OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.
I guarantee you it isn’t limited to a “few on this board”. There are a whole lot of people out there who have grown weary of his flip-flopping and fear-mongering. I listened to what he had to say early on, but quickly grew to not trust him. He’s a spotlight whore who wants his 15min to last forever. Jmo
He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.
If we are fortunate to live long enough we are all scientists. Some are just smarter than others.
I guarantee you it isn’t limited to a “few on this board”. There are a whole lot of people out there who have grown weary of his flip-flopping and fear-mongering. I listened to what he had to say early on, but quickly grew to not trust him. He’s a spotlight whore who wants his 15min to last forever. Jmo
That’s my take in a nutshell. Once you start the double talk I’m done. He’s a laughing stock with everybody I know. Most pity him trying to hang on to his 15 minutes. It’s sad
So if you do not listen to the CDC or Fauci, who do you listen to, politicians without an ounce of education, training or experience in infectious disease? This virus should have never become political, thats the main reason we are still dealing with it. For you flip/floppers, it was a new virus, recommendations change as you learn more about it. Just as the treatments changed. Early on they were muzzled by the administration trying to save wall street vs the people.
I hope we learn our lesson on these deep state a$$holes. Fauci's record speaks for itself. He is the ultimate political hack. I would rather have someone younger and fresher because he has bankrolled his experience to the detriment of the country. He has single-handedly ruined lives! Can't wait for the look back.

He loves to move the goal post and we are paying a dear price for it. The country will never be the same. I do listen to the new head of CDC but they stifle her.
So if you do not listen to the CDC or Fauci, who do you listen to, politicians without an ounce of education, training or experience in infectious disease? This virus should have never become political, thats the main reason we are still dealing with it. For you flip/floppers, it was a new virus, recommendations change as you learn more about it. Just as the treatments changed. Early on they were muzzled by the administration trying to save wall street vs the people.
To answer your question, I don't know who to trust anymore. IMO Fauci has become a talking head for this administration.

So if you do not listen to the CDC or Fauci, who do you listen to, politicians without an ounce of education, training or experience in infectious disease? This virus should have never become political, thats the main reason we are still dealing with it. For you flip/floppers, it was a new virus, recommendations change as you learn more about it. Just as the treatments changed. Early on they were muzzled by the administration trying to save wall street vs the people.
The Left made it political. Everyone knows they saw this as mana from heaven to get rid of Orange Man Bad. It quit being about the science last May.

The Left made it political. Everyone knows they saw this as mana from heaven to rid Orange Man Bad. It quit being about the science last May.

I heard it was know, the same ones who stormed the Capitol dressed in Trump gear. They're all a bunch of libs.

I also hear it was libs funding all the lies coming out from Fox news. Only Trump and Putin are the good guys.
I heard it was know, the same ones who stormed the Capitol dressed in Trump gear. They're all a bunch of libs.

I also hear it was libs funding all the lies coming out from Fox news. Only Trump and Putin are the good guys.

Nice deflection to turn to Trump and Antifa when the original question posed was who still listens to Fauci. I guess you will play the race card next since that's what libs do when they don't have facts.
I do too.

CNN Headline: "Police officer shot and killed a Black teenage girl holding a knife"

What really happened:


I have a friend who retired from law enforcement just a few years ago. Yesterday I asked what he thought of this case. He said while the cop was put in a tough spot, he absolutely did the right thing. If he had not taken down the attacker he would have been derelict of duty and the other girl dies which would have been another can of worms.
Fauci is a flip-flopping reactionary clown. He has never been wrong on Covid because he has taken every position.

He should have been fired in early 2020, but here he remains.
Well you could choose to believe the reactionary clown who suggested we look into injecting people with disinfectant. You always have that option. He should have been fired in 2020 & very fortunately was.

Policeman did exactly what he should have done.
Well you could choose to believe the reactionary clown who suggested we look into injecting people with disinfectant. You always have that option. He should have been fired in 2020 & very fortunately was.

Policeman did exactly what he should have done.
Since your reply to me does not appear to have anything to do with my comment, I assume it was misdirected.
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The scientist says if you are vaccinated you have little chance of passing it or getting it. If true, those of us who have been vaccinated should be free to go about our business. I am tired of the goal posts being constantly moved. Fauci is a lifelong Democrat. That tells me all i need to know. Orangeman bad, Senile Joe Good. F fauci
I think Biden would be smart just to have a new face/voice in that role...people are tired of Fauci and I think for justifiable reasons even if he has been put in a difficult position.
Politics aside, I would say thank you for your service, but we need a new person in this position
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Fauci is a flip-flopping reactionary clown. He has never been wrong on Covid because he has taken every position.

He should have been fired in early 2020, but here he remains.

Is he flip-flopping, or is his opinion changing based on what we learn on a daily basis about the previously unknown virus and how it spreads?

New diseases and viruses generally take years of study to understand to any degree of certainty. It seems his opinions are based on any day on up-to-date information that changes all the time as we learn more. Take surface transmission - at the beginning it was thought that could be a major factor because it could live on some surfaces for up to a week (much longer than any other virus that affects us). However, now after much study we realize that surface transmission is no longer a worry to any critical degree. Flip-flopping? Or gained knowledge?
I think Biden would be smart just to have a new face/voice in that role...people are tired of Fauci and I think for justifiable reasons even if he has been put in a difficult position.
Politics aside, I would say that you for your service, but we need a new person in this position

I agree with this. Fauci doesn't have to be the guy anymore. And as of now he's just being used as a political pawn which is ruining vaccination efforts.
Is he flip-flopping, or is his opinion changing based on what we learn on a daily basis about the previously unknown virus and how it spreads?

New diseases and viruses generally take years of study to understand to any degree of certainty. It seems his opinions are based on any day on up-to-date information that changes all the time as we learn more. Take surface transmission - at the beginning it was thought that could be a major factor because it could live on some surfaces for up to a week (much longer than any other virus that affects us). However, now after much study we realize that surface transmission is no longer a worry to any critical degree. Flip-flopping? Or gained knowledge?

No, he rarely if ever admits he was wrong or that he could be wrong. Big difference. No worries, though as the left will take a big whiff every time he passes gas. When will folks realize what a narcissist this guy truly is?
Well you could choose to believe the reactionary clown who suggested we look into injecting people with disinfectant. You always have that option. He should have been fired in 2020 & very fortunately was.

Policeman did exactly what he should have done.
"It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object."

President Trump said this just moments after he first brought up disinfectants.
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