OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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Perhaps as a country we should stop electing octogenarians to the high office. I for one and ready for some younger energy across the board. Both parties included.
Jimmy Carter was young.
That didn't work out so well.

You know when you're part of the establishment when you get a lot of love from both the Bushies and liberals...

Too bad Jeb and Hillary couldn't face off against each other in 2016...
1/10 reported, how many had it and never tested? Out of the 50% there is a 97% recovery again why the extreme measures? It’s all about control. Once the government assumes control they never willingly give it up.
Just spit balling here but maybe...just maybe the actual goal is to not have another 574,000 deaths. I mean I know that’s a wild theory but it’s entirely possible.
You know when you're part of the establishment when you get a lot of love from both the Bushies and liberals...

Too bad Jeb and Hillary couldn't face off against each other in 2016...

The Bushies are just liberals that lie and say they are republicans. Being a Bush republican doesn't cut it, that family is connected at the hip with the Clinton's.
Covid is real. The vaccine is safe and effective. That being said, the messaging here has been horrible and inconsistent. Trevor Noah summed it very well last night:

"I know science is difficult, and this is a novel virus and all of that, but who’s running messaging at the CDC? First, they said masks make us less safe. Don’t wear a mask. Then they said, masks make us more safe. And now, according to this new chart, masks can make you not safe again? In fact, this whole chart is trash. Yeah, I said it. The whole thing is too complicated. I have to sit here trying to interpret reds and yellows and greens — there’s outdoor/indoor, partial indoor, outdoor with the people who might be vaccinated, partially vaccinated. This is unreadable. The really frustrating thing about this chart is that they’ve spent months, they’ve spent 5 months telling us to get vaccinated. ‘Oh, get vaccinated, and this will all be over. Get vaccinated!’ And I was like, ‘Great. I’ll get all the four vaccines if it means I’ll get my life back.’ But now, now they’re putting out a chart, and it says even if you get vaccinated, you can only do two more things without a mask on? Two? Guys, what the hell? The s*** you’re saying to people is incoherent. You’re telling us these new vaccines are 95% effective and will stop coronavirus, but we still can’t do anything without a mask on anyway? Which is it? Is this one of the most effective vaccines in the history of the world, or does it not work? It’s not clear messaging. Especially if you’re desperately trying to convince people to get the vaccine. I know the CDC is just trying to cover all the bases because maybe there’s a tiny chance you could get corona even if you’re vaccinated. But if that messaging ends up convincing people that there’s not much of a reason to get vaccinated at all, then we’re shooting ourselves in the foot. Which is not something we should do."

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Covid is real. The vaccine is safe and effective. That being said, the messaging here has been horrible and inconsistent. Trevor Noah summed it very well last night:

"I know science is difficult, and this is a novel virus and all of that, but who’s running messaging at the CDC? First, they said masks make us less safe. Don’t wear a mask. Then they said, masks make us more safe. And now, according to this new chart, masks can make you not safe again? In fact, this whole chart is trash. Yeah, I said it. The whole thing is too complicated. I have to sit here trying to interpret reds and yellows and greens — there’s outdoor/indoor, partial indoor, outdoor with the people who might be vaccinated, partially vaccinated. This is unreadable. The really frustrating thing about this chart is that they’ve spent months, they’ve spent 5 months telling us to get vaccinated. ‘Oh, get vaccinated, and this will all be over. Get vaccinated!’ And I was like, ‘Great. I’ll get all the four vaccines if it means I’ll get my life back.’ But now, now they’re putting out a chart, and it says even if you get vaccinated, you can only do two more things without a mask on? Two? Guys, what the hell? The s*** you’re saying to people is incoherent. You’re telling us these new vaccines are 95% effective and will stop coronavirus, but we still can’t do anything without a mask on anyway? Which is it? Is this one of the most effective vaccines in the history of the world, or does it not work? It’s not clear messaging. Especially if you’re desperately trying to convince people to get the vaccine. I know the CDC is just trying to cover all the bases because maybe there’s a tiny chance you could get corona even if you’re vaccinated. But if that messaging ends up convincing people that there’s not much of a reason to get vaccinated at all, then we’re shooting ourselves in the foot. Which is not something we should do."

