Is apathy worse than anger?


Aug 14, 2017
I have really not posted here, at least nothing more than a few replies, but I visit daily. I am writing now because I am concerned about my feelings toward gamecock football. I am a 93 graduate, a third generation alumnus. the 4th generation of my family is there now. I spent most of my childhood and adulthood going to the games. We stopped getting season tickets when my son's soccer commitments created conflicts that made going to games impossible. I say all of that to give my post some level of credibility that I am invested in Carolina. I am also not wanting to provoke anyone. I just find myself caring less and less about our games. at the start of the 4th quarter Saturday, when realized we (the coaches) were going to try to ride out a 17 point lead when our defense was getting the business, I decided to take a drive. My wife called me and said she left the room then looked out the window and saw me driving by in my truck. This is my coping mechanism, I can't make myself endure watching an implosion all the while hoping for a turn-around. In 1984 during the navy game I rode my bike, now I drive a truck. judging by the fit of my clothes, I think I need to go back to the bike. As I type this I realize that maybe my actions show that I do indeed care, but I think I actually watch the games out of habit at this point. I want very desperately to back a winner, or at least see something I can be proud of. I hate being pleasantly surprised when we don't lose. on Saturday, the play on the field could have been enough to win, even with the flaws, but the coaches snatched defeat from victory. My point is that I don't really get mad, I just find my "give-a-da*m" just decreases after each season and I hate that is happening.

I do hope we find success and pray for me while I visit my clemson inlaws for Thanksgiving (and that does include Saturday). Peace be with you.
Seems like the ball doesn’t seem to bounce our way. I’d chalked the Florida game up to a loss and told a coworker that if Florida was smart they wouldn’t pass once with Franks, but just run it down our throats. At halftime I had some hope we were in it but losing the way we did was a hit in the gut. Reminded me of last year Kentucky. It is what it is.
Yes, but really both are bad. you know been going to the games since the late 50's. Man, you just get tired of it after a while. The program takes a step forward then 2 or 3 in the other direction. Never never changes. Same hell. Seems the Gamecocks cannot take advantage of the opportunity's given them. Where other schools do. Of all places has to be Clemson, man I really hate saying but these taters I despise them to the point knowing they are going to kick our ass. I cannot even watch or go to the Gamecocks vs Tiger games any more scared I will kick my TV or worse, I just go off getaway way then come home. Never felt that way very bitter taste in my mouth and sad to say will stay there with me for a while. It is just a game and should be left that way. I try to do that but you know going to games is suppose to be fun and enjoyable time. being with friends, you have not seen, But for the most part, the games that matter you lose on regular bases really sucks after a while. Just know in your gut the Gamecocks will lose. Maybe just tailgate eat drink go home and rest. That is a bad way to feel and I know it. Seen the commercial where the guy throws his wallet in the lake that's how I feel lol but I can still laugh about it. Need to have some sense of humor these days. But really just got to recruit and recruit and recruit players and coach team. Those players make coaches geniuses. Just look at Dumbo in the upstate who would of thunk it 5 years ago players baby players.. that can get you there and you need a lot, not just a few. I will somehow keep my chin up and get passed this period. I just hope I get to see it. My age you are on the short end of the stick, but hopefully, for you younger ones you will see it.

