OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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You can also look at it this way there are 500,000+ dead some of which might be alive today if Trump hadn’t “downplayed” Covid to keep people calm. It’s all comes down to how you look at it.
More appropriate blame would be the Democrat governors who refused help from Trump and screamed
That's outlandish.
I look at it that he spearheaded a vaccine in record time which has served to save lives. Just think where we would be if we were still waiting on a vaccine
Fauci's job is immunologist. He is strictly concerned with infectious disease.. Trump's job includes a balance of economy, freedom, national security, diplomacy.. Do you really need this explanation?

I don't need false explanations like yours - what you just talked about was a President's job during NORMAL TIMES. 2020 was a time during a viral pandemic - all those other things you spoke of is true, but its no less true that even THEN a President is supposed to have the PEOPLE'S best interests and security at the forefront of his job responsibility, since it is the PEOPLE who elect a President.

At the very least, Trump could have stayed out of the discussions - allow the medical experts to advise the public appropriately. But the clown insisted to step his fat self all into the pandemic - very little if anything he ever stated to the public in his WEEKLY press conferences ended up being correct. There had to be response pressers given by the health leaders immediately AFTER his pressers most of the time to reverse the things Trump had just gotten through telling everyone.

After Trump lost the election, he could care less and never said another word about the pandemic, even though the December and January months were among the highest spikes of the virus since it all started. No more pressers. No more wild public speculation. It would have been better for the nation if he took this approach back in January 2020, and let the experts do the talking....
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So as far as Trump not understanding the virus and "downplaying" it as many on here have said, did Pelosi and Biden do the same?

Pelosi in February 2020 stated regarding Chinatown "That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here, come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation." and "we feel safe and sound, so many of us coming here." That sure sounds like "this is not a big deal, come on down" to me...

Or, when speaking about Trump restricting travel from China due to covid, Biden attacked citing Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering." So Biden saw the travel ban as creating hysteria, xenophobic (exhibiting fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers), and fear-mongering. That sure sounds like Biden thought travel from China should be unrestricted.

One can only imagine the lives saved by the travel ban...Biden was against the it but changed tune later. It looks as if Biden didn't fully understand either.


This is what I talked about in an earlier post. The idiocy just goes on and on and on.

First off, Pelosi is NOT Fauci, and is not a medical expert. She can be as stupid as Trump showed himself to be. But this has ALREADY been debunked WAAAY back when the idiots who started spouting all of this began, back in March 2020.

Pelosi made these statements mere DAYS before the CDC made their first statements to the public that the covid-19 was a virus that could be spread from human to human via air through airborne respiratory droplets. Because UNTIL THEN, even the CDC did not know for sure.

Pelosi is not Fauci, and WHY a troll like the poster above felt the need to drag her into this debate regarding Fauci, only CONFIRMS my earlier posts about the people who post here and their sick, despicable conservative views where they could care less of truth and facts, as long as they get to spew. But the FACTS are that Pelosi only parroted WHAT SHE SAID from what she and everyone else was told by the experts at CDC. Then sadly for HER, the CDC totally reversed themselves mere days AFTER she made those statements. But again - this was a NOVEL virus that EVERYONE was learning about on the fly, and February 2020 was VERY early in the learning process.

What Pelosi said was unfortunate, but she wasn't at fault for saying them. And Dr. Fauci had nothing to do with her making those statements.
I don't need false explanations like yours - what you just talked about was a President's job during NORMAL TIMES. 2020 was a time during a viral pandemic - all those other things you spoke of is true, but its no less true that even THEN a President is supposed to have the PEOPLE'S best interests and security at the forefront of his job responsibility, since it is the PEOPLE who elect a President.

At the very least, Trump could have stayed out of the discussions - allow the medical experts to advise the public appropriately. But the clown insisted to step his fat self all into the pandemic - very little if anything he ever stated to the public in his WEEKLY press conferences ended up being correct. There had to be response pressers given by the health leaders immediately AFTER his pressers most of the time to reverse the things Trump had just gotten through telling everyone.

After Trump lost the election, he could care less and never said another word about the pandemic, even though the December and January months were among the highest spikes of the virus since it all started. No more pressers. No more wild public speculation. It would have been better for the nation if he took this approach back in January 2020, and let the experts do the talking....
I look at it that he spearheaded a vaccine in record time which has served to save lives. Just think where we would be if we were still waiting on a vaccine

I think most educated people (not YOU) can easily read this praise of a President for being responsible for a vaccine (which is NOT totally truthful), while AT THE SAME TIME trash the CDC and Fauci and most other national medical experts/leaders who ACTUALLY CREATED THE VACCINE, as being pretty obvious hypocrisy.

