So it begins....

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I guess this is it boys. 100+ years of mediocrity couldn't make this fanbase stop coming back for more but Noo Noo's got his finger on the trigger if someone takes a knee. We'll always have those good times in the Fairgrounds I guess
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It appears that they'll all be standing soon based on recent reports. At least that's my read on things, but who knows.
It appears that the NFL may make a deal w the players where the players will stand AND the NFL will do something on an ongoing basis to support the players cause. That would be a good compromise.
Where is the "acquiescing" in that statement?

They are going to start standing for the anthem and the flag. All of them. Vote coming at owners meeting next week. Also, Jerry Jones' recent statements.

  1. accept something reluctantly but without protest
They are going to start standing for the anthem and the flag. All of them. Vote coming at owners meeting next week. Also, Jerry Jones' recent statements.

  1. accept something reluctantly but without protest
We will see. They may agree to all stand if the NFL agrees to support their causes in some way.
^^ Bigot. By literal definition. Lots of em' on this thread.
  1. intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
Help me understand; you're insinuating that someone who's taking part in a conversation, and while doing so openly discusses his/her thoughts/opinions, while further clarifying his life long political stance as being a 50 year old republican in every single vote he's cast with the exception of one Democrat (i.e. James Hodges for Governor), whom openly states that in his opinion BLM is total BS, but on top of all that honestly believes (based on his personal experiences and observations) that some people of certain groups do indeed face stiffer judgements from law enforcement, a group that has a higher percentage of the overall prison population is a bigot?? Is that your honest belief/reference in your post above??

Just asking. To each his/her own.
Even Rush Limbaugh believes we have a major problem when a President has the power to force people to adhere to certain behavior. SAD.

Meanwhile, Trump has moved on to "AWARDING" money to Las Vegas to cover the LEO's OT... awarding... last time I checked this act is called many things(funding?), 'awarding' not being one of them. The man has a serious mental illness.
This is a gamecock sports forum. Y'all need to shove your politics, where the sun doesn't shine. The field of competition is NO place for politics.
So I take it that someone held a gun against your head and forced you to read and participate within the very thread of which you disagree with in regards to it's basic existence in general. =;-p

Just askin'.
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  1. intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
Help me understand; you're insinuating that someone who's taking part in a conversation, and while doing so openly discusses his/her thoughts/opinions, while further clarifying his life long political stance as being a 50 year old republican in every single vote he's cast with the exception of one Democrat (i.e. James Hodges for Governor), whom openly states that in his opinion BLM is total BS, but on top of all that honestly believes (based on his personal experiences and observations) that some people of certain groups do indeed face stiffer judgements from law enforcement, a group that has a higher percentage of the overall prison population is a bigot?? Is that your honest belief/reference in your post above??

Just asking. To each his/her own.

If you don't want to go to prison or jail, OBEY the law. Pretty simple. In fact, it is exactly that simple.
Please do not tell people who disagree with your opinion that you "need to educate" them. Your opinion is it's OK to protest in the manner they are. Others of us disagree. Accept our opinion without being condescending. I believe the NFL players should not protest while at work. Once they report to work and put on their uniforms, they need to follow policies outlined which includes standing for the Anthem. They may protest during non work hours like the rest of us. They can file their paperwork to hold a demonstration, provided they pay the fee and protest in the designated areas that are set aside for such activities just like the rest of us. Entertainers as a whole should not be given platforms that we do not have to air their opinions. If a media type isn't asking us our opinion on the issues on a regular basis, entertainers should not be given that access. My opinion, not a wrong opinion and one that comes from a highly educated individual.

And to add, an NFL player started the protest for his reason. A few others joined thereafter. Nothing much more until President Trump weighed in with the "right message" but "wrong delivery." Then, the NFL all "protested" as a form of "team unity" not inequality of justice. They had to stand as a team to show unity as they win/lose as a team - so they said. However, this week NFL players (on the same team) stood, kneeled, stayed in the locker room, etc. Well, there goes their "team unity" argument. And, some even showed they are racist by raising their fist during the anthem - I view a Nazi salute and the Black Panther/BLM salute as the same - a racist symbol since both recognize the power of a specific race.

