OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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Folks, the reason vaccinated people are still being asked to wear masks is simply because we have a segment of the population that is refusing to get vaccinated, or wear masks many times. I find it very odd they are refusing the one positive accomplishment Trump may have had while in office, getting a vaccine to market with Op warp speed. May be his greatest accomplishment, yet many of his followers refuse it. We've lost more Americans to this virus than we did in 3-4 wars fought over 100 years.
To hell with wearing masks for people that refuse to get vaccinated. At this point it is on them, as vaccines are readily available. I got a J&J vaccine on April 9th, and I'll wear a mask if a private entity insists, but that's it.
The leading purveyor of the voting machine lie said in her defense that essentially only an idiot would have believed what she was saying. Did you believe it? If you're embarassed to answer I completely understand. Get fed a lie, then you're told you are an idiot if you believed it. That's gotta sting
She knew her client's supporters.
Is he flip-flopping, or is his opinion changing based on what we learn on a daily basis about the previously unknown virus and how it spreads?

New diseases and viruses generally take years of study to understand to any degree of certainty. It seems his opinions are based on any day on up-to-date information that changes all the time as we learn more. Take surface transmission - at the beginning it was thought that could be a major factor because it could live on some surfaces for up to a week (much longer than any other virus that affects us). However, now after much study we realize that surface transmission is no longer a worry to any critical degree. Flip-flopping? Or gained knowledge?

The problem.with a guy like Fauci is now he feels it is appropriate to give his opinion on EVERYTHING. At this point, I actually question whether or not he will ever sign off on returning to life as we knew it. I understand the the overly cautious measures taken early on, when very little was known about the virus. But now we're over a tear into this and so much more has been learned about the virus. They preached getting the vaccine so we could return to normal, but now they're even backtracking on that. So many other countries haved returned to normal and it is time for us to follow. Fauci is the guy with the loudest voice but there are many other experts calling for a return to normal, but their voices are being silenced.
I had to laugh at this. Name his flip flops! But not this flip flop! That doesnt count.

I wont bother to go from memory, but I did just type "fauci flip flops" into google and found many pages of links. I'm sure theres an explanation for all of them.

So then, you have nothing to back yourself up with, except unfounded trash?

The video was a comedy piece not intended to be based on truth. Even 3rd-graders (but not YOU) know the covid-19 was a novel virus that no one in the medical profession fully understood when it first came to light just what it would do to the populations, and how it would do them. We've (but not YOU) fully understood this all the way back to February 2020.

So when Fauci was being asked on TV interviews about what the virus was going to do to us and how we should live during the pandemic, he ONLY knew to tell us what they understood at the MOMENT he was telling us. So, he would answer questions with things like "at this moment", or "at this time", which meant that AT THAT MOMENT - AT THAT TIME this information was the best he & medical profession understood about the virus.

Otherwise, the only thing the medical profession could possibly tell the nation was "we have no comment - please stay tuned" for the first 3-5 months of 2020. And that wasn't going to be acceptable.

This is the same old crap about vans pulling into polling sites in the middle of the night and dropping off thousands of hidden ballots to overthrow the election. It's stone cold conspiracy theory started up MONTHS ago - the linked video was back in October 2020 - that was NEVER supported with FACT or EVIDENCE then, and still hasn't been TODAY, and the people that put it out there don't own up to it today.

Except the Trumpers like you will STILL cling to them as if your very soul is dependent on them. Pretty sad......
So then, you have nothing to back yourself up with, except unfounded trash?

The video was a comedy piece not intended to be based on truth. Even 3rd-graders (but not YOU) know the covid-19 was a novel virus that no one in the medical profession fully understood when it first came to light just what it would do to the populations, and how it would do them. We've (but not YOU) fully understood this all the way back to February 2020.

So when Fauci was being asked on TV interviews about what the virus was going to do to us and how we should live during the pandemic, he ONLY knew to tell us what they understood at the MOMENT he was telling us. So, he would answer questions with things like "at this moment", or "at this time", which meant that AT THAT MOMENT - AT THAT TIME this information was the best he & medical profession understood about the virus.

Otherwise, the only thing the medical profession could possibly tell the nation was "we have no comment - please stay tuned" for the first 3-5 months of 2020. And that wasn't going to be acceptable.