Everyone who agrees to go get their vaccine shots, while at the same time trash the medical experts who made them come into existence, are simply screaming out to all just how stupidly biased they are. You'd all have more grounds of PRINCIPLE to stand on if you also denounced the vaccines, and refused to get vaccinated. But, you're all too stupid to realize this........
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Why is that clown Biden still wearing a mask on a Zoom call? Anybody? Politics not science...

He's doing what Trump was too incompetent to do. He's being a leader for the people. He's sending the appropriate messages to the nation, whether or not they choose to accept them. He's still doing it, regardless. Because it's the RIGHT thing to do......
I think most educated people (not YOU) can easily read this praise of a President for being responsible for a vaccine (which is NOT totally truthful), while AT THE SAME TIME trash the CDC and Fauci and most other national medical experts/leaders who ACTUALLY CREATED THE VACCINE, as being pretty obvious hypocrisy.

Everyone who agrees to go get their vaccine shots, while at the same time trash the medical experts who made them come into existence, are simply screaming out to all just how stupidly biased they are. You'd all have more grounds of PRINCIPLE to stand on if you also denounced the vaccines, and refused to get vaccinated. But, you're all too stupid to realize this........

Fauci and the CDC didn't "CREATED THE VACCINE". Fauci gave out of ton of shitty, confusing advice while lying to protect the unprepared medical community while the CDC COMPETLELY f'ed up the initial testing kits. Both put us behind in the early stages of this pandemic. There are a lot of heroes in this disaster. Fauci and the CDC aren't on that list.

This is what I talked about in an earlier post. The idiocy just goes on and on and on.

First off, Pelosi is NOT Fauci, and is not a medical expert. She can be as stupid as Trump showed himself to be. But this has ALREADY been debunked WAAAY back when the idiots who started spouting all of this began, back in March 2020.

Pelosi made these statements mere DAYS before the CDC made their first statements to the public that the covid-19 was a virus that could be spread from human to human via air through airborne respiratory droplets. Because UNTIL THEN, even the CDC did not know for sure.

Pelosi is not Fauci, and WHY a troll like the poster above felt the need to drag her into this debate regarding Fauci, only CONFIRMS my earlier posts about the people who post here and their sick, despicable conservative views where they could care less of truth and facts, as long as they get to spew. But the FACTS are that Pelosi only parroted WHAT SHE SAID from what she and everyone else was told by the experts at CDC. Then sadly for HER, the CDC totally reversed themselves mere days AFTER she made those statements. But again - this was a NOVEL virus that EVERYONE was learning about on the fly, and February 2020 was VERY early in the learning process.

What Pelosi said was unfortunate, but she wasn't at fault for saying them. And Dr. Fauci had nothing to do with her making those statements.
You forgot to comment on Biden’s comments about travel should not have been restricted. I would think Congress (pelosi) was briefed on covid with same info trump got...maybe not.

And pelosi made those comments 3 weeks AFTER the travel ban...

btw I pulled pelosi and Biden into it to show that they didn’t understand the virus anymore than trump did.

so why were democrats attacking trump for a late January travel ban when weeks later they were saying “this isn’t a big deal” so to speak. Trump gets attacked for not taking it seriously when he was doing more to stop it at the time than democrat leadership. Truth hurts. Don’t shoot the messenger.
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This sums Fauci up perfectly.

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You forgot to comment on Biden’s comments about travel should not have been restricted. I would think Congress (pelosi) was briefed on covid with same info trump got...maybe not.

And pelosi made those comments 3 weeks AFTER the travel ban...
I get the political banter back and forth, (we all get a little foolish when politics are involved) and I've even seen some people get really nasty on this board over it.

But then theres people that I think are genuinely unhinged from reality. I think you're dealing with one of those ghost.

Like I said when I run into those nasty, hateful types, I REALLY hope it's an act for the message board, and not what they're like in real life.
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I get the political banter back and forth, (we all get a little foolish when politics are involved) and I've even seen some people get really nasty on this board over it.

But then theres people that I think are genuinely unhinged from reality. I think you're dealing with one of those ghost.

