OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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I think Biden would be smart just to have a new face/voice in that role...people are tired of Fauci and I think for justifiable reasons even if he has been put in a difficult position.
Politics aside, I would say thank you for your service, but we need a new person in this position
That would suggest Biden cared about what people thought. I've seen nothing that points to that.
When we do finally look back, if it is objective we will be told that we should have protected the vulnerable and the rest of us should have gone on with our lives. The human and financial carnage will be epic as soon as it can't be hidden anymore.
If it’s objective it will be obvious what we really saw with this was an absolute failure of leadership.
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The look in Derek Chauvin's eyes was something worse than hate​

What does this have to do with believing Fauci, pray tell? Just race baiting? I said earlier you would do this. Laughable.
He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.

what is your specialty? Ph.D?
He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.
CDC is a government agency. If you’ve ever worked for a government agency you’d understand how they are all pretty much clueless on everything.
You think Fauci told Trump about bleach as well or was Trump just stupid. Hmmmm

No. That was just Trump thinking out loud when he shouldn't have. Everybody has those moments. It was a bad moment for him, but that is Biden almost every time he opens his mouth.

But I do believe Fauci thought initially that this would go away sooner than later, like SARS and MERS. He likely said that in meetings and Trump picked up on that.

And he absolutely lied to everyone about masks initially in order to save them for healthcare workers. Admitted it and said he would do it again.

And he was against travel restrictions from China, the epicenter of the pandemic, which is just about as dumb as injecting yourself with bleach. Anybody knows that if someone is sick with something that is very contagious, you don't invite them into your house.
Is there a government agency that you would bet your life on or do you call bs and use your God given reasoning?
If COVID had to happen in this generation I just wish it had happened outside a Trump White House. I say that because the CDC shows incompetent government at its worst. Yet half of America has no idea how much they have screwed the pooch because anything that hurt Trump was more important than the truth.

Some of this CDC BS would have been major investigations in another administration.

The hatred for that man, which I completely understand, became blinding.
And the director was a trump guy.
Yep. And Bill Barr and Durham etc.

Trump wasn’t the first nor will be the last to have their own administration fighting against them. Hell just look at why Truman became VP vs Garner. Different agendas than the White House.

Also, you have to realize no matter R or D, directors come and go and therefore have no real power. The entrenched bureaucracy runs the show.
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*Gets covid, gets special treatment, says it was no big deal, gets vaccination privately. Leadership quality.
Not sure I follow your comment. He caught a virus that millions of others did too. Due to a great care team plus perhaps the fact he doesn’t drink, he recovered pretty quickly. I realize you hate him, but he was POTUS just like Biden is now. I can’t stand Biden, but he’s POTUS. I don’t agree with a single policy decision of his thus far, and I feel he Is physically and mentally incapable to handle the job, but I certainly don’t wish him ill. More importantly, I hope he comes to his senses and succeeds. I cannot afford my president to fail. This seems to be a concept half this country and 100% of the media has completely forgotten.
Not sure I follow your comment. He caught a virus that millions of others did too. Due to a great care team plus perhaps the fact he doesn’t drink, he recovered pretty quickly. I realize you hate him, but he was POTUS just like Biden is now. I can’t stand Biden, but he’s POTUS. I don’t agree with a single policy decision of his thus far, and I feel he Is physically and mentally incapable to handle the job, but I certainly don’t wish him ill. More importantly, I hope he comes to his senses and succeeds. I cannot afford my president to fail. This seems to be a concept half this country and 100% of the media has completely forgotten.
You don't understand why downplaying the virus, misleading the publc, and continuing to hold indoor rallies was poor leadership? I'm really not interested in debating thay, because he failed miserably in that regard. It's the reason he lost the election. It could have been his key to winning, but he thinks everything is a reflection on him. He acknowledged downplaying it. It didn't have to be the end of the world, but he did just about the opposite of what was needed every time. He took it so personally, which is not surprising.
*Gets covid, gets special treatment, says it was no big deal, gets vaccination privately. Leadership quality.

