Dawn Again

You can have DNA test results within a few hours.

If any of this was legit, Jeff Zucker himself would fly over there and air it LIve on CNN while paying these fighters millions for the cause.

The mind virus is so insane.

Exactly. Though whoever figured out that a percentage of the population was gullible enough to buy this type of BS was brilliant. They'll really leveraged it far longer than I would have ever believed.

LIsten to Kamala today. This is who is running for The President of the United States. Even the women hosting this think tank are amazed. This is where we are and it's amazing to consider she's a viable candidate...amazing.

Exactly. Though whoever figured out that a percentage of the population was gullible enough to buy this type of BS was brilliant. They'll really leveraged it far longer than I would have ever believed.

LIsten to Kamala today. This is who is running for The President of the United States. Even the women hosting this think tank are amazed. This is where we are and it's amazing to consider she's a viable candidate...amazing.

That is hard to watch. I pray for this country. We have big issues right now and too many are fixated on Kardashian nonsense.

Harris always seems drunk to me. If she's not, that's a bigger problem.
You can have DNA test results within a few hours.

If any of this was legit, Jeff Zucker himself would fly over there and air it LIve on CNN while paying these fighters millions for the cause.

The mind virus is so insane.

Athletes don’t have to prove they are eligible. They have to be proven to be ineligible.

You don’t have to prove you didn’t rob a bank.

Pretty simple stuff despite a a small handful of angry folks here. LOL
Athletes don’t have to prove they are eligible. They have to be proven to be ineligible.

You don’t have to prove you didn’t rob a bank.

Pretty simple stuff despite a a small handful of angry folks here. LOL
Under this pretense, Mike Tyson could qualify and start walloping women too.

Why in the world are you defending this kind of thing? I thought the far left still cared about women's health and protection.
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You can have DNA test results within a few hours.

If any of this was legit, Jeff Zucker himself would fly over there and air it LIve on CNN while paying these fighters millions for the cause.

The mind virus is so insane.
You are correct, Even Kamala took a DNA test. She always claimed to have Black DNA in her....
Problem was, it was Willie Brown's...
Under this pretense, Mike Tyson could qualify and start walloping women too.

Why in the world are you defending this kind of thing? I thought the far left still cared about women's health and protection.

Precisely. Soulless, Low-IQ Activism has taken him to the crossroads but he hasn't figured that out.

And apparently neither has Dawn.
Under this pretense, Mike Tyson could qualify and start walloping women too.

Why in the world are you defending this kind of thing? I thought the far left still cared about women's health and protection.

Well no, Mike Tyson has always lived as a man and never claimed to be anything but just as all available evidence is the two Olympic boxers have always claimed to be women and never claimed to be anything but..

So they don't have to prove they are eligible. Those that want to deny them have to prove they aren't.

If you are driving down the road, it's up to the police to prove you broke the rules. It's not up to you to prove you didn't.

It's easy to defend- couldn't be easier. There has been no verified evidence given that proves they aren't who they say they are.

It's a very basic, consistent concept.
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Well no, Mike Tyson has always lived as a man and never claimed to be anything but just as all available evidence is the two Olympic boxers have always claimed to be women and never claimed to be anything but..

So they don't have to prove they are eligible. Those that want to deny them have to prove they aren't.

If you are driving down the road, it's up to the police to prove you broke the rules. It's not up to you to prove you didn't.

It's easy to defend- couldn't be easier. There has been no verified evidence given that proves they aren't who they say they are.

It's a very basic, consistent concept.
Sorry - This is insane thinking. You can't have the entire women's boxing community fearing serious injury and early retirement because of radical nonsense.
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Athletes don’t have to prove they are eligible. They have to be proven to be ineligible.

You don’t have to prove you didn’t rob a bank.

Pretty simple stuff despite a a small handful of angry folks here. LOL
Not the same situation. You have to prove you comply with the rules and regulations; if you don't comply with random drug test - you can't compete.
Apparently we're not allowed to question anyone's preferred gender. Or race. All Trump has to do now is come out as a black lesbian and become the nation's first black woman president.
Sorry - This is insane thinking. You can't have the entire women's boxing community fearing serious injury and early retirement because of radical nonsense.

The entire women's boxing community isn't fearing anything, King of hyperbole.
Not the same situation. You have to prove you comply with the rules and regulations; if you don't comply with random drug test - you can't compete.

