To me, it seems very simple. I think the answer to the issue has to do with our approach with 2 strikes in general. I am an older guy, but I realize the 3 true outcomes approach to baseball, not that I necessarily agree with it. My belief is that if you have 2 strikes and shorten your approach at the plate. That is, choke up a little, widen your stance and shorten your swing a little, with the mindset of not striking out and putting the ball in play, you increase your likelyhood of getting on base. Maybe you lessen your chance of hitting a very sexy home run, but in the long run, making the other team make a play on a ball puts added pressure on the other team. When there are runners on base, this is amplified. I know this is an older approach to offense in baseball, but I really feel like Kingston has always rather seen 1 home run rather than 3 hits and a run. I feel like I have watched enough of the Yardcocks games to make this a valid point.