OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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Man this sounds like a massive case of BDS. I don't know that I would be calling the guy who beat trump by numbers trump called a landslide a buffoon. It speaks volumes about the guy who lost when people would rather elect what you call a buffoon than tolerate 4 more years of what they just experienced.

Sort of like downgrading the crummy team who just beat your team.

The anti-Jewish wing of the Democratic party has already taken "BDS". You'll need to find something else.
I’m not the one that’s repeating a talking head talking point without understanding the context or even realizing that the claim is actually contrary to the point you think you are making.

I don’t care who you got the bad point from I just think if you’re going to repeat it you should at least understand it.

Wrong. What I stated is not a talking point. "Higher" education is full of left wing nut jobs with ZERO critical thinking skills. They fall right in line with whatever the left puts out there. They push in on their students, and actively try to squash any dissent to their opinion. Any left wing nut job can walk on any campus today and be welcomed with open arms. A conservative or Republican would face massive push back. They don't care to hear the issues or both sides.

That's fact. I don't need Tucker to tell me that. We've seen numerous examples for years.
scbirdhunter, that is just a long way to say that there are a lot of buffoons in this country.

The democrat party could not remain a viable political entity without them.
I agree, how else can you explain how a pathologically lying con man who simply repeats the same hyperbole over & over could convince anybody he's capable of leading the greatest country on earth. I seriously wonder how anyone can't immediately see thru his con. The evidence is there in in clear sight but many of the people who were suckered the 1st time don't care. Turning back now would be admitting they were wrong. Some can't do but enough did to throw the loser out on his azz. Guy comes into office, loses the Senate, the House, gets impeached twice, & even according to some of his fellow Republicans helped incite a riot at the Capitol resulting in multiple deaths & dozens injured. Spent ungodly sums of taxpayer money playing golf after assuring the gullible he'd be too busy working to play golf. Hell at points in the past he told people he graduated 1st in his class at Wharton which came as a complete shock to his fellow classmates. (of course that was not even in the same universe as the actual truth, which will shock no one with two functioning brain cells) He'll then turn around and declare himself one of the greatest ever.
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I agree, how else can you explain how a pathologically lying con man who simply repeats the same hyperbole over & over could convince anybody he's capable of leading the greatest country on earth. I seriously wonder how anyone can't immediately see thru his con. The evidence is there in in clear sight but many of the people who were suckered the 1st time don't care. Turning back now would be admitting they were wrong. Some can't do but enough did to throw the loser out on his azz. Guy comes into office, loses the Senate, the House, gets impeached twice, & even according to some of his fellow Republicans helped incite a riot at the Capitol resulting in multiple deaths & dozens injured. Spent ungodly sums of taxpayer money playing golf after assuring the gullible he'd be too busy working to play golf. He'll then turn around and declare himself one of the greatest ever.
No doubt about it. Trump was far from perfect. I didn't vote for him, but he was certainly the lesser of two evils each time, and far superior to whatever slithered from beneath the democrat rock. The first impeachment was nothing more than a continuation of the four year coup attempt by the deploracrat stasi, and the second was nothing but theater, hoping it would pay off down the road. He should wear both of those impeachments as a badge of honor. The GOP will win back the House next year, so I suppose you'll blame that on Bidumb, and they may win the Senate if they can find a good candidate to replace Toomey in Pennsylvania.
I don't know or care about Hunter's laptop. If he did something illegal then he should be prosecuted to whatever extent the law allows. Period. Same with trump's children.

Why are the fox viewers obsessed with Hunter Biden? We have a now former president who ran a scam university & took money other people donated for himself from a nonprofit foundation. If Biden does that, I'd be right there calling him out too.
What if the illegal stuff Hunter did is tied to his dad? $10 mil for family introductions with the CCP is ok with you? So you're not calling out the evidence on the laptop implicating daddy Biden??