Like I said when I run into those nasty, hateful types, I REALLY hope it's an act for the message board, and not what they're like in real life.
No he’s prob a loud mouth jerk in real life too 🤨
You forgot to comment on Biden’s comments about travel should not have been restricted. I would think Congress (pelosi) was briefed on covid with same info trump got...maybe not.

And pelosi made those comments 3 weeks AFTER the travel ban...

btw I pulled pelosi and Biden into it to show that they didn’t understand the virus anymore than trump did.

so why were democrats attacking trump for a late January travel ban when weeks later they were saying “this isn’t a big deal” so to speak. Trump gets attacked for not taking it seriously when he was doing more to stop it at the time than democrat leadership. Truth hurts. Don’t shoot the messenger.
@Conway Gamecock please explain the attack on the travel ban and what I mentioned above. Congress is a co-equal branch of the federal government too.

oh I remember now...the Democrats were impeaching him over a legit phone call to Ukrainian president...maybe they were consumed with impeachment instead of early virus response...
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I don't need false explanations like yours - what you just talked about was a President's job during NORMAL TIMES. 2020 was a time during a viral pandemic - all those other things you spoke of is true, but its no less true that even THEN a President is supposed to have the PEOPLE'S best interests and security at the forefront of his job responsibility, since it is the PEOPLE who elect a President.

At the very least, Trump could have stayed out of the discussions - allow the medical experts to advise the public appropriately. But the clown insisted to step his fat self all into the pandemic - very little if anything he ever stated to the public in his WEEKLY press conferences ended up being correct. There had to be response pressers given by the health leaders immediately AFTER his pressers most of the time to reverse the things Trump had just gotten through telling everyone.

After Trump lost the election, he could care less and never said another word about the pandemic, even though the December and January months were among the highest spikes of the virus since it all started. No more pressers. No more wild public speculation. It would have been better for the nation if he took this approach back in January 2020, and let the experts do the talking....
He was right about HCQ, medical community finally admitted that after the election. He was right about Fauci being wrong about everything and he was right about the vaccine.
You forgot to comment on Biden’s comments about travel should not have been restricted. I would think Congress (pelosi) was briefed on covid with same info trump got...maybe not.

And pelosi made those comments 3 weeks AFTER the travel ban...

btw I pulled pelosi and Biden into it to show that they didn’t understand the virus anymore than trump did.

so why were democrats attacking trump for a late January travel ban when weeks later they were saying “this isn’t a big deal” so to speak. Trump gets attacked for not taking it seriously when he was doing more to stop it at the time than democrat leadership. Truth hurts. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Because it's pointless having debates with someone who is only a troll and has political agendas - you're not truly seeking for answers or truth - you already KNOW what the truth is, despite what you post. You're only interested in trolling and spewing biased UNtruths.

The Pelosi comments had NOTHING AT ALL to do with any travel ban - they were comments addressing local San Fransisco residents and tourists having concerns about attending Chinatown. Her comments were made on Feb. 24, 2020. She made ZERO comments regarding any travel ban.

What is laughable - and why I label you as a flat out troll - is that this is the SAME tripe you people spewed about the "fake news". YES, news media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. have made errors and mistakes over the years. They will continue to do so. But when those mistakes are called out, they correct, retract, and post apologies, and they DON'T CONTINUE THE FAKE REPORTING OF IT. That's ALWAYS been how the media AT ALL LEVELS have done it since they've been around.

But the TRUE fake news like Faux News, OANN, Newsmax keep reporting the fake news and even double down on it, even past the point of when the fake news has been thoroughly debunked, and they are sued for BILLIONS. They do not care about reporting truth and facts. They just have their agendas.
That is what Fake News does.

So too the same about this stuff with Pelosi. She was merely parroting what the CDC were publicly reporting AT THE TIME, then when they (CDC) changed their facts, she stopped. But TRUMP continued to do the SAME THING AND MORE to the public from the President's podium for the entire time the country has been under siege by this virus, and HE WOULD STILL BE DOING IT EVEN TODAY, if his social accounts were still open to him.

But you trolls keep digging up the old trash from more than a year ago, as you continue to hail Trump as the greatest ever.......
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Did he testify?
He wasn’t under oath nor were any of the other people in any of these “hearings” that they held to peddle their stories. If you aren’t under oath then you are just talking and have no obligation to be truthful in what you say. You can call anything a testimony but it doesn’t mean it was true especially when the individual presents no evidence.
Because it's pointless having debates with someone who is only a troll and has political agendas - you're not truly seeking for answers or truth - you already KNOW what the truth is, despite what you post. You're only interested in trolling and spewing biased UNtruths.