Now, few on this board or across America actually know the crime statistics which are reported to, compiled and reported by the FBI. I would advise those that don't know the statistics to do research and not rely on antidotal jibberish that is spewed constantly to support the narrative of the respective commrntator (on either side). However, no minority in any country has the freedoms that ALL citizens in the U.S. have. Those freedoms were fought for and defended since before this country was a country.

All citizens in the U.S. have equal opportunity at birth. Individuals ultimately choose the individual opportunity. Granted, some are born with an "easier" opportunity than others, but that is primarily driven more by class standing in this country than by race. I gaurantee that Jay Z and Beyoncé's children, while black, have a much greater opportunity, than many whites, hispanics, etc. And, yes, one can reverse that statement across any race. That is why, while opportunity is equal, a greater advantage is driven by social class not race. I am not a sociologist, however, I have read many studies that point to social determinants such as single family homes, unwed mothers, community influence (crime, drugs, etc), etc. have more to do with opportunities being squashed than any overt government effort to hold a race down compared to another.

As for police brutality, I don't buy it. Are there "bad cops" - I am sure there are, but to paint a "broad brush" across all police is inappropriate. Police have,arguably, one of the toughest jobs in our country. They are paid a relatively low wage for the job they do. I firmly believe that each police officer wakes up every day hoping/praying that they come home to their families ever evening rather than waking up trying to figure out how the are going to take down a black subject that day. Typically, but maybe not always, it is how ANY subject responds to law enforcemrnt as to how they are likely to be treated. Police officers must react and react quickly at times. Therefore, it is best to abide to law enforcement instructions. In most cases, it is for the subject and the officer's safety. If one feels they are still subject to police brutality, then file a complaint. An example is Michael Bennet and his claim of police brutality in Vegas. Claim was investigated and determined to be unfounded. He was actually uncooperative resulting in the Vegas PD to apprehend him until they could resolve the situation. If he would have complied with law enforcement instructions as they requested, he likely would not have be apprehended.

Back to the NFL, they have no "right to protest" the Anthrm on company time without suffering any consequence the the coach or owner may place on them. They do have a "right to protest" on their own time, which to my knowledge none of them actually have, which I find interesting. And then still, is the inequality they profess to protest really valid or just antidotal?

For the record, I was born within a lower middle class family. I joined the military out of high school, worked hard, went to school and obtained two degrees. I had a very successful military career and have been successful since retiring. I was determined to capitalize on the opportunties that I was afforded many of which came from just doing hard work and doing my best. Led many sailors that had a disadvantaged background and always took pride in watching them become successful too - and it didn't matter their race. We fought together and all bled red.
This protest evolved into being about much more than police brutality. I kind of didn't care about it, at first. Now, I love it. I think black athletes should start legally congregating with AR-15s wherever they can and chant "Don't tread on me!"
Yes, a bunch of armchair patriots and angry old codgers will be on the wrong side of history again, being scared of the future and thinking their country only belongs to some of us and that the other people are destroying it. Welcome to the history of America.

I hope our entire team kneels and makes everybody put there money where there mouth is, even though we won't see the team kneeling in the locker room.

Put down the pipe, and turn CNN to a good'll enjoy life a little more.
Yes, a bunch of armchair patriots and angry old codgers will be on the wrong side of history again, being scared of the future and thinking their country only belongs to some of us and that the other people are destroying it. Welcome to the history of America.

I hope our entire team kneels and makes everybody put there money where there mouth is, even though we won't see the team kneeling in the locker room.
Of all the problems on offence and defense, recruiting, injuries, keeping up with the plowboys, you would hope that the team loses its mind and comes out onto the field so it can p.o. the majority of its fan base?

Do you really think this would be a good idea? Why? Are you just mad at the world? I hope things go better for you soon. Maybe a better attitude would help.

