OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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Yeah, we know. Everyone else is an idiot and QAnon and you are the only person that can have an independent thought.

Get over yourself.
You obviously missed the point. It was disturbing at best to read some of the posts on here. I suggest you get over yourself and your singleminded ignorant posts. No offense intended just to the point.
I've never trusted Fauci. First, he got gain-of-function research funded for coronavirus studies in guess where: the now-infamous lab is Wuhan, China. What that means for the uninitiated is that he got funding for studies to increase infectiousness and modes of attack for various coronavirus variants. He also, through wonderful laws in this country that allows it, owns patents on some of the vaccine technologies. To say he didn't know about how to prevent the spread of a coronavirus (this isn't the first coronavirus, not by a long shot) is laughable. While the effects of different coronavirus may be widely disparate, they are spread in virtually identical ways. H1N1, SARS, and most diseases we identify as the common cold are all coronavirus.

This dirtbag has never done anything in the interest of the American people, at least not if it didn't profit him handsomely. Why would I trust him in any faculty?

I agree. He knew this was spread through respiratory droplets in mid January when this was identified as a cornoravirus. Just like MERS and SARS. As soon as I heard it was a coronavirus, I ordered masks, just in case. If he really believes that masks work, then he deliberately lied to people and allowed the virus to spread completely unchecked for months until he switch his recommendation in April.
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You obviously missed the point. It was disturbing at best to read some of the posts on here. I suggest you get over yourself and your singleminded ignorant posts. No offense intended just to the point.

Nothing ignorant or single-minded about my post. Just my opinion as I saw with the facts.

If you care to prove me wrong, have at it. But just saying everyone is ignorant but me doesn't make you right, it just makes you a narcissistic ahole. No offense intended.

But enlighten us with your infinite wisdom. What here is so "disturbing" to your superior intellect?
I think we are to the point that people who want to wear masks are doing so, and people who don't are not. This is biology, immunology, virology and evolution...nothing more. The science kicked in with newer treatments and the vaccines, but the natural course of the virus was the dominant factor. Maybe we could have prolonged the lives of a few people a year, but who knows what the economic impact would have been the the rest of society. Life expectancy dropped from age 63 to 58 from 1932-1936, following the Great depression. It dropped from 61 to 57 due to the flu pandemic 10 years earlier. AIDS had a significant effect on life expectancy of the US despite very few people having it back in the 90's. We have seen bigger foes than covid19, despite its certain impact on society and health. Time for us all to move on. Those who want to stay home can have at it.

By the way, I think our friend influenza feels a little left out nowadays...I expect a comeback of sorts next season.
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Supposedly, there is going to be a covid booster/flu vaccine combo next year. Not sure how they are going to test that adequately. The last I heard, they weren't recommending the covid vaccine if you had the flu vaccine in the last 14 days. Maybe something has changed.
I hate to say it, but I think 19 will be like the flu and establish a recurrent mutation and infection cycle. Most regular doctors that I have had conversations with over the last few months believe that people wearing masks has led to a small but measureable decline in the flu this season. Most are afraid that 19 doesnt follow the flu pattern. They think it may proliferate at any time during the year unlike the flu which tends to worsen during cold months. I'm not smart enough to know. By the way, for all those who subscribe to the Wuhan release theory, FYI, the US is one of the largest contributers to the funding and its onsite researchers.
So if you do not listen to the CDC or Fauci, who do you listen to, politicians without an ounce of education, training or experience in infectious disease? This virus should have never become political, thats the main reason we are still dealing with it. For you flip/floppers, it was a new virus, recommendations change as you learn more about it. Just as the treatments changed. Early on they were muzzled by the administration trying to save wall street vs the people.
soooo, using an actor to show a point is now considered reliable education!? don’t do that.
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So if you do not listen to the CDC or Fauci, who do you listen to, politicians without an ounce of education, training or experience in infectious disease? This virus should have never become political, thats the main reason we are still dealing with it. For you flip/floppers, it was a new virus, recommendations change as you learn more about it. Just as the treatments changed. Early on they were muzzled by the administration trying to save wall street vs the people.

Fauci wasn't muzzled. He just flat lied to protect healthcare workers. Because, despite charging $50 for an aspirin, they didn't seem to be able to afford to keep enough ppe around for an emergency. That's not a conspiracy theory. That is fact. He admitted it and said he would absolutely do the same thing if he had a chance to do it again.
I don’t listen to the CDC or Fauci. Anyone that promotes wearing a mask outdoors and tells us not to gather in outdoor settings or says that kids should not be in face to face learning given the science that says otherwise.

Being told to wear 2 masks is beyond ridiculous. They think that people don’t have enough common sense to know that doctors and nurses wear one mask when they deal with immunity suppressed people, infectious patients, or surgery. Go figure!
He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.
And he is a complete failure at his job. When Obama stopped funding on bat/virus research Fauci worked with moving tgat research to Wuhan lab.
I heard it was know, the same ones who stormed the Capitol dressed in Trump gear. They're all a bunch of libs.

I also hear it was libs funding all the lies coming out from Fox news. Only Trump and Putin are the good guys.
The Democrats were busy impeaching Trump over a BS phone call while Trump was assembling a task force and stopping travel from China. Democrats most certainly did make it political every step of the way.
And yet, the trumpies assured us the CV was going to disappear after the election just as the "left" planned.
How'd that work
So you see no difference between "not causing panic" and constant lying, disinformation, not wearing masks, holding superspreader events, not attending task force meetings, and refusing a national plan for political reasons?

