Ole Miss game thread

I mean, this fool literally sees our best player on the field for the other team and somehow thinks we are out fundraising them.

Except, he didn't leave after the 2022 season where we went 8-4. He left after the 2023 season when we went 5-7.

Did Ole Miss suddenly have more money this year than last year?

But you're not able or capable of thinking logically.
So, in your magical world, two games have miraculously become two full years. Laughable.

Even if we take your retarded ramblings for truth, you're saying he coached well in his first two years, with muschamps players, and then sh!t the bed in year 3 and is looking like he's following up with another year just like it.

So he's getting worse.

And yes, you will change your handle, just like you did when muschamp was fired.

You like to whine and cry that people are too negative, but the truth is that Beamer was a mistake. FROM DAY ONE. And you were too stupid to see it. And instead of having one iota of a backbone, or testicular fortitude, and admitting we were right, you deflect by whining and crying that you're somehow a better fan because you stayed positive about a failure.

You are joke. But you can pretend to start over with that new handle.

Probably the greatest post you've ever made.

Nothing ironic about it. Kiffin hasn't won anything. Even after beating us. That's the reality. And he lost to Kentucky. At home. Didn't win the west. Didn't really beat anybody he shouldn't have beaten other than LSU given the money Ole Miss is geting.

And I already have kids that are grown and very successful. As someone once said, there certainly can't be anything going on in your suck dick life considering the amount of time you spend crying on multiple sites.
A coach has to be able to hold on to his players. That can easily be as much his fault as the university. I have a hard time believing he isn't being given what he needs to keep players he wants to keep. I'd have to know more on a case by case basis to make an assessment. That said, players will come and players will go. Every league prior to college deals with it. It is nothing new. And they dont have portals to draw from.

How? If the collectives aren't raising enough money to retain players, how is this Beamer's issue in any regard?

Clearly he's not getting the money. We're not in the news for any NIL talent and our best players are bolting.

It's nothing new? It's brand new. When have we watched our best players walk out the door for 2 years straight.

It's not happening to many teams at all. We're getting squeezed because our we don't have the funding and we're playing in a league where school collectives are some of the biggest in the country.
Nothing ironic about it. Kiffin hasn't won anything. Even after beating us. That's the reality.

Yet Ole Miss fans are still having significantly more fun following their team than you are following ours.

That's why you hid for a week instead of admitting the fact Kiffin broke your heart.
Probably the greatest post you've ever made.


One stupid tater stroking another stupid tater. Maybe you two should hook up. Neither of you could possibly have a f'ing life considering the 24/7 online crying you do.

Yet Ole Miss fans are still having significantly more fun following their team than you are following ours.

That's why you hid for a week instead of admitting the fact Kiffin broke your heart.

I had that game as a loss from the start. They are more talented than us. And I didn't "hide" from anything. I've been tied up since the Monday after Helene. My first day off since then. My last post before today was Sept 30th, 6 days before the Ole Miss game. First game I've missed in a long time.

Ole Piss is accepting new fans and their site is accepting new posters. Nothing keeping you here. You are more than welcome to go over there and nuthug Kiffin all you want.
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I had that game as a loss from the start. They are more talented than us. He should have won.

Ole Piss is accepting new fans and their site is accepting new posters. Nothing keeping you here. You are more than welcome to go over there and nuthug Kiffin all you want.

This is what I truly don’t understand. You’re clearly unhappy based on how you’ve acted in this thread. You don’t seem to have a genuine belief that Beamer can actually win here.

So why do you care about replacing Beamer?
This is what I truly don’t understand. You’re clearly unhappy based on how you’ve acted in this thread. You don’t seem to have a genuine belief that Beamer can actually win here.

So why do you care about replacing Beamer?

How I've acted? lol. I call them like I see them. Beamer is doing about what I expected him to do considering what he has to work with. I don't know a coach that we could hire that would do better, and doubt even a big name coach would do much more given the resources. Maybe a game or two better.

It's money. Plain and simple. Just like everything else in the world.
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So why do you care about replacing Beamer?

