Dawn speaks out at the protest

"Trump is the president of the United States, and if he’s not unifying, he’s not helping.

Him saying, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” … that type of statement is not helping anybody. That’s not unifying this country. We need a unifier in the position of the most powerful person in the world.

If you can’t be the president for every American, then we as the VOTERS need to change that."

Direct quote from the article. That is unequivocally imploring folks to vote the President out of office.

I am in agreement with some others that it is not in the best interest of any of our coaches to make political commentaries.

We can agree to disagree on that. Coach Staley points out what she believes in the president's behavior is divisive and implores folks to make a change IF they agree that his behavior is divisive and IF he continues to engage in divisive rhetoric. She makes no statement that she believes the president or his actions are irredeemable, whether she feels that way or not.

And I sincerely don't think that whether this statement was in the "best interest of our coaches" was anywhere close to a consideration for her. If you don't believe that such statements are in the best interest of the university, that is a different concern entirely; obviously, since the university is promoting the essay on its official social media, the administration apparently disagrees with you. If you have a problem with that, you should voice those concerns to Tanner and Caslen.
No real fan is turning on Dawn Staley. She's a wonderful person who is telling her story and a lot of people are not comfortable hearing. The way her mother was treated growing up, it's amazing she even wanted to come back to South Carolina. We are blessed that she did. And before you criticize her for "turning down" the invitation to the white house, please educate yourself on that story. She wanted to go and was planning on going.
As I've said numerous times... I don't have a problem with what she said, I do have a problem with the university athletics accounts tweeting it out because it insinuates they endorse the opinions in the piece. That's all. The stupidity on this board never ceases to amaze.
Again, you're not understanding what I've said several times.... it's fine for her to say what she said. That's freedom of speech. My issue is that by having it tweeted out by USC social media accounts, it's viewed as an endorsement of her opinion that people should vote out Trump and that opinion is likely not the opinion of everyone at the university. You can bet that nothing would ever be tweeted from the official USC athletics account where one of our coaches was wearing a MAGA hat. It would be fine if they did it on their personal accounts however.
How many times has Coach Martin done the same thing without complaint (and he is a minority too). The issue is the same as it always is in my experience. Anytime a Black person gets a position of influence, some people are immature and expect that person to not be Black anymore or care about issues that affect their families. How hard is it to just disagree and move on if that is what you believe.
Right now, we can only work with the data that we have. The FBI is currently working through the roll out of its National Use of Force Data Collection which will give better data on overall rates as well as who initiated contact (police or civilian), etc. Hopefully, in the coming years, we'll be able to have a more complete conversation about what is happening systemically.

The only problem I have with your post is that in the first paragraph, you talk about micro events (single occurrences - this happened to this guy for this reason) and then seem to extrapolate that into the macro when talking about systemic issues. Its hard to talk about the who's and the why's when the what's are barely defined. The purpose of my post was just to put the data we do have out and let you decide what you will. I have an opinion, but it doesn't help here to throw that into the mix.

Please understand that I wasn't disagreeing with what you posted or denying the importance of your statistics. I was being very sincere when I thanked you for posting it because it was an earnest attempt to provide factual context to what is often a very emotional issue. I was merely pointing out that the issues over which these protests are occurring are far larger than law enforcement killing black suspects at a higher rate than whites are killed. And indeed, the issues transcend law enforcement.
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Again Tim Scott made almost the exact same quotes about Trump’s response. If you weren’t offended when he said it you shouldn’t be because she said it. Basketball coach or not she has just as much of a right to an opinion as anyone else. If it was seen as support for the actions would you feel the same way?

1 - My reply was intended to refute the claim by a previous poster that Staley was not imploring people to vote out Trump. She most definitely was.

2 - Tim Scott is a politician and not a USC head coach. I agree with some others that our coaches at USC should steer clear of making political commentaries. It has nothing to do with rights. We all know people have the right to speak. That doesn't mean it's wise to wade into political discussions as a coach.
How many times has Coach Martin done the same thing without complaint (and he is a minority too). The issue is the same as it always is in my experience. Anytime a Black person gets a position of influence, some people are immature and expect that person to not be Black anymore or care about issues that affect their families. How hard is it to just disagree and move on if that is what you believe.