Drug tests are overseen by the IOC and everyone takes them at some point.

The 2 boxers have complied with the IOC rules and the rules of their own countries with respect to their own Olympic qualifications. They don't have to prove something to an organization that isn't involved in the Olympics. That wouldn't make any sense.

The track and field athletes don't have to meet some standard that some organization comes up with if they meet IOC requirements and the requirements of their country.

The Russian led IBA has no jurisdiction at all over the Olympics, just like the state of Georgia's highway patrol can't arrest you in Columbia for speeding. If they did, everyone on here would be screaming bloody murder.

quit making ludicrous comparisons.

If actual, verifiable evidence shows up, then it will matter.
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Don't care if you exited a long time ago.

There are numerous women boxers on the record supporting them. You making up crap isn't going to change that.
Gotta love people who feel the need to tell others they don't care.

If you start posting some actual real evidence to support your position, it might help.

It doesn't seem you care about that though.
Drug tests are overseen by the IOC and everyone takes them at some point.

The 2 boxers have complied with the IOC rules and the rules of their own countries with respect to their own Olympic qualifications. They don't have to prove something to an organization that isn't involved in the Olympics. That wouldn't make any sense.

The track and field athletes don't have to meet some standard that some organization comes up with if they meet IOC requirements and the requirements of their country.

The Russian led IBA has no jurisdiction at all over the Olympics, just like the state of Georgia's highway patrol can't arrest you in Columbia for speeding. If they did, everyone on here would be screaming bloody murder.

quit making ludicrous comparisons.

If actual, verifiable evidence shows up, then it will matter.

More evidence you say?

They both failed gender tests at the World Championships too.

Here's your Guardian, Dave.
There are numerous women boxers on the record supporting them. You making up crap isn't going to change that.

One quit after 45 seconds and many others have voiced that they might quit the profession because of this nonsense.

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Drug tests are overseen by the IOC and everyone takes them at some point.

The 2 boxers have complied with the IOC rules and the rules of their own countries with respect to their own Olympic qualifications. They don't have to prove something to an organization that isn't involved in the Olympics. That wouldn't make any sense.

The track and field athletes don't have to meet some standard that some organization comes up with if they meet IOC requirements and the requirements of their country.

The Russian led IBA has no jurisdiction at all over the Olympics, just like the state of Georgia's highway patrol can't arrest you in Columbia for speeding. If they did, everyone on here would be screaming bloody murder.

quit making ludicrous comparisons.

If actual, verifiable evidence shows up, then it will matter.
This is not criminal law as you insist on drawing comparison to. Every time you try to make that comparison you are wrong. And yes, there are situations where a GA highway patrol can arrest your butt in Columbia.
Gotta love people who feel the need to tell others they don't care.

If you start posting some actual real evidence to support your position, it might help.

It doesn't seem you care about that though.

I tell people what they earn- and what you whine about doesn't matter.

No evidence is needed by me. I can promise you I'm not providing anything. They are eligible. Nothing you or anyone on here is going to change that. You can whine about to your fingers fall off. Won't change anything.

If someone has actual, verifiable evidence they aren't eligible, they can provide it. Absent of that, no one has to take their claims seriously and the people who matter aren't taking it seriously. The two boxers certainly don't have to prove anything given they have been deemed eligible.
This is not criminal law as you insist on drawing comparison to. Every time you try to make that comparison you are wrong. And yes, there are situations where a GA highway patrol can arrest your butt in Columbia.

Not without the cooperation and permission of local or state law enforcement agencies. They can't set up shop on Shop Rd. and start writing tickets with any force of law. That's not the way it works.

The IOC operates under due process rules just like criminal law. They've said that dozens of times now and anyone following IOC issues over the years knows about the appeals rights that are in place. Anyone commenting on this should know that. That includes you.

There is nothing about any athlete that requires them to prove they are eligible absent verifiable, credible evidence to the contrary. This is basic due process.

Your opinion on the matter doesn't count and has no say in the matter

A Russian run group that doesn't follow any of those rules doesn't run the Olympics.
Dave, I’d still like to hear your answer, should XY be allowed to fight XX? I’m not asking about the rules, what is your opinion?
Of course not.