Both my sister and mother got Covid after the vaccine. My sister had both doses, my mom had one. She is still in hospital. Vaccines may help, but I would wager no more than increasing Zinc and Vitamin D levels.
Both my sister and mother got Covid after the vaccine. My sister had both doses, my mom had one. She is still in hospital. Vaccines may help, but I would wager no more than increasing Zinc and Vitamin D levels.

I know everyone has anecdotal evidence. It's like those people who say "I hadn't had the flu for years until I got the flu vaccine." When you look at the composite, there are approximately 98 million fully vaccinated people in America. Of those, there have been approximately 6,000 reported cases of fully vaccinated people contracting covid. That's .006% of fully vaccinated people getting covid. The vaccine is effective.
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I know everyone has anecdotal evidence. It's like those people who say "I hadn't had the flu for years until I got the flu vaccine." When you look at the composite, there are approximately 98 million fully vaccinated people in America. Of those, there have been approximately 6,000 reported cases of fully vaccinated people contracting covid. That's .006% of fully vaccinated people getting covid. The vaccine is effective.
So is increased levels of Zinc and Vitamin D....
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Those 574k deaths are not all due to Covid. Maybe, just maybe the true issue is control and loss of freedom.
So they know that deaths in the US are up around 23% which equates to just over 523k deaths. So there is around 50k deaths that are likely people who would have died regardless and based on ages that isn’t that unlikely. So unless you believe there is a secret society of serial killers who have taken advantage of COVID to really go on a killing spree let’s just say they want to prevent another 500k deaths.

I do believe a lot of political commentators have learned how easily they can control people.
Those 574k deaths are not all due to Covid. Maybe, just maybe the true issue is control and loss of freedom.

Control, control, control - a vague, meaningless fear. Most of the restrictions have started to be lifted. But really, what do you mean about control? Enslaving the populace? You really think anyone cares about controlling you? And who by the way? The deep state lizard people that Alex Jones believes in?

The fact that you put all your election fraud eggs in Jovan Philyaw's basket (he the huckster trying to pass off a fake roman sword for treasure hunter fame), gives me pause about even engaging in this, but it's a slow Thursday.

Who is trying to control you, and for what purpose?
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So is increased levels of Zinc and Vitamin D....

"In this randomized clinical trial of ambulatory patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, treatment with high-dose zinc gluconate, ascorbic acid, or a combination of the 2 supplements did not significantly decrease the duration of symptoms compared with standard of care."
Just spit balling here but maybe...just maybe the actual goal is to not have another 574,000 deaths. I mean I know that’s a wild theory but it’s entirely possible.
With the vulnerable being vaccinated, that's about as lofty a goal as me waking up tomorrow.
So they know that deaths in the US are up around 23% which equates to just over 523k deaths. So there is around 50k deaths that are likely people who would have died regardless and based on ages that isn’t that unlikely. So unless you believe there is a secret society of serial killers who have taken advantage of COVID to really go on a killing spree let’s just say they want to prevent another 500k deaths.

I do believe a lot of political commentators have learned how easily they can control people.
No, just things like motorcycle accidents being counted as Covid deaths or anyone who died who was suspected of having the virus...

"In this randomized clinical trial of ambulatory patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, treatment with high-dose zinc gluconate, ascorbic acid, or a combination of the 2 supplements did not significantly decrease the duration of symptoms compared with standard of care."
It’s better for preventing as opposed to treatment. Case in point my sister had very low Vitamin D level even though she was vacccinated.
Control, control, control - a vague, meaningless fear. Most of the restrictions have started to be lifted. But really, what do you mean about control? Enslaving the populace? You really think anyone cares about controlling you? And who by the way? The deep state lizard people that Alex Jones believes in?

