Anyone catch the Texas A & M fans getting tossed from the Florida game?

I totally missed this story, probably because I was traveling over the weekend.

2 Aggie fans yelling at the Florida dugout, apparently mentioning the murders of the children of O'Sullivan's wife (her children) one of which was a former Florida bat boy.

They were removed from the stadium. Hopefully, their names will be exposed publicly for their shameful actions. From what I understand, some have already mentioned their names online but I haven't seen it.

I was totally unaware of O'Sullivan's wife's story. But read about it today. What a tragedy.

I can not fathom what kind of human scum screams about the murder of a young person (or anyone) at a game as a way to try to verbally attack another team other than it is human garbage that has lost a moral compass.

I would guess these two guys have probably lost their jobs as a result of this decision and likely lost some friendships and probably cost themselves some family relationships.