Got it.
Hell at points in the past he told people he graduated 1st in his class at Wharton which came as a complete shock to his fellow classmates. (of course that was not even in the same universe as the actual truth, which will shock no one with two functioning brain cells) He'll then turn around and declare himself one of the greatest ever.
I know. Remember when Trump lied about finishing in the top half of his law school class when he really finished 76th out of 85?

That lying plagiarist, Trump.
Articles of impeachment were brought but he was never actually impeached. That responsibility falls to the senate on receiving articles of impeachment. No successful vote to impeach was reached so he was not impeached. Partisan articles were brought and partisan votes found the articles to be lacking merit
Wrong. What I stated is not a talking point. "Higher" education is full of left wing nut jobs with ZERO critical thinking skills. They fall right in line with whatever the left puts out there. They push in on their students, and actively try to squash any dissent to their opinion. Any left wing nut job can walk on any campus today and be welcomed with open arms. A conservative or Republican would face massive push back. They don't care to hear the issues or both sides.

That's fact. I don't need Tucker to tell me that. We've seen numerous examples for years.
I’m not saying incidents don’t happen but they aren’t as frequent as people would have you believe. I get that for advertising purposes Ben Shapiro loves to cite the two times he had events cancelled on his last tour but that ignores the other 30+ that he did. Charlie Kirk will talk about being disinvited to a college campus while sharing videos of his talks at college campuses.

This also doesn’t just happen for “conservatives” either as there have been commencement speakers cancelled for making comments negative towards Trump and other Universities have cancelled speakers because of their views on inclusion.

All of that is to say this isn’t anything new. This has been going on for decades now. Schools banned civil rights speakers and anti-war speakers and groups disrupted speaking engagements of leaders of other countries at campuses all around the US and they weren’t conservative speakers and a liberal audience.

The problem is people accept it one way but not the other. If it’s your guy then it’s an attempt to silence the voice but if it’s not your guy then it’s a move to fight indoctrination. I specifically cited the issue in West Virginia because the entire argument was that schools should not grant students access to information that might be contrary to what they receive at home.

Things move in cycles and most likely they always will. We have to hit extremes on every side before we shift back to the middle and then run to the other direction.
What if the illegal stuff Hunter did is tied to his dad? $10 mil for family introductions with the CCP is ok with you? So you're not calling out the evidence on the laptop implicating daddy Biden??

Got it.
pepsi, You really are a simpleton. I haven't said anything is ok with me. If he did (Biden or his son) something wrong then proceed to prove it & prosecute as needed. Got it?
Tell the truth, when trump was at all those rallies screaming that Mexico was going to pay to build a wall in the US you believed him didn't you? You fit the profile to a T.

edit that was not from duckcock
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You really are a simpleton. I haven't said anything is ok with me. If he did (Biden or his son) something wrong then proceed to prove it & prosecute as needed. Got it?
Tell the truth, when trump was at all those rallies screaming that Mexico was going to pay to build a wall in the US you believed him didn't you? You fit the profile to a T.

edit that was not from duckcock
Whew! I was like, did I fall into an alternate universe. 🤨
The "evidence" that only Rudy and Tucker ever saw?
Rudy has bigger issues now with the Feds. He is also being sued for every last dollar he never had, along with fellow nut case Sidney Powell, to back up his claims about Dominion. Maybe he'll use the same anybody who believed me is an idiot defense like Powell. Who knows, anybody who holds a news conference at a landscaping store next door to a dildo shop is likely fairly erratic.
pepsi, You really are a simpleton. I haven't said anything is ok with me. If he did (Biden or his son) something wrong then proceed to prove it & prosecute as needed. Got it?
Tell the truth, when trump was at all those rallies screaming that Mexico was going to pay to build a wall in the US you believed him didn't you? You fit the profile to a T.
Let me let you in on a secret...your liberal media has buried the laptop story and the Burisma setup Hunter had. So since you don’t see it on the “news” you think it’s made up.

Biden is a Chinese lap dog and his son ran interference for the family to pocket money from Ukrainian oil company and CCP.

Bury your head if you wish but the truth is out there. Hunter sold access to his dad and the family, Joe included, profited from it.

