OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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Wrong. Not creating panic absolutely is a strategy. If he would have gotten on TV and said millions might died, in 2 weeks our country would have looked like a scene out of Contagion. He restricted travel. He pulled in the private sector when the CDC and FDA failed like they normally do. He kicked started the vaccine push. He, along with Congress, passed a quick relief bill. Democrats did sign it after delaying it for weeks because they wanted to shove a ton of non-covid shit in it.

Sorry. Trump wasn't perfect, but the Democrats were nothing but shameless partisan virtue-signaling hacks that did next to nothing to help.
So you see no difference between "not causing panic" and constant lying, disinformation, not wearing masks, holding superspreader events, not attending task force meetings, and refusing a national plan for political reasons?

Should he get credit for Operation Warp Speed? Sure, but so many people took his lead. Herman Cain literally died from one of his events. It didn't have to be hard. And now, people won't get the vaccine. I am not advocating for certain lockdowns or restrictions, but I couldn't think of a worse leader for the situation.
I listened and worried about this crap for maybe a month and then realized it was a lot of hot air.
Humans have been on this planet for thousands of years and we are still here.
What were the chances that in 2020 this was the big virus that was going to destroy all of humanity. If it was, i didnt want to be around anyway.
My only real concern and still is was whether this was germ warfare or even a practice run for a future attack.
Fauci is a misguided political hack
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So you see no difference between "not causing panic" and constant lying, disinformation, not wearing masks, holding superspreader events, not attending task force meetings, and refusing a national plan for political reasons?

Should he get credit for Operation Warp Speed? Sure, but so many people took his lead. Herman Cain literally died from one of his events. It didn't have to be hard. And now, people won't get the vaccine. I am not advocating for certain lockdowns or restrictions, but I couldn't think of a worse leader for the situation.
Refusing a "national plan" is the 10th amendment of the Constitution.
A plan for NYC makes no sense for Jackson, WY or Cola, SC.
No, it doesn't. However, ensuring testing and resources are available should not be a matter of location. The virus is contagious and as long as there is interstate travel, what each state does is relevant.
Half of what you wrote has nothing to do with Trump's response. "Not wanting to create panic" is not a strategy. Like everything with Trump, that was a way to try to protect his reputation or image. It was a massive failure. I am not talking about Joe Biden.
There’s no reason to ever talk about joe. Joe hasn’t been with us for some time now. Rest his soul
What does Fox News or Trump have to do with the mother in Ga? I'll answer. Absolutely nothing. People are fed up with the lies from current leadership.
Why don’t you go shoot a little bleach into your veins! It will probably keep you from getting COVID, cancer,
harpies, diareara flu, rotten teeth acne, trumpitas or the common cold! Or it may just get rid of you!!!!😎
So you see no difference between "not causing panic" and constant lying, disinformation, not wearing masks, holding superspreader events, not attending task force meetings, and refusing a national plan for political reasons?

Should he get credit for Operation Warp Speed? Sure, but so many people took his lead. Herman Cain literally died from one of his events. It didn't have to be hard. And now, people won't get the vaccine. I am not advocating for certain lockdowns or restrictions, but I couldn't think of a worse leader for the situation.

I can think of a worse leader. Joe Biden. He would have allowed even more infected people to flood in from China and Europe. He would have destroyed our economy by locking everyone in their basement, since he was able to hide and criticize while offering no solutions. And he has a long history of lying about everything. As for the "national plan", where is Biden's "national plan"? Easy to say it until you actually have to do it, and then suddenly you realize it's not just as easy as saying it and probably not the right answer. Just a talking point. And Kamala Harris, who actually cast doubt on the vaccine for political reason so she could bash Trump's involvement. That is particularly despicable, consider the history of distrust of vaccines in minorities communities and that fact that minorities communities were hit harder by this virus.

Look at Biden now. Nothing but a Chinese lapdog. A 2 hour phone call with Xi Jinping, and not one mention of the virus they set loose on the world.

Yeah, that's leadership.
I can think of a worse leader. Joe Biden. He would have allowed even more infected people to flood in from China and Europe. He would have destroyed our economy by locking everyone in their basement, since he was able to hide and criticize while offering no solutions. And he has a long history of lying about everything. As for the "national plan", where is Biden's "national plan"? Easy to say it until you actually have to do it, and then suddenly you realize it's not just as easy as saying it and probably not the right answer. Just a talking point. And Kamala Harris, who actually cast doubt on the vaccine for political reason so she could bash Trump's involvement. That is particularly despicable, consider the history of distrust of vaccines in minorities communities and that fact that minorities communities were hit harder by this virus.

Look at Biden now. Nothing but a Chinese lapdog. A 2 hour phone call with Xi Jinping, and not one mention of the virus they set loose on the world.

Yeah, that's leadership.
They are driving the plane straight into the ground. (Taxes, immigration, energy. All destroyed) 2022 last hope. If not America is pretty much over.
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No, it doesn't. However, ensuring testing and resources are available should not be a matter of location. The virus is contagious and as long as there is interstate travel, what each state does is relevant.

They were available. It just took time because it's not as easy 2 day shipping from Amazon. Trump got ventilators produced in record time and saved a lot of lives. He delivered resources to NY, but their idiot governor decided to send resident back into nursing homes to kill of thousands of people. Testing was slow, but that was because the CDC and FDA screwed up like they usually do. Trump then brought in the private sector to fix the issue. Operation Warp Speed help push a vaccine in record time.