And Frank Martin indeed posted a similar, although arguably less partisan, message:
Because she, as a black woman, has MUCH different life experiences than do I as a white woman.

We all have different life experiences regardless what color or gender we all are..

Some have over come life problems like having cancer, getting shot at, being kidnapped, sexually assaulted, or etc... It's called life...

Life is tough and we all go through adversity...

It's not a black thing, and it's not a white thing... It's called life and if go around and act like a victim, then you're not going to solve a damn thing...

I had horrible things happened to me and I don't go around and act like a victim... God gave me a bonus of life I'm living it and not dwell on the past...

Now, do I wish I bought 1,000 shares of Amazon when it was $5.00 back in 2001??? You're damn right and have learned from my mistake....
How many times has Coach Martin done the same thing without complaint (and he is a minority too). The issue is the same as it always is in my experience. Anytime a Black person gets a position of influence, some people are immature and expect that person to not be Black anymore or care about issues that affect their families. How hard is it to just disagree and move on if that is what you believe.
Because it's a chat forum. That's what people do here. We discuss things. I don't care if I disagree with a coaches view. I do care when I see political opinions endorsed by a university. That's not right IMO.

I don't have a problem with her speaking out about an important issue at all, and I'm entitled to my opinion as well. I do have a problem with riots and lawlessness, but that's a separate issue for another thread.
As I've said numerous times... I don't have a problem with what she said, I do have a problem with the university athletics accounts tweeting it out because it insinuates they endorse the opinions in the piece. That's all. The stupidity on this board never ceases to amaze.
On the Finebaum interview, she basically said the people needed a way to vent and that was the reason for the looting and destruction. That is unbelievable.
1 - My reply was intended to refute the claim by a previous poster that Staley was not imploring people to vote out Trump. She most definitely was.

2 - Tim Scott is a politician and not a USC head coach. I agree with some others that our coaches at USC should steer clear of making political commentaries. It has nothing to do with rights. We all know people have the right to speak. That doesn't mean it's wise to wade into political discussions as a coach.
So, will you have a problem when Coach Martin wades into the waters of the failures of parents for the 1,000,000th time if the Coronavirus allows for him to go into his usual February losing streak. Will you tell him to stick to sports and the job of getting his team on track? If you won't, then you are being disingenuous.
As I've said numerous times... I don't have a problem with what she said, I do have a problem with the university athletics accounts tweeting it out because it insinuates they endorse the opinions in the piece. That's all. The stupidity on this board never ceases to amaze.

Nor does it me
The Bureau of Justice Statistics doesn't have data published for 2019 or 2020 yet. I used what data they do have, which ranges from twice as many in 2011 to three times as many in 2015, which is the most recent. That is the DOJ statistics. Most of what you find online is from advocacy groups and they usually don't explain how they get their data.
I haven't seen anything in this link. That backs up your numbers.
Please understand that I wasn't disagreeing with what you posted or denying the importance of your statistics. I was being very sincere when I thanked you for posting it because it was an earnest attempt to provide factual context to what is often a very emotional issue. I was merely pointing out that the issues over which these protests are occurring are far larger than law enforcement killing black suspects at a higher rate than whites are killed. And indeed, the issues transcend law enforcement.

I disagree, the protests are for and the narrative is that black suspects are killed at higher rates than black suspects. It is what people are constantly told. I do agree that it is more complicated than that, My main frustration, personally, is that we can't have a serious conversation in this country about our over-taxed criminal justice system and larger cultural issues because there is too much political power to be gained in framing a very limited, simplistic, and at most times dishonest, discussions on these issues. The result is the violence we've been seeing for the last week, almost.

I think that this discussion thread is actually a pretty good display of the problems we have with just having these discussions.
I haven't seen anything in this link. That backs up your numbers.

You have to actually go into the reports and into the data to see it. There are tables.

