OT: Who here still pays attention to cdc or faucci?

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Is there a government agency that you would bet your life on or do you call bs and use your God given reasoning?
I trust the CDC and Fauci. Trump is on tape (to Bob Woodward, 13-14 months ago), admitting that covid is deadly and that he intentionally played it down. I don't believe Trump has a medical nor scientific degree. So, he did not come to that conclusion all by himself. I'm sure that the CDC scientists and Fauci warned him. And, they were right, as proven by 500,000+ deaths. By the way, Fauci has been praised by previous REPUBLICAN, as well as Democratic Presidents in the past, with the exception of Trump. In fact, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush.
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I trust the CDC and Fauci. Trump is on tape (to Bob Woodward, 13-14 months ago), admitting that covid is deadly and that he intentionally played it down. I don't believe Trump has a medical nor scientific degree. So, he did not come to that conclusion all by himself. I'm sure that the CDC scientists and Fauci warned him. And, they were right, as proven by 500,000+ deaths. By the way, Fauci has been praised by previous REPUBLICAN, as well as Democratic Presidents in the past, with the exception of Trump. In fact, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush.
Trump praised Fuaci many many times. He put him on TV everyday. What are you talking about?
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Why is that clown Biden still wearing a mask on a Zoom call? Anybody? Politics not science...
When you tell the Nation to wear masks...and then you're seen not wearing one then it kind of defeats the purpose. He's doing what he's begging the nation to do.
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No, not overreact, simply tell me the truth. That's all I ask of anyone!! Tell me the truth, then let me decide how I want to react to it.
I didn’t have any problem finding the truth. Trump didn’t prevent me from doing it. Why did his words upset you so much?
I never said he is immune to criticism. The question was do you still pay attention to the CDC or Fauci. And, I'm saying: YES. When you look at the totality of Fauci's career, it's hard not to.
I don’t disagree. Trump put him front and center for weeks.
So trump slammed Fauci, while also praising Fauci. Trump banned him from appearing while also putting him front and center daily.

Makes sense. This is where someone just says he was reacting to new information, like they do when defending Faucis flip flops.

I've heard people whine about Trump downplaying Covid, and how that is supposedly horrible. Imho, that's a bs political stance. A president either causes panic, or doesnt take it seriously enough if hes in the other party. He tries to calm the nation or sounds the alarm if he's in your party.

But it makes some people feel good.
One of them is still employed.

PS: Just having some fun with you there, Lee.
One works for a paycheck, the other donated his. What's your point? Fauci is a lifelong democrat. As such, would he tend to help Trump or torpedo Trump? Trump was good for our economy but pretty much as ass. Fauci is a political hack attention whore. Which should we believe?
He praised him and he slammed him. What’s your point?
As long as it's factual, there's no point intended to be made. One can interpret facts anyway they want. As I said earlier, the question was whether anyone here still pays attention to the CDC or Fauci. And I said I do, based on the totality of Fauci's career. And I do, as well the CDC scientists.
As long as it's factual, there's no point intended to be made. One can interpret facts anyway they want. As I said earlier, the question was whether anyone here still pays attention to the CDC or Fauci. And I said I do, based on the totality of Fauci's career. And I do, as well the CDC scientists.
Sure. Fauci knows immunology. He doesn’t know the constitution and how to lead a country. He can be right about disease, but wrong on the right way to handle it.
Sure. Fauci knows immunology. He doesn’t know the constitution and how to lead a country. He can be right about disease, but wrong on the right way to handle it.
It has always been up to the President, from Ronald Reagan on, whether to take Fauci's advice.
It has always been up to the President, from Ronald Reagan on, whether to take Fauci's advice.
That’s exactly right. Fauci is concerned with one thing. Infectious disease. He doesn’t know ramifications on mental health, the economy, and foreign policy.
That’s exactly right. Fauci is concerned with one thing. Infectious disease. He doesn’t know ramifications on mental health, the economy, and foreign policy.
Yes, and the question was not about mental health, the economy or foreign policy. The question was whether anyone here pays attention to the "CDC or Fauci".
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That’s exactly right. Fauci is concerned with one thing. Infectious disease. He doesn’t know ramifications on mental health, the economy, and foreign policy.