Trump wasn't perfect, but he did a lot of things right during this pandemic. Biden and Harris took one week to cause a catastrophe at the border that was completely avoidable. Nobody should have confidence in those two morons to fix anything.
True American patriots....wonder how much legal support trump is giving?

They were available. It just took time because it's not as easy 2 day shipping from Amazon. Trump got ventilators produced in record time and saved a lot of lives. He delivered resources to NY, but their idiot governor decided to send resident back into nursing homes to kill of thousands of people. Testing was slow, but that was because the CDC and FDA screwed up like they usually do. Trump then brought in the private sector to fix the issue. Operation Warp Speed help push a vaccine in record time.

Trump wasn't perfect, but he did a lot of things right during this pandemic. Biden and Harris took one week to cause a catastrophe at the border that was completely avoidable. Nobody should have confidence in those two morons to fix anything.
trumps a pos.
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Well you could choose to believe the reactionary clown who suggested we look into injecting people with disinfectant. You always have that option. He should have been fired in 2020 & very fortunately was.

Policeman did exactly what he should have done.
Just can't help but show your ignorance can you?
Why don’t you go shoot a little bleach into your veins! It will probably keep you from getting COVID, cancer,
harpies, diareara flu, rotten teeth acne, trumpitas or the common cold! Or it may just get rid of you!!!!😎
I’ll take my chances with the bleach before I allow a DNA-altering experimental therapy to enter my bloodstream. Let me know how that works out, though.
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Why don’t you go shoot a little bleach into your veins! It will probably keep you from getting COVID, cancer,
harpies, diareara flu, rotten teeth acne, trumpitas or the common cold! Or it may just get rid of you!!!!😎

Trump was not your President but was your doctor?? You mad, bro? Seems that you are. Bye bye.
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I unfortunately have realized that education in my state od SC is a complete failure. Trump was an effing idiot. Biden is his anti clone going the other direction. And hes just as dumb. And this civilization and society in the USA is doomed to failure. I have never seen so many ignorant followers on a social site since I looked at QAnon. Doesnt anyone think for themselves and actually form their own opi ions anymore? My goodness.
And these idiots think we’re listening instead of laughing.
And don’t forget joe is going to take the 4th away if we don’t get vaccinated. I guess we’re grounded. That didn’t work when I was a kid so.................
I unfortunately have realized that education in my state od SC is a complete failure. Trump was an effing idiot. Biden is his anti clone going the other direction. And hes just as dumb. And this civilization and society in the USA is doomed to failure. I have never seen so many ignorant followers on a social site since I looked at QAnon. Doesnt anyone think for themselves and actually form their own opi ions anymore? My goodness.
Education in this entire country has been in the toilet for at least 20 years. That’s the one good thing that came out of this shutdown. We must destroy this garbage and it’s brainwashed leaders. Don’t feed your children to them any longer.
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I unfortunately have realized that education in my state od SC is a complete failure. Trump was an effing idiot. Biden is his anti clone going the other direction. And hes just as dumb. And this civilization and society in the USA is doomed to failure. I have never seen so many ignorant followers on a social site since I looked at QAnon. Doesnt anyone think for themselves and actually form their own opi ions anymore? My goodness.

Its not just SC. Society in general is pretty ignorant. Its the plan or at least its a convenient part of the strategy of the deep state.
Just read the comments section of anything on Facebook.
People are ignorant of facts and dont care. They are easily manipulated by propaganda stories and the "media" that is all in with dividing and conquering the country.
And lastly, half of America actually believes that it is correct to say "I 'seen' something." Let that sink in.
We are easy targets.
I unfortunately have realized that education in my state od SC is a complete failure. Trump was an effing idiot. Biden is his anti clone going the other direction. And hes just as dumb. And this civilization and society in the USA is doomed to failure. I have never seen so many ignorant followers on a social site since I looked at QAnon. Doesnt anyone think for themselves and actually form their own opi ions anymore? My goodness.

Yeah, we know. Everyone else is an idiot and QAnon and you are the only person that can have an independent thought.

Get over yourself.
I've never trusted Fauci. First, he got gain-of-function research funded for coronavirus studies in guess where: the now-infamous lab is Wuhan, China. What that means for the uninitiated is that he got funding for studies to increase infectiousness and modes of attack for various coronavirus variants. He also, through wonderful laws in this country that allows it, owns patents on some of the vaccine technologies. To say he didn't know about how to prevent the spread of a coronavirus (this isn't the first coronavirus, not by a long shot) is laughable. While the effects of different coronavirus may be widely disparate, they are spread in virtually identical ways. H1N1, SARS, and most diseases we identify as the common cold are all coronavirus.

This dirtbag has never done anything in the interest of the American people, at least not if it didn't profit him handsomely. Why would I trust him in any faculty?
I unfortunately have realized that education in my state od SC is a complete failure. Trump was an effing idiot. Biden is his anti clone going the other direction. And hes just as dumb. And this civilization and society in the USA is doomed to failure. I have never seen so many ignorant followers on a social site since I looked at QAnon. Doesnt anyone think for themselves and actually form their own opi ions anymore? My goodness.
Most people believe what the media tells them. You know why propaganda is used in so many countries? Because it is exceptionally effective.
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