It actually used to be easier to get to. They used to have a publicly accessible data base that you could search and sort. Since they are transitioning to the new system, they took the old one down.
On the Finebaum interview, she basically said the people needed a way to vent and that was the reason for the looting and destruction. That is unbelievable.
You know, I am frustrated and angry at yet ANOTHER demonstration by a certain demographic that can’t deal with events and feelings without erupting in violence and destruction. I need to vent. Let’s see....
On his personal page, that's great!

Yes, on his personal page. Staley published an essay in the Players' Tribune. She doesn't control social media for USC, its athletic department or even the women's basketball program. Those who have an issue with this should express it to the university. I think adcoop's point was that there has been no great discussion about CFM's communication even though it too was retweeted by the university.

BTW, for those who are interested, there are a pair of cases that have primarily set the modern legal framework for free speech rights of employees of public institutions (Connick v. Myers and Pickering v. Bd. of Education). Even though Connick leaned the test far more in the favor of a public body seeking to censor or take adverse employment action against an employee for the act of speaking on a matter of public importance, there's nothing in what Staley said that would come close to allowing the university to censor her even if it had had the inclination to. But more practically, when you're probably the best known ambassador and athletic coach the university has, you're going to get the benefit of the doubt far more often than not, even if the university disagrees with you.
You have to actually go into the reports and into the data to see it. There are tables.

It actually used to be easier to get to. They used to have a publicly accessible data base that you could search and sort. Since they are transitioning to the new system, they took the old one down.
Send a link to the tables.
Instead of the Board, Ray Tanner, Caslen...let them know your unhappiness. Maybe someone needs to be reprimanded...perhaps even fired. Women Gamecocks vs EVERYBODY...even our own fans! (I love Dawn Staley. She makes me proud on and off the court.)
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We can agree to disagree on that. Coach Staley points out what she believes in the president's behavior is divisive and implores folks to make a change IF they agree that his behavior is divisive and IF he continues to engage in divisive rhetoric. She makes no statement that she believes the president or his actions are irredeemable, whether she feels that way or not.

And I sincerely don't think that whether this statement was in the "best interest of our coaches" was anywhere close to a consideration for her. If you don't believe that such statements are in the best interest of the university, that is a different concern entirely; obviously, since the university is promoting the essay on its official social media, the administration apparently disagrees with you. If you have a problem with that, you should voice those concerns to Tanner and Caslen.

I have voiced my concerns about the two items stated in my first post on this topic directly to the athletic department at USC today.
Something is very noticeable on this board. When Frank Martin says something outside of the realm of sports, he gets it. He gets it so much that you have a good percentage that want to give him a pass on his mediocre record on what he is paid to do. When Dawn Stanley says something, you get a 4 page thread with a good portion talking about how she should stick to sports. No, she shouldn't, nor should any other of these Power 5 coaches in Basketball or Football whose main charge is to guide and protect kids who in many cases look a whole lot like George Floyd. If they don't stand up for them, then who will, and why do they even have these jobs in the first place? As most coaches will tell you in times of no controversy, their role is more than wins and losses. However, as I have learned through 53 years of life, people tend to only want to hear what you have to say when they agree.
Who is this Dawn Stanley you speak of.. Paul's wife? Why would she be making political statements? :)
So, is she saying race problems are Trumps fault? Because she’s stupid if that’s the case, that started with Obama criminalizing the Police.
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So, will you have a problem when Coach Martin wades into the waters of the failures of parents for the 1,000,000th time if the Coronavirus allows for him to go into his usual February losing streak. Will you tell him to stick to sports and the job of getting his team on track? If you won't, then you are being disingenuous.

I am not aware of every comment made by every head coach at USC. I will reiterate the two items in Staley's article that I took exception with:

1 - Getting political. And by this I mean promoting one political party or candidate over another. It is something that in my opinion our coaches and the athletics dept would be best served staying out of. The main reason being that the fan base is split, and these types of comments are going to alienate one side or the other. Staley's article could have been written and gotten across the same message without the comments concerning her presidential political views.