Yeah, I'm about done with this thread but ramifications on mental health, the economy and foreign policy are reasons to stop listening to him or at least to question him.
I didn’t have any problem finding the truth. Trump didn’t prevent me from doing it. Why did his words upset you so much?
He was the President man, what the President says, many people will listen to, and follow.

Anyone find this interesting....
Yeah, I'm about done with this thread but ramifications on mental health, the economy and foreign policy are reasons to stop listening to him or at least to question him.
I too am done with this thread. Having said that, I always try to follow my doctors' recommendations. And I doubt me doing so has much if any impact on mental health, the economy and certainly not foreign policy.

Having said all that, I'm sure we all, or at least most of us here, can agree that clemson sucks and hope they lose a lot of games this Fall. Got to go get ready to do some grilling. Take care, guys.
He was the President man, what the President says, many people will listen to, and follow.

Anyone find this interesting....
As if you’re concerned about Trump supporters.
I too am done with this thread. Having said that, I always try to follow my doctors' recommendations. And I doubt me doing so has much if any impact on mental health, the economy and certainly not foreign policy.

Having said all that, I'm sure we all, or at least most of us here, can agree that clemson sucks and hope they lose a lot of games this Fall. Got to go get ready to do some grilling. Take care, guys.
On a personal level, maybe not. Why would you have an influence on foreign policy. You wouldn’t. But keeping our economy shutdown and masks on our kids are devastating ways to live. But it’s the right thing to do to prevent COVID. Unfortunately it’s not all about preventing COVID.
I’m fully vaccinated so I don’t really pay attention to what they’re saying.

I still wear my mask in stores since all of them require it.
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He’s never given testimony. He’s told grand stories in the “hearings” where he wasn’t required to go under oath. He has though continued the tradition of making claims with zero evidence so he does have that going for him.
Wrong he testified. Where is the article proving he recanted?
On a personal level, maybe not. Why would you have an influence on foreign policy. You wouldn’t. But keeping our economy shutdown and masks on our kids are devastating ways to live. But it’s the right thing to do to prevent COVID. Unfortunately it’s not all about preventing COVID.
I understand the sentiment there. I've had my 2 shots and past 2 weeks from the 2nd. I don't wear my mask unless a business I'm patronizing requires it. I buy what I want and then take it off after leaving the business. When visiting friends I don't wear a mask unless they require it. When my niece was driving through from Florida with her child, she wanted to visit on the patio with everyone and her daughter wearing a mask. I didn't really want to do that but, I was happy to see them. and thus did so. When I had my HVAC system serviced a couple of weeks ago, I asked the technician if they required mask wearing by the owners. He said no; so no mask was put on. I do what I need to do to get what I want done. That's how I've approached all things in life. I believe we are in the 4th quarter of this pandemic. I suppose that time will tell.
So trump slammed Fauci, while also praising Fauci. Trump banned him from appearing while also putting him front and center daily.

Makes sense. This is where someone just says he was reacting to new information, like they do when defending Faucis flip flops.

I've heard people whine about Trump downplaying Covid, and how that is supposedly horrible. Imho, that's a bs political stance. A president either causes panic, or doesnt take it seriously enough if hes in the other party. He tries to calm the nation or sounds the alarm if he's in your party.

But it makes some people feel good.
You can also look at it this way there are 500,000+ dead some of which might be alive today if Trump hadn’t “downplayed” Covid to keep people calm. It’s all comes down to how you look at it.
You can also look at it this way there are 500,000+ dead some of which might be alive today if Trump hadn’t “downplayed” Covid to keep people calm. It’s all comes down to how you look at it.
Do you really believe that?
I trust the CDC and Fauci. Trump is on tape (to Bob Woodward, 13-14 months ago), admitting that covid is deadly and that he intentionally played it down. I don't believe Trump has a medical nor scientific degree. So, he did not come to that conclusion all by himself. I'm sure that the CDC scientists and Fauci warned him. And, they were right, as proven by 500,000+ deaths. By the way, Fauci has been praised by previous REPUBLICAN, as well as Democratic Presidents in the past, with the exception of Trump. In fact, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush.
For doing absolutely nothing and being wrong the whole time.
You can also look at it this way there are 500,000+ dead some of which might be alive today if Trump hadn’t “downplayed” Covid to keep people calm. It’s all comes down to how you look at it.
More appropriate blame would be the Democrat governors who refused help from Trump and screamed states rights.
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