This is the same old crap about vans pulling into polling sites in the middle of the night and dropping off thousands of hidden ballots to overthrow the election. It's stone cold conspiracy theory started up MONTHS ago - the linked video was back in October 2020 - that was NEVER supported with FACT or EVIDENCE then, and still hasn't been TODAY, and the people that put it out there don't own up to it today.

Except the Trumpers like you will STILL cling to them as if your very soul is dependent on them. Pretty sad......
So we can forgive Fauci for not understanding the virus, but not Trump?
The leading purveyor of the voting machine lie said in her defense that essentially only an idiot would have believed what she was saying. Did you believe it? If you're embarassed to answer I completely understand. Get fed a lie, then you're told you are an idiot if you believed it. That's gotta sting
Did she actually say that? I've heard this a couple times, but only found this quote by her:

She said her claims about Dominion were meant to be hyperbolic, and that "reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."

If this is the quote you're referring to, I dont think you represented it well.
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So we can forgive Fauci for not understanding the virus, but not Trump?

It's not the same thing - someone like Fauci was NOT withholding important information to the public. In fact, he's being excoriated ion this thread PRECISELY because he informed the public with the latest most-understood information and guidance AT THAT TIME regarding the virus, and then he'd - like ANY responsible medical authority should - update the guidance once newer, more accurate data became understood.

Fauci was NOT downplaying the seriousness of a virus that has killed over half a million citizens. Trump was doing this even as he had accurate information and data at his disposal - he often publicly disagreed with the data, disputed the data, even turned his back ON the data and chose a radiologist to be his primary point man for his administration to the people.

Where is THAT guy today? Who is even bothering to ask Atlas to answer questions today?? Is he even appearing on Faux News now?? OANN?? Where is that group of "doctors" who had their photo-op in front of the US Supreme Court, who said the covid-19 pandemic was overblown? Does anybody today even remember their names?? Are they still even a functioning group today?

Total U.S. deaths per the CDC:

2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503 (increase of 2.5%)
2018: 2,839,205 (increase of 0.9%)
2019: 2,854,838 (increase of 0.6%)
2020: 3,358,814 (increase of 17.7%)

But this was all just like the flu, right? It just amazes me how so many of you CONTINUE and will forever continue to stand behind total conspiracy theory, unfounded and baseless rumor and lies, just for political self-purposes....

EDIT: had to edit my numbers - I didn't carry the decimal over correctly. It is worse than I thought.......
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It's not the same thing - someone like Fauci was NOT withholding important information to the public. In fact, he's being excoriated ion this thread PRECISELY because he informed the public with the latest most-understood information and guidance AT THAT TIME regarding the virus, and then he'd - like ANY responsible medical authority should - update the guidance once newer, more accurate data became understood.

Fauci was NOT downplaying the seriousness of a virus that has killed over half a million citizens. Trump was doing this even as he had accurate information and data at his disposal - he often publicly disagreed with the data, disputed the data, even turned his back ON the data and chose a radiologist to be his primary point man for his administration to the people.

Where is THAT guy today? Who is even bothering to ask Atlas to answer questions today?? Is he even appearing on Faux News now?? OANN?? Where is that group of "doctors" who had their photo-op in front of the US Supreme Court, who said the covid-19 pandemic was overblown? Does anybody today even remember their names?? Are they still even a functioning group today?

Total U.S. deaths per the CDC:

2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503 (increase of 2.5%)
2018: 2,839,205 (increase of 9.1%)
2019: 2,854,838 (increase of 5.5%)
2020: 3,358,814 (increase of 17.7%)

But this was all just like the flu, right? It just amazes me how so many of you CONTINUE and will forever continue to stand behind total conspiracy theory, unfounded and baseless rumor and lies, just for political self-purpose
Fauci's job is one-dimensional. Trump's job is much more complex than that.
It's not the same thing - someone like Fauci was NOT withholding important information to the public. In fact, he's being excoriated ion this thread PRECISELY because he informed the public with the latest most-understood information and guidance AT THAT TIME regarding the virus, and then he'd - like ANY responsible medical authority should - update the guidance once newer, more accurate data became understood.