2 - The statement she made that "I'm a black woman first." Really there shouldn't be any need to explain this one. It tells you a lot on the face of it. What if Will Muschamp stated in an article "I'm a white man first" over and above anything else. How do you think this would be received? He likely would be fired by the end of the day. It was a totally unnecessary and divisive comment to make. I don't consider myself first and foremost based on my race or gender. Apparently Staley does.

I have expressed my concerns about these two comments directly to the athletics department at USC.
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As long as Coach Staley keeps doing the exemplary job she has with our Women's program, she can take any political position that she likes. I might not like it, but I will get over it. I am on the opposite side of the spectrum than many of you. There have been times that I felt she should have been stronger in her verbal opposition to Trump. Guess what, I got over it and some of you need to do the same. The University of South Carolina is blessed to have Coach Staley. Many believe we don't deserve her. That's why ESPN does fake matchups to put our program down in comparison to the Tennessee's and the UConn's. We have a Coach at the top of her profession and this ride will only get better. Coach Staley is the only thing that our Athletic Department has gotten right in the last decade or so.
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No. She said it to an outside publication which is fine, but by the University promoting it, it makes it look like the University is endorsing a political party, which is wrong. If the men's tennis coach tweeted in the 2008 election that he didn't like Obama and he was voting for the republican candidate, that would be fine, but if the athletics account promoted it, it would be inappropriate and folks would call him a racist. That's how it works and there is a double standard.
Any names mentioned?
we know she hates Trump, i dont have a problem with that, except when she starts using the University of South Carolina as a sounding board!! I am paying Thousands to the university and disagree with her.. Should i not be upset??
If DS is clearly stating like/dislike for specific politicians and naming their names, we should all be upset.
After harping back and forth about the protesters, rioters and what Staley said; the one person in the middle of this has been forgotten in all this and that's George Floyd....

After seeing the video and listening to this poor guy was calling out for help as a lot of people stood by and filmed a murder...
Your phrasing sounds like that of Kitty Genovese.
We can agree to disagree on that. Coach Staley points out what she believes in the president's behavior is divisive and implores folks to make a change IF they agree that his behavior is divisive and IF he continues to engage in divisive rhetoric. She makes no statement that she believes the president or his actions are irredeemable, whether she feels that way or not.

And I sincerely don't think that whether this statement was in the "best interest of our coaches" was anywhere close to a consideration for her. If you don't believe that such statements are in the best interest of the university, that is a different concern entirely; obviously, since the university is promoting the essay on its official social media, the administration apparently disagrees with you. If you have a problem with that, you should voice those concerns to Tanner and Caslen.

Somehow, I think she likely consulted with RT before posting.

And note that it states not what she feels, but what "you" feel.
All I know is cities and peoples lives are being destroyed. The police has to protect the innocent people from the looters, arsonists, and terrorists.[/QUOTE you are exactly right! what these people that claim they need to vote to get Trump out needs to know one thing! who the hell do you think is doing all the rioting? it damn sure aint conservatives. and Trump damn sure had nothing to do with that police officer killing Floyd! so exactly what are yall getting at when you say you need to make sure you vote in november? i dont think yall understand much of anything!
Again, you're not understanding what I've said several times.... it's fine for her to say what she said. That's freedom of speech. My issue is that by having it tweeted out by USC social media accounts, it's viewed as an endorsement of her opinion that people should vote out Trump and that opinion is likely not the opinion of everyone at the university. You can bet that nothing would ever be tweeted from the official USC athletics account where one of our coaches was wearing a MAGA hat. It would be fine if they did it on their personal accounts however.
I think yo just made it pretty clear that what your problem is who you think she wanted voted out of office. If she had a picture of a MAGA hat is would be a different tune.
Somehow, I think she likely consulted with RT before posting.

And note that it states not what she feels, but what "you" feel.

True on both accounts. I do wonder though whether it would have made a difference if RT had said he thought the essay was ill advised or had “forbidden” her from publishing it. I get the sense that Coach Staley would be welcome most anywhere she wanted to go if she defied the university by publishing against admin’s wishes unless the statement had been completely radical and universally inexcusable.