Darla Moore angry at USC

Why does this turn of events surprise anyone. The leadership at the university is inept. The underwhelming football coaches search, the debacle over a basketball coach that most any other university would have fired quickly, and now just blatantly offending their biggest donor. It is a comedy of errors. They treat Darla like they do the fan base. Give them nothing, yet expect them to be happy as they chant SEC, SEC because Bama wins another football game. In actuality the true fools are the fan base that continues to financially support this bunch of clowns
Seriously, do you not think the University will miss, and regret,the apparent loss (for now at least)of the largest benefactor and proponent of arguably the best known program (business) named after her? I hope I am wrong and you are right but I fear this will be a setback. Like it or not , it helps to have the powerful and rich in your corner as long as there is nothing unethical or illegal.
And we had already sustained the loss of Bob McNair.
Who whines because some entity didn’t send condolences after your mother dies? Seriously, if your mother passes, you have to be seriously self absorbed to notice or care who did or didn’t send condolences!

"Some entity".....

"some entity" that you personally gave $75 million to over the years??

I would damned well bet YOU would whine, sir......
Did she donate the money to make lives better for young people, or did she do it so she could act like a Diva? USC did not acknowledge my mother's death either. She has overplayed her hand, and it's a shame. Very impressive lady, and you do have to excuse people while they grieve. But she really should have set that letter aside and given it some time.

Do you know what her donations helped to establish at USC, and what benefits USC has and continues to derive from them? Those answers would fully answer your own question......
I don't care where the board members went to school if they're competent and put the university's best interests forward. I would imagine most elite graduates from any school wouldn't want to torpedo the largest university system in the state. But if you think Haley did it because she was a Clemson grad who wanted to hurt the University of South Carolina, rather than being a politician rewarding a political donor, you're a fool.

Do you even read what you write?

So Haley did NOT do it because she was a Clemson grad who wanted to hurt the University of South Carolina.

According to YOU, Haley did it to reward a political donor, as an act of being a politician.

She removed the largest ever donor to USC and replaced her with a political donor - to herself, NOT to USC - as an act of being a politician. Again, ACCORDING TO YOU ABOVE.

But if ANY 5th grader can't tell you that DOING EXACTLY THAT, was going to do NOTHING BUT "hurt the University of South Carolina", and YOU can't understand that, then I don't know what else to tell you, other than to go back to your Clemson board, and leave our board alone.......
It totally blows my mind about this fanbase. It goes back to what I've always understand since my high school days - perhaps even before those days: that the citizens of the state of South Carolina are ignorant imbeciles, and hayseed fools that think they know so much more than they do.

They'll denounce the University of South Carolina and bring it down to its knees if it takes a position they oppose, and still claim to be supporters and fans of USC. And then cry for the rest of their lives about how USC's sports never amount to anything of substance.....
Dead on! No matter what you think of her you do all you can to keep her happy even if it means bowing down from time to time.
Huge blunder—how do you recover from ticking off the largest donor and namesake of the Business school? She doesn’t seem to be one accepting of an apology. Who is in charge of fundraising?

We're told that's Ray's forte.

Moore wasn't donating to athletic endeavors. She was donating for actual academic facilities. The main person who would talk to her would be the President of the University......
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That's kind of petty. Nevertheless, I don't draw an equivalence between a small, country church and a major state University.

YOU don't draw an equivalence to ANYTHING, because you are NOT able to relate to anything about this. YOU haven't freely given $75 million to ANYONE for ANYTHING in your entire life, but I can bet the tithe to my church for the next year that IF YOU DID, and they ignored your mother's passing, you'd be pissing more than a guy who just won back-to-back beer chugging contests in a row.....
Pastitides would never have let this happen

Here's a clue to all the idiot SC citizens who stand with Caslen do or die, to end of eternity:

Pastidies has posted more tweets of support for the student body and USC athletic endeavors SINCE HIS RETIREMENT than Caslen has tweeted as the ACTING PRESIDENT OF USC.

But of course that means absolutely nothing. Everything is fine until there's reason to fire someone, then FIRE THEM ALL - then everything is fine until there's reason to fire someone else, then FIRE THEN ALL - then everything is fine until there's reason......and on and on and on and on. But it's ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT......
Who cares if anyone heard of her ? She gave enough money to have the Business School named after her. She could have given that to Clemson. If leadership had any clue, they would have been all over this in at least sending a letter of condolence. If you were a business would you snub your biggest customer?

Sort of ironic, isn’t it, that her name is on the School of Business and neither they, nor the university leadership, know a thing about keeping business partners happy.

Maybe she would have been better funding the Public Relations Department or many of the other academic areas of the university that actually “get it”.
Yep. She wanted the school to make her president because she’s donated a bunch of money.
That isn't just a lie. It's the EXACT OPPOSITE of what happened. The issue was covered ad nauseum at the time by The State and the Post & Courier. She was approached by several trustees after everything blew up to consider being President. She turned them down.

