Spurrier on David Feherty Show

Just pointing out if anyone is interested. Saw it advertised while watching the PGA tournament yesterday.
Feherty has a show on the Golf Channel. Usually it is an hour long show of some celebrity who is involved with golf. It's usually done at the guests home or where they are located.
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Feherty has a show on the Golf Channel. Usually it is an hour long show of some celebrity who is involved with golf. It's usually done at the guests home or where they are located.

Oh, ok.. So what you're saying is that Steve Spurrier is spending more time with golf rather than with his own team.
Golf show?
After the Tater game, if not before the season ends, he's out of here with plenty of golf opportunities. he has quit on this program.
It is not my intent to throw him under the bus (although it might be deserved). My intent was to point out he was a guest on the show. May be a nice piece that will include some USC scenes or comments.
I think you will find it was produced during the off-season.
SOS is the only coach of the power 5 with an 'off-season' these days. Recruit, recruit, recruit, play ball, recruit, recruit is how its done elsewhere.
SOS is the only coach of the power 5 with an 'off-season' these days. Recruit, recruit, recruit, play ball, recruit, recruit is how its done elsewhere.
I think they all take some down time, but they recruit when it's time to recruit, when there aren't "dead" periods.. Today that means texting, social media, whatever.
SOS is the only coach of the power 5 with an 'off-season' these days. Recruit, recruit, recruit, play ball, recruit, recruit is how its done elsewhere.
I don't really care if he takes days off....but he insist that the whole staff does it. The whole damn staff is expected to have an off season. I think all companies do this. The companies I have owned and worked for always got the summer off to refresh from long hours and a tough work load.....NOT !!!!!!!
SOS is the only coach of the power 5 with an 'off-season' these days. Recruit, recruit, recruit, play ball, recruit, recruit is how its done elsewhere.

Do you have first hand knowledge of this, or are you just speculating? You should be careful voicing pure speculation and assumption, as they tend to be repeated as fact. I love being able to voice opinions on a forum like this, but everyone should be reminded of that old saying, "opinions are like a......."
IMO, Spurrier's downtime has been greatly exaggerated. The man is a Hall of Fame football coach and he didn't earn that by spending too much time on the golf course.
Do you have first hand knowledge of this, or are you just speculating? You should be careful voicing pure speculation and assumption, as they tend to be repeated as fact. I love being able to voice opinions on a forum like this, but everyone should be reminded of that old saying, "opinions are like a......."
IMO, Spurrier's downtime has been greatly exaggerated. The man is a Hall of Fame football coach and he didn't earn that by spending too much time on the golf course.

I get where you are coming from and you are no doubt correct, however Spurrier has himself to blame for a good bit of this misconception because he loves to remind everyone that he works himself and his staff less than other schools. He said the same thing when he was with the Redskins, and frankly, it rubs A LOT of people the wrong way. When you are winning, it just makes his opponents hate and envy him all the more. But when you are losing...
Do you have first hand knowledge of this, or are you just speculating? You should be careful voicing pure speculation and assumption, as they tend to be repeated as fact. I love being able to voice opinions on a forum like this, but everyone should be reminded of that old saying, "opinions are like a......."
IMO, Spurrier's downtime has been greatly exaggerated. The man is a Hall of Fame football coach and he didn't earn that by spending too much time on the golf course.

Pure speculation, but based on reports. How many times has it been reported as recruits saying: spurrier wasn't there, i haven't talked to coach spurrier yet, i didn't get to meet spurrier, i didn't know i had an offer, i haven't heard from usc lately, etc.
the first few times, sure there could have been mis-communication. but after that, the pattern becomes alarming/discouraging.
Pure speculation, but based on reports. How many times has it been reported as recruits saying: spurrier wasn't there, i haven't talked to coach spurrier yet, i didn't get to meet spurrier, i didn't know i had an offer, i haven't heard from usc lately, etc.
the first few times, sure there could have been mis-communication. but after that, the pattern becomes alarming/discouraging.

The "I haven't heard from USC since they offered me" is the one I see the most often.
The "I haven't heard from USC since they offered me" is the one I see the most often.
Feherety is a pretty entertaining guy. The show will probably be filled with humor and good for the university. Thanks for sharing. However, the timing is terrible and most are too ill informed to understand this was filmed months ago and is good publicity for the school
I hope he gets it turned around or moves on but think this is no big deal