Unless all sides choose to fight.
Awesome. Lots of fussing over procedures then. Agree on the open competition too by the way. We have scales to strictly enforce weight class, how do you suppose to enforce XY does not fight XX?
Awesome. Lots of fussing over procedures then. Agree on the open competition too by the way. We have scales to strictly enforce weight class, how do you suppose to enforce XY does not fight XX?
The current rules appear to work fine.

This doesn't appear to be near the problem that some have a vested political interest in making it out to be.
The current rules appear to work fine.

This doesn't appear to be near the problem that some have a vested political interest in making it out to be.
Help me out, the Olympic rules I see reference “self determined gender identity” and “no presumption of advantage”.
Well no, Mike Tyson has always lived as a man and never claimed to be anything but just as all available evidence is the two Olympic boxers have always claimed to be women and never claimed to be anything but..

So they don't have to prove they are eligible. Those that want to deny them have to prove they aren't.

If you are driving down the road, it's up to the police to prove you broke the rules. It's not up to you to prove you didn't.

It's easy to defend- couldn't be easier. There has been no verified evidence given that proves they aren't who they say they are.

It's a very basic, consistent concept.

Dawn Staley cancels South Carolina women's basketball series with BYU after fan used racial slur​

Not without the cooperation and permission of local or state law enforcement agencies. They can't set up shop on Shop Rd. and start writing tickets with any force of law. That's not the way it works.

The IOC operates under due process rules just like criminal law. They've said that dozens of times now and anyone following IOC issues over the years knows about the appeals rights that are in place. Anyone commenting on this should know that. That includes you.

There is nothing about any athlete that requires them to prove they are eligible absent verifiable, credible evidence to the contrary. This is basic due process.

Your opinion on the matter doesn't count and has no say in the matter

A Russian run group that doesn't follow any of those rules doesn't run the Olympics.
You've shifted your argument from "They are women" to "They don't have to prove anything to anyone."

These two boxers are men. This has been proven multiple times by blood tests. If they wanted to dispute this fact, they could take a blood test and have it analyzed independently but they refuse to do so.

In the ultimate irony, the boxers are claiming they are "being bullied" for being asked to provide any evidence that they are women. So the bullied fighters don't want to provide any evidence. They just want to use their gender advantage to beat up women. This is as lame as it gets.

The IOC sold out to push a progressive WEF-driven agenda at the Olympics and are now facing major repercussions.
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You've shifted your argument from "They are women" to "They don't have to prove anything to anyone."

These two boxers are men. This has been proven multiple times by blood tests. If they wanted to dispute this fact, they could take a blood test and have it analyzed independently but they refuse to do so.

In the ultimate irony, the boxers are claiming they are "being bullied" for being asked to provide any evidence that they are women. So the bullied fighters don't want to provide any evidence. They just want to use their gender advantage to beat up women. This is as lame as it gets.

The IOC sold out to push a progressive WEF-driven agenda at the Olympics and are now facing major repercussions.

It hasn't been proven by any blood tests. No reason to lie. The Russian led group saying it isn't evidence, just like you saying it isn't evidence.

The IOC disqualified this Russian led group before the 2020 Olympics because of rampant corruption that had nothing to do with this issue. They aren't the only governing body that dismisses anything the Russian led group says.
It hasn't been proven by any blood tests. No reason to lie. The Russian led group saying it isn't evidence, just like you saying it isn't evidence.

The IOC disqualified this Russian led group before the 2020 Olympics because of rampant corruption that had nothing to do with this issue. They aren't the only governing body that dismisses anything the Russian led group says.
That's not true and you know it's not true. Even your far-left publications have stated they failed the tests. If you want to be a nut and chalk it up to Russian interference or whatever, live in your fantasy world.

If these two jerks wanted to prove to the world they weren't men, they could have 10 independent labs do this for free in a moment's notice. Instead, they act like the cowards they are.

As I mentioned above, if your daughter had trained her entire life for the Olympics and had to face guys with 10-20x the amount of testosterone coursing through their system, you would be livid and all of your progressive garbage would suddenly vanish.
As I mentioned above, if your daughter had trained her entire life for the Olympics and had to face guys with 10-20x the amount of testosterone coursing through their system, you would be livid and all of your progressive garbage would suddenly vanish.

I honestly wonder at this. I wonder if some people are so far down the rabbit hole for their political party that they wouldn't be livid over seeing a man beat up their daughter.

My hope in humanity is that most, if not all, would draw the line there, and maybe wake up.

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