Just curious of Jakes demeanor Saturday on sidelines


Active Member
Jul 15, 2010
I only saw him a couple of times Saturday because I missed the whole first half with work but wondered how he was on the sidelines. Was he supportive and encouraging of team and Scarneccia in particular? I only ask this because the one time I saw him in the second half was after the lightning delay he was walking around with a sour look on his face and seemed as if someone kicked his dog. I would think in a close game like this, if you are a leader, you would be really encouraging the guys and trying to help them be full go for those last couple of minutes. It may have been bad timing by being on camera and he didnt get shown doing that but not sure. if you are a true leader, you dont get mad about not being out there especially with injury but you do keep guys engaged on sidelines. He also, that I know of, has not spoken to media since injured. Just curious of how he has been handling this if anyone knows. That will say alot about his leadership and perhaps even how team views him behind the scenes.
I have met him and talked with him in person and he seems like a very nice guy and very genuine guy, but I know competition can make some people a little different.
They never showed him doing anything "rah rah" that I saw but I wouldn't make any conclusions from that.
He was sitting on the bench with Scar a few times while the D was on the field....I would imagine that's what they spent a lot of time doing - communicating among themselves and with the coaches while the D was on the field.
They never showed him doing anything "rah rah" that I saw but I wouldn't make any conclusions from that.
He was sitting on the bench with Scar a few times while the D was on the field....I would imagine that's what they spent a lot of time doing - communicating among themselves and with the coaches while the D was on the field.

Jake is clearly celebrating here at the end of this video. He's definitely not sulking.

Glad he was celebrating and into it, I missed it as I was not able to watch very closely
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Just to clarify my post - I would only expect Jake to be 100% supportive of his teammates. I wasn't really paying specific attention to that while watching but after seeing that clip posted I do remember seeing him greeting Parker after the FG.

Regardless of Jake as QB he is a selected captain on the team and was also last year....I don't think that happens unless you are fully on board and leading the way
Damn. Some people take every opportunity to infer something bad about a player. This kid is team oriented in his bones.
Thats not at all what I was doing in origional post. I do know competition can alter moods and attitude because I am sure he wanted to play and be in there for winning drive. I just was asking about what it seemed like whole game but I am so very glad you assumed I was bashing the kid. thanks so much for taking it a completely different direction. So nice of you.
The only time I saw him, he was not "rah-rah" but rather seemed very down on camera at that time so i just wondered how he was. i like Jake and think he is usually full energy. Glad he was cheering them on and being very involved. Also glad he is not a Cam Newton who truly does sulk when things not going his way.
There were a couple of shots of all the quarterbacks on the sideline together, under or near that little sun shelter. Jake seemed OK to me, and engaged with the others.
Wait, so do we want rah rah? Or do we want not excited? Will check back tomorrow.
I'd rather have a player with ice in his veins whether he's playing the sisters of the poor or about to take the field to lead the game winning drive to pull a big upset. You can rah rah, just don't let it effect your performance.
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