Armchair patriots my a$$. Just because you hate this country doesn't mean we have to.
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They are going to start standing for the anthem and the flag. All of them. Vote coming at owners meeting next week. Also, Jerry Jones' recent statements.

  1. accept something reluctantly but without protest
I would absolutely love to see Jerry Jones gut his own team if his star players start kneeling. He wouldn't do it and would be completely emasculated in the process.
Why start a damn fight here? Our national anthem didn't even become that until the 1930's. We did fine without one through the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and WWI. In addition, there hasn't been a Carolina team on the field when the Anthem is played...ever.

I won't make a statement here as to how I feel about player protests. To do so would be hypocritical in light of what I wrote above.
This protest evolved into being about much more than police brutality. I kind of didn't care about it, at first. Now, I love it. I think black athletes should start legally congregating with AR-15s wherever they can and chant "Don't tread on me!"

Many people think that the reason crime is so rampant is inner city areas is because the good people are largely unarmed and personally passive in securing their own safety for their families. The reason that same scenario does not happen in mostly white communities is because the thugs are long before dealt with by the good people within that neighborhood.

You can want to make this about police against black....but in reality it is about police against criminals. Reasonable people do not equate black people with criminals....but in this argument many that should know better are doing just that.
As a former prosecutor, I wish it were that simple but, alas, it is not....and never has been.

If you are talking about modern history then...yes it has been. If you want to talk about all the ills and associated causes that has swollen prisons by many brown skinned people that is fair. To continuously dump all responsibility or even more than a shiver of it on the LE system is a major cop out.

Society has a major hand in it....but the simple cause and effect is a pipe dream. If actually addressing this problem is something that people are ready for then that is cool. This is not about blaming the fact that law has to be about what is the causes that bring people to that point. If we do not talk about that for real...this whole argument is going to be a waste and nothing will change.
Yes, a bunch of armchair patriots and angry old codgers will be on the wrong side of history again, being scared of the future and thinking their country only belongs to some of us and that the other people are destroying it. Welcome to the history of America.

I hope our entire team kneels and makes everybody put there money where there mouth is, even though we won't see the team kneeling in the locker room.

You're pathetic.
I laugh when I hear the people say" I'll never watch another NFL game, so on and so on....
They probably never watched the NFL before and if they did and are protesting in their own way by not watching...they have missed some exciting games in the last few weeks

We laugh at clowns like you too. Oppressed much? Are you white and just feel guilty as hell about it?
One thing that is true as wel think we evolve and know better: I see this in this issue and the misguided s of righteousness of throwing out Judeo Christian values. What is right has not changed, we have
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Why start a damn fight here? Our national anthem didn't even become that until the 1930's. We did fine without one through the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and WWI. In addition, there hasn't been a Carolina team on the field when the Anthem is played...ever.

I won't make a statement here as to how I feel about player protests. To do so would be hypocritical in light of what I wrote above.
OH NO YOU DIDNT Mention that!!!?? We are all trying to never remember that, wipe it from history books, This post will now be vandalized or Removed....
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Of all the problems on offence and defense, recruiting, injuries, keeping up with the plowboys, you would hope that the team loses its mind and comes out onto the field so it can p.o. the majority of its fan base?

Do you really think this would be a good idea? Why? Are you just mad at the world? I hope things go better for you soon. Maybe a better attitude would help.

Armchair patriots my a$$. Just because you hate this country doesn't mean we have to.

Every generation! Those other people are ruining our country! They hate our country! It's amazing how often how many people have ruined their country to the dismay of the true patriots over the course of history. It just keeps happening, damnit! It's a completely predictable, neverendeing cycle.