Fauci was NOT downplaying the seriousness of a virus that has killed over half a million citizens. Trump was doing this even as he had accurate information and data at his disposal - he often publicly disagreed with the data, disputed the data, even turned his back ON the data and chose a radiologist to be his primary point man for his administration to the people.

Where is THAT guy today? Who is even bothering to ask Atlas to answer questions today?? Is he even appearing on Faux News now?? OANN?? Where is that group of "doctors" who had their photo-op in front of the US Supreme Court, who said the covid-19 pandemic was overblown? Does anybody today even remember their names?? Are they still even a functioning group today?

Total U.S. deaths per the CDC:

2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,813,503 (increase of 2.5%)
2018: 2,839,205 (increase of 9.1%)
2019: 2,854,838 (increase of 5.5%)
2020: 3,358,814 (increase of 17.7%)

But this was all just like the flu, right? It just amazes me how so many of you CONTINUE and will forever continue to stand behind total conspiracy theory, unfounded and baseless rumor and lies, just for political self-purposes....
I think it is important to remember that when Fauci provides his opinion, it does not consider the stock market, economy, or people's interpretation of "freedom". Like any pandemic, decisions are made considering spatial data and statistics. "Opening everything up" and trying "herd immunity" would have been disastrous and people rolled their eyes at his predictions. I doubt very few people would have been ok with 500,000 deaths in March 2020, but throughout the whole thing, people continued to shrug their shoulders, most likely out of stubborness. It was quite disappointing, and I will say that the media did a poor job of communicating those percentages. It made many people afraid to leave their houses, and it didn't have to be a big deal. On the other hand, I don't know how many people said they were not afraid of a virus that has a survival rate of 99% (not actually correct). The fact that so many people were cool with a virus killing 1 out of 100 people it infected was mindblowing. They were, of course, incorrect, but morons nonetheless.
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Fauci was NOT downplaying the seriousness of a virus that has killed over half a million citizens.

Yeah, he never said anything like "But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about."

But I should stop. People blinded by political opinions rarely see reason.
It's not the same thing - someone like Fauci was NOT withholding important information to the public. In fact, he's being excoriated ion this thread PRECISELY because he informed the public with the latest most-understood information and guidance AT THAT TIME regarding the virus, and then he'd - like ANY responsible medical authority should - update the guidance once newer, more accurate data became understood.

That's just not true. He flat lied to horde the ppe for healthcare workers. Again, this isn't conspiracy theory, he admitted it and said he would do it again. He knew then that N95 did offer protection, but told people there was no reason to be wearing them because he knew people would buy them up to protect themselves.

And I don't buy for a second that he didn't know this was spread through respiratory droplets right from the start in January. The last 2 coronavirus outbreaks were very similar, and they were spread through the droplets. He knew and decided to pick who got the protection by misleading the general public.
Demand examples, refuse to acknowledge them when provided.

I expected nothing less from you.

I actually acknowledge them in the comment you have quoted in your comment.

The video is old news - it's from last year. It's not some news, blockbuster breaking reveal of hypocrisy from Fauci. It's the same old same old that's already been debunked dozens of times.

The first instance tries to say that Fauci flip-flopped on saying that Americans should be OK going out in public and doing normal every-day things. This was back in Feb. 2020 before the medical profession had much to go on regarding this novel virus. I already said as much above, where YOU say I didn't acknowledge it.

But even in THAT case, Fauci did NOT flip-flop - he CLEARLY states in the video clip, "RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT". Meaning - BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT UPDATED DATA WE HAVE. The data was constantly changing as it came in in the early months.

And I know about that interview he did - he also stated elsewhere in that interview "THINGS CAN CHANGE", so he was leaving open the possibility that the data will update. Again, this was in February 2020. And the poster above knows this - this is more than a year old trash, and has been debunked countless times, but he has his agenda that has NOTHING to do with exposing or displaying TRUTH. And he won't ever change.

Fauci wasn't being disingenuous then - he was being totally honest and upfront. And he didn't flip from it, he merely gave updated info once that info was known.

