Gamecock athlete who has made the most money from their

professional career? Initially I would say Clowney but there have been others who have been playing longer. Maybe a baseball or basketball player?
Who do you think it is?
I don't know, but anyone who can afford a bass cat ain't doing bad.
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Wanna hear a sad story ... one of my buddy’s went to high school when Trent Richardson and they still keep in touch . Trent and his family came from a very tough neighborhood in Pensacola and when he signed his first contract he got all of his family out . Parents , Grandparents , Aunts , Uncles , cousins , EVERYBODY . Bought them houses , cars , paid off all their debt . My buddy said when Trent was in Cleveland he was still driving the Honda Civic he drove at Bama . 5 years later he’s out of the league . Most of his family still living large and Trent is just getting by . Makes me sad that these kids try to do right by everybody and end up getting screwed , even by their own families .
That's pretty much what happened with Warren Sapp. He said he had family people waiting for him in the parking lot on his paydays, which they knew as well as he did. They blood-sucked him.

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