OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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This sums Fauci up perfectly.

Just a bit outside........
Yet Democrats were ok with that during the impeachment hearings over a phone call.... convenient.
I’m not sure exactly what you think this comparison is supposed to show.

One had testimony under oath and one did not.

One had people presenting evidence and one did not.

In both cases the Georgia hearing was the “did not”.
I'm not angry in the slightest - it's my profound joy in life to smack down hypocrites and trolls who deliberately post nonsense without basis of truth of fact behind it, and make them look small as a response.

And you cannot post a single shred of evidence that Biden attacked the travel ban - there IS evidence of him supporting efforts to ban international travel, and even going FURTHER than Trump's feeble effort to just ban direct travel to and from China, but not Europe.

There's ample evidence of Biden attacking Trump's xenophobia in his attacks on Asians over the virus - something we've been seeing in recent months the unfortunate after-effects from, with all the Republican anti-Asian racism that essentially followed Trump's lead. Biden certainly wasn't wrong there.....

You obviously haven't look at all the videos of people attacking Asians on the street. They don't look like your typical Republicans. And the vast majority of these attacks are in urban areas, not exactly Republican strongholds.

And, yes, Biden was against the travel bans. He accused Trump of being xenophobic when he did the first one for China, and then talked down the European travel ban because he said it wouldn't stop it. When in charge of the swine flu response, he didn't restrict travel from Mexico, and 60 million people ended up getting it. Thank God it wasn't as deadly.

Yet, where is this great "plan" Biden claimed to have? I don't see any difference. Whine about people not wear masks isn't a "plan".
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It’s so reassuring how Fauci addressed the root cause of the issue- the “wet market” in China.
You can also look at it this way.
Had Donald Trump not been president and we had been forced to rely on politicians we might have over 2,000,000 dead and all no vaccines.
Well that’s not true. Pfizer created their vaccine independent of the US government. They sold the US supplies.
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Nice try.

They did not participate it warp speed. They said they did not want to be political

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They did not participate it warp speed. They said they did not want to be political

Facts First: Pfizer's vaccine progress is certainly not solely attributable to the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership program. But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal. Also, at least some independent experts say the Trump administration deserves partial credit for Pfizer's progress.

Facts First: Pfizer's vaccine progress is certainly not solely attributable to the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership program. But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal. Also, at least some independent experts say the Trump administration deserves partial credit for Pfizer's progress.

@USC148360 you may want to stop posting on this thread 🤣
Did you miss the part where I said they sold the US supplies
Both of your points were shot down within moments of posting said Pfizer did it independent of the govt...WRONG then you said they did not participate in warp speed...WRONG

That's all I was saying. How does your comment about "supplies" factor into either of those points you made above being right?
I’m not sure exactly what you think this comparison is supposed to show.

One had testimony under oath and one did not.

One had people presenting evidence and one did not.

In both cases the Georgia hearing was the “did not”.
Democrats conveniently did NOT have certain people swear under oath. Or did you forget that part? Yet they still testified.
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Both of your points were shot down within moments of posting said Pfizer did it independent of the govt...WRONG then you said they did not participate in warp speed...WRONG

That's all I was saying. How does your comment about "supplies" factor into either of those points you made above being right?

Like they didn't take advantage of Trump's record breaking hurdle clearing of the FDA & CDC? Riiiight. Didnt want to get political but waited until after the election results to announce readiness. Yeah, they didn't want to get political. They are big pharma. By nature they are political.
Democrats conveniently did NOT have certain people swear under oath. Or did you forget that part? Yet they still testified.
This is where you’re inability to obsess over party becomes a problem. Anyone who talks at any event who is not under oath is not under any obligation to tell the truth. Concerns over someone not taking an oath can certainly be minimized if there is evidence presented to support what they are saying.

Having an event where there is neither an administration of an oath or any evidence presented provides plenty of open space to doubt the information provided. If the next speaker came up and said their blue gorilla Snazzoo intercepted secret transmissions from China wiring money to the Secretary of State of Georgia to rig the election would you accept that as well?
Because it's pointless having debates with someone who is only a troll and has political agendas - you're not truly seeking for answers or truth - you already KNOW what the truth is, despite what you post. You're only interested in trolling and spewing biased UNtruths.

The Pelosi comments had NOTHING AT ALL to do with any travel ban - they were comments addressing local San Fransisco residents and tourists having concerns about attending Chinatown. Her comments were made on Feb. 24, 2020. She made ZERO comments regarding any travel ban.

What is laughable - and why I label you as a flat out troll - is that this is the SAME tripe you people spewed about the "fake news". YES, news media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. have made errors and mistakes over the years. They will continue to do so. But when those mistakes are called out, they correct, retract, and post apologies, and they DON'T CONTINUE THE FAKE REPORTING OF IT. That's ALWAYS been how the media AT ALL LEVELS have done it since they've been around.

But the TRUE fake news like Faux News, OANN, Newsmax keep reporting the fake news and even double down on it, even past the point of when the fake news has been thoroughly debunked, and they are sued for BILLIONS. They do not care about reporting truth and facts. They just have their agendas.
That is what Fake News does.