Fauci then makes a statement at a presser about "healthy young people" being able to go on cruises on a cruise ship. This was done in late February-early March, around the same time he made the statements regarding wearing the N95 masks. BOTH came just before it was determined that persons infected with covid-19 could be asymptomatic and therefore while not experiencing symptons of infection, could still act as carriers of the virus and spread it to others. Again, it was NOT a "flip-flop" - it was advising on the virus based on the most up-to-date understanding that the medical profession had AT THE TIME. But Fauci DID state in that interview that "things can change", and they certainly did - so where is the flip-flop from that?

Then the video shows an article excerpt where Fauci states the US "won't get back to normal until late 2021" - this was reported in September 2020, after the nation had already had a summertime spike and many states tried to re-open despite having lax virus controls in place. So with this NOVEL virus, this idiot Youtube guy is putting September 2020 guidance up against February/March 2020 guidance to try to show Fauci as flip-flopping??? That is NOT factual or even fair - it's a political false narrative by the youtube guy (and the above poster who knows all this) pushed forth to support a blatant agenda.

And is Fauci turning out to be wrong here?? It's already fast moving towards summer 2021 - are we "back to normal" yet??

Then the idiot youtube dude - remember this was done in October 2020 - shows a graph indicating that daily deaths to covid-19 "have been going down for months" - which at the time they were - and made a claim that it could spike up and "reach the level of a bad flu". For 2019 there was a total increase of 110,590 MORE, or a total increase over 3 years of 4% more deaths from 2016. That of course INCLUDES deaths from influenza.

In 2020 there was an increase of 503,976 deaths in the U.S. over 2019, or nearly 18% increase in just one year. It's the spinning and lying of this stuff purely for political agendas and narratives that make me sick. And based on the poster above, they are STILL pushing it as hard as they can.....
That's just not true. He flat lied to horde the ppe for healthcare workers. Again, this isn't conspiracy theory, he admitted it and said he would do it again. He knew then that N95 did offer protection, but told people there was no reason to be wearing them because he knew people would buy them up to protect themselves.

And I don't buy for a second that he didn't know this was spread through respiratory droplets right from the start in January. The last 2 coronavirus outbreaks were very similar, and they were spread through the droplets. He knew and decided to pick who got the protection by misleading the general public.

This is the same old lie. Fauci DID state that he'd do it again based on the data that he had at the time - he stated that he wouldn't apologize for the statements that were based on what he understood of the virus at the time - and the fact remains that he NEVER CHANGED HIS STANCE ON THE PUBLIC GOING OUT AND BUYING N95 MASKS EVEN AFTER HE UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE WERE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. He encouraged the public to wear cloth masks - the light-blue masks and other masks with the ear loops, etc. But HE CONTINUED TO ADVOCATE THE N95 MASKS FOR ONLY FRONT-LINE MEDICAL CARE PROFESSIONALS. As far as I know, he STILL holds this stance TODAY.

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I actually acknowledge them in the comment you have quoted in your comment.

Ah, when I think of "acknowledge", I mean "accept or admit the existence or truth of."

I dont think you did that since you claimed they were false. Maybe you just acknowledged that it was true I posted links.

Regardless, your diatribe is the same garbage you complain to others about. Its a flip flop when it's someone you dont like, its "updated information" when it suits you.

Completely typical, and boring.
Yeah, he never said anything like "But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about."

But I should stop. People blinded by political opinions rarely see reason.

Yep, the blindness is definitely there. You just quoted his statements made in a TV interview where he ALSO stated "AT THIS TIME" "AT THIS MOMENT", and "THINGS CAN CHANGE". Even the statement you quoted above includes "RIGHT NOW" in it.

But maybe you're deaf too. You're just waaay too obvious dude.......
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That's just not true. He flat lied to horde the ppe for healthcare workers. Again, this isn't conspiracy theory, he admitted it and said he would do it again.

Think about this for a second. Fauci flat out admits it, and you're arguing with someone who wont acknowledge it.