This would be a great group therapy thread.
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To the OP, I also got in my car to take a drive, at the beginning of the 4th Qtr. Been a Gamecock since 1968. I've seen this story one too many times and couldn't bear watch it unfold on TV. I turned the radio on in my car and let Todd and Tommy describe it to me. It was like listening to someone call a game between the New England Patriots vs Wade Hampton Generals.
We are back to expecting to lose. The culture change that began with Spurrier seems like decades ago. Muschamp has lowered the bar. Champ had the team take time off after the ole miss win. If a Nick Saban team had just gave up 600 yds in 3 qtrs would he have done the same? Hell no
If u r apathetic, you don't care. If you get mad, you do care. I am approaching apathy. Didn't expect a Fla win anyway(I'm a long time fan like forkcock)but got POed when I saw how game was lost. No excuse for that altho I have read plenty of them on here and IF. After awhile you get numb to the ways USC finds to lose games it has won.
"Will needs more time to recruit". Hope I'm not reading that excuse 5 yrs from now(if I make it that long)about Will or _________________whoever.
Will it ever be fixed as Clemson has done? Frankly and this is depressing but I don't think so. I'm afraid USC FB is gonna start losing even more fans and WB will look like an ACC stadium on Saturdays. Can Ray fix it? Does he have the will and wanna and work ethic to fix it? No. 17 nationally in ath dept revenue. Is there motivation to fix something that is somehow making so much money? Fan support and money are not the problem. Facilities are not the problem. Conference affiliation is not the problem. WTH is the problem? It has to be those in charge of the pgm. What else could it be?
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I flip on a nice game on my PC and shotgun demons in the face. Excellent relief valve... I had to jump off the Florida game after the 3rd too. It was too painful for me to watch the end. But DOOM or Darksiders or Dark Souls are nice releases of pent up aggression for me. Hell, that is my secret why I'm not a rage induced killer by now.
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If u r apathetic, you don't care. If you get mad, you do care. I am approaching apathy. Didn't expect a Fla win anyway(I'm a long time fan like forkcock)but got POed when I saw how game was lost. No excuse for that altho I have read plenty of them on here and IF. After awhile you get numb to the ways USC finds to lose games it has won.
"Will needs more time to recruit". Hope I'm not reading that excuse 5 yrs from now(if I make it that long)about Will or _________________whoever.
Will it ever be fixed as Clemson has done? Frankly and this is depressing but I don't think so. I'm afraid USC FB is gonna start losing even more fans and WB will look like an ACC stadium on Saturdays. Can Ray fix it? Does he have the will and wanna and work ethic to fix it? No. 17 nationally in ath dept revenue. Is there motivation to fix something that is somehow making so much money? Fan support and money are not the problem. Facilities are not the problem. Conference affiliation is not the problem. WTH is the problem? It has to be those in charge of the pgm. What else could it be?
The danger is that people will buy fewer season tickets and the big donors will refuse to cut checks. That's when facilities fall behind. At present, it looks like everyone just shows up to drink and socialize. Nobody really expects the the team to compete against the big boys.
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They'll always be my team but I'm starting to find new hobbies on Saturdays. What's sad is I used to be able to watch an entire Carolina-Clemson game back in the day even when I had a good feeling we would lose because we could at least keep it close for four quarters. Now I can't watch past the first quarter and this year I may not make it past two series. Just shows the opposite directions we've gone since 2013.
If u r apathetic, you don't care. If you get mad, you do care. I am approaching apathy. Didn't expect a Fla win anyway(I'm a long time fan like forkcock)but got POed when I saw how game was lost. No excuse for that altho I have read plenty of them on here and IF. After awhile you get numb to the ways USC finds to lose games it has won.
"Will needs more time to recruit". Hope I'm not reading that excuse 5 yrs from now(if I make it that long)about Will or _________________whoever.
Will it ever be fixed as Clemson has done? Frankly and this is depressing but I don't think so. I'm afraid USC FB is gonna start losing even more fans and WB will look like an ACC stadium on Saturdays. Can Ray fix it? Does he have the will and wanna and work ethic to fix it? No. 17 nationally in ath dept revenue. Is there motivation to fix something that is somehow making so much money? Fan support and money are not the problem. Facilities are not the problem. Conference affiliation is not the problem. WTH is the problem? It has to be those in charge of the pgm. What else could it be?

Yes, that is what I stated in my early post in this thread. but dam what do you do in the meantime?