Rumors from anon sources. Very unlikely, since they already had it recently and Trump took the antibody treatment and had to wait 90 days before even considering the vaccine.
Rumors from anon sources. Very unlikely, since they already had it recently and Trump took the antibody treatment and had to wait 90 days before even considering the vaccine.
I think it would be wise to encourage people to get the vaccine, especially considering the reluctance from his base. But by him admitting he got it or encouraging others to do so, that would somehow reflect poorly on him - which is Donald J Trump in a nutshell.
You don't understand why downplaying the virus, misleading the publc, and continuing to hold indoor rallies was poor leadership? I'm really not interested in debating thay, because he failed miserably in that regard. It's the reason he lost the election. It could have been his key to winning, but he thinks everything is a reflection on him. He acknowledged downplaying it. It didn't have to be the end of the world, but he did just about the opposite of what was needed every time. He took it so personally, which is not surprising.
He downplayed it to prevent panic. Joe Biden said in the debates that "Americans don't panic". That brain-dead moron obvious didn't try to buy toilet paper for a few months. Trump did what needed to be done. Meanwhile, Democrats were calling him a racist for restricting travel and Pelosi's dumb ass was walking around the streets in Chinatown with a huge group of people and tell more to come.

Trump didn't have all the answers, but the Democrats didn't have any. All they did is try to bloat the first covid relief bill with a bunch of socialist crap to push their agenda and get more power. Like Jim Clyburn said “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."
He downplayed it to prevent panic. Joe Biden said in the debates that "Americans don't panic". That brain-dead moron obvious didn't try to buy toilet paper for a few months. Trump did what needed to be done. Meanwhile, Democrats were calling him a racist for restricting travel and Pelosi's dumb ass was walking around the streets in Chinatown with a huge group of people and tell more to come.

Trump didn't have all the answers, but the Democrats didn't have any. All they did is try to bloat the first covid relief bill with a bunch of socialist crap to push their agenda and get more power. Like Jim Clyburn said “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."
Half of what you wrote has nothing to do with Trump's response. "Not wanting to create panic" is not a strategy. Like everything with Trump, that was a way to try to protect his reputation or image. It was a massive failure. I am not talking about Joe Biden.
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And yet, the trumpies assured us the CV was going to disappear after the election just as the "left" planned.
How'd that work out?

Pretty well. He delivered the Trump vaccines in record time. Operation Warp Speed. Since it was well documented that Fauci pushed for the 15 day lockdown followed by the 30 day lockdown, Fauci thought it was going away soon as well.
Half of what you wrote has nothing to do with Trump's response. "Not wanting to create panic" is not a strategy. Like everything with Trump, that was a way to try to protect his reputation or image. It was a massive failure. I am not talking about Joe Biden.
Wrong. Not creating panic absolutely is a strategy. If he would have gotten on TV and said millions might died, in 2 weeks our country would have looked like a scene out of Contagion. He restricted travel. He pulled in the private sector when the CDC and FDA failed like they normally do. He kicked started the vaccine push. He, along with Congress, passed a quick relief bill. Democrats did sign it after delaying it for weeks because they wanted to shove a ton of non-covid shit in it.

Sorry. Trump wasn't perfect, but the Democrats were nothing but shameless partisan virtue-signaling hacks that did next to nothing to help.
  • Disinfectants can be injected into the body to kill viruses in the lungs via Intravenous (IV) therapy. One such disinfectant is called Hydrogen Peroxide, a well-known disinfectant that is known to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. It has been used for many years via IV infusions to kill viruses in the lungs.
Can UV Light And Disinfectants Kill Viruses In The Body ...

NOTE: Donald Trump never mentioned any particular disinfectant. His words were automatically twisted as meaning Lysol or bleach.
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