Do you think you're going to get anywhere? ( I know, this is the pot calling the kettle black)
I think it is important to remember that when Fauci provides his opinion, it does not consider the stock market, economy, or people's interpretation of "freedom". Like any pandemic, decisions are made considering spatial data and statistics. "Opening everything up" and trying "herd immunity" would have been disastrous and people rolled their eyes at his predictions. I doubt very few people would have been ok with 500,000 deaths in March 2020, but throughout the whole thing, people continued to shrug their shoulders, most likely out of stubborness. It was quite disappointing, and I will say that the media did a poor job of communicating those percentages. It made many people afraid to leave their houses, and it didn't have to be a big deal. On the other hand, I don't know how many people said they were not afraid of a virus that has a survival rate of 99% (not actually correct). The fact that so many people were cool with a virus killing 1 out of 100 people it infected was mindblowing. They were, of course, incorrect, but morons nonetheless.

The fact that Ted Nugent - a longtime poster boy for all things radically conservative - was one of those who mocked and laughed at covid-19 UNTIL he got infected and it was a bad infection, and now he publicly regrets not taking better measures and encourages others to wear masks and practice good preventative measures, screams volumes. The things that people who identified with the same political positions spewed throughout 2020 has NEVER been about anything but stubborn political identity posturing. A virus could ever give a fat shit......
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Think about this for a second. Fauci flat out admits it, and you're arguing with someone who wont acknowledge it.

Do you think you're going to get anywhere? ( I know, this is the pot calling the kettle black)

Yep, there's the blindness you spoke of earlier. I acknowledged it 12 minutes ago......
Yep, there's the blindness you spoke of earlier. I acknowledged it 12 minutes ago......

See, I still think you're misusing the word "acknowlwdge". But you're probably doing it on purpose.

People blinded by partisan anger do things like that.

Oh well, have a nice night.
Ah, when I think of "acknowledge", I mean "accept or admit the existence or truth of."

I dont think you did that since you claimed they were false. Maybe you just acknowledged that it was true I posted links.

Regardless, your diatribe is the same garbage you complain to others about. Its a flip flop when it's someone you dont like, its "updated information" when it suits you.

Completely typical, and boring.

Again, the blindness. You yourself just supported my position. I accepted the existence of the youtube clip he provided a link for. But I don't accept the truth of it, because it's not true. It was the same old dried up propaganda that was being spouted by pro-trumpers leading up to the election that was never based nor founded on ANYTHING of truthful merit. Using comments and statements against others made over a half-year earlier during a viral pandemic that the entire WORLD had to learn about on the fly, as basis for trying to make Fauci out as a liar. And I broke down most of the untruths in lengthy detail.

We've had at least a dozen threads started here back in 2020 with this crap, that got smashed down and debunked way back then. It's amusing that there are people who wait and bide their time months later, then repost the same tired trash hoping that no-one will remember the last time they had their bunk thrown back in their faces.....
Dying from a virus is one-dimensional. The President swore an oath to protect the people. Please tell me where that complexity lies.....
Fauci's job is immunologist. He is strictly concerned with infectious disease.. Trump's job includes a balance of economy, freedom, national security, diplomacy.. Do you really need this explanation?
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This is the same old lie. Fauci DID state that he'd do it again based on the data that he had at the time - he stated that he wouldn't apologize for the statements that were based on what he understood of the virus at the time - and the fact remains that he NEVER CHANGED HIS STANCE ON THE PUBLIC GOING OUT AND BUYING N95 MASKS EVEN AFTER HE UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE WERE ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIONS. He encouraged the public to wear cloth masks - the light-blue masks and other masks with the ear loops, etc. But HE CONTINUED TO ADVOCATE THE N95 MASKS FOR ONLY FRONT-LINE MEDICAL CARE PROFESSIONALS. As far as I know, he STILL holds this stance TODAY.


Wrong. He has stated multiple times that the N95 is the best type of mask to wear. Then he said some stupidity that if you have face shields or googles, wear them too, but don't go buy them. What kind of idiot advice is that? Then he said "common sense" to wear double face masks. LOL.

And no, he did NOT encourage people to wear cloth coverings initially. Even said it could give a sense of false security and even make it more likely to get it due to touching your face. That recommendation didn't come until April, which also magically coincided with more mask availability.

He knew as soon as the respiratory diseases was identified as a coronavirus that is was transmitted through respiratory droplets, just like just about every other coronavirus that causes respiratory distress since forever. He intentionally slow-walked the recommendation because he knew people would buy up the masks and he wanted to save them for healthcare officials. He's admitted that. He tried to justify it with the "new information" line of shit, but that just isn't true, because that is the way these types of coronaviruses have always spread.
No, he rarely if ever admits he was wrong or that he could be wrong. Big difference. No worries, though as the left will take a big whiff every time he passes gas. When will folks realize what a narcissist this guy truly is?