Should he get credit for Operation Warp Speed? Sure, but so many people took his lead. Herman Cain literally died from one of his events. It didn't have to be hard. And now, people won't get the vaccine. I am not advocating for certain lockdowns or restrictions, but I couldn't think of a worse leader for the situation.
Every time Trump attempted to lead Democrat governors screamed states rights. Everything he proposed was fought. Democrats delayed assistance to try and score political points. Democrats have proven time and again they are vile and EVERYTHING is political with them. The sooner the party is destroyed the better.
I heard it was know, the same ones who stormed the Capitol dressed in Trump gear. They're all a bunch of libs.

I also hear it was libs funding all the lies coming out from Fox news. Only Trump and Putin are the good guys.

Yeah, like when the libs clownshows from CNN and MSNBC and NBC/ABC/CBS were telling you that Putin put bounties on the heads of our soldiers and claimed Trump was a traitor for not doing anything about it.

You clowns believed the lies. Now it has completely been walked back because the intelligence communities had low confidence in the intelligence. Trump was right not to start an incident with another nuclear superpower, but Dems didn't care and were willing to do it for political gain.

Foxnews isn't perfect and makes mistakes, but the lies that come out of the lib media are intentional and nothing more than Dem propaganda. Foxnews is FAR more accurate than MSDNC or CNN. Not even close. Those 2 just parrot exactly what the Dems tell them. The hacked DNC emails proved that. They ask for the talking points and how to "frame the narrative". One email even proved that they asked the DNC what questions they wanted them to ask Trump.
They are in a tight spot, but they are also lying to the American people (and the world.) To state that an largely untested "vaccine" has been shown to be completely "safe and effective" is complete BS. They know it and anyone who does any due diligence knows it. The answer is they have no idea what the medium-long term effects of this "therapy" are because it shouldn't have been released for years.

It's pathetic watching kids and anyone outside of high risk groups with virtually zero chance of having any problem with COVID signing up b/c these "scientists," with their hand deep in the cookie jar, are telling them "it's perfectly safe." It's morally and ethically wrong. Meanwhile, the NIH-CDC-WHO continues to bury studies on therapies that would cost pennies - such as keeping your Vitamin D levels within a therapeutic range.
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Trump supporters could be incited to future violence by his continued promotion of 2020 election lies, DOJ and judges say​

Yeah, like when the libs clownshows from CNN and MSNBC and NBC/ABC/CBS were telling you that Putin put bounties on the heads of our soldiers and claimed Trump was a traitor for not doing anything about it.

You clowns believed the lies. Now it has completely been walked back because the intelligence communities had low confidence in the intelligence. Trump was right not to start an incident with another nuclear superpower, but Dems didn't care and were willing to do it for political gain.

Foxnews isn't perfect and makes mistakes, but the lies that come out of the lib media are intentional and nothing more than Dem propaganda. Foxnews is FAR more accurate than MSDNC or CNN. Not even close. Those 2 just parrot exactly what the Dems tell them. The hacked DNC emails proved that. They ask for the talking points and how to "frame the narrative". One email even proved that they asked the DNC what questions they wanted them to ask Trump.
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Every time Trump attempted to lead Democrat governors screamed states rights. Everything he proposed was fought. Democrats delayed assistance to try and score political points. Democrats have proven time and again they are vile and EVERYTHING is political with them. The sooner the party is destroyed the better.
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I don’t need the Government to tell me what to do - 99.9 % of the time common sense is answer - it’s like the folks in the path of a. Cat 5 hurricane waiting for the Gov’t to tell them to leave. At the end of the day I’m only responsible for ME and my family.
He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.

China notified that WHO on Dec 31st, 2019 that they thought they were dealing with a what they thought was a viral pneumonia.

On Jan 9th, China told the WHO that they figured out it was a novel coronavirus.

So, Fauci knew it was a coronavirus that causes respiratory issues in mid January, and you buy that it took him until April to figure out that it was transmitted via respiratory droplets and masks were a good idea?

You buy that?

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Trump supporters could be incited to future violence by his continued promotion of 2020 election lies, DOJ and judges say​

Fraud happened. It wasn’t a lie.
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Just can't help but show your ignorance can you?
Everything there is true. I know it hurts your feelings but it's still true. Trump 's fraud university, using a foundation as a "personal piggy bank" as described by a judge & convincing pure unadulterated idiots that a foreign county was going to pay for a wall built in the US. Why have you people stopped with the jobs not mobs mantra. Man that was popular for months & now you just never hear it. Strange.
Typical. Juvenile, would love for you to say that to my face.
Everything there is true. I know it hurts your feelings but it's still true. Trump 's fraud university, using a foundation as a "personal piggy bank" as described by a judge & convincing pure unadulterated idiots that a foreign county was going to pay for a wall built in the US.
Don’t forget about your boy crack head hunter and Beijing joe. You really don’t wanna go down that road brother.
Don’t forget about your boy crack head hunter and Beijing joe. You really don’t wanna go down that road brother.
Hunter didn’t do anything. It wasn’t his fault his father, Uncles, mom all got millions from Russia. It was a very nice shopping spree and all that free Cocaine was just not his fault. And his brothers widow kept coming on to him, he was high in Coke. That wasn’t his fault either he had to bang her.
Don’t forget about your boy crack head hunter and Beijing joe. You really don’t wanna go down that road brother.
Why, did they have a foundation that was forced to shut down? Did they create a fake university to bilk their fellow citizens out of their hard earned money? Then you know, the guy who said he never settles lawsuits, despite having settled hundreds of them, shockingly settled & agreed to repay approx 25 mil to the victims of his scam.
Fortunately for the country he lost his job by a margin he previously called a landslide.
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