Are your pants on fire or did your nose grow?
I have a high school senior whom by her mother’s genes had opportunities to go to school just about anywhere, including the Honors College. She wanted a large school with all the sports and big college attractions. Both my degrees are from USC so that’s all I know, and remember. However, what I saw in the college marketing/presentation arena is that we are playing checkers when so many others are playing chess. I visited what are considered the top 6-7 public universities and the stark differences were disheartening just in manner of communication and outreach. Even UGA, where you could go when you could just fog a mirror when I was in HS, is so much better organized in all their efforts. I wish this were not the case. When my daughter decided she would be a Michigan Wolverine, I didn’t feel that I could give the home team much of a pep rally, and thought she made the better choice.
It totally blows my mind about this fanbase. It goes back to what I've always understand since my high school days - perhaps even before those days: that the citizens of the state of South Carolina are ignorant imbeciles, and hayseed fools that think they know so much more than they do.

They'll denounce the University of South Carolina and bring it down to its knees if it takes a position they oppose, and still claim to be supporters and fans of USC. And then cry for the rest of their lives about how USC's sports never amount to anything of substance.....
The stubbornness shown here is record-level.
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What you posted is literally a well known idiom that means one party is bigger and more important than the other.

Your follow up only confirms what you meant. We don’t need her money. Is it nice to have? Sure. But her money isn’t changing the university.

Total operating revenue in 2020 was over a billion dollars.
Wrong, her money has clearly changed the university. I came through the business school and saw her money be put to good use. Nice try though.
Who whines because some entity didn’t send condolences after your mother dies? Seriously, if your mother passes, you have to be seriously self absorbed to notice or care who did or didn’t send condolences!
Takes money to run a Successful AD for a Major College. Maybe we should close down our Athletics Dept and Change our Name to something else.
Can USC do anything right? I live in Virginia and I will be steering my kids to UVA, VA. Tech, or William and Mary. USC seems to end with disappointment no matter what it does. My mother wanted me to go to UGA and the longer I live, the more she looks like she knew what she was talking about. God bless her soul.
Mine went to Davidson and Miami of Ohio.
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You must be a youngster. We left our church when the pastor didn’t pay his respects when my grandmother passed. Small town. Small church. It’s called respect. Something this world seriously lacks.
Agree. During my second year of law school, my dad died. The law school I attended sent a large arrangement of flowers and the Dean and every one of my professors from my first and second year sent condolence cards or more. Granted I went to a Catholic law school but the outreach from them was amazing. They received a very loyal alumni thereafter.
I mean, posters here post threads from time to time, asking for prayers for a loved one who is sick, or for a longtime poster here who is ill or is dealing with family trauma.

We are all good people, right? So we post prayers and condolences to the thread. No problem at all, right?

What if someone posted a thread like that here, and.......crickets? No one responded. The thread is there for 2-3 days, and only has the OP. No one notices.

What do you think the OP would think about that? Sure, they didn't EXPECT to get responses, right? That's why they went through the trouble of creating the thread, because they didn't EXPECT it to get responses.

But what would they think? If it went unnoticed?

Moore not only donated $75 million - I seriously doubt that ANYONE who ever posts on this board has ever donated $75 million - even $750 thousand - to anything in their life. People who have that kind of money to give away usually have more important things to do with their lives than frequent message boards.

But beyond that money, Moore donated decades of her time, at the Business School, helping with intern and graduate job placements, meeting with department committees on keeping the curriculum ahead of the curve.

So all these posters who are throwing their opinions around only have an opinion to throw because the Constitution allows them to. It sure isn't because they can relate to this woman in real life, in any way reasonable.

Yes this wasn't some "thing" that happened out of the blue that caused Moore to lash out. This was a long run of several things: the Haley removal from the trustee post, the hiring process of Caslen, and probably a dozen other things behind the scenes that only Moore and someone of her stature with the University would have knowledge of, that brought all of this to a crescendo. Where it exploded here now.

But regardless, it was like a family member burying her mother, and no one shows up for the funeral. Especially a family member who did and still did up to recently, so much for the rest of the family, voluntarily. She wasn't necessarily EXPECTED to do them. But she still did just the same. But the University didn't feel the need to reciprocate, I guess.....
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Rich person expects her ass kissed. Shocker. But when they give that type of coin, you do it. The same people saying we shouldn't are the same ones who said the Muschamp contract was fine and dandy. The don't give anything and they have no skin in the game. They think the money just materializes from thin air.
Don't attempt to relate the two would be wrong.
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Seriously, do you not think the University will miss, and regret,the apparent loss (for now at least)of the largest benefactor and proponent of arguably the best known program (business) named after her? I hope I am wrong and you are right but I fear this will be a setback. Like it or not , it helps to have the powerful and rich in your corner as long as there is nothing unethical or illegal.
Would the university love to have more of her money? Sure. But with everything at some point the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
No. She wanted someone who was actually qualified for the position. And Caslen has proven once again that he definitely is not.

No she didn't. She wanted to be named the president. She turned away overtures from the board members for her being president because she didn't feel they were genuine.