Why do you nuthug Kiffin? He has shit on our team going back years. Said players from South Carolina end up pumping gas. ZERO chance he would have ever come here. And again, he hasn't won anything. And just lost to Kentucky, something you would have lambasted Beamer for in year four, let alone year 5.
Nothing ironic about it. Kiffin hasn't won anything. Even after beating us. That's the reality. And he lost to Kentucky. At home. Didn't win the west. Didn't really beat anybody he shouldn't have beaten other than LSU given the money Ole Miss is geting.

And I already have kids that are grown and very successful. As someone once said, there certainly can't be anything going on in your suck dick life considering the amount of time you spend crying on multiple sites.

Yeah, kiffin hasn't won anything.
A 10 win season and an 11 win season, finishing ranked 11th and 9th, is easy. Any idiot coach can do it.

Well, except Beamer.

And "your suck dick life", and talk of stroking and hooking up? You have a real gay fetish going on. We all know any talk of you having kids is a lie.
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considering the amount of time you spend crying on multiple sites.

I'd also call this ironic. But you obviously have problems understanding what that word means.

But that just makes it funnier.

So, "this is ironic."
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Why do you nuthug Kiffin? He has shit on our team going back years.

And here is another glaring issue you have. As with most women, you allow your hormone driven feelings to do your thinking for you.

Kiffin may be a colossul ass, but he is a good coach. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Some people are actually able to admit an opponent might be good at something, and something associated with our school might not just be the best thing in the world.

But your definition of being a fan means you have to be "positive" about anything to do with gamecocks. You show no ability to think beyond "gamecock good, everyone else bad". You literally embrace the "orange man bad" thinking that you abhor in other topics.
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No. That's you. You've hated Beamer since day one, like liberal women hate Trump. Beamer wasn't my choice, but I believe we support our coach and give him a chance. And to be fair to him given what he has to work with.

You howling monkeys live under some delusion that top or even the best rising star coaches and assistants are going to come here, despite the fact that you have seen it over and over that they won't. Naper turned us down to stay at Louisiana. Even Rich Rod turned us down.

It's money. Get the money to buy the best players, and the coaches will come. Welcome to the real world. That's how it works.
No. That's you. You've hated Beamer since day one, like liberal women hate Trump. Beamer wasn't my choice, but I believe we support our coach and give him a chance. And to be fair to him given what he has to work with.

You howling monkeys live under some delusion that top or even the best rising star coaches and assistants are going to come here, despite the fact that you have seen it over and over that they won't. Naper turned us down to stay at Louisiana. Even Rich Rod turned us down.

It's money. Get the money to buy the best players, and the coaches will come. Welcome to the real world. That's how it works.

I don't hate Beamer at all. He comes across as a nice guy. He is not a good coach and was a terrible choice.

I've said that from day one, and guess what, I'm right. I know that kills you.

Posting positively does NOTHING approaching giving him a chance. He will succeed or fail regardless of what is posted on this site. It's insane to think any poster "giving him a chance" means anything when it comes to his results.

And I've said over and over that "top" coaches aren't coming here. Yet you keep saying that's what I think, over and over. I wonder if you're literally too stupid to read English, or if you just know you have to make up lies to have something to cry about.
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I don't care what YOU said, You aren't the only monkey I was referring too. And I also said coaches on the rise like Napier. Maybe you are the one too stupid to read English or just think everything is about you. Newsflash. It's not. Literally NOBODY cares what you think other than the one other board clown.

And nothing "kills" me. And you aren't right based on his results. Nothing he has done here makes him a "not good" coach. Most reasonable people know who we are and what he is working with. That's why he is still our coach and not going anywhere anytime soon, no matter how much crying you or others do here.
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I remember all the delusional stupidity from some in the fanbase over the last coaching search for OC.