Do you really think crack smoking Hunter could be on a foreign gas company board? Really?
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Isn't that pretty much the conservative line of thinking?
It honestly seems like liberals and conservatives at the extremes both feel that way.

After watching Biden's address the other night, I thought most of it was ok. He said some things I don't agree with, and made some promises and claims that were obviously skewed. Then Scott came on, and I also liked his speech. He pointed out a few errors in the President's speech and was really good, imo, except the part where he blamed the liberals for dividing the US. But the news media from BOTH sides eviscerated both men, with conservative sources vilifying everything Biden said. Had he said water was wet they'd have had "experts" to contradict that. And the same with Scott and the liberal media. That is what is REALLY dividing America. The media hunting for those clicks and views. My God, they were all terrible, and I just cringe at how many people were watching both programs and either nodding their heads in agreement or ready to scream at them for not being able to see how wrong they were. Both media groups acted like they were in damage control mode for their parties. It actually saddened me a lot.
Let me let you in on a secret...your liberal media has buried the laptop story and the Burisma setup Hunter had. So since you don’t see it on the “news” you think it’s made up.

Biden is a Chinese lap dog and his son ran interference for the family to pocket money from Ukrainian oil company and CCP.

Bury your head if you wish but the truth is out there. Hunter sold access to his dad and the family, Joe included, profited from it.
Exactly where did I say anything was made up? Back up what you say for once in your life. I have no idea what Hunter Biden did or didn't do & neither do you. You sound like an overly emotional certified nut. Somebody easily conned by a talking head on TV who might also appear on stage with Trump at a campaign rally.
I don't know or care about Hunter's laptop. If he did something illegal then he should be prosecuted to whatever extent the law allows. Period. Same with trump's children.

Why are the fox viewers obsessed with Hunter Biden? We have a now former president who ran a scam university & took money other people donated for himself from a nonprofit foundation. If Biden does that, I'd be right there calling him out too.
We also have the Clinton Foundation scam that SDNY turned a blind eye to. Maybe if we actually had EQUAL application of the law.
Exactly where did I say anything was made up? Back up what you say for once in your life. I have no idea what Hunter Biden did or didn't do & neither do you. You sound like an overly emotional certified nut
You have no idea what he did because you willingly stuck your head in the sand...and once again, like liberals do, you start name calling when you have no substance.
I agree, how else can you explain how a pathologically lying con man who simply repeats the same hyperbole over & over could convince anybody he's capable of leading the greatest country on earth. I seriously wonder how anyone can't immediately see thru his con. The evidence is there in in clear sight but many of the people who were suckered the 1st time don't care. Turning back now would be admitting they were wrong. Some can't do but enough did to throw the loser out on his azz. Guy comes into office, loses the Senate, the House, gets impeached twice, & even according to some of his fellow Republicans helped incite a riot at the Capitol resulting in multiple deaths & dozens injured. Spent ungodly sums of taxpayer money playing golf after assuring the gullible he'd be too busy working to play golf. Hell at points in the past he told people he graduated 1st in his class at Wharton which came as a complete shock to his fellow classmates. (of course that was not even in the same universe as the actual truth, which will shock no one with two functioning brain cells) He'll then turn around and declare himself one of the greatest ever.
Your entire post is BS. One person died, unarmed, and gunned down. Feds circled the wagons and refused to release name of officer who murdered Babbitt.
It honestly seems like liberals and conservatives at the extremes both feel that way.

