I wasn’t going to say anything about it right now. She came to stay at my place on Saturday, and I thought we had a good day that day and Sunday. The fact is we did fornicate a few times, which was more because of her than me. I was trying to be a gentleman. Naturally, I thoroughly enjoyed it and because of easily obtainable internet porn I thought I had a good handle on the situation.
Then, Sunday night, out of the blue, she tells me she is going to try to find a place by the end of the week, that she doesn’t think it will work out between us as a couple. After she kept saying she just thinks we shoiuld be friends I finally get her to tell me the truth. She doesn’t think we can satisfy each other sexually, which I know what that really means. She finally said that she needed someone bigger, which is no surprise considering her damn midget cooter has seen more traffic than Bluff Road on a football Saturday. I’m not ashamed to post this either, because I don’t claim to be Ron Jeremy, but an average sized pecker should be enough to satisfy a midget unless her vag has a turnstile. I didn’t hear any complaints when I was DATY.
I knew this whole situation was a mistake, but I did it anyway, but I’m not going to allow her to keep abusing my apparently underwhelming ding a ling until she finds something else. Of course if I say something then WW 2 ½ will start.
And I’ll tell you something else and all of you know it’s true whether you admit it or not. Women get away with murder with this whole small penis thing. Like, they can say that about a dude and his reputation is ruined. Well maybe it isn’t the guy that’s small, maybe it’s the girl that has a missile silo between her legs. How about that? Where’s the repercussions for that?! But yeah, tell me how I’m the villain just because I can get the Froot Loops off the refrigerator without using a broom handle.