Kendall Briles. Garret Riley. Even Dan Mullen. Yeah, Dan f'ing Mullen as our OC. LOL

How did that work out? I told everyone then what would happen, and I was 100% right. Won't be any damn different with Beamer unless something big changes with the money.
I don't care what YOU said, You aren't the only monkey I was referring too. And I also said coaches on the rise like Napier. Maybe you are the one too stupid to read English or just think everything is about you. Newsflash. It's not. Literally NOBODY cares what you think other than the one other board clown.

And nothing "kills" me. And you aren't right based on his results. Nothing he has done here makes him a "not good" coach. Most reasonable people know who we are and what he is working with. That's why he is still our coach and not going anywhere anytime soon, no matter how much crying you or others do here.

Yeah, you weren't replying to me when you wrote it. You obviously meant someone else.

Pathetic attempt at backtracking, even for you.

And yes, I'm right. At the end of next year, he will be "stolen" from us by the unemployment line. And you'll argue ten ways to Sunday that what I said would happen actually happened, but that still makes me wrong, and you right. But no one will buy it.

You're wrong, AGAIN. And I love how it's killing you.
I remember all the delusional stupidity from some in the fanbase over the last coaching search for OC.

Kendall Briles. Garret Riley. Even Dan Mullen. Yeah, Dan f'ing Mullen as our OC. LOL

How did that work out? I told everyone then what would happen, and I was 100% right. Won't be any damn different with Beamer unless something big changes with the money.

Yeah, I remember telling people Beamer would make a terrible hire at OC too.

Look at that, you and I agree on something.
Nothing is "killing" me because I'm right. And that's why Beamer is still our coach and you are in year four of crying.

But we agree on something else. We aren't hiring a top coach, no matter what. And whether you want to admit it or not, we aren't hiring a coach on the rise either. They have better options and we have seen that play out at with head coaches and with assistants. We will end up with the proverbial "best fit".

So what is the answer? Money to buy the best players is our ONLY chance. Beamer is good enough to win if we buy him the best players. There is no other path without the money and the players, no matter who the coach is.

Why did Gene Chizek stomp Steve Spurrier and go on to win a national championship? Was it because he was a great coach? Or was it because he had the best players? I can name more than one average or even bad coach that has even won titles with great players. Name all the great coaches with average players that won it all.
Nothing is "killing" me because I'm right. And that's why Beamer is still our coach and you are in year four of crying.

But we agree on something else. We aren't hiring a top coach, no matter what. And whether you want to admit it or not, we aren't hiring a coach on the rise either. They have better options and we have seen that play out at with head coaches and with assistants. We will end up with the proverbial "best fit".

So what is the answer? Money to buy the best players is our ONLY chance. Beamer is good enough to win if we buy him the best players. There is no other path without the money and the players, no matter who the coach is.

Why did Gene Chizek stomp Steve Spurrier and go on to win a national championship? Was it because he was a great coach? Or was it because he had the best players? I can name more than one average or even bad coach that has even won titles with great players. Name all the great coaches with average players that won it all.


Beamer was a mistake. I said that from day one and I'm in year four of being proven right.

You are in year 4 of defending a loser. You even know it. You admitted as much when you started talking about supporting the decision when he's let go.

But you get a season and a half to celebrate being "right" because we haven't gotten around to firing him YET. Then, when we do, you'll just change your handle, and never have to admit you were wrong.

Just like with muschamp.
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Stop crying. Just name them. Name the top coaches that won a title with average players.

Are you actually suggesting that I don't think you need talent to win titles?

Can you point to where i said you dont need talent? No? Because you're a retarded idiot who has to argue against something I never said so you can pretend to have a point.

This one is pathetic, even for you. And that's saying a lot.

This is how I know the Beamer situation is KILLING you.

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I don't know a coach that we could hire that would do better,

But you know Beamer can’t do better. So why not try a different coach to see if he can do better?

It's money. Plain and simple. Just like everything else in the world.

You still refuse to accept that a coach that wins more games will generate more NIL to spend. We pay a women’s basketball coach 3.2 million because she wins. There is more to go around for the right guy. Beamer just isn’t the right guy.
So what is the answer? Money to buy the best players is our ONLY chance. Beamer is good enough to win if we buy him the best players. There is no other path without the money and the players, no matter who the coach is.