The Pelosi comments had NOTHING AT ALL to do with any travel ban - they were comments addressing local San Fransisco residents and tourists having concerns about attending Chinatown. Her comments were made on Feb. 24, 2020. She made ZERO comments regarding any travel ban.

What is laughable - and why I label you as a flat out troll - is that this is the SAME tripe you people spewed about the "fake news". YES, news media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. have made errors and mistakes over the years. They will continue to do so. But when those mistakes are called out, they correct, retract, and post apologies, and they DON'T CONTINUE THE FAKE REPORTING OF IT. That's ALWAYS been how the media AT ALL LEVELS have done it since they've been around.

But the TRUE fake news like Faux News, OANN, Newsmax keep reporting the fake news and even double down on it, even past the point of when the fake news has been thoroughly debunked, and they are sued for BILLIONS. They do not care about reporting truth and facts. They just have their agendas.
That is what Fake News does.

So too the same about this stuff with Pelosi. She was merely parroting what the CDC were publicly reporting AT THE TIME, then when they (CDC) changed their facts, she stopped. But TRUMP continued to do the SAME THING AND MORE to the public from the President's podium for the entire time the country has been under siege by this virus, and HE WOULD STILL BE DOING IT EVEN TODAY, if his social accounts were still open to him.

But you trolls keep digging up the old trash from more than a year ago, as you continue to hail Trump as the greatest ever.......
How much money did CNN pay that young man with MAGA hat after they doxed him and labeled him racist?
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@Conway Gamecock please explain the attack on the travel ban and what I mentioned above. Congress is a co-equal branch of the federal government too.

oh I remember now...the Democrats were impeaching him over a legit phone call to Ukrainian president...maybe they were consumed with impeachment instead of early virus response...

Because you're a troll that already knows the truth but could care less, and all you're interested in is digging up entirely debunked lies and making people have to respond to them over and over, I will be done with you. But AGAIN - as this has already been beaten to death, Biden NEVER attacked ANY travel bans, and in fact suggested that the bans from the Trump Administration were not thorough enough.

What he DID attack was Trump's already lengthy record of xenophobia, due to the fact that AT THE SAME TIME of the imposed travel bans, Trump's administration were pushing forward racist tropes and accusations, like the "Chinese Virus", the "Kung Flu", etc. Biden was attacking THOSE xenophobic efforts from Trump, and his tweets, interviews, and presser videos clearly showed that at the time. And they still do today......
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How much money did CNN pay that young man with MAGA hat after they doxed him and labeled him racist?

I don't know - but they deserved to pay him, as well as all other media who attacked and labeled him over a 1-minute video clip. How did YOU come to YOUR conclusion of that incident? Did you - like me - watch the entire 1 hr 45 minute video from the Black Hebrew Israelites that showed the full TRUTH of the incident? Did you - like me - ALSO watch the video recorded by a member of the David Phillips Native American march of the aftermath of the incident after the students left for their buses that had arrived?

But mainly to my point I posted above - how many of those media sources CONTINUED to report falsely the incident after the full truth of the incident became known mere 1-2 days after the initial reporting? I don't know of anyone who did - in fact, there were several follow-up articles published by those very news sources that criticized themselves and self-analyzed in critical light the reasonings why they rushed to such ill-informed judgement.

Things that Faux News and OANN and such ilk like them, would NEVER do.....

Here is an easy example:

Lately, Faux News has tried to lie about Biden's Climate Control plan, by referencing an article from the British tabloid, which tried to tie in an independent study done by the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability, to the Biden plan. The study was done in 2020, and involved ONLY possible pathways to reduce dietary-related emissions. It had NOTHING to do with Joe Biden, much less any climate plan the Biden Administration was preparing.

The study involved a reduction of red meat - beef. however somehow fabricated a connection between this study and Biden's plan, and falsely claimed that Biden will attempt to dictate how much beef Americans will be able to consume during his administration.

This of course is a pure straight lie - there is NOTHING in Biden's climate plan that involved controlling meat consumption, or controlling the consumption of ANY food group, for that matter.