But really just got to recruit and recruit and recruit players and coach team. Those players make coaches geniuses. Just look at Dumbo in the upstate who would of thunk it 5 years ago players baby players.. that can get you there and you need a lot, not just a few. I will somehow keep my chin up and get passed this period. I just hope I get to see it. My age you are on the short end of the stick, but hopefully, for you younger ones you will see it.

I flip on a nice game on my PC and shotgun demons in the face. Excellent relief valve... I had to jump off the Florida game after the 3rd too. It was too painful for me to watch the end. But DOOM or Darksiders or Dark Souls are nice releases of pent up aggression for me. Hell, that is my secret why I'm not a rage induced killer by now.

This sounds good in the meantime.
I don't watch the games any longer. I just look at the score sometime later. I've come to the conclusion that this program got as good as it could get during the 3-year Spurrier span and it's not likely to ever return to that again. This program will resume its rightful place in the bottom half of the league. That's the Gamecock way!
At present, it looks like everyone just shows up to drink and socialize. Nobody really expects the the team to compete against the big boys.

Buddy, it's been that way its been since 1967. The FRAT RATS used to wear SUITS & TIES to the all the games. They all wore BARF & BRUT after the games.

Get to your seat between 9 minutes and 4 minutes left in the first quarter, leave the game after Carolina's first possession of the 3rd quarter. No One went to the Wake Forest game. It was always the same weekend as the Carolina Cup (Steeplechase). That was the only socially acceptable way to conduct yourself back then.

Anyone who has been to a Carolina home game ... Am I exaggerating???

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Unrealistic expectations for a team that historically is always mid to lower SEC talent (except for 3 or 4 years) is what we are and always will be. You will never hear me chant "SEC SEC SEC it just means more". I'm just a realist cock fan.I do have hope as always, but never expect to win the SEC least.
Buddy, it's been that way its been since 1967. The FRAT RATS used to wear SUITS & TIES to the all the games. They all wore BARF & BRUT after the games.

Get to your seat between 9 minutes and 4 minutes left in the first quarter, leave the game after Carolina's first possession of the 3rd quarter. No One went to the Wake Forest game. It was always the same weekend as the Carolina Cup (Steeplechase). That was the only socially acceptable way to conduct yourself back then.

Anyone who has been to a Carolina home game ... Am I exaggerating???


Colonial Cup is the Fall Race. :cool:
While I understand the frustration let me say that Will's standards are not lower than Steve's. As a matter of fact, when Shane Beamer left to coach with his dad at Va Tech, our recruiting took a downward spin. Steve seemed to not notice.

Remember, when Will was hired, the 2016 class (following the 2015 season of resignation/interim coach/reality that for most of the coaching staff was looking for a new job, 3-9) was pretty much done. He deconstructed and reconstructed what he could. The 2016 season was Wills first season coaching. The 2017 class came after the 2016 season which was Will's first full class. the 2018 class came after the 2017 season. And now, after this season, the 2019 class.

What I am attempting to point is that this is early in his tenure. He has done a very good job of changing out the quality of our players. It takes time to develop young men. I simply believe that a new coaching staff needs the 2019 class, the 2020 class and the 2021 class (5th full class) to achieve the success they all want. After 5 classes we will all know. Frank is in his 7th season. We can certainly support Will/his staff/our players through the 2021 season.

I think the wins will come and better players will come with wins. This is however a process. The process will take time and some very good decisions along the way.

One more thing I would like to touch on. It seems that some young Americans use this word "hate" as if it is the opposite of love. Hate is not the opposite of love but a function of love. The opposite of love is apathy. I have never been apathetic about my school....and I never will be. Thanks for reading.
I'm getting the same feelings I had during the Sparky and Brad years......hopelessness.
@robertfootball You just made me feel even worse.:)
Well, we can always fall back on the fact that a 7-5 or 8-4 season is pretty good considering GC FB history. Those seasons would get a coach fired at Clemson. The season began with such promise(before the Ga game)but now reality has set in once again. Maybe USC will get a half way decent bowl opponent(hope I'm not assuming too much)win the game and finish the season on an uptick.
Apathy/Indifference is certainly worse.
This means you simply don't care

Apathy is incalculably worse. Apathy is fatal.