The fact that you put all your election fraud eggs in Jovan Philyaw's basket (he the huckster trying to pass off a fake roman sword for treasure hunter fame), gives me pause about even engaging in this, but it's a slow Thursday.

Who is trying to control you, and for what purpose?
The people who want to rule the world are exactly the people that will try to rule the world.
No, just things like motorcycle accidents being counted as Covid deaths or anyone who died who was suspected of having the virus...
So you think 500k plus people died from some other things and they just listed it as COVID? I get this example is the Laura Ingram approved response but doesn’t it seem a little odd that there would be 500k plus extra deaths that are all coded wrong or do you believe these people didn’t really die?
So you think 500k plus people died from some other things and they just listed it as COVID? I get this example is the Laura Ingram approved response but doesn’t it seem a little odd that there would be 500k plus extra deaths that are all coded wrong or do you believe these people didn’t really die?
No, I think the true numbers are lower. I think contributing a death to Covid when there were other underlying health issues is disingenuous
No, I think the true numbers are lower. I think contributing a death to Covid when there were other underlying health issues is disingenuous
So you think if someone lived with diabetes for 20 years and then dies after contracting COVID that it is wrong to list the cause of death as COVID because the individual had other health issues that were not causing concern prior to the COVID diagnosis?

If someone leaps from the Empire State Building and dies from a heart attack on the way down then what is the cause of death? Is it the leap from the building or the heart attack?
I was at my kid’s soccer practice today, I could pick out all of the liberal idiots still wearing masks outside in the 80 degree heat. I guess they did not get the CDC’s latest backtrack from Faucism?
No need to criticize individuals who are trying to take responsibility for their health no different than you for yours.

Also, Fauci is not a CDC employee.
I don't care if others wear 30 masks. Just don't look at me funny because I don't but into that stupidity.

We are gonna have some screwed up people over this for a long, long time.
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So you think if someone lived with diabetes for 20 years and then dies after contracting COVID that it is wrong to list the cause of death as COVID because the individual had other health issues that were not causing concern prior to the COVID diagnosis?

If someone leaps from the Empire State Building and dies from a heart attack on the way down then what is the cause of death? Is it the leap from the building or the heart attack?
Friend, with all the information that's been easily available for the past year+, if you STILL buy the "570k deaths due to covid" then God bless ya; don't know what else to say. Carry on.
Friend, with all the information that's been easily available for the past year+, if you STILL buy the "570k deaths due to covid" then God bless ya; don't know what else to say. Carry on.
It is noted that we have over 523k excess deaths this year. Again it is probably a given that some of the people with COVID were probably going to die anyway so if you want to argue 523 vs the 570 that’s fine but it’s not like that difference changes the impact. If the excess death total was 25k and they were reporting 574k that might make a difference but it isn’t.

I get there was (and still is) a huge desire to minimize/exaggerate the impact but at some point when the data is there reality has to start setting in.
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So you think if someone lived with diabetes for 20 years and then dies after contracting COVID that it is wrong to list the cause of death as COVID because the individual had other health issues that were not causing concern prior to the COVID diagnosis?

If someone leaps from the Empire State Building and dies from a heart attack on the way down then what is the cause of death? Is it the leap from the building or the heart attack?
Straw man argument. That’s not what I said at all. But when someone who has heart disease and Covid, it shouldn’t be listed as a Covid death if they died from heart disease. The government removed distinctions and allowed any death where a person had Covid to be counted as a Covid death regardless of tge impact of underlying conditions
Straw man argument. That’s not what I said at all. But when someone who has heart disease and Covid, it shouldn’t be listed as a Covid death if they died from heart disease. The government removed distinctions and allowed any death where a person had Covid to be counted as a Covid death regardless of tge impact of underlying conditions
The problem is you’re going with the decision that if someone hadn’t had the heart condition they probably wouldn’t have died from COVID while conversely it is likely that they probably wouldn’t have died from the heart condition if they didn’t contract COVID. Only one of those things is a newly introduced variable.
Very few USC grads here as we learned logic and the ability to think critically. According to this study there's a high correlation between graduate education and liberalism.