After watching Biden's address the other night, I thought most of it was ok. He said some things I don't agree with, and made some promises and claims that were obviously skewed. Then Scott came on, and I also liked his speech. He pointed out a few errors in the President's speech and was really good, imo, except the part where he blamed the liberals for dividing the US. But the news media from BOTH sides eviscerated both men, with conservative sources vilifying everything Biden said. Had he said water was wet they'd have had "experts" to contradict that. And the same with Scott and the liberal media. That is what is REALLY dividing America. The media hunting for those clicks and views. My God, they were all terrible, and I just cringe at how many people were watching both programs and either nodding their heads in agreement or ready to scream at them for not being able to see how wrong they were. Both media groups acted like they were in damage control mode for their parties. It actually saddened me a lot.
I didn’t watch either but the Media is creating and fomenting division
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Your entire post is BS. One person died, unarmed, and gunned down. Feds circled the wagons and refused to release name of officer who murdered Babbitt.
Nope the whole post is not BS. You want it to be but its not. Your response is though. Murdered Babbitt, damn. This nut had already broken several laws & was in the process of attempting to climb thru a broken door window The officer who shot her did so in protection of the people he was hired to protect. I guess in your world if a person makes unlawful entry into my house & is shot then that person was murdered. That's truly bizarre
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Can someone answer why the Washington post decided they would stop “fact checking” Biden?
They didn’t. Who said that they did. They have a fact check out there now about his speech.

This is why the media is the way it is now. They know they can say things and people just run with it without putting even the slightest effort into finding out if it was true. It literally would have taken less effort to look that up than it did to post the question
It honestly seems like liberals and conservatives at the extremes both feel that way.

After watching Biden's address the other night, I thought most of it was ok. He said some things I don't agree with, and made some promises and claims that were obviously skewed. Then Scott came on, and I also liked his speech. He pointed out a few errors in the President's speech and was really good, imo, except the part where he blamed the liberals for dividing the US. But the news media from BOTH sides eviscerated both men, with conservative sources vilifying everything Biden said. Had he said water was wet they'd have had "experts" to contradict that. And the same with Scott and the liberal media. That is what is REALLY dividing America. The media hunting for those clicks and views. My God, they were all terrible, and I just cringe at how many people were watching both programs and either nodding their heads in agreement or ready to scream at them for not being able to see how wrong they were. Both media groups acted like they were in damage control mode for their parties. It actually saddened me a lot.
I think what’s worse is if someone on those channels attempts to point out anything positive then their coworkers mock them for it. Of course the viewers see that mocking as a positive so I guess you just keep feeding your animals.
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Nope the whole post is not BS. You want it to be but its not. Your response is though. Murdered Babbitt, damn. This nut had already broken several laws & was in the process of attempting to climb thru a broken door window The officer who shot her did so in protection of the people he was hired to protect. I guess in your world if a person makes unlawful entry into my house & is shot then that person was murdered. That's truly bizarre
The capital is public property.
Nope the whole post is not BS. You want it to be but its not. Your response is though. Murdered Babbitt, damn. This nut had already broken several laws & was in the process of attempting to climb thru a broken door window The officer who shot her did so in protection of the people he was hired to protect. I guess in your world if a person makes unlawful entry into my house & is shot then that person was murdered. That's truly bizarre
She was unarmed, and security let her and others through. In fact she was the only person shot, so the argument about protecting people is bogus. Why didn’t he shoot others?
And a bigger question, why weren’t any protestors shot during the Kavanaugh hearings? The trespassed also, and got in the faces of elected officials.
Double standards where Democrats are above the law
The capital is public property.

The capital is public property.
Well that settles that. Are you under the impression that you can make a forceful entry into your public library, assault the librarian, destroy property, refuse to leave when ordered & do so with no consequences. You have a serious disconnect going on here. A public building doesn't give you carte blanche to do as you please. I thought everyone knew this, guess not.
They didn’t. Who said that they did. They have a fact check out there now about his speech.

This is why the media is the way it is now. They know they can say things and people just run with it without putting even the slightest effort into finding out if it was true. It literally would have taken less effort to look that up than it did to post the question

The fact-checking editor of the Washington Post Glenn Kessler announced it in a tweet.

Well that settles that. Are you under the impression that you can make a forceful entry into your public library, assault the librarian, destroy property, refuse to leave when ordered & do so with no consequences. You have a serious disconnect going on here. A public building doesn't give you carte blanche to do as you please. I thought everyone knew this, guess not.
You’re fighting a straw man buddy. You compared it to someone’s house. It’s not.
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