But FAUX NEWS and other right-wing "media" sources jumped all over it, and now Republican congressmen like Lauren Boebert and Texas Republicans are raging all over Biden and Democrats for taking away our American Rights to eat what we want to eat.

This was just the latest example of the TRUE "FAKE NEWS" that exists out there - it happened beginning last week. But even though this is a total LIE that can be fact-checked in the matter of a few minutes, Faux News spent several days pushing the false news over most all of their on-air platforms, until John Roberts broadcast the retraction Monday afternoon......

With Faux News and their kind, its almost a daily thing with them......
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Signs at our State House read "Masks Are Required". Democrats and all visitors wear masks while Republicans don't. Ask yourself who politicizes mask wearing?
Because it's pointless having debates with someone who is only a troll and has political agendas - you're not truly seeking for answers or truth - you already KNOW what the truth is, despite what you post. You're only interested in trolling and spewing biased UNtruths.

The Pelosi comments had NOTHING AT ALL to do with any travel ban - they were comments addressing local San Fransisco residents and tourists having concerns about attending Chinatown. Her comments were made on Feb. 24, 2020. She made ZERO comments regarding any travel ban.

What is laughable - and why I label you as a flat out troll - is that this is the SAME tripe you people spewed about the "fake news". YES, news media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. have made errors and mistakes over the years. They will continue to do so. But when those mistakes are called out, they correct, retract, and post apologies, and they DON'T CONTINUE THE FAKE REPORTING OF IT. That's ALWAYS been how the media AT ALL LEVELS have done it since they've been around.

But the TRUE fake news like Faux News, OANN, Newsmax keep reporting the fake news and even double down on it, even past the point of when the fake news has been thoroughly debunked, and they are sued for BILLIONS. They do not care about reporting truth and facts. They just have their agendas.
That is what Fake News does.

So too the same about this stuff with Pelosi. She was merely parroting what the CDC were publicly reporting AT THE TIME, then when they (CDC) changed their facts, she stopped. But TRUMP continued to do the SAME THING AND MORE to the public from the President's podium for the entire time the country has been under siege by this virus, and HE WOULD STILL BE DOING IT EVEN TODAY, if his social accounts were still open to him.

But you trolls keep digging up the old trash from more than a year ago, as you continue to hail Trump as the greatest ever.......
You like to type a lot huh? And avoid answering. Typical. Have a good day.
Because you're a troll that already knows the truth but could care less, and all you're interested in is digging up entirely debunked lies and making people have to respond to them over and over, I will be done with you. But AGAIN - as this has already been beaten to death, Biden NEVER attacked ANY travel bans, and in fact suggested that the bans from the Trump Administration were not thorough enough.

What he DID attack was Trump's already lengthy record of xenophobia, due to the fact that AT THE SAME TIME of the imposed travel bans, Trump's administration were pushing forward racist tropes and accusations, like the "Chinese Virus", the "Kung Flu", etc. Biden was attacking THOSE xenophobic efforts from Trump, and his tweets, interviews, and presser videos clearly showed that at the time. And they still do today......
He did attack the travel ban but thanks for playing...even liberal news outlets admit that.

People with no basis for their argument resort to name calling and get angry and want to shut down any talk they do not angry many keyboards have you had to replace lol. Anyhow feel free to ignore my posts since they infuriate you so bad. Hope your day gets better.
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He was right about HCQ, medical community finally admitted that after the election. He was right about Fauci being wrong about everything and he was right about the vaccine.

If I might add, the CDC flat out lied when they stated that HCQ was dangerous. Doctors around the world and particularly in the US who have been prescribing HCQ for over 1/2 a century should have spoken out, but politics, even for some doctors, played a role. The CDC also twisted the efficacy of HCQ when given at the appropriate time to fit a political narrative and even contributied to a shutdown of HCQ studies that were clearly inappropriately designed.

HCQ is not a magic bullet, but it could have been helpful in many cases, particularly before we had any other treatments available. It was proven to be safe and effective in many cases throughout the world when given at the onset of the virus. After the disease progressed to the point of hospitilization, HCQ, while still not dangerous, was not nearly as effective. The problem for the US and the world is that it was cheap and Trump mentioned it. Big pharma needed a new drug with a patent and the Democrats needed to kill the economy as a last ditch effort to get Trump out of offfice.

The information about HCQ was a big fat, politically spun lie, not incompetence. They can’t be trusted if they are willing to put politics above health and they clearly did.
He did attack the travel ban but thanks for playing...even liberal news outlets admit that.