But he isn’t. He had the greatest QB in our history and had a losing season. He couldn’t even out coach Napier who is about to be fired.
But he isn’t. He had the greatest QB in our history and had a losing season. He couldn’t even out coach Napier who is about to be fired.

He couldn't "outcoach" Napier because Napier is working with more money and far more talent that Beamer has. And last years came was far closer than it should have been given the talent disparity.

Which proves MY point. It's about Jimmys and Joes more than Xs and Os. And you need NIL money to get those players. Period.
But you know Beamer can’t do better. So why not try a different coach to see if he can do better?

You still refuse to accept that a coach that wins more games will generate more NIL to spend. We pay a women’s basketball coach 3.2 million because she wins. There is more to go around for the right guy. Beamer just isn’t the right guy.

I don't know any such thing. You don't either. He's proven you wrong more times that right.

And it's you that refuse to accept that the "right guy" will never come here unless the NIL money is here FIRST. He will go where the NIL money already exists. Nobody is going to risk their career on the hope that fans will pony up the money. There will always be fans that won't give because they are butthurt that they didn't get the guy they wanted and refuse to give. Like yourself. Mainly because you don't want him to succeed because you want to be "right".
Stop crying. Just name them. Name the top coaches that won a title with average players.

Still waiting on the howling monkey to answer the question instead of mindlessly rambling and crying.

But at least the idiot understands that your need top talent to win. Not sure how someone thinks there is a coach we can hire that would change that. Because that person doesn't exist. The obvious answer is NIL money to buy whoever our coach is the best players. Here's how it works now, has worked before, and will always work going forward. Plain and simple.

Great coaches with great players have won it all.
Average or even terrible coaches with great players have won it all.
A good or even great coach with Carolina talent has NEVER won it.

We have already seen the last scenario the great coaches played out here. Twice. Shitforbrains already admitted we aren't hiring any of the top coaches. That leaves EXACTLY ONE option.
How? If the collectives aren't raising enough money to retain players, how is this Beamer's issue in any regard?

Clearly he's not getting the money. We're not in the news for any NIL talent and our best players are bolting.

It's nothing new? It's brand new. When have we watched our best players walk out the door for 2 years straight.

It's not happening to many teams at all. We're getting squeezed because our we don't have the funding and we're playing in a league where school collectives are some of the biggest in the country.
I would be interested to hear who and how many players of ours have bolted for more money elsewhere. Not players that want to play on better teams or for better coaching. Actually said so... no assumptions. If it's one or two, I feel pretty confident that is happening all over the country. And if you are going to get some of your best talent from the portal, dont be surprised to see them go back to the portal.

Players going elsewhere is nothing new in sports. If you read my post I said prior to college. We should be able to deal with it. Or are we the only one that can't?

Back to funding. Are we choosing not to fund our best talent or can we not afford to keep them? Are some players being unreasonable or have we not adjusted to times we are in? Lots of questions. Again no assumptions. Do you have serious answers because it sounds like a bunch of assumptions? I am all ears.

Probably not a good time in college football to have a bad team. I hope he can turn it around. I would guess our turnover rate was normal in Beamer's first couple of years given the era we are in. Guys deciding whether or not they like the new coach or school. A year three losing season didn't help retention I'm sure tho. Gotta do better and stay out the basement or we will lose more players.
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Still waiting on the howling monkey to answer the question instead of mindlessly rambling and crying.

If you mean me, and its hard to tell since you still cant figure out the quote function, I already answered it.

Are you actually suggesting that I don't think you need talent to win titles?

Can you point to where i said you dont need talent? No? Because you're a retarded idiot who has to argue against something I never said so you can pretend to have a point.

This one is pathetic, even for you. And that's saying a lot.

This is how I know the Beamer situation is KILLING you.


But at least the idiot understands that your need top talent to win. Not sure how someone thinks there is a coach we can hire that would change that.

Again, if you mean me, please find a post where I said a coach would change that.