When it comes to Gamecock Athletics, I think apathy is better for my mental health.

I’m nearly 26. I’ve taken about all I can take. I’ll let you young bucks do the caring from now on.
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Honestly guys I thought Muschamp would be the doom of this program when he was hired . After his first two seasons i really thought I was totally wrong and he was gonna get it done . This is probably the first time since since 2014 that I was genuinely very excited about football season . I really thought we could be a top 10 team and at least compete with UGA and Clemson . Gotta be honest ... I didn’t watch the UF game and not much of the Ole Miss game . Will definitely not watch the last three or the bowl game . Not because I’m boycotting... I just don’t care . Would rather be fishing or other things on Sat instead . How things have changed . When Spurrier was here I never missed watching a game no matter who it was .... hell I made my wife rescheduled our wedding date so it was on a bye weekend !! It’s makes me sad and honestly I see it getting worse the next 2 or 3 years . I had tickets to the Tenn game and I gave them away because it wasn’t worth the drive .
When it comes to Gamecock Athletics, I think apathy is better for my mental health.

I’m nearly 26. I’ve taken about all I can take. I’ll let you young bucks do the caring from now on.
You are only 26 and are fed up already? :confused:
Have been a fan fan since '68 and am still kinda hangin on. This was a point I read in another thread-the younger fans may not put up with as much BS as us ole timers. Which is why USC needs to get off its ass and fix the problems. Fire whoever deserves firing and loosen the purse strings. Study Clemson's methods in minute detail. USC should be in a better position to do what Clemson has done. Have read some posts about how USC would tear up the ACC. Don't believe that. Didn't do so hot when USC was a member for about 20 yrs.
The key to turning the program around is getting that linchpin recruit. That “once in a lifetime” talent. It just plants the seeds and it grows from there. Look when Spurrier was here - Lattimore and Clowney were difference makers. It put the program on the map. Spiller in Clemson got them rolling in the right direction. Then Watkins, Watson, now Lawrence and the train keeps rolling. If Spurrier didn’t hate recruiting and wouldn’t have made that 2-3 year comment, USC’s fortunes might have been different. He had it on the right track until he decided to jump off.

Does Muschamp have that “it”? Time will tell. He needs to identify that linchpin that will make a difference and get him - no matter what it takes. Maybe Hillinski is that guy.
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While I understand the frustration let me say that Will's standards are not lower than Steve's. As a matter of fact, when Shane Beamer left to coach with his dad at Va Tech, our recruiting took a downward spin. Steve seemed to not notice.

Remember, when Will was hired, the 2016 class (following the 2015 season of resignation/interim coach/reality that for most of the coaching staff was looking for a new job, 3-9) was pretty much done. He deconstructed and reconstructed what he could. The 2016 season was Wills first season coaching. The 2017 class came after the 2016 season which was Will's first full class. the 2018 class came after the 2017 season. And now, after this season, the 2019 class.

What I am attempting to point is that this is early in his tenure. He has done a very good job of changing out the quality of our players. It takes time to develop young men. I simply believe that a new coaching staff needs the 2019 class, the 2020 class and the 2021 class (5th full class) to achieve the success they all want. After 5 classes we will all know. Frank is in his 7th season. We can certainly support Will/his staff/our players through the 2021 season.

I think the wins will come and better players will come with wins. This is however a process. The process will take time and some very good decisions along the way.

One more thing I would like to touch on. It seems that some young Americans use this word "hate" as if it is the opposite of love. Hate is not the opposite of love but a function of love. The opposite of love is apathy. I have never been apathetic about my school....and I never will be. Thanks for reading.

He is likely doing everything you describe but he still could be a much better DC than Head Coach.