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Very few USC grads here as we learned logic and the ability to think critically. According to this study there's a high correlation between graduate education and liberalism.

Ever thought that that's due to the excessive liberal slant with which higher education is infested?? maybe...maybe not.

I know plenty of people with graduate degrees (master's and doctoral level) that do not have common sense and the ability to apply the knowledge they have gained. So I wouldn't place too much value on a degree making people "smart." This liberal indoctrination starts in elementary school.

So it stands to reason that people that stay in school past their college degree to get a graduate degree will be exposed to many years of liberal theology, thus buying into the mindset.
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The problem is you’re going with the decision that if someone hadn’t had the heart condition they probably wouldn’t have died from COVID while conversely it is likely that they probably wouldn’t have died from the heart condition if they didn’t contract COVID. Only one of those things is a newly introduced variable.
No, I’m simply stating that if anyone who died that health officials thought had Covid it was listed as a Covid death regardless of any other factor(s)
Very few USC grads here as we learned logic and the ability to think critically. According to this study there's a high correlation between graduate education and liberalism.

Yeah, that has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with indoctrination. Many educators are very liberal and push those views on their naive students. The longer you stay with them, the more like them you become.

And it's the libs that are demanding people follow the "science" without question and attack anybody that dares question their "science". ZERO critical thinking skills. Blindly follow like a cult.

February: Don't wear a mask. It doesn't help and actually hurts you.
April: You must wear a mask. It will save your life and every one else.

Libs didn't bat an eye or even question it. Just bow down to the cult, just like they are taught on their way to advanced, mostly useless, degrees.
Control, control, control - a vague, meaningless fear. Most of the restrictions have started to be lifted. But really, what do you mean about control? Enslaving the populace? You really think anyone cares about controlling you? And who by the way? The deep state lizard people that Alex Jones believes in?

The fact that you put all your election fraud eggs in Jovan Philyaw's basket (he the huckster trying to pass off a fake roman sword for treasure hunter fame), gives me pause about even engaging in this, but it's a slow Thursday.

Who is trying to control you, and for what purpose?
What I mean is once the government crosses the threshold of telling people what they can and can’t do regarding this virus they won’t turn back. Case in point masks and vaccine. First they said masks until there is a vaccine, now masks when indoors with vaccine and no mask outside, to now masks regardless of vaccine or not. And they are pushing a vaccine passport while fighting against voter ID. Anyone who trusts government is a fool.
Weren't hospitals receiving extra federal compensation ($13K) vs not diagnosing Covid? Seems like I read that a while back.
No. That is not true. That is based on the original covid bill removing copays and deductibles from patient responsibility. This was then in turn pitched as “bonus payments” and the 13k amount was thrown out as an example of how much they could get.

Of course the other side of that is the implication that hospitals are going to commit healthcare fraud and label non covid patients as having covid. Which is possible but if audited would create a huge problem for the hospitals. Of course even if convicted your CEO could become governor and senator in Florida so maybe that isn’t as much of a problem for some.
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Very few USC grads here as we learned logic and the ability to think critically. According to this study there's a high correlation between graduate education and liberalism.

Truly depends on the nature of the degree.

Most non-business post-grads never receive much, if any, exposure to statistics, econometrics, risk analysis, etc.

Hence, they lack the ability to think exponentially in a world that requires it - especially when you are dealing with massive populations.

This is painfully evident as you watch the media play on those blind spots with identity politics, etc.

Humanities grads are lead around by their heart strings. They need to zoom out and look at the larger picture.

Empathy is a admirable trait when coupled with logic.
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