I've repeatedly said that we need a coach to overcome our talent gap, not change the talent gap.

But that's plain English, and we all know how your retarded ass doesn't comprehend plain English, ma'am.

Further proof you're realizing the truth, and it's killing you.

I would be interested to hear who and how many players of ours have bolted for more money elsewhere. Not players that want to play on better teams or for better coaching. Actually said so... no assumptions. If it's one or two, I feel pretty confident that is happening all over the country. And if you are going to get some of your best talent from the portal, dont be surprised to see them go back to the portal.

Players going elsewhere is nothing new in sports. If you read my post I said prior to college. We should be able to deal with it. Or are we the only one that can't?

Back to funding. Are we choosing not to fund our best talent or can we not afford to keep them? Are some players being unreasonable or have we not adjusted to times we are in? Lots of questions. Again no assumptions. Do you have serious answers because it sounds like a bunch of assumptions? I am all ears.

Probably not a good time in college football to have a bad team. I hope he can turn it around. I would guess our turnover rate was normal in Beamer's first couple of years given the era we are in. Guys deciding whether or not they like the new coach or school. A year three losing season didn't help retention I'm sure tho. Gotta do better and stay out the basement or we will lose more players.


The problem is, anecdotal evidence or assumptions is all we have with NIL.

And if a player publicly states that he wants to play for a winner, or with a better qb (wells), one can always assume he really meant the money anyway.
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The problem is, anecdotal evidence or assumptions is all we have with NIL.

And if a player publicly states that he wants to play for a winner, or with a better qb (wells), one can always assume he really meant the money anyway.
Fair enough. I will say this, if I'm a WR and I have an opportunity to play for a Lane Kiffin offense as opposed to playing with who and what I have here, I may even consider taking a pay cut just to make that happen. Kiffin has a system to play for... one that's appealing.
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Howling monkey can't answer the question because that person doesn't exist.

We could change coaches a million times and it wouldn't make a much of a a difference without the money to buy the best players. Saban couldn't win here without the NIL money to buy the players. Buy the top players, and Beamer or most coaches could win here.

So, if you want to cry, at least cry about something that matters and would make a difference.
Howling monkey can't answer the question because that person doesn't exist.

We could change coaches a million times and it wouldn't make a much of a a difference without the money to buy the best players. Saban couldn't win here without the NIL money to buy the players. Buy the top players, and Beamer or most coaches could win here.

So, if you want to cry, at least cry about something that matters and would make a difference.

If you mean me, and its hard to tell since you still cant figure out the quote function, I already answered it.

Are you actually suggesting that I don't think you need talent to win titles?

Can you point to where i said you dont need talent? No? Because you're a retarded idiot who has to argue against something I never said so you can pretend to have a point.

This one is pathetic, even for you. And that's saying a lot.

This is how I know the Beamer situation is KILLING you.

Fair enough. I will say this, if I'm a WR and I have an opportunity to play for a Lane Kiffin offense as opposed to playing with who and what I have here, I may even consider taking a pay cut just to make that happen. Kiffin has a system to play for... one that's appealing.

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Ole Miss outbid Texas for Juice. No way he took a pay cut for anything. If he just wanted to win like he claimed he does, Texas would have been the better choice. And they have TWO top high dollar QBs.
Ole Miss outbid Texas for Juice. No way he took a pay cut for anything. If he just wanted to win like he claimed he does, Texas would have been the better choice. And they have TWO top high dollar QBs.

So ignore what the actual player says when it doesn't suit your story. Okay.
I don't believe any of it. Talk is cheap.

Always follow the money. Eventually, it will lead you to the correct answer. Most people learn that pretty early on.
He couldn't "outcoach" Napier because Napier is working with more money and far more talent that Beamer has. And last years came was far closer than it should have been given the talent disparity.

Which proves MY point. It's about Jimmys and Joes more than Xs and Os. And you need NIL money to get those players. Period.

So now coaching is completely irrelevant. Even though a bunch of teams that Florida outspends have beaten them, just not us.

As if we needed more evidence you weren't being reasonable.