People with no basis for their argument resort to name calling and get angry and want to shut down any talk they do not angry many keyboards have you had to replace lol. Anyhow feel free to ignore my posts since they infuriate you so bad. Hope your day gets better.

I'm not angry in the slightest - it's my profound joy in life to smack down hypocrites and trolls who deliberately post nonsense without basis of truth of fact behind it, and make them look small as a response.

And you cannot post a single shred of evidence that Biden attacked the travel ban - there IS evidence of him supporting efforts to ban international travel, and even going FURTHER than Trump's feeble effort to just ban direct travel to and from China, but not Europe.

There's ample evidence of Biden attacking Trump's xenophobia in his attacks on Asians over the virus - something we've been seeing in recent months the unfortunate after-effects from, with all the Republican anti-Asian racism that essentially followed Trump's lead. Biden certainly wasn't wrong there.....
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You can also look at it this way there are 500,000+ dead some of which might be alive today if Trump hadn’t “downplayed” Covid to keep people calm. It’s all comes down to how you look at it.
You can also look at it this way.
Had Donald Trump not been president and we had been forced to rely on politicians we might have over 2,000,000 dead and all no vaccines.
I'm not angry in the slightest - it's my profound joy in life to smack down hypocrites and trolls who deliberately post nonsense without basis of truth of fact behind it, and make them look small as a response.

And you cannot post a single shred of evidence that Biden attacked the travel ban - there IS evidence of him supporting efforts to ban international travel, and even going FURTHER than Trump's feeble effort to just ban direct travel to and from China, but not Europe.

There's ample evidence of Biden attacking Trump's xenophobia in his attacks on Asians over the virus - something we've been seeing in recent months the unfortunate after-effects from, with all the Republican anti-Asian racism that essentially followed Trump's lead. Biden certainly wasn't wrong there.....
You can spin it that way if you want but he said what he said… And if he supported the travel ban why did it take him two months to come out and say it? The ban was put in place on January 31 and there was no voice of support of that ban until April 3 from Biden (actually it was his campaign). That’s two months of him trying to figure out what was the right thing to say Or what did the public want to hear.
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I'm not angry in the slightest - it's my profound joy in life to smack down hypocrites and trolls who deliberately post nonsense without basis of truth of fact behind it, and make them look small as a response.

And you cannot post a single shred of evidence that Biden attacked the travel ban - there IS evidence of him supporting efforts to ban international travel, and even going FURTHER than Trump's feeble effort to just ban direct travel to and from China, but not Europe.

There's ample evidence of Biden attacking Trump's xenophobia in his attacks on Asians over the virus - something we've been seeing in recent months the unfortunate after-effects from, with all the Republican anti-Asian racism that essentially followed Trump's lead. Biden certainly wasn't wrong there.....
How ya'll lemmings doing with that Trump vaccine ? Not a vaccine - it is an experimental medical treatment approved for emergency medical use . You are the replacement for lab rats . Good luck .
I think most educated people (not YOU) can easily read this praise of a President for being responsible for a vaccine (which is NOT totally truthful), while AT THE SAME TIME trash the CDC and Fauci and most other national medical experts/leaders who ACTUALLY CREATED THE VACCINE, as being pretty obvious hypocrisy.

Everyone who agrees to go get their vaccine shots, while at the same time trash the medical experts who made them come into existence, are simply screaming out to all just how stupidly biased they are. You'd all have more grounds of PRINCIPLE to stand on if you also denounced the vaccines, and refused to get vaccinated. But, you're all too stupid to realize this........
Then no Democrat should take the vaccine because every one of them trashed Trump for cutting the red tape and getting it out in record time. You’re so blind you can’t see what’s right in front of your face.
How ya'll lemmings doing with that Trump vaccine ? Not a vaccine - it is an experimental medical treatment approved for emergency medical use . You are the replacement for lab rats . Good luck .
Even if you were right, which you are not, what would be wrong with that? Do you believe this would be the first time in history this would be done? No. Its done every single day.
He wasn’t under oath nor were any of the other people in any of these “hearings” that they held to peddle their stories. If you aren’t under oath then you are just talking and have no obligation to be truthful in what you say. You can call anything a testimony but it doesn’t mean it was true especially when the individual presents no evidence.
Yet Democrats were ok with that during the impeachment hearings over a phone call.... convenient.
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