Republican pols like Ted Cruz. People should not have done that. But, they did, not once, but repeatedly at Trump rallies. Political violence should never be condoned by anyone. Those of us who remember where we were when JFK and RFK were assassinated, where we were when Wallace and Reagan had attempts on their lives, know better.

Of course not.

Trump said that Gen. Mark Milley, whom he appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and who had later been critical of Trump, should be executed.

Trump has regularly made fun of the attack on Paul Pelosi who suffered a fractured skull during the assault.

Trump regularly calls his political opponents "enemies" and "human scum"

Trump and his cult can look in the mirror if they want to point fingers.
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