Real-time decision making, confidence and game readiness seem to be off - especially for the bigger games as he's won only 1 in 16 tries.

While it gets brought up alot, it's also highly relevant - Florida experienced this EXACT thing with him. He seemed to have all of the right moves, say all of the right things - and then the games happen and you wonder what happened?

We went backwards this year and if we play like this next year - something around 4-8 is not out of the question.
While I understand the frustration let me say that Will's standards are not lower than Steve's. As a matter of fact, when Shane Beamer left to coach with his dad at Va Tech, our recruiting took a downward spin. Steve seemed to not notice.

Remember, when Will was hired, the 2016 class (following the 2015 season of resignation/interim coach/reality that for most of the coaching staff was looking for a new job, 3-9) was pretty much done. He deconstructed and reconstructed what he could. The 2016 season was Wills first season coaching. The 2017 class came after the 2016 season which was Will's first full class. the 2018 class came after the 2017 season. And now, after this season, the 2019 class.

What I am attempting to point is that this is early in his tenure. He has done a very good job of changing out the quality of our players. It takes time to develop young men. I simply believe that a new coaching staff needs the 2019 class, the 2020 class and the 2021 class (5th full class) to achieve the success they all want. After 5 classes we will all know. Frank is in his 7th season. We can certainly support Will/his staff/our players through the 2021 season.

I think the wins will come and better players will come with wins. This is however a process. The process will take time and some very good decisions along the way.

One more thing I would like to touch on. It seems that some young Americans use this word "hate" as if it is the opposite of love. Hate is not the opposite of love but a function of love. The opposite of love is apathy. I have never been apathetic about my school....and I never will be. Thanks for reading.
In terms of recruiting rankings, the talent is about the same. Despite all the grumbling, the only position that's a clear upgrade is QB. I'm sure he's a nice guy but Perry Orth was not even remotely an SEC quarterback and it was reflected in wins and losses.
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You are only 26 and are fed up already? :confused:
Have been a fan fan since '68 and am still kinda hangin on. This was a point I read in another thread-the younger fans may not put up with as much BS as us ole timers. Which is why USC needs to get off its ass and fix the problems. Fire whoever deserves firing and loosen the purse strings. Study Clemson's methods in minute detail. USC should be in a better position to do what Clemson has done. Have read some posts about how USC would tear up the ACC. Don't believe that. Didn't do so hot when USC was a member for about 20 yrs.

OMG, Son. I'm about to be 68. You've got a lot more suffering to so.

I jest... Sort of. But I am learning to not let it ruin my weeks like I have in the past. And while 5 years ago I had hope that we could turn a corner, I'm starting to accept we may never be able to win at a high level
I jest... Sort of. But I am learning to not let it ruin my weeks like I have in the past. And while 5 years ago I had hope that we could turn a corner, I'm starting to accept we may never be able to win at a high level
The right man can do it; I'm convinced of it. It's all about putting the right people together. Find the man who can do that, and we can become nationally relevant. It has already been proven. He might be here right now. That hasn't been proven.
You are only 26 and are fed up already? :confused:
Have been a fan fan since '68 and am still kinda hangin on. This was a point I read in another thread-the younger fans may not put up with as much BS as us ole timers. Which is why USC needs to get off its ass and fix the problems. Fire whoever deserves firing and loosen the purse strings. Study Clemson's methods in minute detail. USC should be in a better position to do what Clemson has done. Have read some posts about how USC would tear up the ACC. Don't believe that. Didn't do so hot when USC was a member for about 20 yrs.

Yes this is what I am so frustrated about. Call it what you want, but this is what needs to be done. Somehow people in power and money need to have a influence in getting the ones in charge in the administration Like are AD Tanner. "I give him A In getting the facilities off the ground." He is good at that but needs to really work on personnel. Need to act not sending nice letters telling members to hang in really need to step up make a dam commitment to the fans. Now do it. Now go out there and spank a tater
Lol had to throw that in. That's it I am out of here my last
. Sorry for all the bitching. But to me below is right on.......
Bullshit on apathy. We as fans deserve better.