I definitely agree the guy could be a narcissist (but don't think that has affected his actual talking points - perhaps just his desire to be on camera). I also think there are better people to disseminate this information now than him. He's too politicized at this point. If there is something to tell the American people about Covid, might as well not have someone that at least half of those listening won't believe.
He the head of infectious diseases for cdc....for crying out loud. I hope the cynicism is limited to a few on this board.

Yes, I’m a scientist also and while not all knowing there is reasoning, experiments, studies, all in play to try to save lives.
Fauci is not a CDC employee. He is with the National Institutes of Health.
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I heard it was know, the same ones who stormed the Capitol dressed in Trump gear. They're all a bunch of libs.

I also hear it was libs funding all the lies coming out from Fox news. Only Trump and Putin are the good guys.
Everyone knows it wasn't ANTIFA at the capital, they were to busy burning Portland and throwing cement at people.
Hahaha. Ask yourself why every person that ever made the claim publicly, not on an anonymous message board, took back every single word regarding it. It's not because of the legal fees. President Trump could afford them, and in fact could have fund-raised to have his worshipers pay for it. Oddly enough trump didn't take the bait, even though he's used to losing business ventures.
Do you have a link to the article where Jovan Pulitzer recanted his testimony?
So as far as Trump not understanding the virus and "downplaying" it as many on here have said, did Pelosi and Biden do the same?

Pelosi in February 2020 stated regarding Chinatown "That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here, come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation." and "we feel safe and sound, so many of us coming here." That sure sounds like "this is not a big deal, come on down" to me...

Or, when speaking about Trump restricting travel from China due to covid, Biden attacked citing Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering." So Biden saw the travel ban as creating hysteria, xenophobic (exhibiting fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers), and fear-mongering. That sure sounds like Biden thought travel from China should be unrestricted.

One can only imagine the lives saved by the travel ban...Biden was against the it but changed tune later. It looks as if Biden didn't fully understand either.
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Yeah, he never said anything like "But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about."

But I should stop. People blinded by political opinions rarely see reason.

On Jan. 26, Fauci gave an interview to John Catsimatidis, a syndicated radio host in New York. "What can you tell the American people about what’s been going on?" Catsimatidis asked. "Should they be scared?"

"I don’t think so," Fauci said. "The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously."

He said this when it was spreading like wildfire through China and China was closing flights within their own border but allowing international flights. A big hint that Fauci must have just ignored since he had personal connections to funding the Wuhan lab.
Do you have a link to the article where Jovan Pulitzer recanted his testimony?
He’s never given testimony. He’s told grand stories in the “hearings” where he wasn’t required to go under oath. He has though continued the tradition of making claims with zero evidence so he does have that going for him.
So we can forgive Fauci for not understanding the virus, but not Trump?
That's right. Until this day Trump still has not done anything but minimize it, and the precautions our healthcare folks advise us to take. He knew early on, it was going to be bad, yet he never listened to his advisors on this. In fact, didn't he even have some guy with the CDC who worked all his life on virus/next pandemic fired because he said something Trump did not like? Trump was all about business as usual, vs trying to mitigate this virus and save lives. All Trump understood was he must keep wall street and his hotels in business. $$$ > people's life. Seriously, that's all the man has ever understood, always been about him, if someone disagrees he simply fires them. So sad.

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That's right. Until this day Trump still has not done anything but minimize it, and the precautions our healthcare folks advise us to take. He knew early on, it was going to be bad, yet he never listened to his advisors on this. In fact, didn't he even have some guy with the CDC who worked all his life on virus/next pandemic fired because he said something Trump did not like? Trump was all about business as usual, vs trying to mitigate this virus and save lives. All Trump understood was he must keep wall street and his hotels in business. $$$ > people's life. Seriously, that's all the man has ever understood, always been about him, if someone disagrees he simply fires them. So sad.

Yeah we need a president that will overreact and cause a panic. Since all you numbskulls need big brother to tell you how to act. Trumps mean waahhhh.
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