It's amazing how oblivious our fans can be at times.
UofSC ignores the fans calls to overhaul the BOT. They are so far out of touch it’s crazy.
Maybe this Darla Moore thing will make it happen?!? Lol
Ummm, USC does not have the authority to overhaul the BOT.....that is left up to the state legislature. The University's fiasco regarding Moore will only ensure that Clemson will receive the money that USC would have. Thanks Caslen.
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She was worth more than her husband.

False. But I know that's the narrative she tries to push with her semantics games. She likes to claim his wealth tripled by marrying her. But all she's doing it taking credit for his wealth accumulating after their marriage.

There is a reason all of her philanthropy started after her marriage. But this thread isn't really grounded in reality unfortunately.
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I dont know the amounts, but I know that she made a fortune in her own right by pioneering what is known as debtor-in-possession financing in major chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. Look it up. I understand it, but I dont want to bore you all with the details.

Top 400 richest Americans in 1991. Notice Richard Rainwater is on the list, but not Darla?
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You're not very intelligent, are you? Ignoring your other stupid post you've already been slammed for (I mean, criticizing poor leadership can apparently mean you hate the school, right? So if you had disagreements with either Trump or Biden, you hate America by your logic?), I think you should improve your reading comprehension. I dealt with the intent of the act, not the results of the act. I said nothing about whether or not it actually hurt the University of South Carolina. Though that was her prerogative. That is the governor's seat to fill. Nothing stops USC from giving her a permanent seat. All I said was that it was stupid to view it through the lens of football fandom. The motivation was clearly not a Clemson fan trying to stick it to South Carolina. That was never the intent, which was my only point. Basically, you're just dumb. No amount of all caps and terrible grammar will change that.

I think I am as intelligent as the next guy, but when I'm trying to decipher someone else's "logic", I am often at the mercy of the person at the other end of the debate.

So lets see - here is what you posted:

I don't care where the board members went to school if they're competent and put the university's best interests forward. I would imagine most elite graduates from any school wouldn't want to torpedo the largest university system in the state. But if you think Haley did it because she was a Clemson grad who wanted to hurt the University of South Carolina, rather than being a politician rewarding a political donor, you're a fool.

You state that you said, "nothing about whether or not it actually hurt the University of South Carolina. Though that was her prerogative". That was her prerogative? To hurt USC was her prerogative? Who says?? But the intent of the act becomes moot doesn't it, if the results of the act is in fact harmful to the University.

Muschamp had great intentions for the FB program, and I'm sure Martin does as well for the MBB program. Holbrook was also a heck of a guy. But two of those three got fired, and the third's seat isn't exactly cool these days. But that's not because of intentions, it's because of results.

But I JUST NOW referenced the FB program. I've quoted your comments I first responded to above - there is NOTHING in them about viewing ANY of the Moore fiasco through "lens of football fandom", so not understanding where you veered on that one. I think most who have responded to this thread understand that Moore's contributions to USC were mainly for academia than athletic endeavors.

But then you try to close by instructing us of Nikki Haley's true "motivations" of removing the top donor to USC from the USC BOT to replace her with a political donor to Haley herself. Are YOU Haley's political campaign manager? Her biographical author? Again, trying to argue intentions against results after the fact may seem a pointless endeavor of futility, but you keep being you I guess.

My question to YOU: what contributions to USC did that political donor Haley appointed to the BOT can you inform us here, and how did they compare to Darla Moore's contributions over time??? What "intentions" did that political donor have for the improvement/advancement of USC, and how did they stack up??

I'll hang up and listen......
Ok. I have no proof of this. But the scuttlebutt is that she is a full-on alcoholic. To the point that she has been more or less carried out of Augusta National members' functions. Then she insisted that she had the right to be president of USC. You simply cannot do that. So she was looking for an opportunity to get back at USC and she took it. A very odd opportunity, I might add.
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No she didn't. She wanted to be named the president. She turned away overtures from the board members for her being president because she didn't feel they were genuine.

It's amazing how oblivious our fans can be at times.
That is utter bullshit. How freaking often do you have to prove you know nothing.
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I dont know the amounts, but I know that she made a fortune in her own right by pioneering what is known as debtor-in-possession financing in major chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. Look it up. I understand it, but I dont want to bore you all with the details.
I've read it before. Out of my league also. I just remember an article from the WSJ at the time of his death that gave their relative net worths....pretty close but she had a higher net worth.
False. But I know that's the narrative she tries to push with her semantics games. She likes to claim his wealth tripled by marrying her. But all she's doing it taking credit for his wealth accumulating after their marriage.

There is a reason all of her philanthropy started after her marriage. But this thread isn't really grounded in reality unfortunately.
She had completely taken over Rainwater Investments in 2012. His net worth did triple during her stewardship as his son become his legal guardian in 2011 because he was dealing with progressive supranuclear palsy. She individually was worth at least $2.3B at the time.
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It's a monumental gaffe. Regardless of her state of mind/intentions, the fact she took it publicly to this extent is indication that the future will look much different than the past.

All the PC gibberish when it comes to coaches, recruits, contracts, etc. and then this nonsense?