Which is why USC needs to get off its ass and fix the problems. Fire whoever deserves firing and loosen the purse strings. Study Clemson's methods in minute detail. USC should be in a better position to do what Clemson has done. Have read some posts about how USC would tear up the ACC. Don't believe that. Didn't do so hot when USC was a member for about 20 yrs.
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The right man can do it; I'm convinced of it. It's all about putting the right people together. Find the man who can do that, and we can become nationally relevant. It has already been proven. He might be here right now. That hasn't been proven.

Since you normally skew towards doom and gloom, this surprisingly optimistic assessment about USC’s potential makes me feel better. Thank you sir.
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Apathy is much worse. When folks vent and complain, at least they show they still care. I don't think apathy has set in at USC. But I do think many think the program is at a crossroads. Many side with the thought that things will get better over the next couple of years as talent is recruited to fill obvious gaps you see currently. If another couple of years go by and the masses don't see any great improvement, apathy will start to set in. That is what is happening at UNC right now. And it is far more dangerous than the fan base still voicing their displeasure
When it comes to Gamecock Athletics, I think apathy is better for my mental health.

In terms of recruiting rankings, the talent is about the same. Despite all the grumbling, the only position that's a clear upgrade is QB. I'm sure he's a nice guy but Perry Orth was not even remotely an SEC quarterback and it was reflected in wins and losses.
I would take QB C. Shaw over anyone we have ever had back to Todd Ellis. Suggs, Grantz, Bass, Ellis and Shaw were leaders and very good QB's. There willed us twins. They led the offense like field Generals.
I was think about this last night .... Is there another program in America that has such fan support despite a history of Mediocrity?? Who ?? Thinking maybe TAMU but they have had some really good teams . Other than the military schools can’t really think of any fanbase that would sell out stadiums for 0-11 and 3-9 teams . Either that means we are insane or there just ain’t jack S@&t to do in Columbia SC on a Sat .
The key to turning the program around is getting that linchpin recruit. That “once in a lifetime” talent. It just plants the seeds and it grows from there. Look when Spurrier was here - Lattimore and Clowney were difference makers. It put the program on the map. Spiller in Clemson got them rolling in the right direction. Then Watkins, Watson, now Lawrence and the train keeps rolling. If Spurrier didn’t hate recruiting and wouldn’t have made that 2-3 year comment, USC’s fortunes might have been different. He had it on the right track until he decided to jump off.

Does Muschamp have that “it”? Time will tell. He needs to identify that linchpin that will make a difference and get him - no matter what it takes. Maybe Hillinski is that guy.

Gilmore was the first big one. Will Hillinski and Pickens be that for Muschamp? Time will tell.

We've blown games in the past, and we'll blow games in the future. I always liked that at least prior coaches, particularly Holtz and Spurrier, wouldn't pull any punches about stupid decisions, poor plays etc. after a loss, or even after a win. Muschamp's defense of everything associated with some pretty bad losses is what has me concerned right now. It's probably why he's known as a player's coach - he defends them to no end even when they maybe shouldn't be. So is it just coachspeak and defense of his players and coaches, or does he really not see it? He's gotta see it, right?
Gilmore was the first big one. Will Hillinski and Pickens be that for Muschamp? Time will tell.

We've blown games in the past, and we'll blow games in the future. I always liked that at least prior coaches, particularly Holtz and Spurrier, wouldn't pull any punches about stupid decisions, poor plays etc. after a loss, or even after a win. Muschamp's defense of everything associated with some pretty bad losses is what has me concerned right now. It's probably why he's known as a player's coach - he defends them to no end even when they maybe shouldn't be. So is it just coachspeak and defense of his players and coaches, or does he really not see it? He's gotta see it, right?

I like you analysis. I hope Pickens/Hillinski et al are the start.