So too the same about this stuff with Pelosi. She was merely parroting what the CDC were publicly reporting AT THE TIME, then when they (CDC) changed their facts, she stopped. But TRUMP continued to do the SAME THING AND MORE to the public from the President's podium for the entire time the country has been under siege by this virus, and HE WOULD STILL BE DOING IT EVEN TODAY, if his social accounts were still open to him.

But you trolls keep digging up the old trash from more than a year ago, as you continue to hail Trump as the greatest ever.......
Don’t know where you get they out their own mistakes. I have rarely seen CNN,MSNBC,NBC, ABC , or our partly taxpayer funded PBS admit. Misleading or downright untruths. Been so many you can’t count them all. Misleading and fake news is what they do. Exaggerating this, downplaying or not mentioning that. Why else are the public trust numbers down to a hat size?
This is where you’re inability to obsess over party becomes a problem. Anyone who talks at any event who is not under oath is not under any obligation to tell the truth. Concerns over someone not taking an oath can certainly be minimized if there is evidence presented to support what they are saying.

Having an event where there is neither an administration of an oath or any evidence presented provides plenty of open space to doubt the information provided. If the next speaker came up and said their blue gorilla Snazzoo intercepted secret transmissions from China wiring money to the Secretary of State of Georgia to rig the election would you accept that as well?
Democrats used a SCIF room to question individuals who were not put under oath and refused to allow Republicans to ask questions

oh, at that GA hearing you claimed lacked evidence Johan Pulitzer hacked into a Dominion Voting machine while testimony was being given that they were not connected to the internet. Evidence was provided, it was just ignored
Democrats used a SCIF room to question individuals who were not put under oath and refused to allow Republicans to ask questions

oh, at that GA hearing you claimed lacked evidence Johan Pulitzer hacked into a Dominion Voting machine while testimony was being given that they were not connected to the internet. Evidence was provided, it was just ignored
He did not hack into a Dominion machine. He said he hacked into a poll pad which is made by a completely separate company and is something that is knowingly connected to the internet to update rosters. He also provided no evidence that he had done so outside of just making the claim. You can’t ignore evidence that isn’t provided.
I guarantee you it isn’t limited to a “few on this board”. There are a whole lot of people out there who have grown weary of his flip-flopping and fear-mongering. I listened to what he had to say early on, but quickly grew to not trust him. He’s a spotlight whore who wants his 15min to last forever. Jmo
Not to mention the $$ he's raking in. A government bureaucrat 50+ years worth.
To answer your question, I don't know who to trust anymore. IMO Fauci has become a talking head for this administration.
There are many, many scientists out there that follow the science, just not the science that serves the politicians. Do people really believe that all scientists are in agreement with Fauci? No different that the climate change alarmists that are making $Billions, there are many, many scientists that completely disagree with all of it. Won't find it on the TV news though, but easy enough to locate.
Well that’s not true. Pfizer created their vaccine independent of the US government. They sold the US supplies.
If the US had not stepped up and provided the leadership and funding nothing would have happened as quickly as it has.

Instead, we would still be waiting on Faucci to decide if it actually originated in China. And once he determined it did he would recommend buying Chinese vacines.
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This may explain why some on here still believe in and defend Fauci....

"Instead of empowering women and minorities with self-knowledge, strength of character, and resilience to hardship, progressivism encourages victims to stay in a place of fear and helplessness."
Do you watch Tucker Carlson?
This is where you’re inability to obsess over party becomes a problem. Anyone who talks at any event who is not under oath is not under any obligation to tell the truth. Concerns over someone not taking an oath can certainly be minimized if there is evidence presented to support what they are saying.

Having an event where there is neither an administration of an oath or any evidence presented provides plenty of open space to doubt the information provided. If the next speaker came up and said their blue gorilla Snazzoo intercepted secret transmissions from China wiring money to the Secretary of State of Georgia to rig the election would you accept that as well?
Oaths are not some magical veracity compulsion. Someone under oath can lie as easily as someone not under oath. While there are few legal penalties for lying unless under oath, lying to a federal agent is also a crime, sworn in or not.
I was at my kid’s soccer practice today, I could pick out all of the liberal idiots still wearing masks outside in the 80 degree heat. I guess they did not get the CDC’s latest backtrack from Faucism?
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Oaths are not some magical veracity compulsion. Someone under oath can lie as easily as someone not under oath. While there are few legal penalties for lying unless under oath, lying to a federal agent is also a crime, sworn in or not.
Lying to someone who wants to hear your lies will rarely raise suspicion.
I don’t really give much of a crap about Fauci or the CDC, but I got my first dose of the covid vaccine today. Ya’ll need to quit with all the conspiracy theories, and population control... Vaccines only work if the bast majority of people get them. I personally feel this disease, while pretty bad- I had it- is not some dooms day bug, and much of the reaction has been OVERREACTION IMO- I hate all the lock downs, closed restaurants, drive through only BS- which is why I was happy they got a vaccine out so quick and happy to line up to take it when it was my turn. I am ready for all this crap to be over and I don’t get why the people who are the most upset about the “draconian” measures that have bogged us down for over a year are the same ones quite often who seem reluctant to get the damn shot! You want this to go away? Well- that is what the vaccine does!?! If 30% of our population thinks the shot will turn them into a lizard- or whatever stupid ish has been said- we will not reach herd immunity and those who are unvaccinated will keep spreading it. 30% of our population is 100Million people... I equate all the vaccine anti-science stuff to flat earthers personally... It would be funny if it wasn’t so wide spread to the point it could cost us the war against this virus.
Facts First: Pfizer's vaccine progress is certainly not solely attributable to the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership program. But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal. Also, at least some independent experts say the Trump administration deserves partial credit for Pfizer's progress.