Yes, Anson, I'd rather the entire team kneel if it is important to them. I think I could find something else to do on Saturdays. I know I could.
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Put down the pipe, and turn CNN to a good'll enjoy life a little more.
Did anyone actually read the story? He wasn't kicked off just because he kneeled. The entire team agreed to kneel before the anthem, and stand during it. He kneeled for both. The reason he was booted is because he betrayed his coaches' and teammates trust.
Pull their pants up get a education and then get a job work hard and don't break the law and this will take care of all these things. Good living and good jobs and financial prosperity are not given they are earned for EVERBODY. All this is a bunch of bull grow up and be responsible. I am a white male and I have been stopped by police before for nothing talked hard to by police and you know what I did What they told me to the first time it is the law if you don't like this country go somewhere else
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Every generation! Those other people are ruining our country! They hate our country! It's amazing how often how many people have ruined their country to the dismay of the true patriots over the course of history. It just keeps happening, damnit! It's a completely predictable, neverendeing cycle.

Yes, Anson, I'd rather the entire team kneel if it is important to them. I think I could find something else to do on Saturdays. I know I could.
"True patriot". Who knew Paul Revere was posting on this forum.
That was their original reason for protesting. Now, some of them are protesting because they get arrested more often. Others are protesting because its the cool thing to do. Many don't know why they're protesting. And none of them have a solution.
Sort of like many people I know support Trump because it's cool to hate Hilary, hate Obama, hate Democrats. But they really don't know what (or who) they are supporting.

Fascism is coming to America, and it's wrapped in the American flag. When individual freedom is overridden by "undying love and demonstrations of support for country" we have truly lost our way. The flag itself is not important. The ideas are. Freedom. EQUALITY. Equal treatment. If you don't think your country is living up to it what do you do?

Some people have forgotten the ideas that this country was founded on. And that's the real problem here. Thank a veteran AND kneel if you want to. These are not separate ideas.

With respect to school and the 1st Amendment: Tinker v. Des Moines. Look it up.
We laugh at clowns like you too. Oppressed much? Are you white and just feel guilty as hell about it?

Bosox’s posts always have the most condescending tone to them. It’s usually something along the lines of “You idiots” or “I told you so”. He’s a lifelong conservative that rejected Trump and likes to let everyone know because that makes him feel somehow superior to everyone else.
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BLM is F'd up no doubt. But in being blunt here, your average brotha and sista, lacking the financial means to favorably defend themselves, coupled with the fact that they, despite being numerically smaller in regards to the overall population count, are more apt to find themselves 1.) More likely under suspicion. 2.) Financially unable to afford affective defense, and 3.) Making up a larger portion/percentage of the prison system than any other race within these continental United States.

Just stating facts. Nothing personal there homey. =;-p
There are better ways to help improve the lives of those who feel oppressed. Be role models for youth of all races. Support family values. Applaud and support education for all races, after school programs. Visit neighborhoods, a school, support youth camps. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, Athletes against drugs, Habitat for Humanity, etc.

Professional Athletes making unfathomable amounts amount of money attempting to appear as victims rings hollow. Why attack the American flag, National Anthem, and the very Country that has given them the opportunity to become more successful and wealthy beyond the most ambitious dreams? It is taken as an affront to the very people who have supported these athletes through their careers: their coaches, schools, fans, the teams they play for, and the millions of veterans of all races who have fought and died for the United States of America.

It is terribly divisive to demonstrate against the very country that has made their life possible. Rather than demonstrate, complain, and divide. Why not try to lead, unite, and work with all races for a better America.

Professional sports are entertainment. It is a luxury, an expensive luxury to attend games, buy team products, subscribe to NFL, ESPN, or other sport networks. If the owners do not want this activity on the field, it is certainly their right to stop it. I hope the owners and players find a common ground as this is hurting race relations, the NFL, sports in general, and the United States.
"True patriot". Who knew Paul Revere was posting on this forum.
More like Saul Revere, amirate? Just kidding. I have a hard stop so I can go out and ruin America, today. That said, I understand that people love America and feel like the object of their affection is being disrespected during these protests. Despite my often mocking tone and obvious disagreement with that sentiment, I do understand that people have strong and true feelings about the issue on both sides. Good day.
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