What you quoted actually argues against you. The assertion in here is that Trump should take credit for the vaccines due to the Operation Warp Speed initiative. That it was due to THAT initiative that got these pharmaceuticals up and running at a quicker pace to generate the vaccines that are ultimately being given to the people.

It's like someone walking into a Walmart, and buying a towel. Because SOLELY on the basis of them buying a towel, that customer can claim that they are responsible for the towel's existence, or for the towel being available for purchase on the store shelf. That's ludicrous.

Operation Warp Speed involves several aspects: one, to provide funding to major pharmaceuticals to help them focus and speed up the development of vaccines. another is to have funding available so that once vaccines are FDA-approved and ready, to focus on mass-manufacturing of vaccine doses and SELLING those supplies in large quantities for faster widespread innoculation.

The part that has been argued in THIS thread is that Trump's efforts got the development of vaccines pushed forward at a quicker pace. NOT the part about simply buying developed supplies, but fast-forwarding the development of those supplies.

The article you quoted and linked clearly states that Operation Warp Speed had NOTHING to do with the development of Pfizer's vaccine - it funded no research, no trials, no manufacturing. All it did, was buy the vaccine doses once they were developed and ready to be provided.

"Pfizer is one of various vaccine manufacturers participating in Operation Warp Speed as a supplier of a potential COVID-19 vaccine," Castillo said in an email. "While Pfizer did reach an advanced purchase agreement with the U.S. government, the company did not accept (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) funding for the research and development process. All the investment for R&D was made by Pfizer at risk. Dr. Jansen was emphasizing that last point."

But unlike AstraZeneca, which has also obtained funding from the U.S. government, Pfizer did not receive a contract for its earlier research and development efforts — only for the doses and their distribution.

By refusing funding up until now, Pfizer was able to avoid drawn-out contractual negotiations and get its vaccine to trials, company officials say.

“We didn’t accept the federal government funding solely for the reason that we wanted to be able to move as quickly as possible with our vaccine candidate into the clinic,” John Young, Pfizer’s chief business officer, said on Tuesday at a congressional hearing with executives from five vaccine manufacturers.

There is the argument that the large contract to purchase the vaccine played a role in speeding up the development of the vaccine. Without specificity, this cannot be discounted. But Pfizer is a huge internationally recognized pharmaceutical corporation - if the US told them, "no thanks, we'll just stick with the companies that we have development contracts with", that Pfizer would be out of luck?? The coronavirus is a GLOBAL pandemic, and the development of an effective vaccine was a race against time by ALL pharmaceuticals. EVERYONE was waiting for MONTHS for a vaccine to be provided.

Pfizer couldn't have sold it's vaccines to Canada, Mexico, the UK, Europe, etc.?? Pfizer wouldn't have had the SAME financial incentive to be one of the (if not THE) first pharmaceutical to have an approved vaccine ready for distribution? There's more to argue AGAINST Trump's impact, than there is to argue for.

You in effect tried to move the goalposts here. If an effective, FDA-approved covid-19 vaccine was available on the market (the "towel"), who in their right mind WOULDN'T spend what they needed to, to purchase large quantities of it??? But that is NOT to say that the buying customer had a direct hand in the actual development of the vaccine. That's two different arguments. This doesn't support the initial argument you and others are trying to make here......
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We had the vaccine a year ago. The testing was what took time.

So which pharmaceutical do you work with? Otherwise, you have zero knowledge of what adjustments and tweaks had to be made to those vaccines BASED on what was found out from the trials. We may have had a vaccine CANDIDATE a year ago. If we used it on people without trials, we may have 1,200,000 deaths in the country today. But the bottom line is - you don't know......
So which pharmaceutical do you work with? Otherwise, you have zero knowledge of what adjustments and tweaks had to be made to those vaccines BASED on what was found out from the trials. We may have had a vaccine CANDIDATE a year ago. If we used it on people without trials, we may have 1,200,000 deaths in the country today. But the bottom line is - you don't know......

What we do know for a fact is that Pfizer didn’t make the information that their vaccine looked to be effective and would be available to the public until 1 week after the election. They said they were waiting on the data analysis. We are supposed to believe that those analyzing the data just happen to complete it a few days AFTER the election, knowing full well that the news would help the markets and, God forbid, help Trump in the election. Maybe you are one of the ones that believes that was purely coincidental?
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